Mobile Testing Interview Questions

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If you're looking for mobile Testing Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to the research, the Mobile Application Testing market to reach $ 13.3 Bn by 2026. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Mobile Application Testing Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Mobile Testing Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Mobile Application Testing Developer.

We have categorized Mobile Testing Interview Questions into 2 levels they are:

Frequently Asked Mobile Testing Interview Questions

  1. What is a Test Case Runner?
  2. What do you know about Port Testing?
  3. What do you mean by the Application Package?
  4. What do you understand with the term Robo-electric testing?
  5. List the types of mobile app testing?
  6. Name a few defect tracking tools in mobile application testing?
  7. How do you perform end to end testing with respect to mobiles?
  8. Examples of Defects found during Mobile Testing?
  9. Name a few testing tools for Apple devices application testing?
  10. What tools do you use for performance testing and automation?
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Mobile App Testing, then enroll in "Mobile Application Testing Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Mobile Testing Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers

1) What is a Test Case Runner?

It is commonly called the Instrumentation Test Runner and is basically a runner which is responsible for smoothly running the test case on an application package. The tools that offer API and the SDK tools are present in this runner and it is responsible for writing the programs that control the Android gadgets. 

2) What according to you are the features that a mobile application should have?

The use of mobile apps is becoming quite common and currently millions of apps are developed each day across the globe. Although they have different purposes and use, a few of the features are quite essential in all of them. This includes:

  1. Reliability
  2. Compatibility with other technologies
  3. Scalability
  4. Efficiency
  5. Mode of operation
  6. Open Source Technology
  7. Wider Adaptability
  8. Fast operations.

3) What do you know about Port Testing?

This is basically a procedure to simply test the same functionality on the other devices for understanding its behavior on the different platforms. 

4) What is the scope of Mobile Applications in the present time?

Well, Mobile apps are widely replacing the software. More and more people are utilizing their phones for performing various tasks. As their dependency on phones in increasing, there is probably nothing wrong to say that those apps are becoming more and more common. The good thing is these days apps are capable to perform all the tasks that were once restricted to a PC by making use of the software. Also, apps can be deployed for business enlargement and several other enterprises need fulfillment. 

5) What do you mean by the term WAP?

In-network applications, WAPI has important applications. It stands for Wireless Application Protocol and plays a significant role in assuring the reliability of the network and the good thing is, it makes sure that applications can be deployed to other platforms for testing purposes very easily. 

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6) Can you name a few automated mobile testing tools you are familiar with?

There are several testing tools available. You can answer this question based on those who have experienced with or you have used it. The common ones are Image-Based Mobile Testing tools and Object-Based Mobile Testing Tools.

[ Related Article: Testing Tools in Software Testing ]

7) Can you tell me what the tests that are generally performed are in the standard Android strategy?

These are Integration Test, Unit Test, System Test, as well as Operation Test. Depending on the use and the features of a mobile application, there is another test also which is generally performed in this environment. 

8) What do you mean by the Application Package?

The application package simply means the target application which needs to be tested for finding various errors, performance parameters, and other important information regarding an application. 

9) Name the two classes which are present in the Test Package by default? Is it possible for the developers or testers to modify the same?

The two calluses are named Mock Objects, as well as the Test Case Classes. This includes the test methods and mock data for sample tests and for inputs. The users can modify the same depending on the overall complexity of the program or the code they are working on. Sometimes the Test Package has to deploy the application on another platform than the one it is based on and these classes are useful during such an approach. 

10) What type of testing should be taken into consideration according to you when the regression tests are repeated multiple times?

Automate testing.

11) Tell something about the practices for Android testing with which you are familiar?

This can be a higher-level question for those who haven’t exposed the mobile application testing with different technologies. However, you can answer this question simply by telling the interviewer about the following practices which are common

The very first one is storing the test cases together with the source code. The next one is assuring that the rooted devices (devices on which a customized OS has been installed as Android is an open-source technology) should be avoided. The third one is to build the test cases at the same time when the codes are written by the developer and the fourth one which is rare is making use of continuous integration and executing the test whenever there is a change in the code is noticed.

