SAP PI Interview Questions

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If you're looking for SAP PI Interview Questions for Experienced & Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research SAP PI has a market share of about 0.9%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in SAP Process Integration. Mindmajix offers advanced SAP PI Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as SAP PI Developer.

SAP PI interview questions divided into 3 categories

Top 10 Frequently Asked SAP PI interview questions

  1. What is the CCMS button in RWB
  2. What systems were used in your XI/PI Implementation
  3. Daily Activities and Responsibilities of XI Developer
  4. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems
  5. Can JDBC adapter query DB tables
  6. How long are usually the projects
  7. What is a Global container in SAP XI?
  8. What is the use of IDX2? 

SAP PI Interview Questions For Freshers

Q1. What are the activities for SAP NetWeaver XI integration, implementation, and post-go-live?

SAP NetWeaver XI integration where the Involvement of sharing the information between SAP and Non SAP Systems comes into the Picture. Implementation where the SAP involvement in the business comes into the Picture.

Go Alive After Developing the interface after coming across various stages like testing the Interface is made alive or used to the real-time scenario is said to be GO ALIVE.

Q2. What is the CCMS button in RWB?

It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime WorkBench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

Q3. What systems are used in your XI/PI Implementation?

Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following systems for implementation:





Q4. Daily Activities and responsibilities of XI Developer?

Monitoring after golive troubleshoots performance issues when a ticket arises. on the development part, it will be creating BS, objects in IR, configuring in ID

Based on the scenario that what you are working in the low level Working on SLD, IR,ID, RWB + developing the scenario’s+Documentation + Based on the requirements design + monitoring check + Performance+..etc

Q5. Where would you look to find the Logical System in the SLD.?

In Business system wizard

Q6. What 2 Data Types are automatically created when the Namespace is saved in the Integration Repository?

ExchangeFaultdata and Exchange log data.

Q7. Which Development Object in SAP XI forms the “ROOT NODE” of an XML document when an XI message is generated?


Q8. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component, and Software Component Version? Give an example.

PRODUCT: Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7 COMPONENT: Represents a collection of all versions of software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software.

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Q9. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples

Messaging systems to the integration engine

Q10. What format can the JDBC adapter communicate in? Should you use native SQL?

JDBC adapter converts database content to XML messages and the other way around.

Q11. If communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4 actions you could do?


SAP PI Interview Questions For Experienced

Q12. Can JDBC adapter query DB tables? Can it insert?


Q13. Can an RFC adapter be used for asynchronous processing?

YES, the RFC adapter can be used for asynchronous processing.

Q14. Is it necessary to create the partner profiles in case of a file to idoc scenario?

NO, it is not always necessary to create the partner profiles in case of the file to idoc scenario if you are doing it for testing purposes otherwise you have to configure partner profiles to assure XI for receiver client.

Q15. What is the difference between the party and the business service and in which cases they are used with details?

A Communication party represents a layer unit that is involved in a cross-system process (eg. a company). and Business service represents an abstract, addressable unit. business services are used in the cross-company process. for eg if the parties involved have only published their interfaces and not their system landscape or it is partly known. normally we use business services to communicate with different systems in the same company.

Q16. What are the usual project scenarios on the job (Legacy systems or ERP)?

It depends on the client's requirement but you should know about the R3-MDM integration. most of the requirements would be used. Related scenarios as I mentioned are MDM-BIW integration, SRM-MDM Catalog, MDM-XI-R3 integration, RPCM, enrichment adaptor, etc….

Q17. How long are usually the projects?

It depends on the client's requirements.

Q18. What is a Global container in SAP XI?

Container object—> can be only used in the function it is defined in.

Global container > it can be used and remain visible across the different functions.

Global container – in the old days it was used to store objects in mappings now we can use global variables instead.

Container Object: This object enables you to cache the values that you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

From SP14 and above avoid Global Container. Use the Java Section of Message Mapping to define Global Variables and to use them in your UDF’s.

Q19. Is it possible to transfer the data without using IR(repository)?

Yes, it is possible.

Q20. What is the use of IDX2?

Maintain the Idoc Metadata. This is needed only by XI, and not by other SAP systems. IDX2 is needed because XI needs to construct IDoc-XML from the IDoc. No other SAP system needs to do that.

