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Zoho Interview Questions

Preparing for a Zoho interview involves researching the company, practicing top Zoho  interview questions and answers, and reviewing technical concepts like C, C++, Java, OOPS, data structures, and OS that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This can help you feel confident and better equipped to showcase your skills and experience to the Zoho interviewer.

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Zoho Corporation is a software company based in Chennai, India. Sridhar Vembu and Tony Thomas started it in 1996. Zoho is a software company that is growing quickly and makes business apps that run on the web. Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, Zoho Projects, and Zoho Mail are some of the company's most well-known productivity and collaboration tools.

More than 60 million people around the world use Zoho products because they are well-suited to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. To get a job in Zoho, you need to impress the hiring managers over several interviews. This is why we have compiled a list of common Zoho interview questions and answers, so you can ace the interview well.

Zoho Recruitment Process

Zoho's recruitment process typically involves several stages, including.

  1. Written Test
  2. Basic Programming Test
  3. Advanced Programming Test
  4. Technical HR
  5. General HR
  6. Hired

Written Test: Candidates for open positions at Zoho are often required to complete an online test designed to gauge competencies relevant to the position, such as programming, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication.

Basic Programming Test: Applicants applying for Zoho technical interviews are often asked to complete an online test that assesses their knowledge in areas including programming like C, C++, Java, Python, OS, cloud, data structures, algorithm design, database management, system architecture. Soft skills, experience, and behavior-based inquiries are common in interviews for non-technical positions.

Advanced Programming Test: If a candidate has passed the technical test, they may be invited to a technical programming interview where they will be asked to answer technical problems relevant to the position. Questions about computer programming, data structures, algorithms, and system architecture may be asked during the interview.

Technical HR: Those who do well on the online assessment may move on to a technical interview, where they will be challenged to demonstrate their abilities by addressing specific technical challenges relating to the position. The interview could take place over the phone or in person. You may be invited for a more technical HR interview based on how well you do in the preliminary interviews. You could skip this one if you did particularly well in the previous round. The questions in this section will center on

  • Data Structures
  • Database Concepts
  • Approach to the given Scenario
  • Some logical puzzles

General HR: If a candidate acquitted themselves well in the technical interview, they may be invited to an HR interview, where they will be assessed in areas like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. You've successfully reached the business if you've read this far. Questions during the Regular HR Interview will be more conversational in tone and may include things like

  • Your hobbies
  • Your family background
  • The reason you chose Zoho
  • Your location preference

Hired: At the end of the interview process, Zoho will determine which candidates performed the best and extend an offer to the ones who best meet their needs. Zoho may extend a job offer to you if you do well on both the written exam and the interview. The offer could include details regarding the position, salary, and benefits.

Top 10 Zoho Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
  2. How do you design a program using Java?
  3. How is a stack implemented?
  4. What kinds of joins are there in SQL?
  5. What is a constructor in C++?
  6. When can super keywords be used?
  7. What is a software bug?
  8. What is a deadlock in operating systems?
  9. Explain briefly about Python decorators.
  10. What do you mean by message queue?

Zoho Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

1) What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in Java?

Abstract class: A class is said to be abstract if it cannot be created and if it can include methods that are both abstract and non-abstract at the same time. 

Interface class: An interface is a collection of abstract methods and constant variables that any class can implement. An interface is also known as an API (application programming interface).

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2) What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is an error-checking, flow-controlling, connection-oriented protocol that ensures the uninterrupted delivery of data. Disconnections are not an issue with UDP, however, the protocol lacks error checking and cannot ensure delivery.

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3) What is a hashing function?

A hashing function is a function that takes an input (a key) and produces a fixed-size output (a hash). It is commonly used to index and retrieve database or hash table items.

4) How do you design a program using Java?

The process of creating an application in Java is lengthy. Get started with coding by establishing a class that represents your program. The next stage involves creating the main method that will be used when the application is being executed. The final action is to run the program after it has been compiled.

Here's a list of everything you need to do:

  • Make a class that tells people what the program does.
  • Write the main method of the program. This method will run the program.
  • Make the program work.
  • Activate the program

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5) What is normalization in the design of a database?

The process of normalization involves structuring a database to cut down on redundant information and strengthen the data's integrity. The task entails dividing enormous tables into several smaller, more manageable tables and determining the linkages that exist between each pair of tables.

6) What is the difference between stack and queue data structures?

The data structures of stack and queue are both considered to be linear. The primary distinction between a stack and a queue is that a stack follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, while a queue follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.

