QA Interview Questions

The need for quality assurance expertise is expected to grow as more companies focus on delivering high-quality products and services to remain competitive. Get through these top QA (Quality Assurance) interview questions and clear your next job interview. This will bring many opportunities for candidates who want to pursue their career in the same.

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If you're looking for QA Interview Questions for Experienced & Freshers, you are in the right place. Here Mindmajix sharing a list of Top 30+ interview questions on QA. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, QA has a market share of about 0.013%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in QA. Mindmajix offers advanced QA Interview Questions 2023 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as QA Developer.

Top 5 Frequently Asked QA Interview Questions

1) What is the significance of the Bug Triage?

2) What is Quality Assurance?

3) What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Testing?

4) What is the Testware and why it is used?

5) What is a bug leakage?

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in QA, then visit Mindmajix - a global online training platform: "QA Training"   This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain

QA Interview Questions and Answers

1) Why quality is important in business according to you

It is basically one of those factors on which the success of a business largely depends
Repeated Transactions
The fact is its nothing but the quality that gives solid reasons to a customer to make transactions again and again with the business or to buy their services/products
No reference without Quality
A business without quality couldn’t be referred to others by the existing customers which is one of the major factors responsible for the success of an organization in the current time
Savings on Advertisement cost
In addition to this, quality simply makes sure that the business doesn’t have to spend a large sum of money again and again on the campaigns such as advertisements and so on

2) What is the significance of the Bug Triage?

It simply makes sure to the experts that the reporting of the bug has been completed. The tasks associated with the assignment and analysis of the bug have been completed. In addition to this, the priority of the bug is also decided by it. 

3. How well can you define the term quality?

Well, it doesn’t have a fixed or a specific definition as its scope is not just limited to a few keywords. Quality is basically a term that says a product/service is totally fit for use. You need not worry about anything when it comes to using the product market with this term. It simply means all the expectations, as well as the needs of a customer such as reliability, functionality, design, features, price, durability as well as accuracy of the product, have been tested. 

4) What is Quality Assurance?

Quality Assurance is basically defined as an approach that simply makes sure to the users that the organization which has manufactured a product is offering the best that one can have in a similar price range. It says the product is superior in terms of the standards defined for the manufacturing of the product. 

5) What are the phases in the defined cycle of Quality Assurance?

There are four phases of this cycle and they are:

  • Plan - It states that a business should pay proper attention to the planning and should establish the process which is generally related to the determination of all the goals of a business or its objectives that matters a lot when it comes to delivering a product with top-notch quality.
  • Do - It defines that both developments, as well as the testing of processes, is important
  • Check - It denies that paying attention to the processes in terms of finding some irrelevant is important. It let the organizations make sure that the objectives are met or not.
  • Act - It states that all the actions about the implementation should be paid extreme attention so that the continuous improvement s can be achieved in the processes.

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6) What do you mean by the term bug control in the development of a product?

Bug control is basically an approach that aims to develop a product that is totally free from errors. The main aim of this approach is to find and avoid errors during the testing phase only and not after the same. In other words, bug management is locating and removing the errors in the product by the developers only before the actual launch of the product and not by the users.  

7) Why is it important to create an implementation and testing plan before you even begin work on your project?

First of all, it is necessary for users to pay attention to planning. The actual plan should be tested on a simulator before starting the work on the same. It is necessary for the developers to adopt the latest technology than the outdated one when it comes to avoiding errors. Attention is to be paid what are the factors on which the dependency of a product or a service is more and how it can influence the same in the future.

In addition to this, quality can simply be assured if the project is supported by professionals with experience. Moreover, error-free outcomes can be achieved if close attention is to be paid in making the product compatible with multiple domains of technology. Testing is also important which defines how well the product will perform in the real world.

8) What exactly do you understand with the term Data-driven Testing?

It is basically a framework for automation testing which is useful for performing an important task and i.e. testing the different input values on the program. The values can directly be made available to the data files. 

9) What is Quality Control and how it helps businesses in keeping up the pace in this era of competition?

Quality Control is basically an approach with the aim to load a product with quality. It is not always necessary that it has a direct relation with the factors associated with the development of a product or a service. Its main aim is to make sure that the expectations of a major segment of customers have been meeting in the product and in case an error is located, it is avoided immediately before the product is actually delivered to a customer. Thus, it has a prime contribution to the success of a business. 

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10) Tell anyone the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

The main aim of Quality Control is to find the errors while Quality Control helps to eliminate the same errors or the ones which are reported. In addition to this, QC is a reactive approach whereas QA is a proactive approach.

QA Interview Questions for Experienced

11) Give two examples of each of activates related to Quality Control and Quality Assurance?

Examples of Quality Control and Quality Assurance are:

  • Quality Assurance - Defining the processes, Selection of Tools
  • Quality Control - Testing, Walkthrough, and Inspection
Related Article: Quality Assurance vs Quality Control

12) Can you name a few practices for Quality assurance that are best according to you?

