Angular JS Projects and Use Cases

Want to level up your hands-on skills in the AngularJS framework? We have the solution. Working on AngularJS projects will help you. I have curated crucial AngularJS projects for both beginners and experienced. The projects will enhance your expertise in developing web applications using the AngularJS framework. This practical guide will prepare you to be an industry-ready AngularJS developer.

AngularJS is a popular JavaScript front-end development framework. Developers use it to build robust web and mobile applications. It is feature-rich, so developers don't need to rely on third-party tools. By leveraging this framework while creating applications, developers can reduce their productive time.

Working on projects is a beautiful way to hone your hands-on skills. It will help you learn how to use the AngularJS framework. You will learn to use other front-end and back-end technologies as well.

In this blog, I have compiled the crucial AngularJS projects in three sections based on the complexity level. You can work on these projects individually and polish your practical skills.

Let's explore various AngularJS projects without further ado.

Table of Contents

Why Angular JS Projects?

You can sharpen your hands-on skills by working on multiple AngularJS projects. The more you practice the AngularJS projects, the more you gain expertise with the AngularJS framework.

In addition, you will become familiar with front-end and back-end technologies by working on various AngularJS projects.

You can strengthen your portfolio by including the key AngularJS projects you worked with. It will help you showcase your skill set and competency to interviewers. No doubt you will stand out and crack your AngularJS interviews effortlessly.

If you want to enrich your career and become an Angular professional, enroll in "Angular JS Certification Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Pre-Requisites To Work on AngularJS Projects

You must comply with a few basic requirements before working on AngularJS projects. Let’s take a look at them in the following.

  • Familiar with Nodejs runtime library and NPM
  • Knowledge of Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  • Basic understanding of DOM, a language-independent interface
  • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Fundamentals of JavaScript functions, error handling, etc.

Yes! If you equip yourself with the above skills before learning AngularJS projects, your learning journey will be hassle-free.

Skills You Will Develop Through Angular Projects

Practising AngularJS projects will help you hone your hard and soft skills remarkably. Let’s outline them in the following.

  • Familiar with installing client-side packages using the Node Package Manager
  • Mastery in creating interactive and high-performance applications using front-end technologies such as HTML and CSS
  • Proficiency in building and executing RESTful APIs
  • Exposure to code refactoring and developing bug-free codes
  • Mastery in configuring application modules, components, and services with Angular CLI
  • Proficiency in creating user-friendly interfaces with JavaScript language
  • Mastery in handling AJAX and HTTP requests using the React extension for JavaScript library (RxJS)
  • Familiar with storing multiple versions of applications in repositories and tracking code versions using version control systems like GIT
  • Excellent collaboration and communication skills
  • Excellent problem-solving and creative skills.

By acquiring these skills, you will become a competent AngularJS developer. The more you work on the projects, the more you will polish your skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your AngularJS learning journey today. 

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Best Angular Project Ideas For Practice

In this section, we have curated the battle-tested Angular JS projects. You can start practising the projects from the beginner to the advanced level. The projects will help elevate your hard skills from scratch to the expert level.

Angular JS Projects For Beginners

This section contains basic projects that familiarise you with the AngularJS framework. You will also learn other software development technologies.

Let’s get your hands dirty! 

#1. NotePad Application

Notepad is a simple AngularJS web application. It allows users to take notes and read, modify, or delete them. The application's simple interface makes managing files a breeze. You can create any number of applications with this application and save notes in TXT format.

Working on this project will enhance your skills in typescript and JavaScript languages. Also, you will become proficient with front-end technologies such as HTML and CSS. You will learn to use the Node Package Manager to construct the application with Angular CLI, Nodejs, and Bootstrap tools.

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#2. Angular Bare Bones

Angular Bare Bones is one of the go-to AngularJS projects for newbies. This application includes many angular components, pipes, services, directives, and more. It enables Angular routing in its simple and multi-component forms. RouterModule, RouterLink, and RouterOutlet are the routing components used in this application.

