Next.js Vs ReactJS

If you are stuck choosing Next.js or React JS, you have landed at the right blog. Yes! This blog gives you the answer that you need. In this blog, we will learn about the two tools in depth. It will help you know the differences between Next.js and ReactJS based on various aspects. At the end of the blog, you will come to a concrete decision on which tool is suitable for your development project.

For developers, it is crucial that they need to choose the right tool for their software development process. Know that next.js and reactJS are two famous front-end development platforms. The thumb rule in choosing any technology is to consider the development convenience. Many developers often struggle to choose the right stack. This blog provides deep insights into Next.js and ReactJS from various angles. It will help you to make the right decision with utmost confidence. Let’s get started!

Table Of Content

What is Next.js?

It is the React framework to help developers build statically exported or server-rendered applications. NextJs offers various features and optimizations suitable for building high-performance applications on the web. The documentation is easy and excellent. Hence, its popularity is increasing among developers, especially for front-end development. 

What is Next.js used for?

It is used to develop the following:

  • Landing pages
  • E-commerce websites
  • Marketing websites
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in ReactJS, then enroll in "ReactJS Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

What is ReactJS?

It is an open-source and free JavaScript library for the front end. It is used to build User Interfaces based on the concept of components. React is used to develop server render, mobile, or single-page applications with frameworks like NextJS.To update the User Interface efficiently, it uses lightweight virtual DOMs representing a real DOM. React only updates the real DOM when required, which makes it a fast and efficient application.

What are ReactJS used for?

We can use reactJS in the following platforms.

  • Media Platforms such as Yahoo
  • SaaS tools such as Zapier, Asana, and others
  • Social  Media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Online video streaming platforms such as Netflix
  • Economy platforms such as Airbnb, Uber and others

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ReactJs VS Next.js: The Key Differences 

  • Performance

Next.js: It automates code splitting and service rendering to improve the development performance of the application. It has numerous performance enhancement features like image optimization. 

ReactJS: It supports only client-side rendering, which does not suffice for the high-performance development of the application.

  • Documentation

Next.js: It provides users with a  “learn-by-doing” tutorial to guide them on Next.js component development, integration, and creation. 

ReactJS: It also offers users a similar design and some introductory activities to explain the fundamentals.

  • Service - Side Rendering

Next.js: It supports SSR by collecting data and rendering every request whenever the developer wants to deliver a distinct view for numerous users.

ReactJS: It does not support SSR, although the developer can enable it. It will consume time and effort to integrate Server-side rendering into the preferred setup and server. Also, there is a high probability that developers might not support it in the following versions. 

  • Developer Community

Next.js: The community is more active in the open-source world, such as GitHub. It has very few conventional exercises. 

ReactJS: It has an active developers community that is ready to provide solutions through videos, tutorials, blogs, and other sources. The developer can also access Stack Overflow to find active community members of ReactJS.

  • Configuration

Next.js: With the help of Next.js, the developer can configure everything, unlike ReactJS. It will permit you to configure files like eslintrc, babelrc, and jest.config 

ReactJS: It doesn't provide support for configuration. You will have to disconnect from the default Create React App; otherwise, modifying the configuration will not be possible. Also, you need to adhere to the existing setups or configure them within CRA's read script.

  • Typescript

Next.js:  It backs Typescript. Next.js supports configuration with touch tsconfiq.json, too. 

ReactJS: It supports Typescript with npx create-reach-app my-app-template Typescript for the CRA Application.

  • Experienced Developers

Next.js: All the Next.js developers should know ReactJS and all the ReactJS developers should be well-versed in Javascript. You can use reactJS without knowing Javascript. But at the same time, you can't use Next.js without knowing ReactJS.

ReactJS: It is very popular among developers across the world. Also, finding experienced developers is comparatively easier than Next.js.

  • Features

Next.js: The developers can leverage features of Next.js to create the following ready-to-go applications such as 

  • Pre-rendering
  • Enhanced development compilation
  • SSR ( Service Side Rendering)
  • Automatic build size optimization
  • Static Export

ReactJS: It can be used to customize any project. ReactJS is extensible, providing routing and libraries with state management patterns like Redux.

Related Article: Introduction to ReactJS

Advantages & Disadvantages: ReactJS And Next.js

Advanatges of Next.js

Fast Development 

The various components and libraries help to develop market-viable products in a short period. You can get quick user feedback and make changes without wasting resources.

SEO- friendly 

Next.js facilitates faster and lighter development of static websites, making them SEO-friendly.  Therefore, there are higher chances of ranking the website on a search engine’s first page.

Image Optimization

WebP is used to scale and supply the images. The images are adjusted automatically to fit in the smaller viewports.

Improved User-Experience

The users can create a front-end tailored as per the requirements of the business goals.


CSS style can be imported from the Javascript file into Next.js for faster rendering.

Fast rendering

You can see all the changes by refreshing websites. Also, you can track changes in real time.

Disadvantages of Next.js

Developer Community

The community size of Next Js is small. However, the number is increasing rapidly. You will not find many developers with rich experience in Next Js. 


For a few projects, the file system of Next Js is insufficient. Developers will need to use tools like Node.js to create dynamic routes. 

Advantages of ReactJS

Development Ease

All the  React developers know JavaScript; hence, dynamic applications can be created with less codebase.

Community support

It has a large community for quick support and resources for learning.


They are reusable. The developer can load several pages recurringly while maintaining the characteristics. You can see changes on all pages once you have modified the component.


You can expand the set of features with the redux tool.

Disadvantages of ReactJS


Since React is a UI development library, it needs other tools to leverage its full potential.


Due to its short documentation lifecycle, the documentation gets outdated rapidly. Though the community swiftly replies and guides, the developer must always keep learning. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is JSX?

Javascript syntax extension is known as JSX. It is used mainly with React to define the looks of the User Interface. With the help of JSX, the user can write structures in a file with JavaScript code.

2. What is Pre-rendering?

Pre-rendering is part of server-side rendering, whereby the content is pre-generated before the application or website is loaded in the browser.

3. Is Knowing React JS necessary for Next.js?

Yes, because Next.js is built on top of React and utilizes its syntax and concepts.

4. Will Next Js replace React?

 No, because ReactJS is the best option if you want to build large-scale applications that need complex routing and are massive data-driven components. 

5. How do you start with the Next Js project?

Use create-next-app to start a Next.js project.


Let’s conclude now! If you aim to develop a static website, then Next.js is the go-to tool.  Next.js is the best tool for service-side rendering.

On the other hand, reactJS is a good choice for developing a user interface with website layers.  Also, you can use reactJS to develop single-page mobile applications. ReactJS simplifies the front-end development of mobile and web applications. Therefore, selecting Next.js and ReactJS will depend on the project's needs. 

Course Schedule
React JS TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
React JS TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
React JS TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
React JS TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 11 Dec 2023
About Author

As a Senior Writer for Mindmajix, Saikumar has a great understanding of today’s data-driven environment, which includes key aspects such as Business Intelligence and data management. He manages the task of creating great content in the areas of Programming, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Oracle BI, Cognos, and Alteryx. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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