Data Science Training Course in Bangalore

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Data Science Training Course in Bangalore
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Course Features

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Two Real-time Use cases

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Certification Based Curriculum

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About Data Science Course

Become a professional data scientist by enrolling into our Mindmajix Data Science Certification course in Bangalore. In this Data Science training, you will gain complete knowledge of data analytics, business analytics, data modeling, k-means clustering, machine learning algorithms, Naive Bayes, and a lot more other topics to shine in this domain. You will also learn R programming which covers concepts like predictive analytics, data visualization, data exploration, R statistical concepts, R data structures, cluster analysis, and forecasting. As a part of this training, you will also work with real-time projects and gain real-time assistance from expert instructors to crack the Data Science certification exam.

Data Science Course
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Course Coverage

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Data Science Course Content

At Mindmajix, our team of experts have done a lot of research to develop the efficient, updated, and industry-oriented Data Science course content. Our best Data Science training course content will not only make you knowledgeable in all concepts but also acts as a guide for cracking the Data Science interviewsRead more
Topic-wise Content Distribution

Data Science Basics

In this module, you will learn the basics of data science and R programming, Importance of Data Science.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • What is Data Science
  • Significance of Data Science in today’s world.
  • R Programming basics

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will get a fundamental idea about data science and R programming.

Python Fundamentals

This python fundamentals module discusses the python concepts required for a data scientist. 

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Python Introduction
  • Indentations in Python
  • Python data types and operators
  • Python Functions

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will get the basic Python programming knowledge.

Data Structures and Data Manipulation

This module deals with the basic concepts of data structures and data visualization.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Data Structures Overview
  • Identifying the Data Structures
  • Allocating values to the Data Structures
  • Data Manipulation Significance
  • Dplyr Package and performing different data manipulation operations.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this module, you will be able to understand the significance of Data structures and Data manipulation in Data science.

Data visualization

This module discusses topics like Data visualization, types of graphs, Ggplot2 package, bar plots creation, Univariant, and Multivariant analysis.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Introduction to Data Visualisation
  • Various kinds of graphs, Graphics grammar
  • Ggplot2 package
  • Multivariant analysis by using geom_boxplot
  • Univariant analysis by using the histogram, barplot, multivariate distribution, and density plot.
  • Creating the bar plots for the categorical variables through geop_bar() and including the themes through the theme() layer.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will be able to visualize the data through different graphs, Ggplot2 package. Also, you will get a real-time experience of bar plot creation, Univariant, and Multivariant analysis. 


This Data Science online classroom training module deals with statistics concepts like Classification, Probability Types, Covariance, and Correlation. Along with this, you will learn how to analyze the given data set through Data Sampling, Hypothesis Test, and Binary Distribution.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Statistics Importance
  • Statistics classification, Statistical terminology.
  • Data types, Probability types, measures of speed, and central tendency.
  • Covariance and Correlation, Binary and Normal distribution
  •  Data Sampling, Confidence, and Significance levels.
  • Hypothesis Test and Parametric testing

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will gain practical knowledge of different statistical concepts like Probability types, Hypothesis test, Covariance. You will also be able to work with other statistics techniques like Correlation, Data sampling, Normal and Binary Distribution.

Introduction to Machine Learning

This Machine learning module discusses machine learning basics like Supervise learning, classification, linear regression, and ensemble learning techniques.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Supervised Learning, Classification in Supervised Learning
  • Linear Regression and mathematical concepts related to linear regression
  • Classification Algorithms, Ensemble Learning techniques

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this module, you will get a basic knowledge of machine learning, and you will be proficient in Supervised learning, Linear regression, and Ensemble learning. 

Logistic Regression

In this module, you will learn concepts like logistic regression basics, Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic regression, Poisson Regression. Also, it discusses developing logistic models and logistic regression applications.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Logistic Regression Introduction
  • Logistic vs Linear Regression, Poisson Regression
  • Bivariate Logistic Regression, math related to logistic regression
  • Multivariate Logistic Regression, Building Logistic Models
  • False and true positive rate, Real-time applications of Logistic Regression

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will get practical knowledge of Logistic regression, Linear Regression, Poisson Regression, and Logistic models.

