Blue Prism Interview Questions

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If you're looking for Blue Prism Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. The RPA market is expected to grow to more than $10 billion by 2024, from only $180 million, according to industry estimates. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Blue Prism Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Blue Prism Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as a Blue Prism Developer.

Top 10 Frequently Asked Blue Prism Interview Questions

Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers

1) What are the basic differences between Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere?

Automation Anywhere
LearningKnowledge of programming to manage business objects.Easy to learn and understand even for a beginner.
ReuseBP Libraries can be reused with other processes as well.Re-usable blocks are created using smart adapters
Cognitive CapabilityCapability is very less.Moderately capable.
AccuracyAccurate with web, desktop, and Citrix as well.Moderate accuracy.
RobotsOnly back-office automation.Both front and back office robots.
ArchitectureClient-Server-based architecture.Client-Server-based architecture.
AccessOnly app-based access.Only app-based access.
Base TechnologyC#Microsoft Technology
ReliabilityBest in terms of reliability.Highly reliable


Related Article: Comparison between Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere

2) What is Robotic Automation?

Robotic automation refers to a style of automation where a machine, or computer, mimics a human’s action in completing rules-based tasks.

3) Explain the terms Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic: Objects which mimic humans are called robots.

Process: A series of steps that leads to meaningful activity.

Automation: Any process done by robots whiteout any human involvement.

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4) What is Blue Prism’s Robotic Automation?

Robotic Automation refers to process Automation where computer software drives existing enterprise application software in the same way that a user does.

Automation is a tool or platform that operates other application software through the existing application user interface.

5) What are the stages of the RPA life cycle?

  • There are six stages of the RPA life cycle they are

  • Discovery phase: in this phase needs of the clients are examined whether the process can be automated or not. After that complexity of that process is examined simultaneously with its benefits.

  • Solution Design Phase: The solution or the steps to automate a task is created in this phase. Apart from the fundamental necessities, and other needs for the project like Time to be spent, Budget, a number of people working on this project are selected. Then an Object Model Diagram or else a Flowchart is designed to understand the flow of that process.

  • Development Phase: this is the phase wherein the Automation Developer designs Automation Scripts within the preferred RPA Tool. Depending on this task to be automated or the sort of automation needed, this may or may not require coding.

  • User Acceptance Tests(UAT): In this phase of the RPA lifecycle, the developed bot is tested either by the development team or by the Testing team. The bot is tested within the pre-production environment to test how clients can use this bot to automate a particular task. 

  • Deployment and Maintenance Phase: right after developing and testing, we can deploy the robot into the production environment.

  • Execute Robots: bots are executed in this stage and then checked to produce meaningful results.

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6) What are the Features of RPA?

  • Less likely to errors also work with great accuracy and agreement.

  • All monotonous tasks are performed in the same fashion.

  • When compared to the manual way, the execution of a job is extremely faster.

  • High coding skills are not needed.

7) Is Robotic Automation like screen scraping or macros?

  • No, clerical Robotic Automation is a generation from old technologies like screen scraping or macros. The major differences are:

  • Robots are universal application orchestrators – any application that can be used by a person can be used by a modern robot, whether mainframe, legacy, bespoke application, web service enabled or even a closed 3rd party API hosted service.

  • Robots collect procedural knowledge which over time build into a shared library that can be re-used by any other robot or device (in the same way objects are built in traditional SW engineering).

  • Applications are “read” by the robot, either through dedicated APIs where they exist, through the OS prior to application display, or through the screen in the context of the native application. In this last case the modern robot “reads” an application screen in context and in the same way a user does. As part of the robot training, it is shown how to read the application’s display much like a user is shown.

8) Is Blue Prism an RPA Tool?

Yes, Blue Prism is an RPA Tool.

Related Article: Compare RPA Tools

9) What systems can Blue Prism robotically integrate?

Blue Prism has incorporated many years of experience of integration and numerous technologies into its software. The technologies used are secure, reliable and robust. Instead of creating new adaptors for each unique application, we have developed technology adaptors for all the technologies employed at the presentation layer, Java, Windows, Web, Green Screen/Mainframe and even Citrix.

This coupled with a wide range of dedicated tools that have been developed means that we are confident in being able to link any system with the click of a button. This proven application orchestration capability ensures that new processes can be rapidly designed, built, and tested without any impact on existing systems.

10) What hardware infrastructure do I need to run Blue Prism's Robotic Automation Platform?

Blue Prism has been designed for flexibility and to meet the most robust IT standards for IT operational integrity, security, and supportability. The software can be deployed either as a front office or back office process, running quite happily on a standard desktop in the front office or on any scale of systems for back-office processing.

11) What is a process Studio?

A Blue Prism Process is created as a diagram that looks much like a common business flow diagram.

Processes are created in an area of Blue Prism Process Studio which, as we will see, looks similar to other process modeling applications (such as MS Visio) and uses standard flow diagram symbols and notation.

12) Is Blue Prism's Robotic Automation Platform secure and auditable?

Security and audibility are built into the Blue Prism robotic automation platform at several levels. The runtime environment is completely separate to the process editing environment.

