Spring Boot Tutorial

What framework do you think is most useful for creating Java applications? Spring Boot is one of the best frameworks for quickly building Java apps. In this article, we'll talk about the qualities that make creating Java-based applications straightforward.

Spring Boot is one of the Java-based application development platforms, is particularly known for creating microservices and online programs. It is built on the Spring framework and provides pre-configured features and tools to speed up the development process. With Spring Boot, programmers can create apps with less time and effort lost.

One advantage of using Spring Boot is that it reduces the amount of boilerplate code that developers need to write, allowing them to focus on the business logic of their applications. Additionally, Spring Boot provides a tonne of built-in tools and capabilities, such as externalized configuration, logging, security, and database access, that make it easier to design and deploy applications. It also provides a vast array of plugins and connectors that make it simple to include extra tools and features in an application.

The framework Spring Boot makes it simple to create and deploy Java-based applications because it is very flexible and strong. It is a popular option for developers aiming to create scalable and reliable applications due to its pre-configured features and tools, thorough documentation, and helpful community.

Spring Boot Tutorial: Table Of Content

What is Spring Boot

The Spring Framework serves as the foundation for the project known as Spring Boot. It offers a quicker and simpler way to install, set up, and execute both straightforward and web-based programs.

It is a Spring module that gives the Spring Framework access to the RAD (Rapid Application Development) capability. It's used to build standalone Spring-based apps that you can just execute because it just needs a little bit of Spring configuration.

What is Spring Boot

The combination of the Spring Framework and Embedded Servers is known as Spring Boot.

In Spring Boot, XML configuration is not necessary (deployment descriptor). The developer's workload is decreased by using a convention over configuration software design paradigm.

The Spring Initializr or Spring STS IDE can be used to construct Spring Boot Java programs.

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Why Spring Boot?

For enterprise-level/large-scale projects, the Spring framework is typically employed. For smaller projects, it is typically not the first choice that springs to mind, although I will argue that it may be rather quick for prototyping.

Spring Boot Framework should be used because:

  • In Spring Boot, the dependency injection strategy is employed.
  • Strong database transaction management features are present.
  • This facilitates integration with various Java frameworks like Struts, JPA/Hibernate ORM, etc.
  • It speeds up the application's development and lowers its cost.

Along with the Spring Boot Framework, numerous other Spring sister projects support the development of applications that cater to contemporary business needs. There are the following companion projects for Spring

Spring Integration: Enterprise Integration Patterns are implemented with Spring Integration. By utilizing declarative adapters and lightweight messaging, it simplifies integration with other enterprise systems.

Spring Batch: This batch processing tool is quite effective.

Spring Data: It makes it easier to access data from NoSQL and relational databases.

Spring Social: It allows for the integration of LinkedIn-style social networking.

Spring Security: Spring Security is a security framework that gives apps strong security.

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Advantages of Spring Boot

  • It accelerates development and boosts productivity among employees.
  • With the help of numerous Embedded HTTP servers, like Tomcat, Jetty, and others, web applications can be tested quickly. It's not necessary to deploy WAR files.
  • It offers a number of plug-ins.
  • it eliminates the requirement for writing several boilerplate bits of code, XML settings, and annotations—code that must be used in numerous locations with little to no modification.
  • There is no requirement for XML configuration.
  • It offers a CLI tool for building and testing the Spring Boot application.
  • It provides robust "starting" POMs to simplify our Maven settings.
  • With the Java -jar command, it creates independent Spring apps that may be executed.
  • It delivers production-ready features including metrics, health checks, and externalized settings.

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Limitations of Spring Boot

Dependencies that are not going to be used by the application can be used by Spring Boot. The size of the application is increased by these dependencies.

Goals of Spring Boot

Time savings in development, unit testing, and integration testing are the key objectives of Spring Boot.

  • offers an opinionated development strategy
  • limits the definition of additional Annotation Configuration
  • reduces the need for numerous import statements
  • XML Configuration is avoided.

Spring Boot Framework decreases development time, and developer effort, and boosts productivity by offering or avoiding the aforementioned points.

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Prerequisite of Spring Boot

The requirements listed below must be met before building a Spring Boot application. We'll be utilizing the Spring Tool Suite (STS) IDE in this course.

