Bootstrap Interview Questions

If you are applying for a web development or front-end development role, knowledge of Bootstrap is highly preferred. Interviewers often evaluate candidates with Bootstrap skills. To that end, we present the top 40 Bootstrap Interview questions that are most likely to appear in your next interview. By studying them, you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving web development industry.

In this blog, we come up with Advanced Bootstrap Interview questions 2024 that help you to crack your interview & acquire a dream career as a Bootstrap developer.

There are many opportunities as a Bootstrap developer from many reputed companies in the world. According to Datanyze, Bootstrap has a market share of 12.52%, So you still have the chance to move ahead in your career as a Bootstrap developer. 

Before we start Top Bootstrap interview questions, let's have a look at the existence behind Bootstrap

With digital advancement in the world, developing a website is not just to promote your business; it also helps in selling products/services and creating brand awareness. To market our business effectively, we should have a web page that is visible effectively on a variety of devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. This is where Bootstrap comes into the picture. 

Top 10 Bootstrap Interview Questions

  1. What is Bootstrap?
  2. What are the features of Bootstrap?
  3. What are the reasons for using bootstrap?
  4. Which are the 5 components of Bootstrap?
  5. Explain the layout types of Bootstrap?
  6. Bootstrap Vs foundation?
  7. Explain Scrollspy Plugin in Bootstrap?
  8. What is a bootstrap panel?
  9. Which are the contextual classes in Bootstrap
  10. Pills navigation menu in Bootstrap - how to make?

Bootstrap Interview Questions & Answers - For Freshers

1. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS, HTML, and JS frameworks used in the development of responsive and mobile-centric websites. It comprises three main files. They are:

  • Bootstrap.js: It is based on the JavaScript 
  • Bootstrap.css: It is based on the CSS framework
  • Glyphicons: It is an icon font set

Note: Bootstrap requires jQuery for proper functioning.   

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Bootstrap, then visit Mindmajix - a global online training platform: Bootstrap Training This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What are the features of Bootstrap?

One of the highlighting traits of Bootstrap is that it is front-end focused. So, let’s take a glance at other major features. 

  • It is free to use the library and share library for designing applications
  • Bootstrap is quite easy to start with
  • Bootstrap comprises both the LESS and CSS files
  • It is easily customizable 
  • Bootstrap has responsive utility classes
  • Bootstrap comprises readily available templates

3. What are the reasons for using bootstrap?

The top 6 reasons to use Bootstrap for application designing and development are-

Facilitates consistency: In the initial stages of its conception, few Twitter workers expanded Bootstrap as the framework to boost consistency. Bootstrap comprises one core concept pairing which ensures consistency. 

Easy to use: Bootstrap can be easily integrated with LESS and CSS file formats thereby making it a popular tool for designing and development.

Facilitates speed during development: Instead of using codes from the scratch, Bootstrap lets you use ready-made coding blocks. You can blend these blocks with CSS and LESS. It also helps you to design cross-browser applications.

Provides various levels of customization: Developers prefer Bootstrap as it offers high levels of customization. One can access the customized page of Bootstrap to avail of various functionalities like a grid system, buttons, and forms.

Extensive support: Bootstrap comprises a large community and being open-source in nature, you can avail of extensive support. The creators always strive hard to keep Bootstrap updated.

Pre-built components: Bootstrap makes it easier to access pre-styled components like buttons and dropdowns. 

4. Which are the 5 components of Bootstrap?

The top 5 components of Bootstrap are

CSS: It consists of several CSS files.

Scaffolding: It facilitates a basic structure with a grid system, background, and link styles.

Layout Components: It provides the basic list of components

JavaScript Plugins: It comprises an array of jQuery and JavaScript Plugins.

Customize: You can avail of various options for customizations for your own framework. 

5. Explain the layout types of Bootstrap?

Here is the list of layouts available in Bootstrap. 

  • Fluid-Layout- Also referred to as .container fluid layout, it can measure the unit of block content along with the images. 
  • Fixed-layout-This layout is also referred to as the .container layout. It facilitates a responsive container with fixed width. 

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6. Bootstrap Vs foundation?

When the context is about Bootstrap vs. Foundation, Bootstrap has an upper hand. Foundation emphasizes mainly on providing developers with responsive frameworks. But, Bootstrap is exclusive for framework designing. The updates and features you would find with Foundation are somewhat out of context at times. This gives Bootstrap a clear edge in the competition between the two.  

7. Give an idea about the offset columns in bootstrap?

In Bootstrap, offset is used to push columns over to facilitate more spacing. One has to use the .col-md-offset-* classes to utilize offsets on large displays. You can move columns to the right with the usage of .offset-md-* classes. To be precise, offset in Bootstrap works like a blank column. 

8. Tell us about the bootstrap grid system?

It is a kind of strong flexbox grid that facilitates responsive layouts of varied sizes and shapes. It utilizes a set of containers, rows, and columns to line up the content. The Bootstrap grid system is developed with flexbox which makes it fully responsive.

