Vue vs Angular

Angular is a JavaScript framework developed by Google. On the other hand, VueJs is better suited to lower-level applications and is frequently used for rapid prototyping. Both frameworks are pretty famous. However, their popularity isn't equal. So, which is more suitable for your endeavor? Let's take a closer look at each individually.

Although there have been numerous JavaScript frameworks published in the past, none have come close to the holy trinity of Angular and Vue. This blog compares VueJS and Angular to determine which framework is better for you. So, let's make this decision a little easier for you by pitting Vue vs Angular. Let's start with the fundamentals of both web frameworks.

VueJS vs AngularJS - Table of Contents

What is Angular?

AngularJS is a Javascript framework based on typescript that lets organizations create scalable web apps. It's a stand-alone front-end architecture with built-in tools and functions that don't slow down the application's size or performance. Its flexible code can be utilized for any deployed target and provides development chances across all platforms. 

Angular was first launched in 2016, and it was a complete rebuild of AngularJS from 2010. Misko Hevery and the Angular team at Google created the application framework. Today, the framework is managed by the same team and other external developers.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Angular, then enroll in "Angular Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Advantages of AngularJS

  • TypeScript's Advantages: It includes superior navigation, refactoring services, and autocomplete, all of which help developers construct enterprise-scale apps with fewer errors.
  • Long-term Google Assistance: Google's support is backed up by thorough documentation and the framework's ability to be expanded with new development features.
  • High Performance: The hierarchical dependency injection, Ivy renderer, AOT compiler, differential loading, and Angular Universal support ensure developers get the best performance possible.
  • Recommendation of Updates: The Angular command-line interface regularly makes recommendations for dependencies, loaders, and plugins.
  • Third-party Integrations: The framework makes it simple to integrate third-party apps, giving developers more flexibility and tools.
  • Customizable Framework: The framework that can be readily customized elements and modules from other frameworks can be easily incorporated and customized to meet the developer's needs. Wrapping Angular HTML elements as DOM elements allows them to be reused and managed more efficiently.

Disadvantages of AngularJS

  • Complexity: Considering its element architecture, the frontend framework's handling of parts and repetitiveness make it lengthy for developers.
  • Versions in AngularJS: Moving from AngularJS to Angular is significant for developers, especially when using an extensive framework application. Furthermore, knowing about each edition helps make the curve higher and reduces the appeal of that version.
  • Heavily Weighted Framework: Simple and modest programs can become bloated due to boilerplate code, abstractions, and other packaged features.

What is VueJS?

VueJS is a JavaScript framework that offers powerful web tools for building single-page applications and user interfaces. It allows changes to be made to an application's code without affecting any fundamental features, creating progressive UI. VueJS's high decoupling also allows bespoke and visual components to be added to the web application's functionality.

Advantages of VueJS

  • Progressive: VueJS migration or integration may be easily handled by gradually integrating the structure into code while building components is in progress, without wasting any development time.
  • Traditional: By employing in-built solutions to generate state support for managing parts and animations, VueJS doesn't make creating boilerplate code difficult. The traditional way speeds up the entire process of developing VueJS apps.
  • Adequate Size: VueJS's framework becomes lighter and faster with each new version released. Thanks to VueJS's optimization capabilities, developers may focus on feature addition rather than troubleshooting or code tuning.
  • Functional Extension: VueJS provides a set of function-based additive API devices that allow for flexible and broad component logic composition in an application. As an outcome, application components can be more readable and functionally extended.
  • Future Ready: VueJS is known for its robust production environment, so there's no need to frequently update or check the app for bug fixes or upgrades. By default, the framework facilitates the updating process.

Disadvantages of VueJS

  • Community: VueJS's community is incomprehensible because of the lack of a common language. Because VueJS is so prevalent in China, most of the discussion is in Chinese, making it challenging for English-speaking developers to learn and share resources.
  • Code Reactivity: VueJS's two-way binding helps create and synchronize elements across an application. The DOM also causes data chunks or sections of features to be rendered.
  • Support: Because VueJS is still a young framework with a limited community when used for large-scale projects, less experienced developers will be unable to resolve issues.
  • Flexibility Risk: It's usually good to have options and flexibility, but VueJS provides far too much. It's commonly thought of as a framework that overcomplicates a project, resulting in errors and code abnormalities.
  • Resource limitation: VueJS's ecosystem is significant, but it still lacks plugins and utilities compatible with most alternative tool sources and frameworks. Most of the resources available are likewise unsupported.

