BizTalk Server Interview Questions

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If you're looking for BizTalk Server Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research BizTalk Server has a market share of about 15.6%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in BizTalk Server Development.

Mindmajix offers Advanced BizTalk Server Interview Questions 2024 that helps you crack your interview & acquire a dream career as a BizTalk Server Developer.

Top 10 Frequently Asked BizTalk Server Interview Questions

  1. Define BizTalk and its functions?
  2. Name the different Components of the BizTalk server.
  3. What is direct Binding in the Biz Talk Server?
  4. What is a distinguished field in the BizTalk server?
  5. Define BizTalk Servers rules Engine?
  6. What is BizTalk's business process configuration?
  7. What does BizTalk provide?
  8. Explain the differences between BizTalk server and Web services?
  9. What is BizTalk server 2000?
  10. What is the message type in the BizTalk server?

1. Define BizTalk and its functions?

BizTalk is a Business Process Management Server system from Microsoft and is basically a message-based integration tool. With this server system, large enterprises can automate and integrate their organizational procedures.

This has been made possible by customizing the communication system among various software systems of an organization. It provides some fundamentals functions like Business Practice Modeling, B2B Communication, Process Automation, and EAI.

BizTalk helps enterprises to integrate and manage various processes by exchanging various documents like Purchase Order, Invoicing within and across the boundaries of the organization.

2. Name the different Components of the BizTalk server.

Following are the different components of the BizTalk server.

  • Receive Port – Listening Messages
  • Adapters – Interchanging Information with External Systems.
  • Pipeline, Dissembler, and subcomponents.
  • Message-Box – Internal XML messages published and consumed by users.
  • BizTalk orchestration Engine - Processes internal XML messages and republishes them to the message box.
  • Send Port – Consumes internal XML messages, converts them to wire messages by the connected pipeline and assembler.
  • Adapter – Conveys wire messages to the target.

3. What is direct Binding in the BizTalk Server?

Direct Binding is the process through which messages are sent from one orchestration to another. It is also utilized for sending messages into the message box.

It is indispensable in Microsoft’s publish and subscribe system in BizTalk for sending messages amongst orchestration.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in BizTalk Server, then enroll in "BizTalk Server Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

4. What is a distinguished field in the BizTalk server?

A pipeline is required to write Distinguished Field in the message when it is being received on a port. Dis-assembler pipeline components such as XML and flat file disassemble do the task of writing the message context by the pipeline.

In addition to it, a custom pipeline component might be performing the task too.

5. How to transfer files without using Orchestration?

  • We can do this by content-based routing to transfer files.
  • We can create, receive and send ports. If the send port is configuring, we can provide the condition as BTS
  • Reciveportname=
<recive_portname created>

6. What is BizTalk's business process configuration?

We can set parameters for an orchestration that implements a business process, which professional analysts might not be able to create, as they are used to practice with traditional methods.

Parameters for creating an orchestration can be defined to enable developers to configure it. An information worker sets the parameters using TPM services by specifying their values in the agreement.

7. What is trading partner management in BizTalk?

Information workers manage trading partner relations within organizations. Business Activity Services include a Trading Partner Agreement Component to allow them to do accordingly.

TPM databases preserve information about trading relations. Information workers create and modify the agreements with trading partners who use the BizTalk Server.

8. Explain the differences between BizTalk server and Web services?

  • BizTalk is a service while a Web service is standard for ethical practice.
  • BizTalk is a service rendered by Microsoft whereas Web Services is developed by many organizations.
  • BizTalk is an application built for enhancing the efficiency of an organization’s internal operations, whereas Web services are the small applications using UDDI so that general users may access them as and when they are in need.
  • A service like BizTalk is empowered by Web services, whereas Web services are a neutral platform.

9. Explain the difference between Routing and Content Routing?

Message routing is a technique of passing through BizTalk without being processed, whereas content routing is the technique of the message which is based on a certain field value of the schema.

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10. Define Content-Based Routing.

Content-based Routing offers flexibility for users who prefer to route messages based on the envelope or on receive port configuration properties.

Routing can be carried out based on information contained in the envelope of the file or even configuration information from the receive location. Any BizTalk server business process involves receiving, processing, and sending messages.

Some messages do not require intensive processing in orchestration. They can benefit from an effortless and efficient solution better known as Content-based routing.

11. Define BizTalk Server Convoy and correlation sets.

The Biztalk server detects the potential for specific race conditions, which ensures that all correlated messages are received by the same orchestration instance. The potentiality of these race conditions is sensed by the BizTalk server.

These messages are treated as a convoy. All such messages which match with the general subscription are evaluated against the convoy set and the matched convoys are routed through an existing port.

12. How rules engine is provided in the BizTalk server?

A rule engine is provided as a component of a business rule management system, which provides the abilities such as to define, register, classify and manage all rules, verifies the consistency of rules definitions, defining relationships among rules, and relates them to IT applications which are affected by one or more rules.

13. List the persistent Points

Following is the list of persistent points:

  • Orchestration instance is suspended or finished.
  • System shutdowns in a controlled manner.
  • The engine determines it wants to dehydrate.
  • Atomic or long-running transactional scope ends.
  • At debugging breakpoints.
  • Execution of other orchestrations through the start orchestration shape.
  • At the send shape.

14. Describe the persistence points.

  • The procedure of saving your running orchestration states at a certain point is called persistence.
  • Orchestration Engine persists in a running instance that is based on the design of orchestration.
  • There are a few events or stages which trigger the persistence operation called persistence points.

