Informatica Analyst Interview Questions

If you're looking for Informatica Analyst Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are in right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to the research, Informatica Analyst has a market share of about 29.4%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Informatica Analyst Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Informatica Analyst Interview Questions 2023 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Informatica Analyst Developer.

Informatica Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain the different kinds of loading in Informatica?

In general, Informatica is considered to be having about two different types of leading techniques. One is “Normal Loading” & the other is “Bulk Loading” Normal Loading is considered to be a tremendously time taking process as it has to load the records one after the other and a log can be written for every loading. In the Bulk Loading process, it has the scope of loading a number of records at the same time to the target database. This ensures saving a lot of time in delivering data to the target.

2. During the installation of PowerCenter, what are all the components that get installed?

While installing the Informatica PowerCenter, the following components also get installed as well
  • PowerCenter clients
  • Integration services
  • Repository service
  • PowerCenter Domain
  • Administration console for PowerCenter

3. Explain the concepts of aggregate cache in terms of relation to aggregator transformation?

This aggregate cache is the place where the aggregate stores the data until the completion of the aggregate calculations. In the case of a session that performs an aggregator transformation, the server being used by the Informatica will be creating an index & it is here where the data catches the memory to commence with the process of the ongoing transformation. And also, in the cases where the server requires additional space, the cache files will be handy to store these overflow values.
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4. Differentiate Static Cache And Dynamic Cache?

The major difference between the “Static Cache” & “Dynamic Cache” are as follows
Dynamic cache:
Dynamic cache greatly decreases the systems total performance and productivity much to the contrast in comparison with the static cache
Static Cache:
The static cache can simply be interpreted as a process where the data gets inserted all the time. It doesn’t mind the number of times a particular data is being inserted, all that it cares is to insert the data.

5. Explain Where We Can Find The Throughput Option In Informatica?

Within the workflow monitor of Informatica, the throughput option can be found. You can access it by viewing the workflow monitor and then right click on the session followed by clicking on the run properties. And there we can spot the throughput option under source/target statistics.

6. Explain What Is A Session Task?

A session task can simply be interpreted as a set of instructions that are guided towards a power center server where it gets decided when the data is needed to be transferred from the source region to the targets.

7. What are the actions to be performed to accomplish the session partition?

In case if you have to make any session partition then you need to begin with configuring the session to partition to source data & then the next thing which is to be performed is installing the Informatica server machine in a different CPU which is also known as the multifold CPU.
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8. Explain about Surrogate Key?

A surrogate key can simply be explained as the replacement within the database of the primary key. Surrogate key acts as a unique identification factor for each row within a table. And the surrogate key will always be in the form of a digit or an integer.

9. Define Informatica transformation and state the different types of transformations?

A transformation in Informatica is can be interpreted as an object of the repository that can simply modify, generates, or transforms the data. Informatica supports different types of transformation functions that are listed here below. 
  • Aggregator transformation
  • Expression transformation
  • Filter transformation
  • Joiner transformation
  • Lookup transformation
  • Normalizer transformation
  • Rank transformation
  • Router transformation. 

10. Explain the concept of Informatica repository?

The repository is one among the eminent concept of Informatica. Informatica repository is present at the center of the Informatica suite. A set of metadata tables can be created within the repository database where it can be accessed by the Informatica application and tools. The repository is then accessed by the Informatica client and server for the function of saving and retrieving the metadata.

11. Tell us about the different types of data that pass between stored procedure and Informatica server?

Between the Informatica server and the stored procedure, a total of three types of data pass between them. The three different data types include
  • Input / Output parameters
  • Status code
  • Return Values

12. Discuss the concept of source qualifier transformation?

A source qualifier transformation comes in handy whenever a relational or a flat-file source simply gets added to a mapping. The source qualifier transformation holds the records of all records which are read by the Informatica server whenever the session is under the run. 

13. Explain the concept of status code?

The error handling function in the Informatica is performed by the Status code within the concerned session. A status code gets issued by the stored procedure which simply notifies whether the stored procedure is completed successfully or not. This value will not be visible to the user. IT helps in Informatica server to simply state whether to keep the session running or to stop the session.

14. Explain the different formats of Lookup Cache.

Different lookup cache is explained below.
  • Informatica Lookups can be classified into two types either cached or uncached (No cache).
  • Cached lookup can also be classified as being either static or dynamic.
  • A static cache doesn’t get modified during the session run and remains constant.  
  • A dynamic cache shows variation in the results during the session run. This can be done by simply inserting or updating the records in the incoming source data. Informatica cache will be in the state of the static cache by default.
  • Well, coming to the Lookup cache it also gets divided into two different categories. This includes persistent or non-persistent based lookup caches.

