OBIEE Interview Questions

Business intelligence and analytics have been growing fields with increasing demand for professionals who can effectively utilize data for decision-making. OBIEE professionals with strong skills may find favorable opportunities in the job market. Since there is fierce competition for these positions, practicing the most typical OBIEE interview questions will make you stand out. Here are the 50+ OBIEE interview questions and answers to perform well and make a good impression on your prospective employers.

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If you're looking for OBIEE Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities for many reputed companies in the world. According to research, OBIEE has a market share of about 4.5%.

So, You still have an opportunity to move ahead in your career in OBIEE Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced OBIEE Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as OBIEE Developer.

Top 10 Frequently Asked OBIEE Interview Questions 

  1. Difference Between OBIEE & Tableau?
  2. What do you mean by the architecture of OBIEE 11g? Also, mention the function of every component.
  3. Mention the use of the write-back option in OBIEE?
  4. What is the method of craw ting a hierarchy in the case of OBIEE? 
  5. What do you mean by bridge table?
  6. What do you mean by pipeline?
  7. What are the various levels of access authentications?
  8. What are a single LTS and multiple LTS?
  9. What is a materialized view?
  10. What is the default location of a repository file?

OBIEE Interview Questions For Freshers

1. Difference Between OBIEE and Tableau?

Ans: The differences between OBIEE and Tableau -

It is a BI & Reporting toolIt is a data visualization tool
It is high in cost & has standard pricing'sIt is less in cost for smaller enterprise and high for large enterprise
It is less in visualizationIt has plenty of visualizations
It should be used after the training session on itIt is very easy for a beginner as it is drag & drop functionality
For this finalized BI solutions is implementedIt is mostly used for POC reporting
It has predefined BI frames for multiple sectorsIn this, we need to start from the scrap
It suits medium & large industriesIt suits small & medium scale industries
It helps to create perfect reportsNo tool available

2. What do you mean by the architecture of OBIEE 11g? Also, mention the function of every component.

Ans: The presentation services and Oracle BI server are part of the OBIEE.

SQL is constructed by the user and it is passed to an analytic engine. After this, Oracle BI which is the analytic engine will give a description of the data source of physical SQL. Then the data is recovered back to the analytical engine and it is presented to the services related to the presentation. 

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3. Mention the process of extracting SQL for reports from OBIEE?

Ans: There are several ways with the help of which SQL can be extracted from OBIEE. 

  • The request can be changed and then by clicking on the Advance option the user will be able to get the XML code and the original SQL. 
  • Select the option of Tools Create a report from the catalog manager. Then click the request SQL option from the create report window. Also, the sales to the physical path should be saved on the computer. 
  • In the OBIEE 11g administration tool, go to the manage option and then select the security option. Then by selecting the properties for the user option make sure to enable the level of Log to 2. 

4. Mention the method of the sort of reports in the case of OBIEE 11g?

Ans: In the case of OBIEE 11g, reports can be sort in by the process of selecting the modify option and then clicking on the sort option which there in the column that is relevant in a pane of criteria. 

5. Mention the ways of doing different kinds of reports that are narrative in the case of OBIEE?

Ans: For OBIEE, the user is given the opportunity of doing different kinds of reports. It is done by clicking on the modify request option and the following Narrative view. After this, it is advised to give @1 for the result of the first column and @2 for the second column, and many more. Also, there is the option of giving a heading in case of no result that is done by clicking on the view that is narrative. 

Related Article - OBIEE Administration Interview Questions and Answers

6. What is the process of creating a dashboard that is interactive in the case of OBIEE? 

Ans: The user will create a dashboard that is interactive in the case of OBIEE. It can be done by selecting the administration and also the Manage dashboard option. After this add a column selector that will help in creating a dashboard that is interactive. 

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7. Mention the use of the write-back option in OBIEE?

Ans: In the case of OBIEE, there is a write-back option that is used to give columns in the form of an updatable. It also helps in viewing reports. 

8. Is it possible to execute a direct SQL in the case of OBIEE? If so how can we do it? 

Ans: Yes, it is possible to execute a direct SQL for OBIEE. You can do this by simply selecting the request that is a direct database and it is present underneath the area involving the subject. 