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Use Cases of VueJS and AngularJS

Angular Use Cases

  • Apps for streaming video
  • e-commerce software
  • Application of real-time data
  • Portals for user-generated content
  • Websites that are based on content
  • Web apps that are progressive
  • Apps for mobile devices that are native
  • Web apps with only one-page
  • Applications for gaming
  • Applications that run on the cloud.
Check out the Top Reasons Why Should You Use AngularJS

VueJS Use Cases

  • Web apps that progress
  • Apps that are only on one-page
  • Requests for small projects
  • Apps for businesses of all sizes
  • Extension of an existing application
  • Adding new features to an existing application.

VueJS vs Angular: 8 Key Differences To Focus

VueJS is a JavaScript framework that is related to Angular. As a result, it's not surprising that all two frameworks share a lot of commonalities. VueJS and Angular have enough differences to warrant multiple front-end Javascript framework applications.

Let's look at some of the critical differences between Angular and VueJS to see if you can decide which framework to choose.

1. Learning Curve

  • VueJS is more straightforward to understand than Angular, especially if you're switching from them. The templates in VueJS.js are written in HTML, and it uses just JavaScript. As a result, VueJS developers and engineers are not required to master any programming language other than JavaScript.
  • Angular, on the other hand, is a complex language to master. You must first master other concepts such as TypeScript and MVC before utilizing Angular (Model View Controller). As a result, learning for novices is quite tricky.

2. Popularity

  • VueJS is an ever-expanding community. Despite its rapid popularity, it seems to have a smaller market than React or Angular. It will take several years for VueJS to provide enough job possibilities. VueJS focuses on the open-source Community, although knowledge sharing is currently limited compared to Angular.
  • Angular has gained a vast and growing community since its initial release. On GitHub, it has over 70K stars and 500K weekly downloads. In terms of work opportunities, Angular has a broader market. Most influential organizations choose Angular because of how easily they can create and maintain large, complex online projects. Because of Angular's enormous popularity, you'll receive many answers.

3. Size

  • VueJS is a lighter, smaller version of Angular. It incorporates various required features and functionalities using third-party components and programs. Due to VueJS's lack of built-in core libraries, you'll need to include other third-party libraries. The code's size and complexity are reduced, making it possible to get to and navigate. In contrast to other existing frameworks, VueJs latest version is smaller and faster.
  • Angular differs in that it has more built-in capabilities and libraries. As a result, Angular has evolved into a monolithic framework with a large storage footprint. While many of these features are advantageous and necessary, others are unlikely to be employed. This adds a layer of complexity that isn't required.

4. Syntax and Complexity

  • VueJS is relatively easy to use and understand. The syntax is simple to grasp, and the code in your VueJS application will be nice, quick, and tidy.
  • Angular is far more challenging to use than VueJS. Simple activities require many lines of code due to rigorous structural rules. When comparing Angular versus VueJS, the syntax of an Angular app will be far more sophisticated.

5. Structure and Flexibility

  • VueJS is not overly structured, giving the developer a lot of leeways. It offers official support for many development methods, allowing you to customize your app in any way you like. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to app development. Your templates can be written in HTML or JavaScript.
  • Angular offers a much more defined app architecture. This comes in handy, especially when working on massive projects. Many large corporations prefer Angular to alternative frameworks because it provides a consistent architecture for all developers.

6. Data Rendering

  • VueJS uses Virtual DOMs, a reduced version of the DOM. The framework sorts a default performance-optimized configuration with the help of the virtual DOM. As a result, anytime the application's data changes, it renders the virtual DOM rather than the user interfaces.
  • Angular, unlike other frameworks, does not employ virtual DOMs. Instead, it employs watchers to make the data displaying process easier. The observers keep track of the previous data values and only update the parts of the original DOM that have changed.

7. TypeScript

  • VueJS 2.0 introduced official typings and decorators. Vue, on the other hand, we believe, is significantly more suitable due to its TypeScript integration. This is because tiny use-cases can need a lot of coding and be cumbersome.
  • Angular is a TypeScript-based Javascript framework with TypeScript resources and documentation. Even the framework is written in it, giving you much control over your code inside a well-defined structure. This is a significant benefit, particularly when developing large-scale applications.


  • VueJS is a JavaScript framework that leverages the MVVM (Approach-View-View Model) model. The application logic is stored in the model layer, whereas the user interface logic is stored in the view layer. The view and model layers exchange data in the View Model layer. This results in a bi-directional data flow within Vue applications, known as two-way data binding.
  • Angular uses a framework called Model-View-Controller (MVC). The three logical elements of the software are the model, view, and controller. The user interface layer is separated from the application logic layer, allowing the application to be partitioned into many components. Angular allows developers to construct well-structured code and break down large portions of code into smaller chunks.
Learn AngularJS Interview Questions and Answers that help you grab high paying jobs