Random Forest and Decision Trees

This module discusses topics like classification techniques, implementing random forest, Naive Bayes, Entropy, Information Gain, and Gini Index.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Classification Techniques. Decision Tree Induction Algorithm
  • Implementation of Random Forest in R
  • Differences between classification tree and regression tree
  • Naive Bayes, SVM
  • Entropy, Gini Index, Information Gain

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this module, you will acquire an in-depth understanding of decision tree induction algorithms, implementing the random forest in the R programming. 

Unsupervised learning

This module provides a detailed overview of different clustering types, K-means clustering algorithm, K-means clustering concepts, and implementing historical clustering and PCA in R programming.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Clustering, K-means clustering, Canopy Clustering, and Hierarchical Clustering
  • Unsupervised learning, Clustering algorithm, K-means clustering algorithm
  • K-means theoretical concepts, k-means process flow, and K-means implementation.
  • Implementing Historical Clustering in R
  • PCA(Principal Component Analysis) Implementation in R

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this module, you will get a real-time experience of k-means clustering, clustering algorithm, and Principal Component Analysis.

Natural Language Processing

This data science online training module will help you master natural language processing,  text mining, and NPL working with text mining.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Natural language processing and Text mining basics
  • Significance and use-cases of text mining
  • NPL working with text mining, Language Toolkit(NLTK)
  • Text Mining: pre-processing, text-classification and cleaning

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will get a working knowledge of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining.

Mathematics for Data Science

This module discusses mathematical concepts like Probability basics, Bayes theorem, Numpy Mathematical functions, Conditional probability, and Joint probabilities.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Numpy Basics
  • Numpy Mathematical Functions
  • Probability Basics and Notation
  • Correlation and Regression
  • Joint Probabilities
  • Bayes Theorem
  • Conditional Probability, sum rule, and product rule

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will be able to use probability concepts, Numpy functions,  Bayes theorem, Correlation, and Regression in Data Science.

Scientific Computing through Scipy

In this module, you will learn how to perform scientific computing through the Scipy library.

Topics covered in this section are: 

Scipy Introduction and characteristics
Scipy sub-packages like Integrate, Cluster, Signal, Fftpack, and Bayes Theorem

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will get a real-time scientific computing experience.

Python Integration with Spark

In this module, you will learn the basics, importance, installation, advantages, and applications of Pyspark.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Pyspark basics
  • Uses and Need of pyspark
  • Pyspark installation
  • Advantages of pyspark over MapReduce
  • Pyspark applications

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will acquire practical knowledge of Pyspark.


Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

In this module, you will learn the concepts like Deep learning basics, supervised learning, neural networks basics, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and Deep Learning Graphical Processing Unit(GPU).

Topics covered in this section are: 

  •  Machine Learning effect on Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning Basics, Working of Deep Learning
  • Regression and Classification in the Supervised Learning
  • Association and Clustering in unsupervised learning
  • Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
  • Supervised Learning in Neural Networks, multi-layer network
  • Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Reinforcement Learning, dnn optimisation algorithms
  • Recurrent Neural Networks, Deep learning graphics processing unit
  • Deep Learning Applications, Time series modeling

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will be able to master the deep learning and artificial intelligence concepts required for a data scientist.


Keras and TensorFlow API

This module teaches you how to use TensorFlow and Keras APIs to develop and deploy machine learning and deep learning models.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Tensorflow Basics and Tensorflow open-source libraries
  • Deep Learning Models and Tensor Processing Unit(TPU)
  • Graph Visualisation, keras
  • Keras neural-network 
  • Define and Composing multi-complex output models through Keras
  • Batch normalization, Functional and Sequential composition
  • Implementing Keras with tensorboard, customizing neural network training process
  • Implementing neural networks through TensorFlow API

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this module, you will be able to build deep learning models and visualize the data through Keras and TensorFlow API.


Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Autoencoders

In this module, you will learn how to use restricted Boltzmann machines and autoencoders in deep learning.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Basics of Autoencoders and rbm
  • Implementing RBM for the deep neural networks
  • Autoencoders features and applications

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will achieve hands-on knowledge of Restricted Boltzmann machines and Autoencoders.