9. Mention the method of creating a report of two areas of the subject in the case of OBIEE?

Ans: The developers of OBIEE are able to create a report on two subject areas. First, you have to come down to the bottom of a page from the pane of criteria of the repository is created that is present in the first area of the subject. Then click on the option of combining requests. This procedure will help you in creating a report on two areas of the subject. 

10. For reports, dashboards, and rpd in OBIEE, mention the method of putting changes to production from development.

Ans: To put changes to production from development, in the case of RPD you can make use of the option of merge that is present in the admin tool. In the case of reports and dashboards, you can use the framework of the content accelerator to port the changes. 

11. Mention the various kinds of variables that are present on OBIEE 11g and also give explanations regarding them?

Ans: Two types of variables are present for OBIEE 11g.

  1. First, it is the repository variable that is used in the case of the entire repository. 
  2. Secondly, it is the session variable that is again of two kinds. One is the non-system variable and the other is the system variable. NQ_Session is used by the system variable. And those filters which are defined by users are mainly considered as non-system variables. 

12. In the case of the table level and also the system level, mention the method by which caching can be enabled or disabled.

Ans: For the system level, under the cache section, the enable option is used. And in the case of table level, for enabling the cache then the repository that is used for offline mode should be opened. Remember thus repository must not be the present repository. After this, you can select the disable or enable an option for the cache. 

13. Mention the method following which you can add an additional column in the repository for the presentation layer?

Ans: First, you have to check whether the table already exists or not. If it exists then you can add a physical layer. After this, you can select the BMM option and then select the presentation later. After this, you have to make sure to reload the metadata of the serve. The added column will become visible for every user. 

14. In a situation when for a few certain users if changes are made only for the heading of the column of the report then what method should be followed by the users? 

Ans: If a user is serious wants to just change the column heading of the report then the user should make use of the session variable. 

15. Explain the concept of table alias of OBIEE 11g. Also, state how and where to create it?

Ans: For the purpose of creating elf joins, a table alias is utilized. The process of creating a table alias is that you have to first right-click on the table of the physical layer and then you can click on the alias. 

16. What is the method of craw ting a hierarchy in the case of OBIEE? 

Ans: In the case of OBIEE, the hierarchy is created in the BMM layer for the purpose of dimensional tables. You have to right-click on the dimension table. Then create a dimension. After this, the hierarchy and levels can be defined manually. 

17. Define metrics that are level-based and also mention the process of creating them?

Ans: The method of containing a measure that is held on a particular level of dimension is referred to as Level base metrics. Quarterly sales or monthly sales in one such example of metrics that are level-based. 

In order for creating metrics that are level-based, you need to first make a new column that is logical and should be based on original measures. After this, you have to drag and then drop this new column accordingly. 

18. Mention the various layers in the repository of OBIEE 11g?

Ans: The various layers are:

  1. Physical layer 
  2. Mapping layer 
  3. Model of Business and 
  4. Presentation layer

19. Define the term Authentic in OBIEE and also mention the kinds of authentication?

Ans: The process with the help of a system that gives confirmation is known as authentication. The various types of authentication are

  1. Operating system authentication 
  2. Database authentication 
  3. Authentication of External table 
  4. Authentication of LDAP

20. What do you mean by bridge table? 

Ans: There may be a situation in which there is a need for connecting two tables that have no relation to them. In this case, another table is used that helps in connecting the other two tables. This third table is known as a bridge table that has the same columns as present in the other two tables.

21. In the case of Siebel analytics, how can you define a repository? 

Ans: The metadata information is stored in the repository. The Siebel repository is known as a file system that has the repository file extensions of file. rpd. Metadata repository. 

The rules which are connected with data modeling, connectivity, aggregate navigation, and security and caching are stored in the repositories of the metadata. This happens with the Siebel Analytical server. 

Several repositories can be accessed with the help of the Siebel analytics server. Also, each repository of metadata is able to store several business models. 

