IBM WMQ Interview Questions For 2 - 5 Years Experienced

If you're looking for IBM WebSphere Message Queue Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research IBM WMQ has a market share of about 15.7%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in IBM WMQ Administration. Mindmajix offers Advanced IBM WMQ Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as an IBM WMQ Administrator.

IBM WMQ Interview Questions For Experienced

1. What exactly do you understand with the term MQ and what it is responsible for?

MQ abbreviates Message Queuing. When it comes to message-driven processes, IBM enables users to simply keep up the pace with the WebSphere with which all application programs can simply be managed. There is no strict upper limit on the platforms when it comes to communicating and the good thing is vast support is available from IBM to enable the users to manage everything simply. 

2. What are the benefits that corporations can have through IBM Websphere MQ?

Organizations and corporations can simply send bulk messages over complex networks. There are no strict protocols that need to be followed. Even if they are, the same can be managed very easily. Enterprises can make sure of quick information delivery to the destinations and can always have the things done in the best possible manner. 

3. Suppose you need to install the IBM Websphere MQ in Aix, what would be the requirements related to the software you need to fulfill?

The one and the only prime requirement is the machine should be of 32-bit OS. Although it works on 64-bit OS, it needs some customized settings. The Aix should be installed on it and there will be no corrupt files related to programming.

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4. What do you know about the Message Driven Process?

A lot of messages arrive at the queue and especially when there is a lot of traffic. When such a thing happens, an automatic process that relates to the triggering starts. It is possible to stop the application with a simple instruction after it has done its work. 

5. Is it possible that an MQSC command has multiple parameters?

Yes, it can be possible. 

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6. Is there any limit on the message length supported by the MQ in WebSphere?

Generally, the default length of a message is 4MB. However, it is not always necessary that all the messages should be of this size. In some special cases, it can be up to 100 MB. In case a message is too large in terms of size, the same can be divided into different parts and then these parts are sent in sequence order. This approach is generally regarded as message switching. 

7. In IBM WebSphere MQ, how you will define a message?

A message is basically considered as a string of bytes that contains something useful for the machine or for the user. Generally, messages are deployed when it comes to sharing of information among different nodes. It doesn’t matter whether the application runs on platforms that are different from each other. 

8. Can you name an attribute that is used to check the exact length of a message?

This is “MaxMsgLength”

9. Does IBM Websphere MQ support Integration, if so, how can you say this?

Well, the fact is IBM Websphere MQ is totally independent of the OS one is using. The same factor makes it totally independent of the TCP/IP protocol as well. There are many instances when the messages don’t get delivered or get delayed just because of a sender and a receiver having an OS mismatch. This is actually not at all a big deal with the IBM Websphere MQ and users need not to worry about anything related to this. 

10. Is it possible for the IBM Websphere MQ to support the WebSphere MQ applications which are local?

Yes, it is possible.

11. What is packet lost in Messaging and how the receiver knows which packet is not received by it?

Packets are the sub-parts of a message that needs to be sent from a sender to a receiver. Sometimes a situation arrives when a packet doesn’t reach its destination. Because all the packets have a well-defined address on them, the receiver can understand and acknowledge which message has been lost. 

12. What do you mean by Asynchrony in IBM Websphere MQ?

In the queue process, the process of sending or exchange of any message doesn’t depend on the time. This is exactly what makes both the sender, as well as the receiver to be decoupled if the need for the same is there. There is actually no need for the sender to wait for getting the acknowledgment regarding the delivery of the message from the receiver. IT can continue with this next task. This process is basically considered as Asynchrony in IBM Websphere MQ. 

13. Tell us about the storage needs when it comes to IBM Websphere MQ installation

The installation of IBM Websphere MQ needs to have some basic storage requirements which are as under. 
It needs 50 MB for data storage on the server. The server installation needs around 40 MB. While the data storage for the client and the installation of the file at the client end have 5 MB and 15 MB needs. 

14. Is the procedure of installation of the IBM WebSphere MQ on Aix similar to that for Windows?

Yes, all the requirements are the same except for a few basic ones. For older versions of Windows such as 2000 and XP, it needs some customized settings in the application. It is actually free from the network protocols and thus users have no reasons to worry about this. 

15. What do you know about persistent and non-persistent messages?

In WebSphere MQ two types of messages exist. They are basically classified based on priority. The messages which are urgent and should be recovered in all the circumstances are called persistent messages. Others are non-persistent messages. This clearly indicates that persistent messages are always delivered to the destination. Users can define any message as persistent. It should be kept in mind that there is a limit on the number of attempts that the sender makes for the delivery in case anything goes wrong. 

