Customizing Graphs And Charts In Labview

The way graphs and charts show and update data is different. Utilize graphs to see and export a whole set of data. Graphs are optimal for quick operations that continually gather data. Charts are most appropriate for sluggish operations that plot just a few data items per second. In this post you will learn how to modify Labview graphs and charts.

Customizing Graphs And Charts

Each graph and chart includes many options that you can use to customize appearance, convey more information, or highlight data. Although graphs and charts plot data differently, they have several common options that you access from the shortcut menu. However, some options are available only for a specific type of graph or chart.

Using Multiple X- And Y-Scales

All GRAPHS support multiple x– and y-scales, and all CHARTS support multiple y-scales. Use multiple scales on a graph or chart to display multiple plots that do not share a common x– or y-scale. Right-click the scale of the graph or chart and select Duplicate Scale from the shortcut menu to add multiple scales to the graph or chart.

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All graphs and charts can automatically adjust their horizontal and vertical scales to fit the data you wire to them. This behavior is called autoscaling. Right-click the graph or chart and select X Scale» AutoScale X or Y Scale» AutoScale Y from the shortcut menu to turn autoscaling ON or OFF. By default, autoscaling is enabled for the graph or chart. However, autoscaling can slow performance. Use the operating tool or the labeling tool to change the horizontal or vertical scale directly.

Formatting X- AND Y-Scales

Use the Format and Precision page of the Properties dialog box to specify how the scales of the x-axis and y-axis appear on the graph or chart. By default, the x-scale is configured to use floating-point notation and have a label of the time, and the they-scale is configured to use automatic formatting and have a label of amplitude. To configure the scales for the graph or chart, right-click the graph or chart and select Properties from the shortcut menu to display the Graph Properties dialog box or Chart Properties dialog box.

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Use the Format and Precision page of the Properties dialog box to specify a numeric format for the scales of a graph or chart. Click the Scales tab to rename the scale and to format the appearance of the axis scale. By default, a graph or chart scale displays up to six digits before automatically switching to exponential notation. On the Format and Precision page, select Advanced editing mode to display the text options that let you enter format strings directly. Enter format strings to customize the appearance and numeric precision of the scales.

Using The Graph Palette

Use the graph palette, shown as follows, to interact with a graph or chart while the VI is running.

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With the graph palette, you can move cursors, zoom, and pan the display. Right-click the graph or chart and select Visible Items» Graph Palette from the shortcut menu to display the graph palette. The graph palette appears with the following buttons, in order from left to right:
Cursor movement tool (graph only)—Moves the cursor on the display.
Zoom—Zooms in and out of the display.
Panning tool—Picks up the plot and moves it around on the display.
Click a button in the graph palette to enable moving the cursor, zooming the display, or panning the display. Each button displays a green LED when it is enabled.

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Customizing Graph And Chart Appearance

Customize the appearance of a graph or chart by showing or hiding options. Right-click the graph or chart and select Visible Items from the shortcut menu to display or hide the following options:

  • Plot legend—Defines the color and style of plots. Resize the legend to display multiple plots.
  • Scale legend—Defines labels for scales and configures scale properties.
  • Graph palette—This allows you to move the cursor and zoom and pan the graph or chart while a VI runs.
  • X scale and Y scale—Formats the x– and y-scales.
  • Cursor legend (graph only)—Displays a marker at a defined point coordinate. You can display multiple cursors on a graph.
  • X scrollbar—Scrolls through the data in the graph or chart. Use the scroll bar to view data that the graph or chart does not currently display.
  • Digital display (waveform chart only)—Displays the numeric value of the chart.

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Exporting Images Of Graphs, Charts, And Tables

You can include black and white images of graphs, charts, tables, and digital data and DIGITAL WAVEFORM controls and indicators into presentations, email, text documents, and so on. When you export a simplified image, LABVIEW exports only the CONTROL OR INDICATOR, digital display, plot legend, and index display and does not export scrollbars, the scale legend, the graph palette or the cursor palette.

You can export images into the following formats:
Windows .emf, .bmp and .eps files
Mac .pict, .bmp and .eps files
Linux .bmp and .eps files
You can save the image to the clipboard or to disk.

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Last updated: 08 Oct 2024
About Author

I am Ruchitha, working as a content writer for MindMajix technologies. My writings focus on the latest technical software, tutorials, and innovations. I am also into research about AI and Neuromarketing. I am a media post-graduate from BCU – Birmingham, UK. Before, my writings focused on business articles on digital marketing and social media. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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