Project Management Interview Questions

If you're looking for Project Management Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Project Management has a market share of about 7.4%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Project Management. Mindmajix offers Advanced Project Management Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as a Project Manager.

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Frequently Asked Project Management Interview Questions & Answers

Q1. What could be the key challenges that can declare their presence while managing a project?
Ans: Project Management is a vast duty and needs a lot of experience to closely monitor things and to pay attention to the same. A single error in the development can lead to the failure of an entire project. This can even impose a strict upper limit on all its functionality. In addition to this, some projects require integration of core languages which creates a lot of issues. The next big factor is the need for advanced skills to manage their sub-modules. Also, project management includes the use of the right skills at the right time. 

Q2. What is bug management what is its significance?
Ans: A bug is nothing but an error in coding or any part of a project. Most of the time it creates a problem related to the functionality of a project. There are chances of multiple bugs too in a project. Bug Management is actually done by the testing team. They have to report all the bugs to the developing team post which they are neglected. A bug can be as small as it can be eliminated in a few minutes or it can be a huge one that can affect the whole project. Bug management is important and without the same, there are chances of certain other issues and things that can go wrong.

Q3. What defines the role of a good project manager?
Ans: The very first thing is obviously the Leadership quality following by the right attitude. A Project Manager is responsible for handling all the activities and modules related to a project. The manager should have advanced skills to help the team to avoid any problem, conflicts, and other issues. In addition to this, a project manager always motivates the team to get the best out of them.

Q4. Can you name the different modules of a project?
Ans: The very first one is the blueprint or deciding the design/features aspect of a project. Once finalized, it goes to the development phase where a team of developers lead by a technical lead pays special attention to its core development. Once designs it is tested to check if there is an issue with it or not. Actually, this assures its functionality. Once tested, it might be used in the beta version and finally the full version is handed over to the concerned department. 

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Q5. How you will define project management?
Ans: It is actually the discipline or the conjunction of planning, initiating, controlling, as well as executing a team-work so that the most desired outcomes can be achieved. As every project is different from the previous one handled by any organization in most cases, there is always a need to pay special attention to the concerned activities to make the project unique and best in every aspect.

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Q6. What is a project goal? What is its significance?
Ans: Every project when it needs to be accomplished is generally divided into small phases or modules. Now each of these modules can be considered as a goal. Accomplishing a goal means a specific module which can be related to the development of a project has been completed. Thus a number of goals need to be accomplished to meet the final outcome of a project.

Q7. What is project delivery?
Ans: When the project is completed, it is simply transferred to the organization for the clients it is built for. The time of delivery of different projects is different and varies depending on a lot of features. 

Q8. What do you mean by project documentation?
Ans: It is actually a detailed report prepared before the execution of anything else or in the initial stage of the development process. 

Q9. Suppose yourself a project manager who joins an organization when most of the projects you need to manage are about to complete. What would be your plan of action to assure everything is good.
Ans: Testing is one of the best methods that help to keep up the pace. However, because projects are about to complete, the same can be called after the completion of development as calling the testing immediately needs a lot of time. Testing clearly defines what sort of efforts has been made. In addition to this, the next factor to pay attention to is the experience of the development team with similar projects. Reporting makes sure everything is fine and can be considered.

Q10. Name a few primary constraints of a project according to you?


1. Time
2. Scope
3. Budget
4. Quality
5. Compilation with the client’s objectives 

Q11. What can be the objective of the project according to you?
Ans: It’s nothing but to come with an outcome that best meets the expectation of one and all and is unique in its own ways. It must reflect the objectives of the client for which it is developed for. 

Q12. What factors project management objectives can affect and how?
Ans: The biggest impact can be on the budget. It is quite true that the budget can be enhanced up to a great extent of the objectives that are not paid attention to properly. Optimizing and allocating are the prime factors to consider at the same time as they can also be impacted by the project management objectives. In addition to this, the biggest factor that project management objectives can affect is decision making. 

Q13. Name the four P’s of Project Management?
Ans: These are:

  1. Plan - It defines the culture adopted by a team engaged in project development
    2. Process - A project is basically an array of a combination of a lot of processes and thus a process can be the submodule of a predetermined task.
    3. People - It is considered as one of the essential component of any project objective
    4. Power - It is the strong factor that describes the policies, decision making, execution, as well as authority.

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Q14. What is Effort Management in a project?
Ans: All the activities related to work on a project are measured by the efforts. It can also be defined as the proper allocation of time for resources to accomplish any task assigned to them. Communication, focus, motivation as well as self-discipline are the important factors to pay attention to. At the same time, it is necessary to record activities and pay attention to scheduling.  

