Microservices Quiz Questions Quiz

Microservices enhance performance as teams manage particular services instead of an app as a whole. This advantage brings higher scalability, data security, and compliance. Tech Giants like Spotify, Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and eBay use microservices to achieve high scalability. To work with microservices, These leading organizations will recruit qualified microservices developers and offer outstanding salaries. So, if you want to start your career in microservices, now is the correct time to dive in when technology is emerging. Therefore, we have designed these Microservices quiz questions to help you prepare for your job interviews. These Microservices Quiz questions cover all the frequently asked questions by the interviewers.

Quick instructions before starting the Quiz

  • Each question will have multiple choice options.
  • Answer all the questions within time for better scores
  • Quiz questions matrix color indications:
    • Green - Answered question
    • Orange - Revisit the question later
  • Reattempt the quiz for betterments.
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