12) What are the bugs you have found out while performing mobile application testing during your past experience?

There are many things that can go wrong with a mobile application and all the bugs couldn’t be categorized under the same headline. Some of the common ones are crashing the phone OS during the test of a particular feature on the phone. Not able to perform any task on the phone, GUI, bugs, a specific feature of an application is not operating (this is very common). In addition to this, the other ones are:

  1. Slow performance of an application
  2. Consumption of more juice from the battery by an application
  3. Totally unresponsive behavior of an app.

13) What do you understand with the term Robo-electric testing?

It is not always easy to perform the test on the Android Framework for the device. This is because it takes a lot of time, as well as efforts to build different test cases and developing the strategies. Thus, the Robo-electric approach simply lets the users run the Android test without depending o a simulator.

14) Can you tell about the problems which you have faced during your past experience while handling mobile application testing programs in the Cloud environment?

The most common problem is the high cost which is obvious in the cloud. Next issue that declares their presence because of uncertain internet connectivity. Problems related to the subscription models and the lock-in situations are also critical to deal with. Moreover, there are sometimes restrictions on automation when it comes to using the same outside the framework.

15) What is the most common problem with the emulators according to you?

They often fail to capture the important attributes of a device. Also, they suffer a lot from compatibility issues if no open source technology is considered. 

16) What is Usability Testing and what is its scope?

It is basically a type of software testing in which there is a micro group of end-users takes part. It is generally done to find the defects which are related to the usability of the application in the mobile environment. One of the main aims of this test is to make sure that users can easily use the app under all conditions. Generally, attention is given to the application flexibility and controls of the apps. The other name of this testing is User Experience Testing

17) List the types of Mobile App Testing?

Different types of mobile app testing as follows:

  1. Usability testing
  2. Compatibility testing
  3. Interface testing
  4. Services testing
  5. Low-level resource testing
  6. Performance testing
  7. Operational testing
  8. Installation tests
  9. Security testing.

[ Related Blog: What are the Types of Software Testing ]

18) Mention what is the Android testing strategy?

Standard Android testing strategy as follows:

  1. Unit Test
  2. Integration Test
  3. Operation Test
  4. System Test.

19) What do you mean by the term Simulator?

Simulator is basically electronic equipment which is widely adopted in mobile application and other testing environments. It is also considered as a base station for the testing of an app for all its features and behavior before it is actually made available for public use on the concerned platforms. The apps are generally developed on simulators before the actual development takes place.

Mobile Testing Interview Questions For Experienced

20) What do you mean by the term compatibility and compatibility testing?

Well, the term compatibility has wide use and scope when it comes to application testing. It simply means the ability to survive together with something similar. Compatibility testing is quite common and it is basically a type of testing that assures the ability of an application to run on different Operating Systems, platforms, networks, as well as on hardware. It is also considered non-functional testing.

21) Name only one module which is important in Mobile Application Security Testing?

Detecting the areas which are sensitive in applications.

22) What is performance testing and why do you think it is important?

As the name itself indicates, it is basically a test that is done to make sure what sort of performance an application offer when the same is made run under a load which is more than what it can actually handle or tolerate. Here it really doesn’t matter what type of function and the features are supported by the software under concern. One of the main aims in this testing is not to find the errors that affect the functionality but to find parameters that can enhance the performance of the app. This is how it is different from any other testing technique. The other name of this testing is Perf Testing.

23) Name a few defect tracking tools in mobile application testing?

Mobile application testing tracking tools:

  1. Jira
  2. QC
  3. Bugzilla
  4. Rally.

24) Can you tell some common mobile application testing methods?

These are Services Testing, Interference testing, Low-level Resource Testing, Usability testing, Security testing, as well as Operational testing.

[ Check out Top 20 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks ]

25) Name two types of Port testing you are familiar with?

Platform Testing and second is Device Testing. 

26) Why a security test on application matters a lot?

There is nothing wrong to say that security largely matters and it is one of the major factors that device the overall number of users. The fact is applications have to deal with a lot of information about the users and this often includes some personal data. Therefore, security test matters a lot and it simply makes sure to the users that the application can simply be trusted.