By practising this project, you will gain expertise in HTML, Typescript, and CSS languages. Also, you will learn to use NPM modules, scripts, and routing. You will also learn to wire the application components using the Angular Bootstrapper. Moreover, you will add a simple data service to show dependency injection in this project.

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#3. Weather Application

A weather app is a beautiful project for novices because it is easy to develop and launch. This weather application has many vital features. They are current temperatures, climate maps, sunrise and sunset timings, and more. You will apply the code scaffolding process while developing this application. You will perform unit and end-to-end tests to ensure the quality of the codes.

This project allows you to gain significant exposure to Typescript and JavaScript languages. You will also become fluent in HTML, Angular CLI, and CSS languages. You will learn to upgrade the weather application by incorporating advanced weather forecasting and data visualisation features.

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#4. Chat Application

In this fantastic project, you will construct a simple interactive chat application using SockJS. While developing this application, you will install the node modules and the dependencies. After that, you will run the modules and the dependencies.

By completing this project, you will learn JavaScript and CSS languages. You will also learn to use dependencies in this project. The dependencies can be Sockjs-client-node, Sockjs-client, and package managers like NPM. You will also learn to change the directory to the node-server folder and start the node server.

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#5. URL Shortener

It is one of the intriguing AngularJS projects. We use the AngularJS framework in this application because of its OOPs capabilities. Using this application, you can reduce the length of your website URL. You will develop a URL Shortener with robust tracking mechanisms, analytics, user interfaces, and more.

Working on this project will give you expertise in HTML, Typescript, and CSS languages. This project will expose you to front-end and back-end software development. This project will also teach you to perform code scaffolding. You will learn to run various software tests as well.

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Good work! You have played around with the basic level AngularJS projects so far. You might have gained some exposure to the AngularJS framework. Keep up the same curiosity. Dive into the next section to explore complex AngularJS projects.

Intermediate-Level Angular Projects

If you get started with AngularJS but still need mastery over the tool, you can work on these intermediate-level AngularJS projects. By practising the projects, you will improve your hands-on experience significantly.

Let’s delve deeper!

#6. AngularJS Google Maps (AGM)

AGM is the AngularJS library you can use while working with Google Maps. The main thing about this library is that it heavily focuses on providing easy-to-use AngularJS directives. In this project, you will use the controller, which broadcasts an event when there is a location change.

By completing this project, you will achieve mastery in JavaScript and HTML languages. You will get exposure to Google Maps API and directives through this project. You will be exposed to Google Maps Places Autocomplete Directive. This directive supports performing place predictions based on inputs.

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#7. Admin Dashboard Template

In this project, you will develop a customisable admin dashboard template. You will craft this application with a responsive layout and high-resolution user interfaces. This application also includes configurable themes and authentication modules with multiple providers.

Working on this project will make you proficient with HTML, Typescript, and SCSS languages. Learning this project will also expose you to over 40+ Angular components. You will learn to work mainly with ngx-admin — a popular front-end admin dashboard template.

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#8. Event Management System

It is one of the exciting AngularJS projects. In this application, you will develop an event management system. It includes events, event themes, event services, etc. It allows users to select events, places, resources, fix dates and times, etc. Then, the application owner/admin will contact the user and proceed with the events.

Completing this project will help you become proficient in VS Code editors, Express.js, Twitter Bootstrap, and MongoDB technologies. Building this application will familiarise you with npm, Node.js, and Angular CLI technologies.

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[ Learn How To Become Front End Developer ]

#9. Currency Converter

The Currency Converter is a fantastic AngularJS project. In this project, you will craft an application to convert the currencies of countries in real-time. You will use the ExchangeRate API to instantly convert currencies. The application stores all the data in local storage, including converted currencies and values.

By learning this project, you will gain mastery in AngularJS, Typescript, SCSS, Sass, Bootstrap, etc. You will learn to build HTML templates and apply CSS in the application. You will learn to install and work with VS code editors and use extensions for VSCode.