15. Differentiate between STOP and ABORT options in Workflow Monitor?

Upon the execution of the STOP command in the currently executing session task, the concerned integrating service stops reading the data from the source. However, it continues the process of processing, writing, and committing the data to their concerned targets. If the Integration Abort command can be issued when a service stops performing processing or writing the data.
ABORT command assigns a time span of 60 seconds in which the DMT gets aborted and the session automatically gets terminated if the system doesn’t finish its tasks on the data source. 

16. What are the different categories of dimensions in Informatica?

A total of three dimensions can be seen in the Informatica which are stated below
  1. Junk dimension 
  2. Conformed Dimension     
  3. Degenerative Dimension    

17. What are Session and Batches?

A “Session” and a “Batch” can be defined as
Session: A session can be interpreted as a group of commands which lets the server describe to move the targeted data.
Batch: A Batch can be interpreted as a collection of tasks that also covers one or more tasks.

18. What is the Mapplet?

Mapplet can simply be interpreted as a set of transformations that help you build within the maplet designer which can be availed to be used in the multiple mappings.

19. Differentiate between the Active Transformations And A Passive Transformation In Informatica?

Active transformation:
Active transformation can simply be interpreted as the process where the number of rows that have gone through the mapping gets changed. This process is termed an Active transformation.
Some of the Active transformations include:
  • Sorter transformations
  • Filter transformations
  • Joiner transformations
  • Rank transformations
  • Router transformations and some other transformations as well.
Passive transformation:
A Passive transformation can be termed as the process where after having gone through the mapping the number of rows doesn’t get changed. This process is called as Passive transformation.
Some of the Passive transformations are:
  • Expression transformation
  • Sequence Generator transformation
  • Lookup transformation
  • External procedure transformation
  • Output transformation
  • Input transformation and more.

20. Define Parameter File And How many values can be defined in a parameter file?

A parameter file can be interpreted as a file which is mainly been created in a text editor or a word pad.
The different values which can be defined in a parameter file, are
  • Mapping parameters
  • Mapping variables
  • Session parameters

21. Differentiate Between A Mapplet And A Rule?

Mapplet can be validated as a rule & a rule is nothing but a logic that defines all the conditions applied to the source data. Mapplet can be validated as a rule when it meets the following requirements
  • Mapplet must & should contain input and output transformations.
  • Active transformations should not be present.
  • The cardinality between input groups is not specified.

22. Differentiate between sessions and mappings?

Session: A session can also simply be interpreted as a complete group of instructions that states how and when exactly to move the data from the source to its respective targets.
Mapping: Mapping can be defined as a primarily linked set of source and the target by the transformation of objects which in general define the rules for transformation.

23. What is a Data warehouse?

“A Data warehouse is a collection of data which is a great help in strengthening the management decision making process. It consists of time-variant, subject-oriented, integrated, and nonvolatile collection of data. Bill Inmon is called the father of Data warehousing.

24. How can you enhance the performance of Informatica Aggregator Transformation?

By just simply doing sorting records before they are passed through the aggregator the Informatica aggregator performance can be drastically enhanced. Sorting of the recordset can be performed on the columns that are used in Group By operation.

25. What is the status code?

Status code is an error handling technique for the Informatica server during a session. A notification occurs in the form of a status code stating whether or not the stored procedure is successfully completed. It then helps the user to decide whether to run the procedure ahead or to stop it.

26. Differentiate between a connected lookup and an unconnected lookup?

Connected lookup and unconnected lookups are mainly differentiated by the way they take up the input values from the other transformation in the pipeline. Connected Lookup takes the input values directly from the pipeline transformations
Unconnected Lookup doesn’t directly get the input from the other transformations. But the Unconnected Lookup can be used in any sort of transformation for which it can be called multiple times in the mapping.

27. What can say about the tasks performed by the source qualifier performs?

A Source qualifier performs the following tasks.
  • It simply joins different data which are originating from the same source of database.
  • It automatically records the data when Informatica reads the data.
  • It creates a custom query that helps in issuing a special SELECT statement in the server to read a specific data source.

28. Explain what exactly is DTM?

The term DMT stands for Data Transformation Manager (DMT). The concept of Data Transfer Management can simply be explained. DMT is nothing but when the load manager performs respective validations among the session, it generates the DTM process.

29. State About The Reusable Transformation?

This is a broad concept that is extensively being widely used in mappings. By attaining a change in the reusable transformations the concerned effect will be nullified in the mappings. It is completely different from the other mappings where the transformations in mappings are used to store metadata.

30.Define Target Load Order?

Target and Order are among the major concepts of Informatica. Target load order can simply be interpreted as a list of all the activities one can easily define the priority based on which it will become easy to load the data into the Informatica server.  In the case where you are having a list of source qualifiers that are connected to multiple targets then you can define the order in which data can be loaded into the targets in the Informatica servers.
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Informatica Analyst TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Informatica Analyst TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Informatica Analyst TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Informatica Analyst TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 12 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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