15. Define BizTalk Servers rules Engine?

A rules engine is a software system that is used for executing one or more business rules in a dynamic production environment. The rules might be from legal; regulations, company policies, or any other resources.

[Check Out: BizTalk Server Tutorial]

16. What is promoted property in BizTalk Server?

The promotional of prompted fields properties is done in the message context by a pipeline called receive pipeline at the time when a message is received on a port.

This task is performed by a dis-assembler pipeline component (XML or a flat-file dis-assembler) In addition to it; a custom pipeline component could also be performing it.

17. What is BAM in BizTalk Server?

Business data and process milestones are captured by the Business Activity Monitoring system which is a module in Biz Talk. Business decision-makers are allowed by BAM for gaining insight into their in-flight process.

18. Describe the purpose of BAM in the BizTalk Server.

Purpose of deriving up-to-date metrics and key performance indicators from BAM databases, Business integration tools are used. The forecasting of process trends by uses and monitors processes in the real-time scenario is done by using BI tools.

Users get alerts for situations that need their intervention for preventing undesirable outcomes for encouraging beneficial results, a mechanism is provided by BAM.

19. How to use message types?

  • Right-click messages in the orchestration View Tab to create a new message, you have four choices for the Message Type Property.
  • Expand Multi-Part Message types and then choose to Create New Multipart Message Type.
  • Name your Multipart message type and then expand it so that you can see its message part_1 member.
  • Set the Message Body Part property to true so that it acts just like a regular massage.

20. How to change the message type?

  1. Before jumping in to do as the error message suggests, let’s think for a moment about what that requires
  2. Inspect every Receive and Send shape to determine if it uses a Message variable that’s associated with the schema you want to change.
  3. It’s not a good practice to create a single orchestration with so many Receive/Send shapes
  4. Delete Port connection, once you find all the Receive Send Shapes.
  5. Change the message variable so that the message type property is set to the new schema and then re-associate the message variable with each Receive/Send shape.
  6. Find all the port Types that are associated with ports you disconnected from Receive/ Send shapes and reset their operation’s message Type Properties.
  7. Use a Multi-Part Message Type to wrap the underlying schema. It’s flexible and saves time in the long run.

21. What is the message type in the BizTalk server?

Messages in BizTalk are data and each message must be of a selected message type. E-Mail, Documents, Info-Paths form, large binary files, SQL records, flat files, and anything XML can be processed as messages. BizTalk is all about messages and message-oriented programming. The most common message type in BizTalk is a schema.

22. What BizTalk enables for organizations?

BizTalk enables large-scale organizations to integrate and operate business procedures by exchanging business documents between applications across organizational boundaries.

23. What is BizTalk server 2000?

BizTalk server 2000 is based on the BizTalk framework. It provides the infrastructure and tools to enables B2B e-commerce integration.

24. What does BizTalk provide?

BizTalk provides cost-effectiveness in organizational operations. When used in internal IT projects and can be used in the externally focused solution too.

25. What is Correlation in BizTalk servers?

An orchestration can have more than one instance running simultaneously. Even though each of those multiple instances performs the same action, it does it on different data contained within a message.

Correlation is the process of associating an incoming message with the appropriate instance of an orchestration.

For example, if your orchestration issues a purchase order, receives an invoice, and sends a payment, the developer must make certain that the invoice message is received by the orchestration instance which corresponds to the orchestration that sent the purchase order.

Without correlation, it would be possible to send out an invoice for thousands of items even though the purchase order is for one. And each correlation is based on a set of properties known as correlation types.

26. What is the difference between Property Schema and Document Schema?

A Documents schema is used to define a message. It is a definition of an XML message with optional extensions for flat files. EDI file, etc, that’s enables the parsers to convert the native format into XML. A Property schema is used to define messages contexts properties.

This can be of type MessageDataPropertyBase (the property value is promoted or demoted from to the message itself) or MessageContextPropertyBase (property value only exists within the message context and can be set by adapters, pipelines, or within orchestrations).

If you wish to promote a field from a message into the context then you need to define a document schema and property schema.

In the document schema, you promote the required field using the property schema to define the property type that will be used in the message context.

27. Lists some of the Artifacts of the BizTalk server?

  • Hat
  • BAM
  • Adapter
  • Pipeline
  • Orchestrations
  • Role Links
  • Send Ports and Send Port Groups
  • Receive Ports
  • Receive Locations
  • Policies
  • Schemas
  • Maps
  • Resources
  • Business Activity Servers.

28. What is a business Orchestration Dehydration and Rehydration Process?

Dehydration is a situation when the orchestration has been idle for a while, the orchestration engine will save the state information of the instance and free up memory resources.

Rehydration is a message when received or else when a timeout has expired, the orchestration engine can be automatically triggered to rehydrate the instance - it is that point that the orchestration engine loads the saved instance of the orchestration into memory, restores the state, and runs it's from the point it left off.

29. What is the default mapping for auto-mapping?

The default mapping for auto mapping is mapping by Structure. This can be changed to by node name in the map properties.

30. What is the message type in the BizTalk server?

BizTalk sets a message context property called BTS Message Type.

This is a concentration of the document namespace and Rot Node Name in other words Message Type is a BizTalk system property that is promoted inside a Pipeline. It is made up of Documents Name Space and Root Node Name.

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Course Schedule
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Last updated: 12 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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