16. What do you mean by the Application data in the IBM Websphere MQ message?

It is necessary to define the structure of an application data that needs to be used in a message. Applications programs make sure of this and this practice is followed in all the messages. This data is generally considered as application data.

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17. What do you mean by message descriptor?

A massage doesn’t just contain information that needs to be transferred but it contains other information too. For example, the type of message and what exactly its priority is. The same is described in the message descriptor which is defined by WebSphere MQ. It contains all other relevant information about the message and among all of the same, its priority that largely matters.

18. Suppose you need to create the names of the MQ objects, what would be the number of characters that are required by you?

All MQ channels should be within the 20 characters maximum and all other objects can have up to 48 characters. They need to be created into parts if this limit exceeds due to any reason. 

19. In message switching, what is the sub-part of a message is called? What if it gets lost?

They are known as packets and packets in most of the cases are having the same size. Because they all belong to the same message, the information format is similar. They can choose any path that exists between the sender and the receiver and this is exactly what can sometimes result in packet loss. Although its priority is very low, in case it happens, the receiver can send the acknowledgment to the sender that it has not received a specific packet. The sender then has to resend the same to it. 

20. Name the default port number for the MQ Queue Manager. Is it possible to change this?

The default number is 1414 and the same cannot be changed. 

21. What do you understand by the term congestion control?

Well, the fact is sometimes there are so many messages on a network. The channel has its own limit of processing the data and when the same exceeds, the situation is considered as congestion. It is similar to a traffic jam on a road. The clearance needs time and so do the messages get a bit delayed for delivery.

22. In IBM Websphere MQ, what is an MQ client, and how it is different from an MQ server?

Many times there is a need to issue MQI calls to a queue manager. IT is not always necessary that it runs on the same system. MQ client is responsible for issuing the same for an application. The output can be modified up to some extent. On the other side, the MQ server is basically a manager for the queue which is responsible for offering the queuing service to the clients. All the objects which are classified in the MQ appear only on the server and not on the client’s machine. 

23. Name the different objects that are used in the WebSphere MQ?

These are Channels, Processes, Queue Manager, Name Lists, and Processes
All these objects can have a similar nature or a different one depending on the operation they are engaged in.

24. What is the concept of switching?

Ina network, there can be a very large number of nodes. Practically it is not possible to establish a direct physical connection between them all. Of course, this can enhance the cost up to a great extent and can make the network very complex. Thus, the concept of switching is considered. It basically acts as a temporary path that is established between a sender and a receiver for message transfer. The connection is terminated after the message is sent. Because not all the nodes need channels all the time, this concept can be applied. It is having a lot of advantages. All the data that seems to be sent on priority can be assigned sent immediately by stopping other operations. 

25. What is the difference between the control commands and the MQS commands?

Control commands are used when it comes to managing the services, as well as different processes related to messaging. Most of the time, these commands are deployed for the channel listener, triggering or for the integration of the same. On the other side, the MQS commands are useful when it comes to functions that are related to the tasks performed by an administrator. It is also possible to create Queue Managers and channels through these commands. 

26. Name some script commands and tell one basic condition for their use?

These are:
It is necessary that they are used in capital letters otherwise there will be no response. 

27. Mention the top features of MQ you are already familiar with?

Well, they are Assured Delivery, Integration, Scalability, and Asynchrony
Although in few cases it consumes time depending on the exact message in the queue, the delivery is always assured. Users can check the status of all the messages simply anytime they want.

28. After creating the Queue Manager, where you can find the Backup files? Can its location be changed?

The same is present in a folder which is named Windows Registry and is present in the Window’s Program Files. Yes, it is possible to change its location and users can store the backup data anywhere they want.

29. What are the Telemetry capabilities you are familiar with?

Telemetry allows the remote sensors to be connected with a node. When it comes to optimizing the sensor networks, its telemetry provides an optimization technique. In satellite networks, it can help to save a lot of costs simply. 

30. What exactly do you know about the MQ series?

It can hold messages in multiple formats
Maintaining the objects like channels and Queues is their responsibility
It is possible to define the queues in the JEE container simply with the help of this series

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Course Schedule
IBM WebSphere Message Queue TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
IBM WebSphere Message Queue TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
IBM WebSphere Message Queue TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
IBM WebSphere Message Queue TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 15 Mar 2024
About Author

Yamuna Karumuri is a content writer at Her passion lies in writing articles on IT platforms including Machine learning, PowerShell, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Selenium, MSBI, and so on. You can connect with her via  LinkedIn.

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