Big Data Hadoop and Spark

This module allows you to master the concepts of Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Kafka, Scala, Spark, Kafka, Spark Streaming, and Dstreams.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Big Data and Hadoop Basics
  • Hadoop Architecture, HDFS
  • MapReduce Framework and Pig
  • Hive and HBase
  • Basics of Scala and Functional Programming
  • Kafka basics, Kafka Architecture, Kafka cluster and Integrating Kafka with Flume
  • Introduction to Spark
  • Spark RDD Operations, writing spark programs.
  • Spark Transformations, Spark streaming introduction
  • Spark streaming Architecture, Spark Streaming Features
  • Structured streaming Architecture, Dstreams, and Spark Graphx

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will acquire real-time experience of working with HDFS, MapReduce framework, HBase, and Kafka. You will also achieve extensive knowledge of developing Spark programs and performing Spark transformations and Spark RDD operations.


This Tableau module deals with Data Visualisation concepts, Tableau Installation, Tableau Architecture, sets creation, Tableau Dashboards, Stories, Graphs, and Charts. Along with this, you will also learn expressions, data blending, and tableau prep.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Data Visualisation Basics
  • Data Visualisation Applications
  • Tableau Installation and Interface
  • Tableau Data Types, Data Preparation
  • Tableau Architecture
  • Getting Started with Tableau
  • Creating sets, Metadata and Data Blending.
  • Arranging visual and data analytics
  • Mapping, Expressions, and Calculations
  • Parameters and Tableau prep
  • Stories, Dashboards, and Filters
  • Graphs, charts
  • Integrating Tableau with Hadoop and R

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will get a real-time experience of Creating sets, graphs, charts, dashboards for analyzing data. You will also acquire hands-on knowledge of tableau architecture, tableau installation, tableau prep, and integrating Tableau with R and Hadoop.


This MongoDB module will help you master the concepts like MongoDB basics, MongoDB installation, CRUD operations, Data Indexing, Data Modeling, and Data Administration. Along with this, you will also learn Data Aggregation Schema and Security concepts.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • MongoDB and NoSQL Basics
  • MongoDB Installation
  • Significance of NoSQL
  • CRUD Operations
  • Data Modeling and Management
  • Data Indexing and Administration
  • Data Aggregation Schema 
  • MongoDB Security
  • Collaborating with Unstructured Data

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will get hands-on knowledge of using MongoDB for performing different database operations like creating a database, inserting data into a database, deleting and updating the data. You will also be able to master data modeling, data Indexing, and data administration.


This module deals with the SAS analytic concepts like functions, operators, data sets creation, procedures, graphs, and macros. You will also learn some advanced concepts of SAS.

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • SAS Basics
  • SAS Enterprise Guide
  • SAS functions and Operators
  • SAS Data Sets compilation and creation
  • SAS Procedures
  • SAS Graphs
  • SAS Macros
  • Advance SAS

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, you will be able to carry out advanced data analysis by using SAS concepts.

MS Excel

This data science online classroom training module deals with excel concepts like conditional formatting, data filtering, pivot tables, logical functions, and creating charts.  Along with this, you will also learn how to use VBA concepts for data analysis. 

Topics covered in this section are: 

  • Entering Data
  • Logical Functions
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Validation, Excel formulas
  • Data sorting, Data Filtering, Pivot Tables
  • Creating charts, Charting techniques
  • File and Data security in excel
  • VBA macros, VBA IF condition, and VBA loops
  • VBA IF condition, For loop
  • VBA Debugging and Messaging

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will acquire a working knowledge of excel and VBA.



Most of the Data Science Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Agile & Scrum


Our Data Science Course course aims to deliver quality training that covers solid fundamental knowledge on core concepts with a practical approach. Such exposure to the current industry use-cases and scenarios will help learners scale up their skills and perform real-time projects with the best practices.

