SQL Joins Interview Questions

Are you preparing for the SQL Joins interview? Are you sure you have covered all the basic and advanced-level questions? If not, then our guide on SQL joins interview questions will help you crack the interview. In this blog, we have listed SQL joins interview questions and answers prepared by the industry experts so that you can ace your interview.

One of the most frequent queries in SQL Developer interviews is about SQL Joins. These inquiries are based on various SQL Joins and how they are used. Using a shared field, a SQL Join statement joins information or rows from two or more tables. RDBMS is still a widely used management system for databases in organizations all over the world, so SQL questionnaire items are commonly questioned in technical interviews. In addition to other places, interviews can include questions about SQL Joins for data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers.

The demand for SQL Joins professionals is quite high in the market, therefore, we are certain these set of questions would vastly help you in bagging that dream job. 

For better understanding, we have divided these SQL Joins interview questions into categories for better retention and durability as per what is required. They are:

Frequently Asked SQL Joins Interview Questions

  1. What does SQL's Merge Join mean?
  2. What are Nested Joins in SQL?
  3. What is the purpose of Inner join?
  4. What is SQL natural join?
  5. Describe the variations between a cross join and a natural join.
  6. Describe Cursor. What is a cursor used for?
  7. What distinguishes OLTP and OLAP from one another?
  8. What do Fields and Tables do?
  9. What kinds of joins can you use in SQL?
  10. Describe the Equi Join.
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SQL Joins Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers

1. How can a table be joined to itself?

A SELF JOIN in SQL is a different kind of join that links one table to another table. It is essential to have at least one column (let's say X) that acts as the primary key and one column (let's say Y) that includes values that can be matched with those in X in order to perform a self-join. Column Y's value may be null in some rows, and Column X's value need not match Column Y's value exactly in every row.

2. What does SQL's Merge Join mean?

The Merge join, also referred to as the Sort-Merge join, is a join operation used in Relational Database Management Systems applications. Finding each distinct value of the join characteristic and the set of tuples in each relation which output that value is the fundamental trick of a join process.

3. In a one-to-many relationship, how should the data be organized to perform join operations? And in a many-to-many relationship?

This is a more difficult but intriguing database design query. Typically, a single FOREIGNKEY is used to structure one-to-many relationships.

4. What are Nested Joins in SQL?

Each tuple in the external join relation is considered by this type of join, after which it scans the entire inner join relation, adding any tuples that satisfy the join-condition and displaying the results.

[ Learn Complete about SQL Joins ]

5. What distinguishes a full join from a cross join?

A Left Outer Join and a Right Outer Join combined form a Full Outer Join. When the ON condition is not met, it inserts NULL values and returns all rows from both tables which match the query's WHERE clause. While a cross-join returns every possible combination of all rows by creating a cartesian product between both the two tables.

6. What distinguishes a cross join from a natural join?

In contrast to a natural join, which relies on all of the columns in both tables possessing the same name and data type, a cross join creates a cross product, or cartesian product, of two tables.

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7. What is the purpose of Inner join?

A list of rows in which there is a fit in both of the specified tables is returned by an INNER JOIN. Since it is the default join type, an INNER JOIN will be employed if you simply type JOIN without adding any additional conditions.

8. What is the purpose of full join?

The results from the left and right tables in the statement will be returned by a FULL JOIN. All data will still be pulled in if there are instances where the rows from the left table and the right table do not match, or vice versa, but SQL will issue NULL values in all unmatched columns.

9. What distinguishes an LEFT JOIN from a RIGHT JOIN?

Both RIGHT JOIN and LEFT JOIN show the outcomes of a JOIN query that includes every record in a particular table. The only distinction is that RIGHT JOIN exhibits all records just on the right table while LEFT JOIN only displays records from the query's left table.

10. What is SQL natural join?

Using columns that have the same name and data type to join tables is known as a NATURAL JOIN. The common columns in the two tables that have been joined are used to create an implicit JOIN clause for you when you use the NATURAL JOIN clause.

[ Check out SQL Server Tutorial ]

SQL Joins Interview Questions For Experienced

11. Describe the natural join.

A type of join called a "natural join" joins tables predicated on columns that share the same name and datatype. To perform a natural join, there should ideally be a common characteristic (column) between two tables.

Union: The word "UNION" in SQL is used to group the outcomes of multiple SELECT statements. You can combine data into new vertical rows using union. All queries must comply with UNION's requirements regarding column ordering and numbering. Here is a picture of what a union might look like.



12. Is the equality of the Join condition a requirement?

No, non-equi conditions can also exist in joins. With common comparative operators like, =, >, >=,!=, and BETWEEN, join provisions can be used. Non-equi joins can be helpful in a number of situations, such as listing records, listing unique pairs, and locating duplicate records.

13. Describe the variations between a cross join and a natural join.

  • Natural Join: A type of join that manages to combine tables based on columns with the same name and datatype is known as a "natural join." To perform a natural join, there should ideally be a common characteristic (column) between two tables.
  • Cross Join: Also known as a Cartesian join or Cartesian product, a cross join is a mathematical operation. All the rows from the initial table multiplied by all the rows from the second table make up the result set of a cross join. It holds true for all columns.

14. Describe Cursor. What is a cursor used for?

  • DECLARE a cursor after any variable declaration. The definition of the cursor must always be followed by a SELECT Statement.
  • Place your cursor over the result set to begin it. The OPEN declaration must be executed before acquiring rows from the result set.
  • Use the FETCH command to retrieve and move to the following row in the result set.
  • Use the CLOSE instruction to make the cursor invisible.
  • To delete the cursor definition and release the resources associated with it, use the DEALLOCATE command.