[Releted Article - data structure interview questions and answers ]

7) How is a stack implemented?

Arrays and linked lists are the two most prevalent stack implementations.

If you employ an array, you must maintain track of the element at the top of the stack. The primary element is the one that will be removed first from the stack. To push an item into the stack, append it to the end of the array. To remove an element from the stack, delete it from the array's end.

If you employ a linked list, you must keep track of the list's head and tail. The head will be the first element to be removed from the stack. To put an item onto the stack, place it at the beginning of the list.

8) What are the advantages of version control systems such as Git?

Git and other version control systems have several uses in software development projects, such as 

  • Change tracking 
  • Business continuity.
  • Team collaboration
  • Rollback functionality, and 
  • Code backup for disaster recovery 

9) What kinds of joins are there in SQL?

When working with SQL, you can do four different types of joins: 

  • RIGHT JOIN, and 

10) What is the difference between JRE, JDK, and JVM?

  • A set of programs known collectively as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is needed to activate Java software.
  • The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a bytecode execution environment also known as the Java Runtime.
  • The Java Development Kit, or JDK, is a tool for creating applications. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a collection of programs required to run Java applications.

11) When is serialization used?

Serialization in Java lets us turn an Object into a stream that we can then send over the network, save as a file, or store in a database for later use. Its main job is to remember how something is so that it can be made again if needed.

12) Find which subsequence is the longest increasing subsequence in the given array i.e, [3, 4, -1, 0, 6, 2, 3].

The sub-sequences are groups of sequential, progressively more valuable array elements. For instance, the largest ascending subsequence in the array [3, 4, -1, 0, 6, 2, 3] is [-1, 0, 2, 3].

13) In a database, are NULL values similar to those of zero or empty space?

No, Unlike the values zero and a blank space, a NULL value indicates that the corresponding information is either unavailable, unknown, already assigned, or irrelevant. In contrast, an empty space represents a character, and a zero value represents a number. This means that a NULL value is not the same as a value of zero or a blank space because a NULL value represents. 

14) What is the difference between a pointer and a reference?

The difference between a pointer and a reference is that the former is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. At the same time, the latter is an alias or another name for a variable.

15) What is the difference between call by reference and call by value?

When a function is called by reference, it receives a pointer or reference to the actual variable. On the other hand, when a function is called by value, it receives a copy of the value stored in the variable.

16) What is a virtual function in C++?

Polymorphism is made possible by a base class's virtual function, which a derived class can replace with its own version of the method by declaring it in its own class. At runtime, the behavior of the function is figured out. This makes it possible for the function to have dynamic behavior that changes depending on the instance of the class.

[ Releted Article - C++ Interview Questions and Answers ]

17) What is a constructor in C++?

Constructors are special class member functions responsible for initializing the objects the class creates. It shares the same name as the class, but the type of return value is not specified.

18) What is the difference between a function and a method in OOP?

An object's or a class's method is a function bound to that object or class, while a function is a self-contained piece of code that receives input and returns output. In computer programming, you'll find both types of code snippets.

19) What do you mean by recursion?

Recursion is a term that is used in computer programming to describe the process of a function calling itself. It is typically used to find answers to problems that may be broken down into a number of distinct but related subproblems. This type of problem is amenable to partitioning.

20) Explain briefly about the database index.

A data structure known as a database index makes it possible to search and retrieve information from a database more expediently. This is made possible by the database index. This is achieved by creating a copy of the sorted version of certain of the columns in the database table.

Zoho Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

21) When can super keywords be used?

Here are some ways that you could use this super keyword:

  • Accessing data from a parent class is made more difficult when a subclass also utilizes the names of its members.
  • Within the child class, call the parent's Object() function (which may take parameters) using [native code].
  • This is because the methods of the parent class have been overridden by the child classes, and it is required to get the original implementations.

22) What is the meaning of "Sockets in OS"?

In operating systems, the socket serves as a terminal for communicating between processes, or IPC. In this context, an IP address and port number are taken as synonymous with the endpoint. With sockets, developers can speed up the process of creating programs with network communication capabilities. It also lets two different processes running on the same machine or on different machines talk to each other and share information. Its main use is in computer systems that use the client-server model.

[Related Article - Socket Programming in Java]

23) What is a software bug?

An unexpected issue with hardware or software is called a bug. A software bug is a flaw in the code that leads to incorrect or unexpected behavior by the program or its output. The most common cause of software failure is interference from factors the programmer didn't anticipate. Problems caused by minor flaws, such as unresponsive screens or illogical error messages, typically have no bearing on the program's functionality.

