Artificial Intelligence In Education

Artificial intelligence's power as a technology may be seen in a variety of businesses. The education industry is no exception for that. Both teachers and students have gained a fresh perspective on education as a result of AI's application in it. Here are some benefits of how artificial intelligence revolutionized education

Education, which is the base for innovation and growth in this world, undoubtedly requires a huge transformation from the way it is currently structured and delivered. This transformation demands a humongous amount of changes in the education system, however, technology can help us realize most of these changes. Even though we may need to wait for a few more decades in future for a complete transformation, thankfully, Artificial Intelligence has already been changing just about everything in education that we imagine and wish. Find below a list of areas in the current education system where AI is creating a major impact already.    

If you would like to become a Artificial Intelligence certified professional, then visit Mindmajix - A Global online training platform: Artificial Intelligence Certification Course”.  This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Eases the information access

Students should not be lost in vast amounts of information that is available for them. A context-related and customized information access help them grasp the knowledge faster by saving effort and time, make them enjoy learning as it is based on their preferences, interests and what exactly they look for, and encourage them to have different experiences while doing research.

1. Like how AI enabled Google to provide search results based on user’s location,

2. Amazon to make recommendations based on previous purchases,

Amazon AI

The intelligent systems of AI started enabling the educational service providers to serve students based on their preferences and interests with respect to academic content. 

Changes the role of educators

Undoubtedly, educators play an important role in students’ lives, and by no means, technology can replace them. However, their role would continuously undergo quite a few changes in future due to the entry of intelligent computing systems in education. As AI can take over tasks like an evaluation of assessments, and providing expertise and personalized help to students, the role of educators would become more of facilitators. Thus, educators would now assist students who require special and additional help, supplement AI lessons, and share that hands-on experiences for students. A perfect blend of intelligent systems capabilities and the human feel aspect of educators would make the education system more impactful. 

Related Article: Artificial Intelligence Revolution

Helps find the best academic institution or program

The AI-based intelligent recommendation engines would process data and give recommendations to students on the most suitable academic overseas education or academic program based on their interests, skills, and capabilities. Besides making them take a right decision, AI could even offer guidance to students in going through the required training, and procedures that can ease their adaptation to a new academic institution or program. 

Promotes trial-and-error method of learning

As Artificial Intelligence systems learn themselves by the trial-and-error method, these systems are more suitable to deliver trial-and-error kind of learning format for students. This helps students learn theoretical concepts in a more practical and experimental manner without the fear of failure and being judged by educators. Trial-and-error is the best form of learning for students, however, they get frightened due to the fear of making mistakes and sometimes they do not even attempt. The personalized assistance from AI systems is the most effective way of boosting their confidence in attempting trial-and-error methods. 

Related Article: Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Promotes adaptive learning

AI’s adaptive learning pattern helps students at different intellectual and grasping levels learn together in a classroom, where educators offer the required assistance and guidance when needed. The growing numbers of adaptive learning programs, games, and utilities make learning more individualized across various levels of education spanning from kindergarten to finishing schools. These intelligent systems respond to the needs of students in multiple ways such as putting greater emphasis on certain topics, reminding students about the topics where they need to put in more effort, customizing the course progress according to their own pace, and so on. 

Provides pointers for content improvement

Pointers Provides for content improvement

Educational material may have a few gaps in the content or sometimes students may comprehend the content in a wrong manner, which leads to confusion, demotivation, and loss of interest in students. Educators may not always realize these situations and take necessary corrective measures. However, the intelligent systems of AI can notice when students submit wrong and irrelevant answers during assignments and notify educators the same. In addition, subsequently, they can provide a customized message that provides hints to the accurate answer. By and large, whether proactive or reactive, students get immediate feedback so that they can correct their understanding of the concept, and remember how to do it correctly the next time around. This way, they need not always depend on or wait for educators’ assistance. 

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Promotes learning in a global classroom

Learning becomes more interesting, intuitive, and adaptive when it includes simulations and games. The related technology can provide a trustworthy, and immersive environment to stimulate the hidden interests and enthusiasm of the student.  AI technology can promote newer ways of learning, engage students in co-developing knowledge, and involve them in university research activities. In fact, people outside of the university and from across the globe can participate in scientific discovery through global classrooms. AI can make courses available to a wide range of people and can promote a wide range of university subjects through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Helps monitoring performance

AI can track the performance of students as well as universities to measure if they reach their full potential, and if required, take necessary steps. In addition, such data can be useful to predict the possible dropouts, and take necessary preventive steps. AI can help university administrative processes to take advantage out of the data produced during research and teaching activities. Furthermore, this data can be used to monitor performance against their research, training, social activity roadmaps. 

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These courses are incorporated with Live instructor-led training, Industry Use cases, and hands-on live projects. This training program will make you an expert in Artificial Intelligence and help you to achieve your dream job.


Course Schedule
Artificial Intelligence CourseOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Artificial Intelligence CourseOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Artificial Intelligence CourseOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Artificial Intelligence CourseOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 28 Sep 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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