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#10. Storybook

Storybook is one of the fun AngularJS projects. You will develop an add-on to create storybook stories using the AngularJS components. This add-on provides users the flexibility to write stories in the way they wish.

By working on this project, you will get expertise in JavaScript and CSS languages. Also, you will get familiar with NPM and Yarn package managers. Learning to write stories using Markdown with MDX story format is straightforward. You will run unit and end-to-end tests to ensure the quality of this application.

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#11. Angular Jumpstart

In this project, you will construct a Jumpstart application using the Typescript version that uses classes and modules. You will define routes, including the child routes and lazy loaded routes. Moreover, you will use custom pipes and directives to develop this application.

By working on this project, you will be proficient with TypeScript, HTML, MDX, CSS, Dockerfile, etc. You will also learn to define properties and use events in components. You will get familiar with capturing and validating data using template-driven and reactive forms.

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Well done! We hope these intermediate-level projects helped you gain expertise in the AngularJS framework.

Advanced Level AngularJs Projects

In this section, we will go through the advanced AngularJs projects. Practising the projects will help you master the AngularJS framework.

Let’s move forward!

#12. Task Manager

In this project, you will craft a task management application using Angular v17. This task manager will allow users to log in/log out, add, edit, view, and mark completed tasks.

By completing this project, you will achieve mastery in HTML, Typescript, and CSS languages. You will also become familiar with the Angular v17.1.1 framework, Angular Material UI v17.1.1, and more. You will learn to run unit tests and troubleshoot bugs efficiently in code.

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#13. Reddit Clone

In this project, learners can create a Reddit clone to publish posts and comment on other posts. You will make this simple Reddit clone using the Angular 1.5 framework in the front end and Bootstrap in the back end. In this project, you will store all the post data securely.

Completing this project will help you become fluent in HTML and JavaScript programming. You will learn to develop new posts, add comments, sort the posts, and so on. Besides, you will deeply understand code refactoring, version control systems like Git, and more by doing this project.

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#14. Enterprise Information Service

This application helps organisations visualise their technology landscape. You will build it using Bootstrap3, AngularJS 1.7, and other technologies. It includes many vital features, such as application groups, asset costs, flow diagrams, physical flows, and more.

This project will familiarise you with JavaScript, EJS, SCSS, and HTML languages. It will also expose you to the Svelte framework. You will also get exposure to server technologies such as the Java 8 development platform, JDBC API, Spark engine, and more. You will also learn to work with PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL servers.

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#15. Metadata Management Application

In this project, you will craft a metadata management tool for data search in higher education. This application includes the metadata of data packages. Researchers can access the metadata even before establishing contracts. In this application, you will leverage the MongoDB database and Elasticsearch search engine. They will help store and access metadata.

Metadata management tool

image source

By practising this project, you will become proficient with JavaScript, SCSS, Robot Framework, and HTML tech stack. This project teaches you to install the dependencies such as Maven, Java, and Node.js on your machine. You will learn to use the CI pipeline to perform automatic checks. You will learn to perform tests to optimise metadata management.

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#16. Restaurant Management System

In this project, you will build a restaurant management system. This system helps streamline food orders and enhance customer experience. You will add user roles, product categories, billing features, and more to this project. This application provides the necessary controls for admins to manage users and customers.

By learning this project, you will gain exposure to back-end tech stacks such as Java, SpringBoot, JDBC, MySQL, REST API, and front-end technologies like bootstrap styling. You will learn to make authentication using JWT for securing API endpoints.

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#17 Jira Clone

An Angular, ng-zorro, and Akita-based, stripped-down version of Jira. You may be familiar with Jira Software, an enterprise-level issue-tracking system. Here, we have a stripped-down version of Jira. Build your own Jira replacement by copying the existing code. Learning Angular will teach you how to build tracking apps like these.