  • Maven 3.0+ and Java 1.8
  • It is advised to use an IDE (Spring Tool Suite). 
  • Spring Framework 5.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

Spring Boot Features

  • Web development: This Spring module is appropriate for building web applications. It is easy to create a self-contained HTTP application utilizing embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow. The application may be launched and utilized immediately using the spring-boot-starter-web module.
  • SpringApplication: The SpringApplication class enables creating and running Spring applications simply. It makes adding sources, adding sources, and activating supplementary features like logging and security simpler.
  • Application events and listeners: The Spring framework uses application events and listeners to handle events that arise throughout a Spring application's lifecycle. These events can be used to run custom logic or to initiate or stop particular operations, such as starting or stopping a component.
  • Admin features: The ability to enable admin-related functions for the application is provided by Spring Boot. Applications can be accessed and managed remotely using it. With the use of the spring.application.admin.enabled property, we can make it available in the Spring Boot application.
  • Externalized Configuration: Our setup can be externalized with Spring Boot so that we can use the same application across many contexts. YAML files are used by the program to externalize configuration.
  • Properties Files: A wide variety of Application Properties are offered by Spring Boot. Therefore, we may use that in our project's properties file. Server-port = 8082 and many other properties are set in the properties file. The organization of application properties is helpful.
  • YAML Support: It offers a practical method of defining the hierarchical arrangement. The superset of JSON is this. YAML is supported by the SpringApplication class automatically. It serves as a properties file substitute.
  • Type-safe Configuration: To control and verify the application's settings, a powerful type-safe configuration is offered. Applications must always be configured, and this task must be type-safe. The annotation function of this library can also be used.
  • Logging: All internal logging in Spring Boot is done via Common logging. Dependencies for logging are handled by default. If no customization is required, logging dependencies shouldn't be changed.
  • Security: Security is an important aspect of any application, and Spring includes a comprehensive security framework to assist in the security of a Spring application. This includes features like authentication, authorization, and cryptography to help safeguard sensitive data.


Spring Boot assists in making the process of installing and running a Spring-based application as simple as is practical for Java developers who are developing online applications. It is perfect for programmers of all experience levels, from inexperienced Spring programmers to seasoned programmers looking to speed up their development cycle.

All sizes of businesses, from tiny start-ups to huge corporations, can use Spring Boot. It is simple to develop and deploy reliable, scalable, and secure applications because of its wide range of integrated features and tools. Its adaptable and modular architecture also makes it simple to change and customize to the unique needs of a business.

By utilizing a pre-configured framework with Spring Boot, Java developers may save time and effort while still having the flexibility to alter and grow their applications as necessary.

Spring Boot FAQs

1. Is Spring Boot easy to learn?

Java developers that have a fundamental understanding of the Spring framework and web development ideas will find Spring Boot to be quite simple to learn. It includes a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and example projects to aid developers in getting up and running quickly. It offers pre-configured features and tools to streamline the process of creating and delivering applications. For individuals who are unfamiliar with these technologies, it may take some time to learn because it necessitates a thorough knowledge of Java and the Spring framework. For seasoned Java developers, Spring Boot might be considered simple to learn, but it still demands some degree of programming expertise and knowledge.

2. How to learn Spring Boot step by step?

You can begin learning Spring Boot by examining sample projects, analyzing the documentation, constructing simple apps, learning about the built-in features and tools, becoming familiar with Java and the Spring framework, and joining the Spring Boot community for help and guidance.

3. Which tutorial is best for Spring Boot?

One of the finest lessons for Spring Boot is the official documentation, which is a thorough resource for understanding the framework. Udemy classes, online video lessons on websites like YouTube, and official Spring Boot training programs are among the more well-liked tutorial options.

4. Is Spring Boot a backend?

Yes, Backend applications are frequently built using Spring Boot, which offers pre-configured features and tools for tasks like data access, security, logging, and more.

5. What is the REST API in Spring Boot?

A web service called the REST API in Spring Boot handles CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using HTTP requests and adheres to the REST architectural style. It is utilized to create scalable, adaptable, and straightforward online services.


Spring Boot is a great option if you're a Java developer trying to create scalable and dependable applications. It is a useful tool for speeding the development process and creating high-caliber apps because of its popularity, effectiveness, and variety of features.

Course Schedule
Spring Boot TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Spring Boot TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Spring Boot TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Spring Boot TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 03 May 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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