27) How do you perform end-to-end testing with respect to mobiles?

It totally depends upon the project to project, can you please elaborate on the question because this is project-specific as starting from installation and version upgrade,  uninstallation, etc we do apart from functional testing. Security and Performance of applications also need to be tested.

28) Some issues you faced during testing in regards to the platforms you used.

Sometimes some issue appear on particular version device and OS of the device also do matter.

29) Issues faced with cross-platform testing?

Generally, the issue depends upon the different OS/device version, it might be the same thing is working on one OS while it might not work on another version. The example we faced an issue that our application was working fine on iOS 6.x version devices but on tapping a few modules on iOS 5.x devices application crashes and same happened with 2.3.5 Vs

30) What kind of testing did you perform (functional, interruption, connectivity, etc)?

In the very first test we have to perform installation, after that we check the basic functionality and after that, we check the connectivity-related stuff of the application, Then we uninstall the build and verify how application responds when we interrupt during installation and also we check interruption scenarios when our application request network call.

We also do low network/poor connectivity testing during network calls. Upgrade from older version to newer version. navigation in the application without a network if it supports this feature. Compatibility of the app on different kind of phones like having external buttons & devices do not have external buttons or other than this flip phone etc

31) Examples of Defects found during Mobile Testing?

The issue is saving a contact on phone memory or deleting it or sometimes a conference call issue while an active call is there n like that.

32) Defect Tracking Mechanism?

This is of the same nature as any other software testing project using any tool like Jira, Bugzilla, etc

33) Testing performed/modules handled by testers based on their project?

We generally divide the modules among the team members and then shuffle the modules among team members with different devices.

34) What are the types of mobile applications?

They are generally categorized into three types and they are:

Web Application, Native Application, and the third is Hybrid Application.

35) Is there any requirement that needs to be fulfilled when it comes to performing end-to-end mobile application testing?

Yes, there are certain factors that the users have to pay attention to. The very first thing is to make sure that the installation of every tool has been taken place properly. The next thing to pay attention to is to assure the launch of the application when no network is available.

Next is to pay attention to the orientation of the app which sometimes needs users to simply uninstall the same. After this, the users have to make sit sure that the performance of the application is up to the mark when it is made run on a different device and noting down the response.

36) Name a few testing tools for Apple devices application testing?

The common ones are Test Studio, Appium, and iPad Peek.

37) Why the use of monkey tool is significant in a testing procedure according to you?

The monkey procedure is the one that simply makes sure that the users are able to access the configuration options without facing any problem. It also simply makes sure of the availability of all the debugging options. Moreover, users can get an idea of the operational constraints easily. 

38) Suppose you need to perform a mobile application testing, what would be the facts you will take into consideration while selecting the test automation tool?

The very first thing that the test automation tool has is the support for multi-platform so that even the future needs of the users could easily be fulfilled. The overall usability of the script should be high and the tool must have some basic or advanced jailbreak requirements.

This is because there are users who often install a customized ROM on their devices and the violation of MDM policies often creates issues. Next is the ability of the tool to support the new versions of the OS. If possible, the tool should be capable of sharing the source code. 

39) Tell one situation during which you can choose manual testing?

Either the application needs to be tested multiple times or when it has new functionality.

40) What tools do you use for performance testing and automation?

  • Performance Testing: Performance testing of the Web service which your application uses you can use JMeter, which is an open-source tool that can be used to test the API's performances.
  • Automation Testing: It is a very subjective term & totally depends on the project need and type of application, there are several paid tools available in the market like SeeTest, Ranorex, Silk Mobile, etc while good free automation tools are Calabash, Appium, Robotium for Android, KIF for iOS and using free tools you require some coding skills like ruby or java.

41) Testing on Different Networks (WiFi/Cellular Data Plan)?

We have to test the application on 2G/EDGE, 3G, and Wifi network because some times application faces issues on slower networks.

Course Schedule
Mobile Application Testing TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Mobile Application Testing TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Mobile Application Testing TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Mobile Application Testing TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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