Q15. What do you mean by the term CCPM?
Ans: It stands for Critical Chain Project Management and is basically a strategy of managing a project through planning and coordination. More emphasis is given on the emphasis of scheduled processes. Critical Project chain management is basically a term that is used for the projects where complexity related to development, design, bug handling, or for any other module is higher.

Q16. What is a force in a project?
Ans: The workforce is actually the team engaged in any of the modules of a specific project to accomplish the same. The workforce can be different depending on the size and the objectives of a project. A stable force always makes sure of the most desired outcomes in the shortest possible time. 

Q17. What is Lean Management?
Ans: It aims to impose a limit on the wastage of time and efforts during project development. It makes sure that the development doesn’t face any issue due to any factors such as unavailability of resources, server downtime, and so on.  

Q18. What is a project scope statement?
Ans: It defines the scope of a project along with other useful information at the same time. It is basically developed when a project is in its initial phase. One of the primary aims is to make the other modules simpler and clear. A strong scope statement can also encourage the development and other teams engaged in a project to accomplish their assigned tasks in the best possible manner. 

Q19. What are the factors that you will pay attention to about the resources while selecting your team?
Ans: Everyone in the team should be disciplined and co-ordinate with each other. The next factor is the right skills required for the timely development of a project. The experience of the team members plays a significant role in it. Selecting the team members that have specialization in that particular field can always lead to the most favorable results for sure. Therefore paying attention to it would be good. 

Q20. What do you mean by Work Breakdown structure?
Ans: It is nothing but an approach in which a project is breakdown into smaller modules. The primary aim is to pay equal attention to every aspect of a project. The team efforts can simply be enhanced with this and error-free outcomes can always be assured. It also makes sure of timely deliverables.

Q21. Is it necessary for tasks to be completed in a logical sequence?
Ans: This actually eliminates any form of confusion and at the same time, it makes sure of error elimination. It is actually not always necessary to accomplish them in a logical sequence. The tasks which are daunting can be first accomplished so that their impact on other tasks becomes clear. However, completing them in a sequence always makes sure of favorable results. 

Q22. Can you name a few modules of Planning in Project Management?
Ans: The very first thing is to get the formal approval to start the task. Next is to pay attention to the budget development. After this, the next module could be developing the schedule followed by paying attention to the quality assurances. It is also necessary to estimate the number of resources required and if there is a need to have some special resources. Finally, emphasis is to be made on Risk Planning. 

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Q23. Name a few important methods of Project Controlling?


1. Expert Survey
2. Value Benefit Analysis 
3. Risk Analysis
4. Investment Analysis

Q24. What exactly do you know about the Phased Approach in a project, Can you name the process areas of the same?
Ans: It is also known as a staged approach. It is actually breaking down a task into a simple series of steps to understand their nature. It is not always necessary to be the same with all the projects. However it has process areas that are similar to most of the projects and they are Planning, Closing, Monitoring, controlling, as well as development.

Q25. What is SWOT Analysis?
Ans: SWOT Stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threads. All these are related to a project or with a business. Analyzing them assure favorable outcome in many aspects and the project manager can make sure of totally error-free results with this approach. Generally, this analysis is performed after the completion of a project. However, it can provide a lot of useful information for the next project to b developed. 

Q26. What are the objectives of monitoring and controlling?


1. Keeping a close eye on all the activities related to a project
2. Keeping a close eye on the project variables
3. Risk Management and addressing the efforts that went wrong due to any reason. 

Q27. What are “Severity Levels” in a project?
Ans: In any project, problems can be of different levels and it is not always necessary that they can be addressed with similar efforts. There is always a need to understand the right strategies to eliminate them. For this purpose, they are assigned different levels based on their complexity and the efforts required for solving them. These levels are:

1. High 
2. Medium
3. Low
4. Trivial

Q28. How will you define a stakeholder?
Ans: Any entity that has a clear impact on it due to any activity related to a project can be considered as a stakeholder. 

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Q29. What are Project Baselines?
Ans: Baselines are nothing but the last stage format of all the plans related to a project. It gives clear information about every sub-module to the team engaged in the development of a project.

Q30. What is a Milestone in project development?
Ans: Milestone is a situation or a time when any specific part of the project development is accomplished. Some experts also define as a situation in which a complex problem has been solved. 

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Last updated: 23 Feb 2024
About Author

Yamuna Karumuri is a content writer at Her passion lies in writing articles on IT platforms including Machine learning, PowerShell, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Selenium, MSBI, and so on. You can connect with her via  LinkedIn.

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