24) What is the difference between a stack overflow and a heap overflow?

A heap overflow happens when the memory allocated to the heap is used up, whereas a stack overflow happens when the memory allocated to the stack is used up. Both can result in the software crashing or behaving suddenly.

25) What is a deadlock in operating systems?

A deadlock is when two or more processes can't move forward because they are waiting for each other to release resources. This leads to a standstill. 

26) What is the difference between a switch statement and an if-else statement in programming?

A switch statement can be used to decide which of numerous blocks of code to execute based on a condition, while an if-else statement can only decide between two possible outcomes. 

27) What measures can be taken to guarantee the security of data in a web application?

To guarantee the security of data in a web application, various steps can be taken, such as

  • Encryption,
  • Input validation,
  • Logging, and Monitoring,
  • Regular Updates and Patching,
  • Secure Development Practices.

28) Differentiate between the "throws" and "throw" keywords in Java?

Below is a comparison between the "throw" and "throws" keywords in Java:





Employed to throw an exception explicitly.

throw new Exception("Error message");


Utilized to specify exceptions that a method may throw.

public void method() throws Exception {...}

29) Explain briefly about Python decorators.

In Python, a decorator is a function that can augment the functionality of another function or class by taking it as performing some modifications and returning the updated class or function. This approach enables developers to enhance the behavior of a function or class without altering its source code.

30) Can you define "design pattern" and give some examples of patterns you've used?

In the field of software design, a "design pattern" refers to a generic and reusable solution to an issue that crops up frequently. The Singleton, Factory, Observer, and Decorator design patterns are all examples of common design patterns.

[ Related Article - Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers ]

31) What is a code review, and what are some best practices for conducting a code review?

In a code review, multiple programmers examine and critique the work of a single programmer. Code reviews benefit from having well-defined goals, receiving and acting on constructive criticism, and using a checklist.

32) What is a database index, and how does it improve performance?

A database index is a type of data structure that makes getting data from a table faster. It makes it easy for the database to find rows that meet a certain condition and reduces the number of disk I/O operations.

33) What is a thread pool, and how does it work?

A thread pool is a collection of threads that can perform multiple tasks concurrently. It can improve performance by making it easier for each task to start and stop its own thread. A thread pool is a type of software design pattern used in computer programming to make programs run simultaneously. It is also sometimes called a replicated worker or worker-crew model. 

34) What do you mean by message queue?

Async communication between processes is made possible through message queues, which are data structures. Message queues are lightweight buffers for storing messages temporarily and endpoints for connecting software components to the queue for sending and receiving messages. The purpose of these messages can range from a direct request to a thorough breakdown of a problem. Buffering messages and decoupling the sender and receiver can improve throughput, especially in highly congested environments.

35) What is a load balancer, and how does it work?

A load balancer can either be a piece of hardware or a piece of software. It aims to improve performance, stability, and scalability by distributing network traffic over numerous servers. The load can be distributed in various ways, using methods like round-robin, least connections, and IP hash.

36) Write a program to calculate the sum of primes present as digits of a given number N.

Input: 333
Output: 9
Explanation: 3 is a prime number. It is present 3 times. So 3+3+3 = 9.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool isprime(int n){
   return false;
   for(int i=2;i*i<=n;i++){
        return false;
  return true;
    int primeSum(int N){
       // code here
       int n=N;
       int res=0;
       int sum=0;
          int rem=n%10;
        return sum;
int main() {
   // your code goes here
   int n;
   return 0;

37) Reverse and add a number until it forms a palindrome or exceeds 5 repetitions.

Input: n = 23
Output: 55
Explanation: reverse(23) = 32, then 32+23= 55, which is a palindrome.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long long rev(long long n){
   int sum=0;
      int rem=n%10;
      sum = sum*10 + rem;
 return sum;
   long long isSumPalindrome(long long n){
      // code here
      int sum;
      for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
         return sum;
      return -1;
int main() {
   // your code goes here
   long long n;
   return 0;

38) How to reverse a string in C?