It's not a good idea to copy the code. Instead, think outside the box when you study and prepare for tests. Learn how to use Angular to its full potential. Features like Kanban and Scrum boards can be included in various formats.

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Congrats! You have worked on advanced AngularJS projects successfully. We are sure the projects might have enhanced your hands-on experience. Moreover, they might have equipped you to face real-time challenges in the workplace.

Why Are Angular Projects So Important?

Angular JS is vital for your app development project, and how you can reap its many rewards is outlined here.

  • Supported by Google: Having Google's backing is one of Angular's most valuable features. The best thing is that Google intends to continue investing in and expanding the angular ecosystem for the foreseeable future.
  • TypeScript: TypeScript, a superscript for JavaScript, is used to construct the angular application because it supports types such as interfaces, primitives, and more. In addition, it aids in the early detection and elimination of faults during the coding and maintenance processes.
  • Declarative UI: Angular uses HTML to define the application's user interface because it is a simpler language. Since it is also a declarative language, you won't worry about how the code flows or which files get loaded first.
  • POJO: The angular framework eliminates the requirement for a separate setter and getter method. All the objects it employs are POJOs, making it possible to manipulate objects in the usual JavaScript fashion.
  • Easy Testing: The Angular framework makes testing incredibly easy and fast. These modules have user-friendly application components. Separating code into modules makes loading critical services easier before putting them through automated rigour.
  • The MVC Pattern, Simplified: The original Model-View-Controller (MVC) software architecture is built into this framework. However, it deviates from the norm and does not require programmers to split an application into multiple MVC components and write code to make them work together.
Learn Top Angular JS Interview Questions and Answers that help you grab high-paying jobs

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are AngularJS projects?

Working on AngularJS projects is a fantastic way to build your hands-on skills. MindMajix delivers industry-recognised AngularJS training for both freshers and professionals. Industry experts have designed this course, providing much weightage to labs and projects. So, once you complete the training, you will become an industry-ready AnguarJS developer.

2. What Angular can do?

AngularJS supports scalable, dynamic web application development using its structural, component-based framework. It has interoperable libraries for handling form administration, routing, and client-server communication. You don't need to write lengthy codes. That's because AngularJS comes with dependency injection and data binding features.

3. What are AngularJS directives?

AngularJS directives help extend the capabilities of the HTML language, assisting developers in developing robust web applications. They also allow developers to write custom tags and perform mapping. AngularJS offers the flexibility to build custom elements while developing applications. On top of all that, directives act as markers in the Document Object Model (DOM).

4. Is Angular good for big projects?

Yes, you can employ the AngularJS framework for big projects. Applications built with AngularJS simplify managing large traffic on progressive web apps. So you can create dynamic websites seamlessly.

5. Is it worth learning AngularJS in 2024?

AngularJS is a popular framework among web developers. There are many opportunities for Angular developers worldwide. Top companies such as TCS, Infosys, Cognizant, Accenture, etc., hire AngularJS developers for competitive salary packages. As per AmbitionBox, entry-level AngularJS developers can earn an average annual salary of over 7 LPA in India. says they can make over 96k USD annually on average in the USA.


Let's wrap up! We hope the AngularJS projects discussed in this article helped you hone your hard skills. The more you practice the projects, the more you can polish your hands-on skills. We suggest exploring more advanced projects that will refine your AngularJS skills. Ultimately, you will emerge as an industry-ready AngularJS developer.

MindMajix is the industry-leading eLearning provider that offers AngularJS training to every enthusiastic learner, regardless of their technical background. You can enrol in the AngularJS course with MindMajix and improve your skills. Our mentors will assist you in working on the latest real-time projects. They will also expose you to a set of data industry samples. Ultimately, you will boost your practical skills to new heights.

Course Schedule
Angular TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Angular TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Angular TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Angular TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 11 Oct 2024
About Author

Viswanath is a passionate content writer of Mindmajix. He has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain. You can reach him on Linkedin

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