There are several practices that can be adopted simply. A few of them are:

  • Considering the Automation Testing to the areas which are highly sensitive. With this, the entire workflow can be provided a lot of strength.
  • Having a robust testing environment
  • Paying attention while selecting a release criteria
  • Simulating the final outcome

13) Name a few important functions of Quality Assurance?

These are Validation, Improvement plans, technology transfer as well as documentation Documentation.

14) What do you know about the ISO 9000 and how it can be helpful for a business?

It is basically a quality assurance certification and has some of the best guidelines and standards for the adopters and those who consider it. It is actually related to quality management systems and always makes sure that the customers are getting the desired level of quality. The certification is very useful when it comes to enhancing domestic, as well as international trade. In addition to this, it is helpful for boosting the overall profit of an organization.  The extreme customer satisfaction, reduction in waste, and the better productivity of the employees can also be assured.

15) Name the tools that would be helpful for a tester while performing the quality testing/inspection?

Some of the best available tools for this approach are OpenSTA, FireBug, YSlow, and Selenium 

16) What does CMMI stand for and what exactly it is?

It simply means the Capability Maturity Model Integrated and is basically a process improvement strategy that is simply developed for the purpose of getting the desired outcomes. Many organizations have already adopted this model. 

17) Name the two levels which are common in a quality certification?

These can be Repeatable sequences, optimization, as well as management.

18. What exactly do you know about the Testware?

It is basically the test artifacts such as test plans which are useful when it comes to executing a test for understanding the behavior of a product.

19. What are some of the major challenges the experts have to face when it comes to the automation of Quality Assurance programs?

There are actually several problems that can declare their presence. However, the good thing is they are avoidable and can simply enable the business owners to get the results in the way they want. A few of them are:

  • Understanding the concerned tool in a proper manner such as its installation, working, maintenance as well as upgrading
  • Reusing the automation script
  • Automation of the test cases which are complex in nature
  • The adaptability of the test case

20) What do you mean by the term Bug leakage?

It is basically a situation when a bug is reported by the end-users but the same went unnoticed by the testing team.

21) What would be the important factors that you pay attention to with the Bug Cycle?

  • Once the bug is identified, it would be reported to the developing team immediately. They will fix it in case it is a valid one
  • Defects can be postponed under some special conditions only
  • The duplicate status is to be assigned to the bug in case it is raised early
  • The status of the program or the product would be set to “in-progress” when it under observation or fixing mode and the status would then be changed to “Fixed” when the same is done.

22) Name a few types of software testing you are familiar with?

Generally, the software testing is of a lot of types and you can mention the ones with which you are familiar properly or have performed earlier.

  • Regression Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Alpha and Beta Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Load Testing

23) Can you name the important contents of test cases?

These are Test Scope, Risk Factors, Testing reasons, Deliverables, as well as the objectives of the test.

24) Do you have any idea about Agile Testing?

It is basically testing that is considered as best due to its time-saving approach and this is because of the fact that it doesn’t wait for the completion of the coding. The test keeps running at the same time the code remains in developing mode. However, the only issue is the uninterrupted interaction of the customer is required in it.

25) What type of information can you find in a Test Case?

It generally contains information related to the Test environment, prerequisites, as well as final outcomes. 

26) Define the term Quality Audit?

It is basically an approach that performs examinations related to the effectiveness of the procedures adopted in quality control. It can be performed after the completion of all the tasks associated with a program.

27) What do you mean by Volume testing and what is its aim?

It is basically a test that is performed on a product or software and which justifies what amount of data can be handled by the product or the software. Its main aim is to check whether the software can work beyond its limit or not and the factors that can affect its functionality.

28) Tell something about Configuration management?

It is basically an approach that justifies the documentation and the control of changes that are made to a project. It has three important aspects and they are revision control, change control, as well as revision control.

29) What are the tasks which the testing experts have to perform while handling their jobs?

  • Controlling the source code after writing them
  • Designing the software Blue Print
  • Change Management
  • Program Testing
  • Configuration management

30) What do you mean by the term Assurance?

It is basically considered as a favorable declaration on any service or product that simply gives the buyers or the users no reason to worry or simply boost their confidence. The users can simply make sure that the product or the service which they are considering will be working far beyond their imagination without having any trouble associated with the same. 

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31) What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Testing?

The main difference between quality assurance and testing is, QA focus more on the process, and testing focus more on the end product.

  • QA - QA is a systematic method to identify, define, and modifying a set of processes that can help in building error-free end products. Quality Assurance is all about creating and implement methods to improve the overall SDLC.
  • Testing - Testing is implementing the processes defined in QA to deliver an error-free end product. Testing focuses on verifying and validating the product features to discover bugs and locate errors, defects.

32) What is the Testware and why it is used?

Testware is a term used to describe all of the materials used to perform a test. Testware includes test plans, test cases, test scripts, and any other items needed to design and perform a test.

33) What is a bug leakage? 

When a Bug is found by the customer/end-user missed by the testing team to detect while testing the software.

Course Schedule
QA TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
QA TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
QA TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
QA TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 05 Jun 2023
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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