Ruby On Rails Interview Questions

Ruby on Rails is one of the top programming languages today that every developer should learn. This article will discuss the top Ruby in Rails Interview Questions that aspiring professionals should know to crack the interviews and land their dream job. So read the entire list of questions that will help you with different expertise levels to reap the maximum benefit.

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If you're looking for Ruby On Rails Interview Questions for Experienced & Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Ruby On Rails has a market share of about 4.3%.

So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Ruby On Rails. Mindmajix offers advanced Ruby On Rails Interview Questions that help you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as a Ruby On Rails Developer.

Types of Ruby On Rails Interview Questions

Frequently Asked Ruby On Rails Interview Questions 

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Ruby On Rails Interview Questions And Answers

1) Compare Controller, Views, Helpers, and Models in Ruby

Controller  It is basically the subdirectory where the controller classes are located
ViewsIt generally holds the display templates which are important and are required to fill the data from the application
HelpersIt holds helper class that are useful and helpful in managing the other classes
ModelsIt holds classes that generally model the data which is stored in the application database

2) What exactly do you know about Ruby on Rails and how well it can be defined?

It is a server-side framework for web applications that is widely regarded as best in every aspect. It is a combination of python and therefore it is easy to use. Also, there are various abilities of Smalltalk, as well as Perl which have been combined in this framework which makes it one of the trusted approaches. It is basically a high-level programming language with a wide scope in the present time and being an object-oriented approach, it has widely been considered for building large-scale projects. 

Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

3) What exactly is the role of Active Record in Ruby?

Its main aim is to make sure that the relation between the object and the database is maintained and all the validations can be considered on time.

4) Can you tell a few factors that have contributed towards the success or the popularity of Ruby on Rails?

  • Ruby on Rails has rich libraries which simply make sure that the users can get a diverse array of support without worrying about anything
  • It is actually easy to learn and can simply be trusted for coming out with large scale projects without having a dependency on third-party approaches
  • The users can always make sure of less coding and with a very limited number of bugs that can easily be avoided
  • It is basically an open-source approach with license needs not very complex
  • A very helpful community is already present across the globe which has expertise in this web application framework to help those who are new
  • The extensible nature and true=object oriented nature of this approach has also contributed widely to the success and fame it has in the present time

5) With your past experience, what sort of problems you have faced with Ruby on Rails, and how do you think the same can affect the projects?

Well, everything has a few cons associated with it. Thus there are a few which are common with this framework as well. The first thing is it sometimes faces performance issues due to its complex nature. As it doesn’t depend on the native threads, the same is often simulated in the Virtual Machine rather than in the Operating system. Also, the requirements on the workstation where it is to be installed are complex in terms of hardware requirements. 

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6) What do you understand with the ERB in Ruby on Rails?

This web application framework offers users a program which is called ERB. It actually stands for Embedded Ruby. This can be considered when it comes to putting the codes that are associated to Ruby into the HTML files directly. Even when they are complex, the users have nothing to worry about and this is the best thing about this program. 

7) What are the basic conditions that a user should pay attention to while preparing an ERB document in Ruby?

It is necessary to keep the code between <%and>% for its proper execution in the Ruby environment. The same should be placed between <%+=and%> in case the same need to be printed.

8) According to your experience with Ruby on Rails, what are some of the facts which you find really good about it?

Well, Ruby has all that a perfect web application framework actually needs to have and the best thing is web applications can be developed at a very fast rate when compared with Java or any other parallel framework. Even when it comes to developing database-backed web applications, the users are free to proceed and to keep up the pace simply. The next good thing is there is actually no need for the users to worry about the compilation phase required. Also, the users are free to configure the code with the database very easily. 

9) Is it possible in Ruby to develop database-driven applications in Ruby Tell anyone the basic approach through which the same can be developed in ruby?

This can be done with the help of the model view controller pattern in Ruby. Also, the users can easily make sure of a code that is not very bulky when it comes to developing the same.

10) What is the best thing which you find about Ruby on Rail so far?

It widely supports Metaprogramming and unlike other frameworks, all the codes can be written through this approach very easily and without taking the other programs which are complex into consideration. Also, the tasks which are heavy can be accomplished with this approach in no time which is one of the best things in the ruby.

11) Tell something about Action Controller in Ruby on Rails?

This is basically an important feature in Ruby which makes sure that the traffic is to be directed on one hand and the querying of the models can be done in a reliable manner. It also organizes and specifies data into a form that is suitable all over the domain.

Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

12) What exactly do you know about the Active Records Rail?