15. What is OLTP?

Online transaction processing, or OLTP, enables enormous teams of individuals to carry out a sizable number of data processing in real-time, typically over the internet. When data is modified, added, removed, or queried in a database, a database transaction takes place.

16. What distinguishes OLTP and OLAP from one another?

Online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP) are two different terms. Online database query and response systems, or OLAP, are different from online database modification systems, or OLTP.

[ Related Article: OLTP vs OLAP ]

17. How can I make empty tables that share another table's structure?

To make blank tables:

It is possible to generate empty tables with the same structure by employing the INTO user to fetch the documents of one table into a new table whilst also setting a WHERE stipulation to false for all entries. Since the WHERE clause is in effect, SQL as a result creates a new table with a copy structure to accommodate the fetched entries, but no data is stored into the new table.

18. What do Fields and Tables do?

In a relational database, a table is a group of data elements arranged in rows and columns. A table can be used to represent relationships in a useful way. Tables are the most fundamental type of data storage.

Most Common SQL Joins FAQs

19. What is SQL Joins?

A clause or statement known as a SQL Join is used to incorporate two or more tables based on the common fields.

20. What kinds of joins can you use in SQL?

Some examples of SQL Joins include the following:

  • Left Join: It joins the rows from the left table and the rows from the right table that correspond.
  • Right Join: This joins the rows of the right table with the rows of the matching left table.
  • Inner Join: Records that have the same value matching in both tables are returned by an inner join.
  • Full Join: If there is a matching documentation in either table, a full join returns data from both tables.
  • Self Join: Simply put, a self-join joins one table to another. The table in this instance is handled as two distinct tables.
  • Cartesian Join: This method returns the first table's rows multiplied by the second table's rows. Another name for it is a cross-join.

21. What distinguishes a full join from a cross join?

A Full Outer Join is created by combining a Left Outer Join and a Right Outer Join. The WHERE clause of the query is returned for each row in both tables. The return value is NULL if the ON condition is not fulfilled. A cartesian product among two tables is produced by a cross join, which returns all different permutations of all rows from both tables.

22. What is Natural Join?

A natural join establishes an implicit join clause based on the shared attributes of the two tables. The name of a shared attribute is the same across both tables. A comparison operator is not required for a natural join, in contrast to an equi join.

23. Describe the Equi Join.

In this kind of join, tables are combined based on model can effectively in the designated columns. Some equi join features are:

  • The column names do not have to match.
  • There are occasionally duplicate columns in the resulting table.
  • On two tables, an equi join can be executed.

24. How do Non-Equi Joins work?

All of the aforementioned joins are equi joins. This is due to the equals (=) sign being used to link tables on columns in which data from one table is identical to that of another table. The JOIN types used in non-equi joins are identical to those in equi joins, with the exception that non-equi joins also use comparison operators like less than (), greater than (>), less than or equal to (=), and greater than or equal to (>=). Non-equi joins are primarily used in three situations:

  • Duplicates in tables can be found.
  • Calculating running totals.
  • Joining tables based on a range of values.

25. What role do SQL joins play in database management?

The following are some reasons why SQL joins are crucial for database management:

  • A process for reassembling a database so that it is simpler to read and use.
  • They additionally keep a normalized database. Data normalization aids in reducing data redundancy so that our application experiences fewer data anomalies when deleting or updating a record.
  • The benefit of joins is that they move more quickly, making them more effective.
  • A join query vs one that uses a representation will almost always return the data more quickly.
  • It is possible to lessen the volume of work on the database by using joins. For instance, you can use a single query rather than several.

26. SQL merge join explanation.

Merge join joins two sorted sets of data to use an FULL, INNER, or LEFT join to create a single output stream. Of all the operators, it is the best at joining data. For the purposes of a merge join, it is necessary for both inputs to be straightened as well as for the joined columns' meta-data to match. Users cannot combine columns with various data types. A column with such a character data type cannot be combined with a column with a numeric data type.

27. What does a SQL hash join mean?

The investigate input or inner table, like any other join, and the build input are needed for the hash join or outer table. In a hash join, a hash table is used to find rows in two tables that match. When no other join is preferred, the hash join is an option or possibly due to the absence of sorting or indexing etc. When joining large, unsorted, non-indexed data sets, hash joins work best.

28. Can you describe the SQL nested join?

A JOIN is one of the mechanisms we use to physically join two tables together in a relational database, and a recursive join is one of the most straightforward approaches. A Nested Join essentially uses one having joined table as an external input table and the other as an inner input table. A Nested Loop Join involves retrieving one row from the outer table, searching for it in the inner table, and repeating this process until all of the production rows from the outer table have indeed been found.

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Let's talk about the features of SQL Joins

  • Join: Match records in both tables.
  • Left join: Match left (first) table records with right table records.
  • Right join: Match right (last) table records with left table records.
  • Full join: Include all left and right records whether they match or not.

SQL Joins

Key Upshots

In relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and others, we store our data in numerous logical tables that are connected by a common key value. As a result, we frequently need to combine data from two or more tables to produce the desired output in accordance with certain criteria. With the help of the SQL JOIN clause, we can easily obtain this kind of data in SQL Server. With an example, this article provides a thorough explanation of JOIN and its various types. We can recover data from two or more linked tables and combine it into a useful result set by using the join clause. Using a SELECT statement and a join condition, we can join the table.

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SQL Server TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
SQL Server TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
SQL Server TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
SQL Server TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Viswanath is a passionate content writer of Mindmajix. He has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain. You can reach him on Linkedin

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