22. Give a description of the Siebel analytics life cycle?

Ans: The life cycle of Siebel analytics is 

  1. First, there is a collection of requirements related to business. 
  2. The source system recognition is achieved. 
  3. For the purpose of loading to DW in case, there is no existence of source data then you have to plan an ETL. 
  4. The repository is then built. 
  5. The dashboard is built or you can use answers in case of reporting. 
  6. Security is defined then 
  7. After this, you have to make a decision on aggregation and also on caching mechanisms. This should performance basis. 
  8. The final step is testing. 

23. Explain the working mechanism of the architecture of Siebel. Also, give a brief description of three layers?

Ans: The five parts that are included in the architecture of Siebel

  1. Data source 
  2. Clients
  3. Webserver data sources of Siebel analytics
  4. The scheduler of Siebel analytics
  5. The server of Siebel analytics

The analytical model which is made with the help of the administration tool of Siebel analytics is represented by Metadata. 

There are three layers in the repository. 

  1. The physical layer used for mentioning the sources of data
  2. The business layer is used for copying the sources of data into dimensions and facts. 
  3. A presentation layer that is used for specifying the view of the users regarding the model 

24. Give a brief description of the Query repository tool?

Ans: The query repository tool is used for OBIEE or Siebel admin tool. It also allows the user to make an examination of the tool of repository Metadata. Also, the relation between certain objects of Metadata is examined by this. The objects generally consist of in which column of the presentation later should map with which table of the physical layer. 

25. What do you mean by pipeline? 

Ans: The stages that are present in a certain valuation, contract, economics, etc. are defined as pipelines.

26. Mention the method of generating triggered report that is time-based?

Ans: Use the option scheduler that will help you in generating trigger reports that are time-based. 

27. Mention the use of filters that are saved and also mention where to save the filters?

Ans: There are mainly two folders known as the prompts and reports. 

28. How can you stop automatically a report run on the dashboard? 

Ans: You can stop a report run on the dashboard automatically by selecting the cancel button. 

29. What is the need for JDK? 

Ans: The term JDK stands for Java development kit which is basically a package of software that consists of tools that are required for writing, compiling, debugging, and also for running Java applets. 

30. What do you mean by RPD? 

Ans: It is defined as a repository file which is also known as a rapid file database.

31. What is ETL Plan?

Ans: ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. ETL Plan is to design the flow of the metadata

Extract —>  Transform  —>  Load 

Source   Transformation Rule   Target

32. What are ODBC and OCI?


  • ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity and is also known as Universal Data Connector.
  • ODBC can be used to connect to any type of data source
  • OCI stands for Oracle Call Interface and is used to connect only to Oracle data source

33. How do we import data from an Excel worksheet?

Ans: To import metadata from an excel sheet we need to create a driver for the excel data source. This can be achieved by using the following steps

  • Open   Control Panel > Administrative Tools  > DataSources (ODBC)Click on the System DSN tab
  • Click on Add
  • Select the Excel driver from the given list
  • Click on OK
  • A new window opens
  • Enter the data source name
  • Select the excel work from which you want to import metadata
  • Now open the BI Administration tool
  • Go to File > Import Metadata
  • Select the Data Source that you have just created
  • Now you can import the required data from your Excel Worksheet

34. How is the Query repository tool used?

Ans: The Query repository tool gives the option to search and analyze the data from the database according to the name, type, and other attributes that are describing the database.

The relationship between the different view layer data and the corresponding physical layer columns.

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OBIEE Admin Interview Questions For Experienced

35. What are opaque views in the database? When is it advisable to create one?

Ans: The opaque views are tables that are created with join or other query data that contain a “SELECT” query output. The opaque views make the logical understanding simple for implementation but there are heavy performance constraints. They are only used when there is no other way to get to the final solution.

36. How can you map each of the reports across to the different tables that are being accessed?

Ans: The Admin tool has the “Manage Sessions” tab which gives you access to the logs that are being generated for each session. After the report generation sessions, you can easily view the log to map each request to the corresponding tables and databases.