Q21. Which adapter should you use while integrating with any SAP system? Explain why?

SAP gives us the following options to communicate with SAP systems.

  1. IDoc Adapter
  2. RFC Adapter
  3. Proxy

Explanation: If you take a close look at the adapters specified here, the one thing that strikes right away is the usage of proxies. We know that proxy generation is possible only if your WAS is >= 6.20. So, that is one parameter that comes up straight away for the usage of proxies.

Hence Use Proxies only if the WAS version is >= 6.20. And the biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always bypasses the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine – so it will and should give us a better performance.


Q23. What is the CCMS button in RWB?

It is an alert or monitoring for the error messages. To monitor SAP components. CCMS is SAP Computing Center Management System. RWB is smoothly integrated with CCMS and CCMS alerts can be viewed thro’ the Runtime Work Bench. It provides alert monitoring for SAP Exchange Infrastructure Which is used for monitoring any system errors and administration errors. Enables monitor entire system centrally.

Q24. What systems used in your XI/PI Implementation?

Usually, we will use Development System, Testing System(QA), Production System. But sometimes we will use Pre-Prod (Pre Production System) also. Before you moving all interfaces to Production will use Pre-Prod to test all interfaces with huge volumes. So totally will use the following system for implementation:

DEV QA Pre-Prod Prod

Q25. Experience with Requirements Gathering?

If you have been interacting with the client for gathering the req need to explain to them on what basis the req was gathered.

These are the things you can ask the client to get the requirements:

Q26. What is the relationship between Product, Product Version, Software Component, and Software Component Version? Give an example.

PRODUCT: Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In the SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technical Component, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, and 4.7 COMPONENT: Represents a collection of all versions of a software components Examples of Software components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR Software

Q27. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems? Give some examples.

Messaging systems to the integration engine

Q28. What is the Mapping Trace?

This object enables to transfer of the message to the mapping trace if the trace level is set correspondingly then the trace is visible to message monitoring.

Q2. What is SAP Netweaver?

SAP Net Weaver provides an open integration and application platform and permits the integration of the Enterprise Services Architecture. Exchange Infrastructure (XI) is an Integral part of SAPNet weaver. The position of XI is in the process integration layer of the Net weaver stack.

Q30. What is a Global Container?

This object enables you to cache the value that you want to read again when you next call any user-defined function that is in the same message mapping.

Q31. What is a Container?

This object enables you to cache the value, which you want to read again when you next call the same user-defined function.

Q31. What is Multi Cast?

You have the option of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response from each of the receivers. This procedure of sending a message to multiple receivers and waiting for a response message is also known as ‘multicast’.

Q32. What are the Types of Node Functions?

  1. Remove Contexts – remove all higher-level contents of the source level message in order to map with the target message field. So you can get the node contexts removal.
  2. Split by value – Insert Context change for an element split by value is some as the counterpart of remove context. Here instead of delivering the context, you can insert a context change in the source value queue.
  3. Collapse contexts – Copies first values of all contexts to one context empty context are replaced by an empty string.
  4. Copy Value – How many ever times I occur I am copied just once”. This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time. Let us take an instance of the material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target nodes just want to copy the first occurrence of the material group and map it to the header node. Copy Value exactly does that.
  5. Create if – It will create a target node or element based on some condition.
  6. Exists – Function to determine whether a particular source field exists in an instance to be processed. If it does it gives true or else false.
  7. Use one as many.
  8. Replace value: – Replace the value I with the value that you desired in the dialogue for function properties.
  9. iSort – Sorts all values of the multiply occurring inbound field within the existing or set context.

Q33. What are the three objects used at user-defined functions?

  1. Container
  2. Global Container
  3. Mapping Trace
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About Author

Ravi is an author, coach, and business leader with more than 25 years of experience in the IT industry. He had a long tenure at SAP Labs as Director for Engineering Services of SAP Technology Stack and gained a broader perspective and expertise in multiple SAP solutions. He wrote and managed multiple thousands of pages of knowledge material on various SAP solutions, and actively contributed to SAP events and forums. Besides SAP, he has been a technical mentor for various start-up companies that develop AI and Data Science based solutions. He helped multiple educational institutions in building IT functional-oriented educational programs and promoting industry connect initiatives.

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