Kotlin Projects and Use Cases

If you aspire to make a career in Kotlin, learning Kotlin projects will benefit you greatly. In recent years, there has been a soaring demand for Kotlin developers in the job market. You can utilize this wave of openings only by honing your skills on Kotlin. In this blog, MindMajix content experts shed light on the most-essential Kotlin projects, the requirements to work on the Kotlin projects, why it is important, and much more. This blog will undoubtedly be the best guide to shape you as an unparalleled Kotlin developer.

Kotlin is one of the modern, powerful, and front-end programming languages. It is a feature-rich and cross-platform language with which we can effortlessly develop web and mobile applications. In particular, Kotlin is the best choice for developing Android applications.

Moreover, Kotlin is a general-purpose language that comes with readable and concise codes with simple syntax. Kotlin is the advanced version of Java language. That’s why Java and Kotlin are interoperable. It means that you can use both languages in a single application.

kotlin projects Introduction

The main thing about Kotlin is that it takes less time to develop Android applications than Java. Most importantly, giants like Google prefer Kotlin for developing their Android applications.

As Kotlin is increasingly used to create Android applications, the demand for Kotlin developers in the job market is rising. If you get mastery over Kotlin, you will get jobs in IT companies quickly. But the crucial thing is that you cannot gain proficiency in Kotlin overnight.

So the question is, how can one gain mastery over the language?

Thanks to Kotlin Projects. Working on simple Kotlin projects is the best way to gain a sound knowledge of Kotlin. By learning Kotlin projects, you will be familiar with Kotlin syntax, data storage methods, and many other crucial concepts.

Well! In this blog, we will walk you through various Kotlin projects for both novices and experienced. You can go through the various Kotlin projects in this blog and imbibe the importance of the projects closely. Besides, you will know the benefits you will reap by learning these projects and a lot along the road.

Kotlin Projects - Table of Contents

Why Kotlin Projects

Here are a series of reasons why learning Kotlin projects is essential to polish your expertise in Kotlin. Let’s take a close look at them one by one.

  • Working on Kotlin projects is an incredible and tireless journey to learn Kotlin. You will learn how to write concise and quality Kotlin codes at the end of this journey.
  • As Kotlin is increasingly being used in numerous domains, you will get good exposure and come across the nuances and intricacies of the language in a short span.
  • Learning Kotlin projects is a piece of cake for those familiar with Java.
  • As you know, Kotlin is one of the most popular languages widely employed to develop robust Android applications. So learning Kotlin projects will help you breeze through Kotlin interviews easily.
  • Kotlin projects will be a stepping stone to building high-level Android applications using Kotlin.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Kotlin, then enroll in "Kotlin Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Prerequisites to learn Kotlin projects

If you are a beginner, there is no point in wondering. Yes! You can quickly learn Kotlin. If you are experienced and familiar with Java, learning Kotlin will be a walk in the park.

However, be it a beginner or experienced the following are the must-haves to learn Kotlin projects.

Let’s have a look at them.

Prerequisites to learn Kotlin projects

  • Good knowledge of computer fundamentals.
  • Good exposure to Android and iOS concepts
  • Familiar with installing and managing software on computers
  • Good idea about back-end development.
  • Good exposure to Agile software development methods
  • Decent knowledge of Android SDK and Android Studio
  • Knowledge of Firebase and XML.
  • Proficiency in managing databases like SQLite

Skills Developed through Kotlin Projects

Let’s look at the skills that you will acquire by working on Kotlin projects. After completing only a few Kotlin projects successfully, you will be able to

  • develop robust Android applications
  • connect  with various data sources
  • conduct multiple types of software testing to build bug-free Android applications.
  • work with APIs and how to use them to communicate with external sources
  • understand various software architecture types, application life cycles, and more
  • work in XML extensively.
  • Above all, you will acquire good problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.

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Kotlin Projects

Kotlin projects undeniably play a pivotal role in achieving proficiency in the Kotlin language. This section discusses a few much-needed Kotlin projects for beginners and advanced learners.

Let’s dive deep into them right away!

Kotlin Projects for Beginners

Kotlin projects for beginners

#1 Project - Zookeeper

It is one of the simple Kotlin projects every beginner must work on. This application helps to monitor the activities of animals living in a zoo. By working on this Kotlin project, you will learn Kotlin syntax, data storage types, variables, and many more. Mainly, you will get to know how to use ‘while’ loops by going through this project.

#2 Project - Calculator application

By doing this simple Kotlin project, you can create an application with which you can make simple mathematical calculations easily. No matter where you are, you can effortlessly perform daily-life mathematical calculations on your Android device.