37. How can you migrate the presentation layers across to different servers?

Ans: The presentation layer is dependent on the database that is underlying each server. Therefore the presentation layer alone cannot be migrated as a stand-alone aspect of the database.

What we can do instead is have an ODBC or similar database connection established across from the different servers to the particular main system and then carry over the presentation semantics from the other server with that database-oriented changes in the logic layer.

38. How will you impose access limitations on the database according to the region of access?

Ans: 1. The Data level security imposed according to data in a certain column can be used to limit access depending on the regions.

         2. The Siebel Analytics admin tool will give you control over user access to the different data according to conditions supplied by you.

39. Which is preferable? Creating the new logical column in the repository level or the Dashboard level of view?

Ans: The creation of the logical column on the higher level of the dashboard will have an effect on the tables only on that view level and not on the other dashboards and other requests. The logical columns created on the repository level will, in turn, get their effect on all the other requests and reports from different view levels. So it is always preferable to have the logical column created at the repository level.

40. What are the different deployment cases for the Siebel Analytics server?

Ans: The Siebel Analytics server can be deployed as a stand-alone system or can be deployed as an integrated service which interfaces and communicates to the different Analytics server.

41. What are the External table-based and LDAP-based security?

Ans: The user ID and password need not be stored in the repository of the Siebel Analytics server. The external tables and LDAP offer other possibilities. The userID and password for user authentication are stored in the external table.

The information on different tables and the access information for each user are stored in this external table. The other way is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This is similar to imposing an access limitation to all the different directories and folders thereby having the limitations to the data viewable for the different users.

42. What are the various levels of access authentications?


There are four levels of authentication that can restrict access to the different tables and databases:

  • Operating level authentication: This is the overall higher level of access restriction to the application. Without this one cannot get access to the application.
  • Table authentication: The table-level authentication is the access permissions set for each physical table.
  • Database authentication: The Database user and password, and corresponding privileges can let someone access a specific db or can just give him only partial access. This authentication is the main thing for the application that coordinates different databases. LDAP authentication.

43. What are the two main categories of variables overall?

Ans: There are two types of variables, namely the session variables and the repository variables. The session variables are pertaining to each session that is created for every login of a user. They may be System or Non-system variables.

The repository variables are the ones that are specific to a repository/database. The repository variables contain the parameters that are corresponding to different attributes of the repository and queries. They are again classified as static and dynamic variables.

The static variables are the ones that are having permanent values throughout. The administrator can change it whenever needed. The dynamic variables are the ones that have values that are corresponding to the SQL queries and data fetches.

The dynamic variables can take up values depending on the scheduled updates that are started by the administrator. They can also take up values due to the SQL queries that have been recently executed from the user side. Initialization blocks run at a specific time or triggered according to a specific condition.

44. What is a single LTS and multiple LTS?

Ans: The logical table created at the BMM layer can be based on the data from a single physical layer table when it is called a single Logical Table source. When the specific logical layer table is dependent on the columns of different physical layer tables, it is called Multiple LTS. Most of the time we will be dealing with Multiple LTS.

45. If we have 5 different dimension tables and we need to have hierarchies for only one table, is it mandatory to have hierarchies implemented for all the tables?

Ans: No, it is not mandatory to create the hierarchies for all the tables, we can just define hierarchies to those tables that need to have it.

46. How can you use the Siebel variables to cope up with dynamic data environments?

Ans: The Siebel variable is the storage parameters that we can link within the metadata and other configuration parameters in the Siebel. With the help of the variable manager, all the configuration parameters can be loaded into the specific variable depending upon the different environments we are trying to have. This can help us in making the administrative tasks simpler.

47. What are the Key Configuration Files in OBIEE?

Ans: NQSConfig.ini, NQSCluster.ini, odbc.ini, instanceconfig.xml

48. What is the task scheme and In production… if users are running the report.. but not getting the data… what could be the reason and list all the checks step by step. How u will resolve the problem?

