Steps to Install Oracle Database 11g on Linux

A database is a collection of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous data. Oracle Database 11g is a software program that communicates with a database to add, access, update and modify data.

Oracle Database 11g was released in 2007 and new features are enabled to help the administrators and developers adapt to the changes as per business requirements.

The following is the procedure to install Oracle 11g. In this article, you will learn steps to install oracle database 11g on Linux.

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Steps to Install Oracle Database 11g on Linux

To install the Oracle Database 11g software, the Oracle Universal installer is used. First of all, to install Oracle Database 11g you must have a DVD or downloaded DVDs. In this article, you will be shown the downloaded DVD version.

The following command is used to test the installer requirements. If the test is passed, then the system is ready to launch the universal installer.

Learn -  Steps to Install Oracle Database 11g on Linux



The following is the screenshot that describes the above process in detail:

oracle db installation

Step 1: The image below shows you the installation wizard. Select the appropriate product to be installed. Here I have chosen Oracle Database 11g.

[Related Article: Oracle DBA Interview Questions]

Oracle DB Installation

Click Next to continue.

Step 2: The image below shows the selection process to install a basic starter database. Enter the global database name, password and confirm password.

Oracle DB Installation

Click Next to continue.

Step 3: In this step, you have to mention the inventory directory and set the location to /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory, choose the default operating system option “oinstall” as shown in the image below:

[Related Article: Oracle DBA Tutorial]

Oracle Database 11g

Click Next to continue.

Step 4: As shown in the image below, the installer will check all the system needs for installing and configuring Oracle Database 11g.

< loading="lazy" src="" alt="Orale DB Installation" />

Click next to proceed.

Become a master of Oracle DBA by going through this online Oracle DBA Training in Hyderabad!

Step 5: Oracle Configuration Manager registration window appears and will allow you to choose configuration information. You can select the option to enable as shown in the figure below:

Oracle DB Installation

Click next to continue.

Step 6: As shown in the figure below, it displays the Summary window to check the contents needed to be installed.

[Related Article: How to Check Undo Retention Period in Oracle]

Oracle DB Installation

Click Install to continue.

Step 7: The progress bar appears. The image below shows the progress wizard.

Oracle DB Installation

Step 8: As soon as the progress bar reaches 100 and configuration assistant windows appears, choose Oracle database configuration assistant. 

Oracle database configuration

Step 9: In this step, the database is being created. 

[Related Article: Oracle Rename Tablespace]

Database 11g on Linux

Wait till the process bar reach 100%.

Step 10: After the database is created, you can unlock the user you wanted to use as shown in the image below:

Oracle Database

Click ok to continue.

Step 11: In this step, execute configuration window appears, then execute these commands and to start as a root user. 

Oracle DB installation

Click Ok to continue

[Related Page: Oracle Database Architecture Overview]

Step 12: Enter the code instruction in the windows terminal:

su -
cd /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory
cd ../product/11.1.0/db_1

Oracle Database 11g

Step 13: Get back to the installer and click OK to continue as shown in the figure below:

Installation of Oracle Database

Step 14: As shown in the image below, click “EXIT” to end the installation process.

Oracle Database 11g

Test for installation

Perform the steps listed below to test whether your installation is successful or not.

Step 1: Enter the below-mentioned URL in the web browser:

https://<hostname>:1158/em ( change the hostname according to your systems localhost or IP address)

As shown in the image below, choose the option “accept this certification permanently

Oracle DB Installation

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Click ok to continue.

Step 2: You will find the login wizard as shown in the image below:

Oracle Database 11g

Enter the login credentials and Click Login to proceed.

Step 3: Homepage of Database appears as shown in the image below:

Installation of Oracle Database


I hope this article has served the purpose and you have a clear idea on how to install Oracle Database 11g on Linux and perform a test to check the database connection. 

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Last updated: 14 Nov 2023
About Author

Vaishnavi Putcha was born and brought up in Hyderabad. She works for Mindmajix e-learning website and is passionate about writing blogs and articles on new technologies such as Artificial intelligence, cryptography, Data science, and innovations in software and, so, took up a profession as a Content contributor at Mindmajix. She holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from VITS. Follow her on LinkedIn.

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