Its containers are one of the easiest ways to horizontally pad your site’s contents. Also, note that the rows are the wrappers for columns. Each column comes with horizontal padding to control the space between them. Moreover, in the case of a grid layout, the content must be placed within columns.

Related Page: AngularJS vs Bootstrap

9. Bootstrap for website building – why should you choose?

There are many reasons for choosing bootstrap for website building.

Equipped with a great grid system

To create a good page layout, good grids are of utmost necessity. Bootstrap comprises great mobile grid systems which are responsive too. Grid systems are also a practical choice when you want to hide some content.


Bootstrap is compatible with all leading browsers and IE versions. It comes with HTML5 and CSS 3 which are the future of web designing.

Facilitates documentation

Bootstrap renders impressive documentation and demos which makes the process of web designing quite smooth. 

10. Explain Bootstrap container?

Bootstrap containers play a decisive role in implementing the responsive behaviors of your layout. It sets the margin of the content within a specific page. It comprises row elements and these row elements are column containers. With a Bootstrap container, the developer can pad the content inside the page. 

11. Why is bootstrap vital for mobile web development?

Bootstrap is vital for mobile web development for 3 reasons.

  • It redesigns the elements to employ flat design and also the first approach of mobiles
  • As the Bootstrap layout depends on percentage, it helps in keeping the mobile support in the front position.
  • It offers grid systems to describe layouts. This system consists of 12 columns along with different sizes of various devices like mobiles, tablets, IPad, laptops, and desktops. All these devices have pre-decided sizes that are capable of taking the accountability of responsive components. Thus, you need not use CSS.

12. Class loaders in Bootstrap – what do you know?

Class loaders in Bootstrap are responsible for loading classes that are utilized by the JVM to function in a proper manner. 

13. Explain 3 lists that Bootstrap supports?

Lists are a flexible and powerful component whose main task is to display the content series. Here are 3 lists of Bootstrap. 

Active items: You can add .active to depict the current selection

Disabled items: You can opt for .disabled to make the list appear disabled

Flush: You can use this list to eliminate borders along with the rounded corners

14. Bootstrap navbar – what do you know?

With the help of the Bootstrap navbar, you can design a standard navigation bar. You can also add links inside the navigation bar. 

15. What is normalizing in bootstrap?

Normalize in Bootstrap refers to the phenomenon where the browsers can be made to display elements in a consistent manner. It is also referred to as browser reset.  

16. Explain Scrollspy Plugin in Bootstrap?

The Bootstrap Scrollspy is a mechanism related to the navigation elements. It can automatically highlight the navigation links which are reliant on the scroll position. This indicates the visitors and which portion of the page they are currently in. It makes the web page more elegant and fast.  

17. Give an idea about bootstrap breadcrumb?

With Bootstrap breadcrumb, you can highlight the current location of the web page within the domain of navigational hierarchy. Breadcrumb automatically adds the separators via the CSS framework. 

18. Explain bootstrap well-properly?

Bootstrap well is a container in < div > that makes the content look sunken. To build it, wrap the content that you want in the well with a < div > having the class of .well. Its size can be changed by optional classes like well-lg in association with .well class. Thus, the padding is affected and the size becomes either small or large according to the class.  

19. Why is the affix Plugin significant in bootstrap?

The affix Plugin allows the element to be locked within a particular area in a page. This Plugin is most commonly used with navigation menus and with social icon buttons. This makes them stick as a particular area when the user is scrolling up and down the page. 

20. Why is the modal Plugin vital in Bootstrap?

In the realm of the Bootstrap framework, a modal is a child window. The parent window layers it from above. The main purpose of the modal Plugin is to display content from a different source that can interact without entirely leaving the parent window. 

Bootstrap Interview Questions - For Experienced

21. State clearly about Bootstrap carousel Plugin?

If you want to insert a slider into your website, use Bootstrap carousel. This flexible and responsive way lets you add any images, iframes, videos, or any content that you wish.

22. What is the transition Plugin in Bootstrap?

Transition Plugin in Bootstrap is used to facilitate the simple effects of transition. To incorporate this Plugin in an individual manner, you have to use the transition.js with other JS files. 

23. Explain glyphicons in bootstrap?

Glyphicons are icon fonts or pictograms that are suitable for use in web projects. In Bootstrap, they are used as a custom font that has more than 260 glyphs instead of letters. Glyphicons are not free. They need proper licensing. However, the creator has made them accessible free of cost for Bootstrap. Glyphicons are commonly used in buttons, toolbars, texts, and buttons.   

24. Input groups in bootstrap – explain.

Bootstrap input groups resemble a container that can be used to improve an input by giving buttons, icons, or texts. The .input-group-add on class ascribes an image or assistance text succeeding to the input field.  

25. Explain the process of creating and customizing thumbnails in Bootstrap?

The thumbnails in Bootstrap are used to depict linked images in grids. It needs very little markup. You can create it by using the class .thumbnail within the element < a >. You can design column grids by using the class .col-sm-*.  