Popular Applications Built with VueJS and Angular

Popular Apps Built with Angular

  • Mixer: This live video game broadcasting platform used Angular to develop its user interface. It also assisted the team in real-time data updates for single-page applications.
  • Gmail: For its dynamic interface, the single-page email client employs Angular. The website generates information on the front end, allows offline access to cached data, and has various SPA features.
  • PayPal: The online transaction processing website used Angular to deliver outstanding website performance and handle spikes in customer transactions. Other features made with the help of Angular are its few-click authorization and checkout page.
  • Forbes: The American magazine's digital version employs Angular 5 for its UI, which can respond to 74 million monthly readers in the United States.
  • It is an online weather service. The Weather Channel uses Angular for its user interface, controlled by independent teams for each directory. Angular allows the site to incorporate different maps, real-time broadcasting, and video streaming for news updates.
  • Microsoft Office: Through its Office 365 API, the document software made a giant leap by migrating to the online platform. The adoption of Angular enabled the application to have a single-page view with great UI.

Popular Apps Built with VueJS

  • Grammarly: Data binding and template engine syntax are used to develop necessary IDE capabilities for creating an intuitive and easy-to-follow online editor with a simple design and contextual layout.
  • Laravel Spark: Client-side smooth operation of the front-end application. It gives control over SaaS apps. It was made possible by combining custom-built VueJS components with the Primer client version of Laravel Spark to create hefty functionalities.
  • Behance: Create unique solutions that can universally maintain application code and standardize the program with each new aesthetic feature released throughout the year on Behance. Perhaps, Behance partnered with VueJS to facilitate a roster transition among their developers.
  • Gitlab: Add advanced functionality to help the existing community enhance their reporting, administration, code management, and analytics. GitLab slowly migrated to VueJS because of its ease of generating complex components with little effort.
  • Adobe Portfolio: VueJS was used to transition from a legacy framework without causing a fuss of data loss or inconvenience. Adobe created bespoke tools with the Support of VueJS that allow customers to create modern websites using Adobe creatives.

VueJS vs Angular - Performance Comparison

How does Angular stand out in performance?

  • Angular has proven to be a high-performance framework. Ivy renderer, a redesign of Angular's rendering engine, lies at the heart of the framework.
  • It claims to build ultra-fast and small apps for unrivaled performance and combine components that cut development time.
  • The enhanced change detection method and forward compilation decrease the probability the DOM tries to manipulate pre-compiled HTML and app elements just before the browser downloads and utilizes them. 
  • This could explain why it has acquired so much traction as a Javascript platform for building high-performance apps.

How does VueJS stand out in terms of performance?

  • The status of The VueJS application grows more unclear with each new feature or component extension, making it more difficult for the app to load faster.
  • Fortunately, this framework includes a virtual DOM, the default technique for optimizing an application's performance. 
  • One of VueJS's most notable features is lazy loading. It aids in the reduction of load time.
  • VueJS handles a third-party library asynchronously by automatically handling critical dependencies and separating libraries into those that must be included in the primary application bundle and those that may be used on routes outside of the core bundle.

VueJS vs Angular - Comparison Table

Basis of ComparisonAngularVueJS
PopularityPopularity is high.Slowly gaining traction, and maybe a strong contender for Angular in the future.
DependenciesTo get started, you must import the necessary modules.It lacks an Angular-like built-in feature.
CompatibilityDue to inherent differences, Angular 2 projects cannot be migrated.Backward compatibility is a plus.
TypescriptTo begin, the user must be familiar with TypeScript and Angular.Using the CDN library, coding may be done everywhere in the code pen.
FlexibilityIt's not easy to begin working on existing projects.It can simply be combined with other projects without causing any problems.
ComplexityBeginners may find it challenging to get started.The CDN library is an excellent place to start for a beginner.
PerformanceFront-end development should be done at a reasonable speed.VueJS are faster and lighter than angular.
ApplicationsMore "industrial," and better suited to a larger front-end crew.It's more suited to Lightweight applications.

Related Article: AngularJS vs NodeJS

VueJS vs Angular - Which is Better?

  • You'll need to understand concepts like MVC and TypeScript to work with Angular.
  • VueJS, on the other hand, isn't like that.
  • VueJS also has more basic app templates and custom functions than Angular, making it more accessible.
  • Architecture is also an aspect to consider. Angular employs the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) and MVC (Model-View-Controller) frameworks to create websites and web-based applications.
  • On the other hand, VueJS concentrates on the ViewModel, which is more limited.


When comparing Angular with Vue, it's difficult to state one is better than the other. Angular and Vue are terrific frontend development frameworks, to be sure. Finding the appropriate fit for your web development project is significant.

Course Schedule
Angular TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Angular TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Angular TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Angular TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Viswanath is a passionate content writer of Mindmajix. He has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain. You can reach him on Linkedin

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