  1. Project 1: Taking Insurance Policy

  2. Project 2: Deciding Traffic on the Road

  3. Project 3: Analyzing Customers buying decision ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

  4. Project 4: Developing a mobile application

  5. Project 5: Setting up a new plant, factory, company, shopping mall or an institute

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On-Demand Training

30 hrs of Self-Paced Videos

  • 30 hours of Data Science Course videos
  • Curated and delivered by industry experts
  • 100% practical-oriented classes
  • Includes resources/materials
  • Latest version curriculum with covered
  • Get lifetime access to the LMS
  • Learn technology at your own pace
  • 24x7 learner assistance
  • Certification guidance provided
  • Post sales support by our community

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Live Online (Instructor-Led)

30 hrs of Remote Classes in Zoom/Google meet

2025 Batches

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Apr 05 - Apr 20

09:00 AM


Apr 08 - Apr 23

09:00 AM


Apr 12 - Apr 27

07:00 PM

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+ Includes Self-Paced
  • Live demonstration of the industry-ready skills.
  • Virtual instructor-led training (VILT) classes.
  • Real-time projects and certification guidance.

For Corporates

Empower your team with new skills to Enhance their performance and productivity.

Corporate Training

  • Customized course curriculum as per your team's specific needs
  • Training delivery through self-Paced videos, live Instructor-led training through online, on-premise at Mindmajix or your office facility
  • Resources such as slides, demos, exercises, and answer keys included
  • Complete guidance on obtaining certification
  • Complete practical demonstration and discussions on industry use cases
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Our work-support plans provide precise options as per your project tasks. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced professional seeking assistance in completing project tasks, we are here with the following plans to meet your custom needs:

  • Pay Per Hour
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Data Science Course Instructor

Learn from the certified and real time working professionals.


Training by

Abhishek , having 7+ yrs of experience

Specialized in:Data Science, AI & Machine Learning, Python

Passion towards teaching made Abhishek share the industrial experience he has got for further generations. He has got a total of three years into the real-time industrial background and has trained over 520+ students.

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Data Science Course FAQs

What are the objectives of the Data Science certification course in Bangalore?

This Data Science certification course Bangalore is designed to make you a professional data scientist by covering all concepts right from the fundamental to advanced levels. We have designed this Data Science path to help you get complete certification assistance, interview preparation, access to real-time projects, and a lot more at one place.

What will you learn in this Data Science training?

In this Data Science Certification course in Bangalore, you will learn: 


  • Project life cycle, data analysis, and importance of Data Science in the real world
  • Techniques of evaluation, project deployment, and experimentation
  • Machine learning algorithms 
  • Integration of Hadoop with R 
  • Steps to install Impala
  • Analysis segmentation using techniques of prediction, and clustering
  • Different roles and responsibilities performed by data scientist
  • Recommendation system, analytics, and Data Science projects

Who should attend this Data Science online course in Bangalore?


  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Big Data Statisticians
  • Big data Experts
  • Machine learning Professionals 
  • Predictive analyst Experts 
  • Information Architects 
  • Candidates who wish to build their career in Data Science.

How Data Science will help you grow in your career?

The increased demand for data processing has created huge opportunities for data scientist roles.  Data analysis gives the right direction for the business to grow in a short period and allows the companies to grab the opportunities before anyone else does. 

  • All most all organization are looking for a Data scientist to grow in this data-driven world 
  • Every industry is trying to leverage the data which include health care, manufacturing, defence, education, IT, etc.

Are there any prerequisites to enrol in this Data Science course?

As such there are no specific prerequisites to attend this Data Science course in Bangalore. If you are good at maths then it would be an added advantage.

What is the average salary received by a Data scientist in Bangalore?

Data Science is not only the sexiest job but also ranks on top of all IT jobs in terms of salary packages. On average a Data Scientist in Bangalore earns ?1,000,000/year. Below are the top five skills that paid high in Data Science Domain are


  • R – ?985,000/year
  • Machine Learning – ?1,050,000/year
  • Python – ?980,000/year
  • Statistical Analysis – ?1,100,000/year
  • Data Analysis – ?983,000/year

Which companies are hiring Data Scientists in Bangalore?

Bangalore is one of the biggest IT hubs in the world and is also called ‘Silicon Valley of India. 