26. Jumbotron in bootstrap – explain.

A Jumbotron in Bootstrap depicts a big box that seeks the attention of the viewers for some special content or information. It is usually portrayed as a grey box that comprises rounded corners. It can also enlarge the font size of the text within it. Here you can insert any valid HTML classes. 

27. How to show the code in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap allows you to depict code in two varied ways. 

  • You can use the < code > tag if you are going to depict the code inline.
  • You can use the < pre > tag if you want the code to be displayed as a standalone element.

28. Give details about Bootstrap collapsing elements?

Collapsing elements are useful for concealing and depicting a lot of content. The .collapse class shows the presence of a collapsible element. 

  • The . collapse conceals the content
  • The . collapse .show depicts the content
  • The . collapsing is applied at the time of content transition.

29. What is a bootstrap panel?

A Bootstrap panel refers to a bordered box with padding around the element. You can place the DOM component in the box and utilize the components of the panel. In order to create Bootstrap panels, use the class .panel within the element <div>. 

30. Bootstrap media objects – give a thorough idea?

With Bootstrap media objects, you can align the images or videos to the right or left of the content. They are primarily used when data is positioned alongside the content so that you can build up complicated components from the page content.  

31. Explain links and typography in Bootstrap?

Typography is ideal for formatting and styling the content in Bootstrap. It can be used to create customized headlines, paragraphs, lists, subheadings, inline elements, and add more design-oriented styles of fonts. 

Links help to make any HTML element clickable by stretching a nested link via the CSS.

32. Explain button groups in Bootstrap?

Button groups are an important part of the Bootstrap framework. With their help, developers can stack multiple buttons together on a line. Button groups are useful in case you want to place the alignment buttons together. Button groups also help you to add optional JavaScript radio. 

33. Labels and badges in bootstrap – explain.

In Bootstrap, badges refer to numerical indicators. They portray the frequency of items associated with a particular link. Numbers 5, 2, and 10 are the badges. On the other hand, labels are used to facilitate additional information about various aspects. 

34. Bootstrap alert and its creation?

Bootstrap facilitates an easy way to create predefined messages. Alerts provide a way to send messages to the user and also contextual feedback messages. To create an alert,

  • First, opt for a wrapper < div >. 
  • After that, add a class of .alert along with one of the contextual classes, .alert-info, .alert-success, .alert-danger or .alert-warning. 

35. Explain the bootstrap page header?

The main function of the Bootstrap page header is to add apt spacing between the headings on a page. This exudes practicality within a web page which comprises various headings. It helps you differentiate between the more important headings and the least important headings.  

36. Explain the process of creating a bootstrap dismissal alert?

First, create a wrapper in the form of <div> and add a class of .alert 

  • You can also add an optional alert
  • Add a close button37. How to create vertical forms in Bootstrap?
  1. Firstly, add a role form to the parent component.
  2. Then use class. form-group to cover labels and controls 
  3. Lastly, add a class of .form-control to all texts.

38. Explain pagination and its types?

Pagination specifies that a series of interrelated contents is present across numerous pages. It also helps you navigate across those contents. It has two types - active and disabled. The active pagination displays the current page while you cannot click on the disabled link. 

39. What are the steps for making a striped progress bar in Bootstrap? 

  • Add a < div > with a class of .progress and .progress-striped.
  • Next, inside the above < div >, add an empty < div > with a class of .progress-bar and class progress-bar-* where * could be success, info, warning, danger.
  • Add a style attribute with the width expressed as a percentage. Say, for example, style = "60%"; 

40. Which are the contextual classes in Bootstrap?

With contextual classes, you can alter the color of the background of table rows and cells. The classes are. 

  • Active - add the hover color to a specific cell or row
  • Success - Signifies a successful act
  • Danger - specifies a particular warning 
  • Warning - shows dodgy action

41. Give an idea about responsive utility classes in Bootstrap?

To render a mobile-friendly website structure, one can use responsive utility classes. These are also useful for depicting, hiding content as well as toggling content.  

42. Explain lead body copy in Bootstrap?

If you want to highlight a particular paragraph in a web page as important, you can use the lead body copy. This would render you with a larger font size. It also helps you add fonts that are lighter and have a taller length of the line.  

43. Is it possible to make the image responsive in Bootstrap?

Yes, you can make images responsive in Bootstrap. You can assign .img-fluid. Max-width: 100%; and height: auto to the image so as to balance it with the parent component.  

44. Pills navigation menu in Bootstrap - how to make?

  • Add HTML elements
  • Add CSS elements
  • You can also opt to add display: block to the links so that they can appear vertical instead of horizontal


As a result, we have seen the top Bootstrap interview questions. Hope you enjoyed it.If there is anything we missed or you have any suggestions comment below. So It can help other students to crack the Bootstrap interview.

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Course Schedule
Bootstrap TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Bootstrap TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Bootstrap TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Bootstrap TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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