We will use the strrev() function to reverse the string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
//declare the size of the string
char str[100]; 
printf(\n “Enter the String: ”);
scanf(“%s”, str);
//declare strrev() function
printf(\n Output: %s”, strrev(str));
return 0;

39) Write a program to get the output:

E.g. 1: input: a1b10

Output abbbbbbbbb

Eg. 2 input b3c6d15

output bbbccccccddddddddddddddd

The number varies from 1 to 99.

int main()
   int n,i,j,count=0;
   char a[50],ch;
       else if(count>0)
       { count--;
    // printf("%d\n",i);
   return 0;   

40) Find the longest palindromic substring in a string?

string getLongestPalindrome(string s) {
   int n = s.size();
   int index = 0, palindromeLength = 1;
   for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
       int left = i - 1, right = i;
       while(left >= 0 && right < n && s[left] == s[right]) {
           if(right - left + 1 > palindromeLength) {
               index = left;
               palindromeLength = right - left + 1;
      left = i - 1;
       right = i + 1;
       while(left >= 0 && right < n && s[left] == s[right]) {
           if(right - left + 1 > palindromeLength) {
               index = left;
               palindromeLength = right - left + 1;
   string ans = "";
   for (int i = index; i < index + palindromeLength; i++) {
       ans += s[i];
   return ans;

Zoho Leadership Principles

Zoho Leadership Principles refer to the core values and guiding beliefs that shape the culture and leadership style at Zoho Corporation, a software development company. The employees of Zoho are expected to act by the company's leadership principles. 

The 09 Zoho Leadership Principles are

  1. Customer focus: Zoho's main goal is to meet its customers' needs and go above and beyond what they expect from customer service.
  2. Ownership: Every employee at Zoho is responsible for and proud of their contributions to the company.
  3. Initiative: Workers at Zoho are encouraged to make changes independently.
  4. Empathy: Zoho is committed to a culture of empathy in which everyone's thoughts and feelings are valued and considered.
  5. Attitude: When hiring new employees, Zoho prioritizes those who are upbeat, motivated, and resilient.
  6. Communication: Employees at Zoho are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions openly.
  7. Learning and teaching: Zoho aims to foster an environment where employees are encouraged to learn and grow together through collaboration and guidance from more experienced colleagues.

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Tips to Crack Zoho Interview

The following pieces of advice and interview preparation recommendations may be helpful to you if you are interested in working with Zoho:

  1. Know the job requirements: Before applying, ensure you are qualified for the position and have read the Zoho job description in its entirety. Create a list of your relevant talents and experiences and be prepared to discuss how they qualify you for the position.
  2. Prepare for technical questions: In addition to Zoho technical questions, you may also be asked behavioral questions designed to gauge your social and emotional intelligence. Consider how you might react to questions probing your character flaws, areas of improvement, communicative abilities, and problem-solving prowess.
  3. Be prepared to ask questions: After the interviewer has finished talking, you may be given the opportunity to ask questions. Having a few questions ready about the company and the job will show that you are interested in both.

Zoho FAQs

1) Why should I hire you at Zoho?

To give a good answer to this question, you should highlight the qualities that set you apart from other applicants and make you the best fit for the position. Okay, so I think I'd be a good fit for this role thanks to my background and education. 

2) What questions are typically asked during a Zoho HR interview?

  1. Could you provide an overview of your background and experience?
  2. What do you consider to be your strengths and areas for improvement?
  3. What inspired you to apply for a position at Zoho?
  4. How do you manage stressful situations or handle pressure at work?
  5. What are your aspirations for your career in the long run?
  6. How familiar are you with Zoho as a company and its products/services?

3) What are some ways to prepare for a Zoho job interview?

To get ready for a Zoho job interview, you can study the company's offerings, learn about its values and culture, and practice top Zoho interview questions and answers.

4) How challenging is the Zoho interview?

The employment process at Zoho consists of more than one round of interviews and is very competitive. The interview process will be hard or easy depending on the job you want, your experience, and what the job needs. Some candidates might find the interview process hard, while others might not mind it at all.

5) What does Zoho conduct the different types of interviews?

Zoho interview types include

  1. Written Test
  2. Basic Programming Test
  3. Advanced Programming Test
  4. Technical HR
  5. General HR

6) What is the basic salary offered by Zoho?

For people with less than one year of experience and up to six years of experience, the average Zoho Project Trainee salary is 5.3 Lakhs. A Project Trainee at Zoho India can expect to earn between 1.8 and 8.0 lakhs per year. It is 112% higher than the national average for a project trainee in a software product company.

7) What is the full form of Zoho?

The full form of ZOHO is Small Office / Home Office.

8) What are 4 interview skills?

  • Active listening
  • Positive attitude
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Good communication


These top Zoho interview questions and answers are designed to test how well a candidate understands the interview's required technical ideas. Using these questions as a guide to prepare for an interview will help them acquire the necessary skills and information to succeed at the interview and secure their dream job. Best wishes on the interview!

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Last updated: 05 Apr 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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