JUnit Interview Questions

If you're looking for JUnit Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research JavaScript has a market share of about 54.87%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in JavaScript Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced JUnit Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as JavaScript Developer.

JUnit Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is manual testing?

Manual testing refers to the execution of test cases without the support of any tools.

Explore Manual Testing Tutorial for more information

2. Define measurement with respect to JUnit?

Testing is also known as the process of assessing the functionality of a particular Java-based application. The experiment is usually done to examine whether or not the form is working as per the set standards.

3. Define automated testing in the context of JUnit?

Automated testing in JUnit is that type of testing where one has the option to take support from tools. These automation tools would display accurate results which are suitable for the process of Java application development.

4. What do you mean by Unit Testing in JUnit?

Unit testing is also regarded as the assessment of a single entity or class. You should be well aware of the fact that the principle of unit testing carries utmost importance. With the assistance of unit testing, the companies can give quality products to their clients and stakeholders.

5. Define JUnit in today’s context of evolving technologies?

JUnit is also known as a waning testing framework. JUnit is extensively used by developers to carry out unit testing in Java. Moreover, it is also being used to speed up the application based on Java. It is important to note that by taking into account the source code, the application can efficiently be sped up. 

6. When are the unit tests pertaining to JUnit written in Developmental Cycle?

The unit tests are written before the development of the application. It is so because writing the check before coding, assists the coders to write error-free codes which further boosts the viability of the form.

7. Shed light on the variety of JUnit classes and make a proper list of them?

The JUnit classes are essential classes that are usually utilized in testing and writing the JUnits. Here is the list of the critical JUnit test classes.    

  • Test Suite: It is also known as a composition of various tests
  • Assert: It is a set of assertive procedures used to design an application
  • Test Result: It is associated with the collection of results while executing a test case
  • Test Case: It is that kind of a JUnit class that is related to various fixtures. It also has the ability to run on a variety of tests

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8. What are the tools with the help of which JUnit can be easily integrated?

There are mainly three types of tools that play a pivotal role in the integration of JUnit. You can use either of them to facilitate the process. They are as follows:

  1. Maven
  2. Eclipse
  3. Ant

9. What are the critical fixtures of JUnit?

The JUnit test framework is associated with the providence of these critical features. They are as follows:

  1. Test Suites
  2. JUnit Classes
  3. Fixtures
  4. Test Runners

10. Define installation with respect to JUnit?

A fixture is also known as a constant state of a collection of objects that can be used for the execution of tests. The main aim of using a test fixture lies in the fact that there should be a familiar and fixed environment. Moreover, these tests are run so that the results are repeatable. It comprises of the following procedures.

  1. The setup method which runs every test
  2. The teardown procedure which runs after the execution of a particular test

11. Give a brief account of the Test Suite with respect to JUnit?

Test Suite usually refers to the principle of compiling a variety of unit test cases to run it concurrently. In this context, it is interesting to note that in JUnit, both Run With and Suite comments are being used to avail maximum benefits.

12. What is a test fixture with respect to JUnit?

A test fixture is also known as a regulated state of objects that can be used as a platform for running the tests. The primary purpose is to make sure that there is a known climate in which the development tests can be run. Various examples can be cited in this context. They are as follows:

  1. Copying the fixed known set of files
  2. Preparing the input data and the creation of mock and fake objects
  3. Assessing a database with fixed and known sets of data

It is also essential for you to note that if a group of tests shares the same fittings, one needs to write a different setup code. On the other hand, if the group of assessments is in need of a different test fixture, one can write the code alongside the test procedure. In this manner, one can create the best accessory related to a test.

13. Shed light on the reason that why JUnit only reports the first failure in a single attempt?

It is interesting to note that saying multiple shortcomings in one attempt signifies that the test is of a larger size. This is the reason that JUnit is designed in such a manner that it usually runs on a smaller number of tests. Quite interestingly, it is capable of executing each assessment within the boundaries of a separate analysis. Moreover, it is also able to report the failures on each attempt of the tests. 

14. Shed your views on the @ignore annotation. Even describe its usefulness?

Here is the list of advantages of using this kind of annotation

  1. It is important to note that one can easily find @ignore annotations with relatively much ease that lies inside the source code. On the other hand, the unannotated and uncommented tests are complicated to find.
  2. Moreover, one may come across various situations where one cannot fix a code. However, if you still want that source method to be taken into account, @ignore annotation plays a crucial role in that.     