  • Permissions to design, create, edit and run processes and business objects are specific to each authorized user.
  • A full audit trail of changes to any process is kept, and comparisons of the before and after effects of changes are provided.
  • The log created at run-time for each process provides a detailed, time-stamped history of every action and decision taken within an automated process.
  • Our clients tend to find that running a process with Blue Prism gives them a lot more control than a manual process, and from a compliance point of view assures that processes are run consistently, in line with the process definition.
Checkout: RPA Tutorials

13) How do I get started on delivering processes using Blue Prism?

Blue Prism recommends a phased approach to getting started as the Operational Agility framework is eminently scalable. It is typical to target the configuration of between 1 and 10 processes initially with a rolling program of processes being introduced once the framework is established.

14) What support do I need from Blue Prism Professional Services?

It really depends on the skills you already have in the house and the way you wish to work. Blue Prism can provide a full range of services from basic training, support and mentoring with a view to quickly getting your team independently delivering ongoing automation, right through to a full turnkey package where we will take responsibility for delivering business benefit within agreed service levels.

15) Why Blue Prism?

Automation process can be designed within IT Governance Supports both internal and external Encryption/Decryption KeysProvides Audit Logs enabling High-level Robustness because of .NET customized code within the process automation (Tool is capable of doing all the activities whatever can be done using . NET)

16) How long until my team is self-sufficient in developing automated processes?

The initial 3-day training course provides the basic knowledge required to begin creating automated processes. Candidates can expect to achieve full accreditation within the timeframe of the project for the initial Operational Agility framework creation. During this time the trainees are delivering automated processes into the production environment, therefore, generating business benefits.

17)  How much does robotic automation cost?

A “fully loaded” office robot is approximately 1/3rd of the cost of globally sourced agents. The flexibility and ease of deployment mean that this comparison is easy to maintain and judge the best approach to a given task.

18) What is the difference between a thin client and a thick client?

A thin client is an application that we cannot get the attribute properties while spying using any RPA tools. For eg, Citrix or any virtual environment and the thick client is an application that we get a pretty handful of attribute properties using RPA tools eg calculator, Internet Explorer

19) Does a blue prism require coding?

Blue Prism’s digital workforce is built, managed, and owned by the user or customer, spanning operations and technology, adhering to an enterprise-wide robotic operating model.

It is code-free and can automate any software.

The digital workforce can be applied to automate processes in any department where clerical or administrative work is performed across an organization.

20) What are the differences between Blue Prism and UiPath?

UiPath and Blue Prism both tools have their respective software/Studio and they are very good. UI and BP both have visual process designers for developing the solutions.


In terms of programming languages.

  • Blue Prism Uses C# for coding

  • UiPath uses VB for coding

In terms of Control Room/Dashboard

  • UiPath control room - The Orchestrator - is web-based, you can access it from the browser or mobile.

  • BP has client-based servers, accessible only through their apps.

In terms of cost and uses


  • Lower cost of development

  • Easier to learn and operate

  • You can learn by yourself

  • Study materials are easily available on the internet

Blue Prism

  • Good for mass scale deployment of a large number of robots

  • Higher cost of acquiring and using BP

  • Limited training available as the only source of training is BP

  • The training cost of Blue Prism is too high

21) Explain environment locking?

Environment locking blocks multiple robots from obtaining the same path of the process. A token is generated in this environment locking where only one bot can obtain the path.  

22) Explain the use of work queues?

By using work queues, we can break a large volume of work into a small volume, and we can use multiple bots by which we can reduce time consumption.

23) What are the different tools for RPA and Vendors?

Different tools for RPA and vendors are:

  • Open span
  • Kofax
  • BlackLine
  • Datamatics
  • Verint   

24) What are the different security types in Blue Prism?

There are three different security types in Blue Prism they are:

  • User: Assigns new user information.

  • Credentials: high secret information.

  • Options: rules assigned for password settings.

25) What is the use of navigating stage?

We can invoke javascript into Blue Prism by using navigate stage in object studio.

26) What is a Visual Business Object?

Visual Business Objects are utilized to give an interface to an application. This application interface is not configured within the Process Studio still it is configured within a different environment called an Object Studio environment. Therefore, a Business Object is not disclosed to the Control Room but is utilized continuously by a Process.

27) What are the components of Blue Prism?

There are two different components in blue prism they are

  • Object Studio: Almost all businesses necessitate to have communication with external applications to automate tasks. Because it cannot happen within Process Studio, Object Studio is applied. Object Studio means the field where Visual Business Objects(VBO) are produced. These objects' diagrammatic programs are communicating with external applications that perform operations. One Business Object gives an interface only with one external application.

  • Process Studio: Process Studio is the field within which the Process Diagrams are generated. This component of Blue Prism gives characteristics such as business logic, control loops, object call, and variables. Each process designed has the Main Page that executes first.

28) What is Attach option in Blue Prism?

The Attach option is utilized to distinguish which application is being used. We require the input of the value to assist it and to identify the application. For instance: “Process Name” or “Window Title”.    

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29) What is the use of dynamic match type?

The Dynamic Match Type permits the user to designate the value of an attribute from that diagram rather than using the one present within the Application Modeler.

We can understand the Dynamic Match Type, as a necessary input parameter needed by any of the stages that use elements.

30) What is OID?

OID is abbreviated as Operational Impact Document. It is utilized to notify the client operation team of whatever is to be developed after occurring of the automation solution. OID is a summary of the transformation that happens after the successful implementation of the solution. 

Course Schedule
Blue Prism TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Blue Prism TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Blue Prism TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Blue Prism TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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