There are a lot of companies ranging from multinational companies to startups who are in desperate need of certified data scientists. Some of the renowned companies who are hiring data scientist roles are Amazon, Mu Sigma, EY, Flipkart, Accenture, IBM, Robert Bosch, etc. To start your career in this limitless field Mindmajix will help you with the online classroom training courses in Bangalore.

What are the Data Science job trends in Bangalore?

According to the statistics presented in a recent article by Hindu, India will fall short by 20,000 data scientists by the end of this year. Basically from the beginning on-words, the availability of data scientists is very low and increased demand for the data scientists has improved this shortage by 400 percent. Being the IT capital of India Bangalore is in high need of Data scientists.

What are the advantages of taking up Data Science in Bangalore?


  • According to the Harvard Business Review, Data Scientist is the best role of the 21st century
  • In the next 6 years, the global Big Data market is expected to cross US$122 billion – Frost & Sullivan 
  • Top MNC’s who are offering more Data Science job opportunities are Oracle, Mu Sigma, JP Morgan, Amazon, Busigence Technologies, Walmart, Accenture, Vodafone, Ernst & Young, and Wipro
  • According to the statistics, there will be more than 2.5 million Data Science and related job opportunities will be open by the end of 2020
  • The Data Science industry in India is growing at 35%.

Organizations across the globe have shifted their focus to customer data to leverage the benefits of real-time analytics and to make more informed decisions. The urgency for processing the constantly delivering data and the need for real-time analytics have made a huge demand for the Data Scientist role.

I want to complete the training in a few days or a week? Is it possible?

Yes, we got custom training programs to complete the course as you need.

What are the system requirements I need to attend online training?

You need good internet connectivity with a mobile/tab/laptop/system installed with Zoom/Meet.

How can I access recorded videos of my training sessions?

You can access the recorded videos through our LMS after every session.

Do I get any discount on the course?

Yes, you get two kinds of discounts. They are group discounts and referral discounts.

  • A group discount is offered when you join as a group of three or more.
  • When you are referred by someone already enrolled for training, you receive a referral discount.

How do I get a course completion certificate?

You will get a verifiable course completion certificate once you attend all the sessions and successfully submit the assessments.

How do you help me with certification?

We provide you with all the necessary resources and guidance to get certified with the relevant software/technology vendor on your own.

Can you help me with resume preparation?

Yes, our experts help you draft the perfect resume that matches your desired job roles.

Do you offer placements after the training program?

Yes, we help you with placement assistance through mock interviews, resume building, and by forwarding your profile to our corporate clients seeking trained resources.

How does your mock interviews process work?

A mock interview is a unique program we offer to help you experience real-time interviews.
Our expert connects with you, conducts an interview, and provides you feedback and quick tips to improve your skills as needed.

Can I avail EMI option to pay the fee?

Yes, we have associated partners who allow payments through three/six easy installments.

Can I customize the course curriculum?

Yes, you can customize the course curriculum as per your requirements.

Can I rejoin the subsequent batch if I cannot continue in the current schedule?

Yes, we provide feasibility to attend the next batch for the missing sessions; however, we cannot guarantee that the same trainer and the same kind of schedule would be available.

Will you continuously update your course content as per the latest software version/release available?

We keep our course curriculum aligned with the current stable Technology / Software version releases.

We want to hire resources you have trained. Is it possible?

Yes, we can offer resources depending upon the availability.

Why is there a difference between live online and self-paced videos duration?

In the case of live online training, we consider additional interaction time between the trainer and the learners.

Can we extend the access for the pre-recorded sessions?

Yes, you can renew the access after one year with a minimal fee.

Is it possible to customize the live training (scheduling and curriculum)?

Yes, we can customize the course curriculum and schedule the sessions as per your project requirements.

Do you conduct assessments at the end of the program?

Yes, we do conduct assessments.

Can we extend the lab access beyond training completion?

Yes. On special request, we can extend lab practice sessions for the learners at an extra cost.

We need a few consulting sessions with the training after completion. Is it possible?

Yes, we can arrange consulting sessions with the trainer at an extra cost.

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Naresh Kumar

I have learned a lot from this training which I missed in my previous training institute. You helped me understand the data science concepts really well. Thank you MindMajix for your efforts.

Naresh Kumar

Stamford, Connecticut, USA

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