ASP.NET Interview Questions

ASP.NET remains a popular choice for building enterprise-level web applications, and there is a consistent demand for skilled ASP.NET developers in the job market. This blog on ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers was curated by MindMajix experts after conducting in-depth research. Here, you can find some of the most often-asked questions in this field to help you prepare for real-world ASP.NET job interviews.

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Mindmajix as a team has got enough questions from the trainees who got their ASP.NET Training and cracked interviews at various MNCs around the world and successfully placed. From the collection of ASP .NET Interview Questions, the following are the most common questions we got are listed to make it easy for those who are willing to crack the interview with ease. All the answers to those were written by our professional experienced trainers and are tailored to meet the concepts expected by the interviewer.

We have categorized ASP .NET Interview Questions into 2 levels they are:

Top 10 Frequently Asked ASP.NET Interview Questions

  1. What is ASP?
  2. What is ASP .NET?
  3. What is the difference between ASP and ASP .NET?
  4. How does ASP .Net Works?
  5. Why do we need server-side scripting?
  6. What are the Advantages of ASP .NET?
  7. What does the page load event do?
  8. How do we check page postback?
  9. What is the latest version of ASP .NET?
  10. What is server-side caching?
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ASP.NET Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

1. What is ASP?

ASP is server-side scripting technology by Microsoft, to execute instructions made by dynamic websites, on an internet server. 

2. What is ASP .NET?

ASP .NET is used to build websites, services, and applications that are dynamic. These applications are built on any of the .NET compatible languages like VB, C#, etc.

3. What is the difference between ASP and ASP .NET?

The key difference between them is that ASP is interpreted as scripts are used, whereas ASP.NET is compiled because of these pages using .NET languages. ASP .Net pages are to be MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language) compiled.

4. What is the extension for ASP .Net pages?


5. What is IIS? Why do we use it?

Internet Information Server by Microsoft with its own Operating System. It is used to execute web-page scripts.

6. How does ASP .Net Works?

IIS acts in between browser and engine to process chrome requests and responses are submitted back.

7. Why do we need server-side scripting?

  • Server-side scripting provides a larger class library.
  • Easier to understand and program.
  • Event rich server controls.
  • Reduce the number of lines of code.

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8. What are the Advantages of ASP .NET?

  • Security, as the feature in-built windows authentication is done for applications.
  • For large applications, the number of lines of code is less when compared to others.
  • Information about the configuration helps in the easy deployment of the application.
  • Dot NET provides flexibility to execute with any language that the application is developed.
  • Dynamic web pages with HTML are made easy and smooth with ASP.Nets combined.
  • Before displaying on the browser, code is executed on the server to ensure the safe and error-free performance of the application.
  • Application is monitored to serve the requests all the time.
  • Memory leaks and illegal behaviors are monitored and handled with ease.

9. What does the page load event do?

Page load event ensures that all the controls are loaded completely. These controls can be accessed through the Page_Init event.

10. Parent class of Web Server Control?

System.Web.UI.Control - Parent class of all the WS Controls.

11. How do we check page postback?

In order to check whether the page is posted back, we use the page object “IsPostBack” property.

12. Differentiate SQL notification with SQL invalidation.

SQL notification triggers when there is any change in the data that is made a copy in the cache, whereas, SQL invalidation directly invalidates that data in the cache when there is any change in the database data that is copied to cache earlier.

13. What does ViewState Property use for?

In the control class, there exist ViewStateMode is introduced in ASP.NET4. This helps to work with the view state of event control, despite it is disabled on the web page.

14. What is a Multilingual website?

A website, which has its content available in the respective language of the country or the region it is accessed is referred to as a multilingual website.

15. What is a query string?

Additional information provided to the server from the webpage through the URL is referred to as a query string.

16. Advantages of the Query string.

Using query string there exist no special resources used on the server side reducing the burden. Query strings are supported by any of the browsers.

17. Disadvantages of Query String.

The length of the query string is limited to the length supported by the URL. And the information provided by the query string is visible to the user, compromising security.

ASP.NET Interview Questions For Experienced

18. what is the validation summary in

Single property to view all the validation messages is done by ValidationSummary control.

19. What is the latest version of ASP .NET?

The latest stable release is ASP .NET 4.7.1 (October 2017)

20. What is server-side caching?

Process of sharing cached objects in an application in order to improve the performance by reducing the processing time. Cached objects are active up to a specified time.

21. What are the latest properties in ASP .NET

MetaKeyword, MetaDescription, AllowMultiple, etc are the latest properties.

22. Differentiate authentication with authorization.

Authentication is to identify the right person whereas authorization is the process of providing valid access to the resources available.
Only an authentic person can be authorized to use resources.

For Example Person A is allowed to access File A to view but not edit.

Here, the process of identifying whether the person is A or not is authentication, and not providing access to edit the file A to person A is an authorization.

23. What are custom server controls of the web pages?

Controls that are not available in the ASP library can be created and registered, known as custom server controls.

24. How can you register new custom control?

Using @Register directive, new custom server controls can be registered.

25. How do you validate all the controls in a page?

Page.Validate() method is used.

26. What are page redirects in ASP .NET?

RedirectPermanent() - Method to redirect page to the specified path provided as parameter.



27. Classes needed to send an email message on the ASP.NET web page.

System.Net.Mail.MailMessage and System.Net.Mail.SmtpMail are the two classes used along with SmtpClient class, and server name port and credentials to mail.

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Course Schedule
.NET TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
.NET TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
.NET TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
.NET TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 04 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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