To work on this Kotlin project, you must know how to use Android Studio.

#3 Project - Color guessing game

Color guessing game is a fun-making and interactive application. It is another simple Kotlin project that will help children to identify the colors shown to them. With this application, parents or teachers can show children various colors in different shapes and ask them to guess the colors. When the children reply with the correct answer, the application will encourage them by making a sound of clapping hands.

To build this app, you must know about Android Studio and XML. Here, XML will help to make an interactive user interface.

#4 Project - Photo Management Application

This is a simple Kotlin project through which you can effectively get trained to develop Android applications. In this application, you can view photos in a grid layout structure. This application allows interaction with the internal storage system of the Android device.

To work on this Kotlin project, you should groom your knowledge of the CameraX library, Android Studio, and Picasso. Know that Picasso is nothing but an image-processing tool.

#5 Project - Contact Application

It is yet another simple Android application with which you can manage your contacts effortlessly. By practicing this simple Kotlin project, you will develop an Android application to store contacts, display contact images, manage contacts, and make calls.

Furthermore, you must have good exposure to Android Studio as well as SQLite databases to work on this Kotlin project.

#6 Project - News Application

In this Kotlin project, you will develop a news application in addition to using an API. This API acts as the interface between a server and an Android application.

To work on this Kotlin project, you must know how to work with libraries such as Retrofit or Volley. These libraries support displaying images and making network calls. Further, you must be familiar with Android Studio before starting this Kotlin project.

Kotlin Projects for Experienced

Kotlin Projects for Experienced

#1 Project - Teaching with fun for toddlers

This is one of the interactive Android applications that will help toddlers to learn basic language and mathematical concepts. This application allows parents to teach their children with fun since it is interactive.

To work on this Kotlin project, learners must have a decent knowledge of Android Studio and XML. Besides, you must know how to work with databases like SQLite.

#2 Project - Codey’s Calculator

This is a simple Kotlin project that helps to create a basic calculator by employing Kotlin classes. Using this calculator, you can perform fundamental arithmetic operations such as addition, difference, multiplication, and division.

The significant thing is that you will get great exposure to Kotlin classes at the end of this Kotlin project.

#3 Project - Simple search engine

This is a fantastic Kotlin project where you can create a simple search engine. With this engine, you can search either phrases or words in a smaller volume of data. This project will help handle files as well as consoles effortlessly. Mainly, you will know how to improve the search process in a search engine.

#4 Project - Women's safety application

This is another beautiful Kotlin project since it ensures women’s safety remarkably. You can develop this application leveraging multiple techniques.  

In one technique, a woman caught in an emergency must shake her Android device. The device will instantly alert her guardian, along with her location details.

In another technique, a woman who is in danger can press the power button thrice. It will trigger an alert and send it to the nearest police station as well as her emergency contacts.

To work on this Kotlin project effectively, you must be familiar with tools such as Android Studio, Android emulator, XAMPP, and XML.

#5 Project - bFit-A Cognitive Game

This is another Kotlin project that allows building an interactive gaming application. This application helps to improve the attention level of users. Not only that, it speeds up the brain functioning. Importantly, it is a fun and brain-training Android application.

To work on this Kotlin project better, you must have a good idea about multithreading, splash screens, etc.

#6 Project - E-banking

By working on this Kotlin project, you will develop a mobile banking application. This application allows you to overview your bank account, change passwords, keep track of transactions, and perform other simple banking operations. Besides, this application will have a wide array of features such as a dashboard, payments, deposits, profiles, and many more.

You should have good exposure to the Android emulator, Android Studio, and SQLite databases to complete this Kotlin project successfully.

Kotlin Real-Time Projects Examples

Here is a list of noteworthy real-time Kotlin projects widely used across many industries. In this section, we have highlighted the purpose of the different applications and the things that you will learn from them.

Let’s list them.

1. Attendance Management System

Working on this Kotlin project will familiarize you with the school, college, or office attendance system. In this Kotlin project, you will learn how to create a login screen, member screen, add member screen, welcome screen, profile screen, and so on.

2. Library Management System

This Kotlin project helps to upload the list of books with its location. So users can easily check the availability of books and locate them. In this Kotlin project, you will learn how to welcome, login, user home, add book details, edit books, user profile, and admin profile screen along with a dashboard.      

3. Expense Tracker

This Kotlin project helps build an expense tracker so users can manage their expenses using their smartphones. Working on this Kotlin project will teach you how to add and edit categories, expense transactions, record expenses, etc.