It is basically a sub-section of Ruby and the version is very useful for handling some very essential tasks in the columns in the database. The column can be used again for handling other important tasks very easily. 

13) What do you mean by the term Scaffolding and what sort of advantages Ruby can offer when it comes to the same?

While developing the projects, the users often have to write codes in the early stage of development. These codes help to build the application in a very reliable manner and quickly and also, a close eye can be kept on the working of some major components with this approach. In Ruby, the scaffolding is done automatically and the users are free to concentrate on the core development only from the first day of development. 

14) What exactly are Harnesses and Fixtures in the Ruby?

These are basically the supporting codes with the help of which the users can easily write and can run the test cases. With the help of a rake, the users can then simply proceed with the automated tests.

15) Name the three default environments in Rails?

 These are 

1. Development
2. Production 
3. Testing

16) What exactly are the pre-software requirements for developing a project with Ruby on Rails?

There should be a database system installed on the system and a webserver to store and control all the activities and concerning programs. Also, the Rails framework and installation of Ruby should be done in a reliable manner. The users can go ahead with the WeBrick server which comes with this framework. Generally, there are other options as well that most of the users often go with and they are Apache and TPD.

17) What are the databases with which Rails can easily work without facing any compatibility problem?

These are PostgreSQL, DB2, MySQL, SQL as well as SQLite

18) What are the instructions for the installation of Ruby on Windows OS?

  • First, you should check and make sure that the version of Ruby is compatible with the Os and has been designed to be installed on the Windows
  • The next fact to pay attention to is Installing the Ruby properly
  • There might be a need to download and install an installation package from Ruby’s official website
  • The same should be installed in the system default memory
  • Next is to install the Rails through RubyGems
  • Check the version of the Rail

19) While writing the Rails Application, what are the tasks to which you need to pay attention?

There are actually three important tasks that the users should be careful about and they are:

The very first thing is to describe as well as model the application domain. Next is to specify what can actually happen in the domain and what the critical factors to pay attention to are. The user must also pay a close attention to the views of the design available from those who have already considered the same

20) What is the MVC principle stands for in Ruby and what are the subsystems in which it divides the work of an application?

MVC stands for Model View Controller. The subsystems in which it divides the work of an application are:

1. Active Record
2. Action Controller
3. Action View

21) Name a few Directories in ruby and explain their purpose?

  1. App - It is basically responsible for organizing the components of your application. It is generally loaded with all the subdirectories that are useful
  2. App View - these Views holds the exact display templates and fill them with the data that belong to a different framework

22) Tell anyone basic factor which is necessary to be followed when it comes to creating the rails application?

Simply create a database on PostgreSQL for holding your data on the server. It would also be good if you create a basic skeleton or a clone of the application in the initial stage.

23) Where one should look for the controller classes for handling the web request in Ruby?

The same can be located in the controller Subdirectory

24) What exactly class libraries in ruby have in them?

They generally consist of domains like thread programming, data types, as well as other useful domains which are relevant in the development.

25) What is the object relationship model in Ruby on Rails?

The same indicates clearly that all the classes are mapped to the systems in the shortest possible time and the best part is the users are free to keep up the pace in the long run. It also represents that the classes are mapped to the rows and the tables.

26) What is Garbage collection in ruby on Rails?

It simply makes sure that the pointer values should be removed reliably which is left behind after the execution of a program takes place. Also, the users can relax on tracking the objects again and again in the long run. All the objects which are no longer required can directly be moved from the memory with this approach.

27) How can you say that the symbols are different from variables in the ruby?

Symbols are generally immutable whereas the String in ruby is mutable. Symbols are more likely a string rather than a simple variable. The users can easily keep up the pace with a single copy of the symbol. On the other hand, a single variable is not sufficient for the users. In addition to this, the users are free to use the symbols against the enums which are not possible in the case of variables. 

28) What do you mean by the term Rail Migration?

It is basically an approach with the help of which the users can make the changes to the already existing database Schema in Ruby and can implement a version control system. The main aim is to synchronize the objects to get quality outcomes. 

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29) What exactly do you know about the Rail Observers?

It is very much similar to that of Callback. They can be deployed directly in case the methods are not integrated with the lifecycle of the object. It is possible for the users to attach the observer to any file and perform the reverse action by the user.

30) Name the two types of Scaffolding in the Ruby?

These are Static and Dynamic Scaffolding

31) Explain some of the looping structures available in Ruby?

  • For loop, While loop, Until Loop.
  • Be able to explain situations in which you would use one over another.
Course Schedule
Ruby On Rails TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Ruby On Rails TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Ruby On Rails TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Ruby On Rails TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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