15. What do you mean by parameterized tests in JUnit?

In version 4 of JUnit, there is a new feature known as Parameterized Tests. These tests usually allow the developer to run the same amount of tests over and again. In this manner, the suitability of using various values increases considerably.

16. Describe the process which is helpful in the creation of parameterized Tests?

In order to answer this question, you need to take into account that there are five steps. These steps are as follows:

  • The first step is that you have to create a public constructor which would take into account the equivalent value of a row of test-related data
  • In the second step, you have to annotate the test class with a command by the name of @Run With
  • In the third step, you have to create a public static procedure that has the ability to return a collection of test data sets
  • In the fourth step, you need to create a viable which is instantaneous and is the source of data
  • In the last level, you have to make sure that the test case is invoked only once per row. This would facilitate the smooth running of an application.

17. Give a thorough analysis of the Joint Test API Methods?

Here is the following list of the execution procedures which would help to analyze the problem. It is as follows:

  1. In the first step, you need to use the annotation in the form of @before class
  2. Secondly, make sure that you use the annotation @after class
  3. Subsequently, before executing the test class, make sure that you use @before performs
  4. Lastly, use @before so that the application development process is smooth and is hassle free

18. Shed light on the process of installing JUnit?

In order to install JUnit, you need to follow the below-mentioned procedures. They are as follows:

1. You have to download the latest version of JUnit which is available over the internet by the file name of 


2. In the next process, you have to unzip the


file to a separate directory also referred to as the %JUNIT_HOME%

3. Next, make sure that you add JUnit to the classpath set 


4. You can also test the installation by the use of sample tests. However, you have to run them. Interestingly, the sample tests are located in the installation directly. Then you have to type java

org.junit.runner.JUnitCore org.junit.tests.AllTests 

to run various kind of tests

5. It is important to note that all the tests should pass with an OK message. In case the tests do not pass, you have to make sure that the file is located in the CLASSPATH

19. Describe the versatile features of JUnit?

Here is the list of the versatile features of JUnit:

  • It is an open-source framework
  • It has the ability to provide the users with assertions so that they can test the expected results
  • It has the ability to provide annotations so that the user can identify the various types of test procedures
  • It also possesses the ability to facilitate test runners
  • The JUnit tests are also helpful in making sure that they can be run in an automatic fashion. It also ensures that the tests can check out their results sop that automatic feedback can be provided to the user
  • These types of JUnit tests can also be arranged in the form of test suites. Hence, they comprise various types of test cases and other suites related to the execution of tests
  • The JUnit test also depicts the progress of the test in the bar. If the test is fine, then it displays a green color. On the other hand, if the test fails, the bar shows red color.

20. Shed light on the advantages of automation testing?

The following are the advantages of automated testing. They are as follows:

  • It is important to note that automation tests have a higher speed than other normal types of tests.
  • It ensures that there is less investment in human resources. It is so because the test cases are executed by the use of the automation tool. Hence, there is less need for the testing techniques
  • Automation testing is more reliable. It is so because these types of tests have the ability to perform the same kind of operation in a precise manner. Furthermore, each time they are run, they always retain the same efficiency
  • Interestingly, the automation tests are programmable. These testers can always program the improved tests so that the hidden information can be depicted to the user. In this manner, they are quite effective in application development

21. Shed light on the disadvantages of manual testing?

Here is the list of disadvantages of manual testing. They are as follows:

  • The manual testing procedures are time-consuming as they are usually executed by humans. Moreover, the process is slow and tedious
  • Manual testing ensures that there is a huge investment in human resources which is not at all beneficial. These funds can be utilized in a better manner within an organization
  • Moreover, manual testing is less reliable. It is so because it is not performed with precision which can have a huge impact on the application development process
  • Manual testing is non-programmable. Once the manual testing process gets over, no more sophisticated assessments can be carried out.
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Last updated: 04 Jan 2024
About Author

I am Ruchitha, working as a content writer for MindMajix technologies. My writings focus on the latest technical software, tutorials, and innovations. I am also into research about AI and Neuromarketing. I am a media post-graduate from BCU – Birmingham, UK. Before, my writings focused on business articles on digital marketing and social media. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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