4. Weather App Android

Through this Kotlin project, you can develop your own weather app. While developing this app, you will learn how to get internet permission, design layouts, create custom styles, and many other things elaborately.

5. Text-to-speech application

This Kotlin project will help to learn how to convert the ‘TextToSpeech’ class into audio form.

6. Health and fitness App

In this Kotlin project, you will create a drink water screen, calorie intake screen, exercise schedule screen, diet planning screen, and more. Mainly, you will build a neat dashboard with all the metrics associated with the health and fitness of a user.

7. Restaurant Management System

This Kotlin project helps to build a restaurant management system by removing paper works entirely. By working on this Kotlin project, you will learn how to add an inventory screen, add employees screen, add menu screen, add table screen, add ingredients screen, add contacts screen, etc.

8. Train food Application

By working on this Kotlin project, you will know how to build a restaurant screen, delivery screen, passenger screen, and many other things.

9. Online Music Player

This Kotlin project helps you download and play songs through your music application. You will build a home screen as well as a music player screen in this project.

What’s more! Kotlin projects are not only limited to those mentioned above. There are a lot of other Kotlin projects that you can work on to get expertise on Kotlin.

Kotlin Projects: Why are they so Important?

We can list several reasons why Kotlin projects are essential to scale up your expertise in Kotlin. This section unveils a few of them.

Let’s go through them.        

  • Kotlin is open-source software, so installing and starting working on Kotlin projects can be done in no time.
  • Kotlin has a vast community base. You can get support from other Kotlin developers for the coding issues you may face while working on your Kotlin projects.
  • The learning curve is low for Kotlin. It is possible to quickly understand and learn the language and then work on Kotlin projects.
  • As Kotlin is a cross-platform software, you can seamlessly work with Kotlin projects on any platform.
  • Kotlin supports many IDEs, so experimenting with Kotlin projects can be done seamlessly.
  • You can easily integrate Kotlin with Android Studio, simplifying working on Kotlin projects.
  • Kotlin offers vital features such as syntax highlighting as well as auto-complete. They allow speeding up your coding process and working on Kotlin projects at a high pace.
  • On top of all, practicing on Kotlin projects will create a solid base to emerge as a competent Kotlin developer. Undeniably, you will show high productivity in your job in the future.

Kotlin Projects Commonly Asked FAQs

1. What are Kotlin projects?

Kotlin projects is a set of software projects that you can utilize to enhance your coding proficiency in Kotlin language. By experimenting with Kotlin projects, you will become a confident and competent Kotlin Android application developer.

2. Why is Kotlin used in Android?

Kotlin is a language that is more advanced than Java. It comes with simple syntax and concise codes. Also, it is platform-independent and has good readability. These are the reasons why Kotlin is used in Android application development.

3. What are the examples of Kotlin projects?

Attendance management system, restaurant management system, zoo keeper, photo management system, contacts app, and calculator app are a few examples of Kotlin projects.

4. What is the critical difference between Kotlin and Android?

Kotlin is a programming language, whereas Android is an operating system.

5. How to start a Kotlin project?

You must have proficiency in Android SDK and Studio before working on Kotlin projects. Additionally, you must have knowledge of XML and databases like SQLite. Above all, you must be thorough in basic computer concepts and programming.

6. What are the disadvantages of Kotlin?

  • Kotlin is not a mature language like Java. Debugging in Kotlin is not as good as in Java.
  • It is a bit slower language.
  • As the Kotlin developer community is still low in numbers, it is hard to find Kotlin developers in line with the demand.

7. Why do you use Kotlin instead of Java?

  • Kotlin has simple syntax as well as concise codes when compared to Java.
  • We can use both languages for the same application.
  • The number of lines required to write a program in Kotlin is comparatively lesser than in Java.

8. What is Kotlin best for?

Kotlin is the best tool for Android application development. It is even better than Java since it is simple to code in Kotlin.

Related Article - Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers


It's a wrap! You must have read about the significance of Kotlin projects, the requirements for completing Kotlin projects, and the list of Kotlin projects that are absolutely necessary. So sharpen your skills by learning Kotlin projects consistently. It will be a significant advantage to get hired by top tech companies.

Furthermore, if you are looking for advanced training on Kotlin, you can sign up for a course in MindMajix and get a certification in Kotlin Training. It will be an excellent choice to elevate your skills to new heights and make you job ready.

Course Schedule
Kotlin TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Kotlin TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Kotlin TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Kotlin TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 15 Feb 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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