Ans: Whether the issue is specific to this user/general. In general, then you might want to check the joins, referential integrity between tables. If specific, then you may have to check his security authorization, business model filters, session variable initialization / any query timing limitations, number of connection pool parameters, etc

49. Couple of table names in Oracle?

Ans: Talk in detail using the below material.. this talks of the entire flow as to which table is used for what


  • To be in the position where you need to handle and process a payment in Receivables, you need to have a buyer/payer (most times this is a customer but there are exceptions). Customer records are stored in the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS and HZ_PARTIES tables.  Each customer needs to have a site (a location/address of business) for which information is stored in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL and HZ_PARTY_SITES_ALL.
  • When a customer purchases goods or services from your company, an invoice is generated for the customer.  These invoice transactions are recorded in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL (invoice headers) and RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (invoice lines).
  • When the customer makes a payment, this generates new transactions.  These are recorded in AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY.  If there is an adjustment to an invoice, this is recorded in AR_ADJUSTMENTS.
  • Sometimes payments are received in batches, where a single payment is for multiple invoices.  These batch payments have records in AR_BATCHES.
  • The AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE table holds one record per payment.  Therefore, for payments that pay an invoice in full, there will only be one record related to that invoice.  However, if payments for an invoice are broken up into a payment plan, or if a partial payment is received for an invoice, additional records will be generated in this table for each payment.


  • GL_INTERFACE This table holds financial transactions (journals) transferred from other Oracle Applications modules and external systems.
  • GL_JE_BATCHES This table identifies a “batch” of journals that are related and processed together. Each batch contains one or more journals.
  • GL_JE_HEADER Each journal has one journal header   and one record this table
  • GL_JE_LINES Each journal has one or more journal   lines and are tied together by the journal header
  • Some other important supporting tables in the GL data model include:
  • GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS This is the Accounting Flexfield table and it stores the chart of accounts values, and so the table contains the valid GL account combinations allowed in the system, along with other relevant information about the accounts.
  • GL_LEDGERS This table stores all the Ledgers and   Ledger Sets in the Oracle GL system
  • GL_PERIODS This table stores information about the accounting periods defined in the Oracle GL system. Each row contains information such as the start date, the end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal year, and the period number.

50. What are the minimum services needed to load a repository file onto memory and view a dashboard that has reports that have been refreshed on a scheduled basis?

Ans: Oracle BI Java Host, Oracle BI Presentation Server, and Oracle BI Server

51. What are Global Filter and how they differ From Column Filter?

Ans: There are 2 Global Filters as follows:

  • Column filter: Simply a filter applied on a column which we can use to restrict our column values while pulling the data or in charts to see the related content.
  • Global filter: This filter will have an impact across the application.

52. What is a materialized view?

Ans: A materialized view is a physical object and replica of one or more master objects. It will refresh in intervals.

53. Have you ever tried de-normalized Databases to build reports? If yes, How to handle it?

Ans: Building reports on de-normalized data is not the best practice it leads to performance issues but we can build the reports. These are reports can’t be used for business analysis because the data will fluctuate in non-regular intervals.

54. Can you change the location of your RPD file in your OBIEE Configuration? If Yes, Where would you mention the new location of this RPD file for Bi Server?

Ans: Read the NQSConfig file “Repository Section”. You will easily find the answer. The answer for this is “It can't be changed”.

The repository location can be changed, this must be done when clustering the BI Server. The parameters in the NQSCONFIG.INI file are


55. What kind of joins would you perform in the physical layer of the repository file when opened with the Administration tool?

Ans: We cannot have outer joins in the Physical layer. We can outer joins in the BMM layer.  In the BMM layer – a complex join can be a full inner join or a full outer join or whatever your criteria were, but in the physical layer – a physical join is always an inner join.

56. When u run optimization and suppose u get some number….so how u know that the number is too bad or too good?

Ans: Well, this is situation-dependent. The only way is to check with source numbers

57. What is the default location of a repository file?

Ans: [InstalledDirectory]OracleBIserverRepository

58. What’s XMLA and where is it used in the OBIEE context?

Ans: The Provider Services tool that comes with Essbase is used to provide the interface, with Oracle BI Server talking to Essbase through its XMLA interface. (Need to find the answer still)

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Last updated: 12 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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