RPA Interview Questions

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a rapidly growing field and can offer good career prospects for individuals with the right skills. The latest RPA interview questions and answers covered in this blog can assist both freshers and experienced in acing the interviews. So, before going for any RPA-related job interview, look over this well-researched set of commonly asked RPA interview questions.

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If you are looking to start your career in Robotic Process Automation, then you are in the right place. We all know how fast the automation and presence of robots have been growing in every field. There are a lot of opportunities available for RPA certified professionals. The job roles include Automation Consultant, Automation Analyst, RPA analyst, RPA lead, and Head of automation. 

To make your job hunting journey easier, we have gathered a bunch of frequently asked RPA Interview Questions based on the opinions of RPA experts. These RPA interview questions will help you in cracking the interview and landing the job that you are aspiring for. Let’s get into the question and answer part.

If you would like to Enrich your career with an RPA certified professional, then visit Mindmajix - A Global online training platform: “RPA Training” Course. This course will help you to achieve this domain.

Below mentioned are the Top Frequently asked RPA Developer Interview Questions and Answers that will help you to prepare for the RPA interview. Let's have a look at them

Top 10 Frequently Asked RPA Interview Questions

  1. What is Robotic Automation Process?
  2. How to create an RPA bot?
  3. What are the characteristics of RPA?
  4. List the benefits of using RPA?
  5. List the popular RPA tools?
  6. List the current limitations of RPA?
  7. What are the typical uses of RPA?
  8. What are the industrial applications of RPA?
  9. What are the components of RPA architecture?
  10. What is the future scope for RPA?

Top RPA Interview Questions

Q1. What is Robotic Automation Process?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a business process automation technology in which the robots simulate and mimic human actions for executing tasks without any human intervention in a business process. An RPA software robot even costs less than the budget spent on an employee and never makes mistakes.

  • Robotics: The entity which mimics the actions of humans.
  • Process: It is a step-by-step procedure that leads to an effective activity, for example, the process of building a house.
  • Automation: It is defined as a process that is performed by robots without human involvement.



Technology Software bots are configured to complete monotonous tasks that humans would normally doEncompasses a wide range of software technology components such as workflow engine, business analytics, etc., to improve business performance.
Automation focusMinimizes manual/ repetitive/rule-based tasks that  do not require complex decision makingremove bottlenecks and shorter process cycle times, and improves productivity business-wide
Deployment effortNon-disruptive works across an organization's existing processes and applicationsA longer-term effort that requires dedicated technical resources depending on process complexity and depth of integrations.
Business impactReturns can be acquired quickly and cost-effectively.Wide gains can be achieved in overall productivity
Cost Less expensive when compared to BPM. BPM is expensive for enterprise applications.


For More Info: Difference between RPA and BPM

Q3. What are the steps involved in the RPA life cycle?

RPA life cycle is defined in 4 phases:

  • Analysis: This is the beginning phase of the RPA lifecycle which analyzes the business processes for RPA development. 
  • Bot Development: Development team works on fulfilling the requirements for the automation tasks.
  • Testing Phase: Development team performs quality checks for bots.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: The bot is deployed and maintained by the team.

Q4. How to create an RPA bot?

To create an RPA bot, we need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Record a task
  • Perform the bot implementation
  • Test the bot
  • Upload the bot to execute the automation tasks

Q5. What are the characteristics of RPA?

The following are the characteristics of RPA:

  • User-friendly: Robotic Process Automation Softwares are usually very easy to use and understand. There is no need to have special or extra knowledge for users to use RPA.
  • Not Disruptive: The process transformation in RPA is very simple and straightforward. 
  • Coding is not required: No coding is required for the employees who work on RPA. They only need to have knowledge regarding how the RPA works.
  • More efficient results in less time: They never make mistakes as humans do. Once you provide them with the right data along with rules and regulations, they will execute the same without any errors.
  • Easy to use: The code required for automating tasks is minimal and not required anymore. So it can be done by simply dragging and dropping into the system.

Q6. What are the factors that are encouraging the organizations to proceed with RPA according to you?

As of today most business organizations are adopting RPA and the following factors that drive most of the organizations to adopt RPA are:

  • RPA always makes sure that it provides error-free results.
  • It can automate tasks as simple as the way we do copy-paste.
  • RPA robots provide an easy way to tackle activities accurately even if the employees are out of an organization.
  • RPA is only a one-time investment for an organization and results are forever.
  • Companies won't require any special attention for quality verification and testing.
  • It requires less human interaction which ensures no conflicts and fast operations.

Q7. Let us assume you need to handle an RPA project and provided inadequate skills to process, then would you reject the project or find an alternative? 

Leaving a project is not at all a correct decision. The fact is that there are many alternatives available for RPA and most of the alternatives have a short duration. So, we can work on it or solve the problem and gain additional skills required for the project by choosing alternatives. Support and alternatives play an important role to assist in this type of project.

Q8. What are the pros and cons of RPA according to you?

The pros of RPA are as follows:

  • Reduced errors
  • Greater productivity
  • Enhanced job satisfaction
  • Lower turnover

The cons of RPA are as follows:

  • Increase in complexities during implementation
  • Redundancy
  • A huge threat of unemployment

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Q9. List the benefits of using RPA?

Key benefits of using RPA are listed below:

  • Reduces costs- Reduces the size of your workforce by automating all the manual and repetitive tasks.
  • Customer satisfaction- Eliminates human errors and provides a lower level of operational risk.
  • Improves data quality- Develops consistency with standardized processes.
  • Increases productivity- Expands the virtual workforce quickly and easily.

Q10. List the popular RPA tools?

The popular RPA tools are as follows:

  • UiPath
  • Another Monday
  • Automation Anywhere
  • LINX
  • WinAutomation
  • Jiffy RPA
  • Kryon
  • Jacada
  • NICE Systems
  • Kofax
  • Automai
  • Pega
  • KOFAX from Lexmark
  • G1ANT
  • WorkFusion
  • Contextor
  • Redwood Software
  • Onvisource
  • AutomationEdge
  • OpenConnect
For More Info: RPA Tools

Q11. Explain the basic requirements of RPA for front and back-office processing?

Robotic process automation (RPA) can be used for both front and back-office processes with its flexibility and capability. Most of the specifications are equal for both front and back-office processes and the same configuration can be deployed, and the outcomes derived are always superior in every aspect.

Q12. What are the scripting standards that you will consider during automation testing?

  • Adequate indentation
  • Uniform naming convention
  • 3 Lines of comments for every 10 lines of code
  • Use of Frameworks wherever possible
  • Robust error handling and recovery scenario
Related Article: Robotic Process Automation Examples 

Q13. What do you mean by Information Collection in RPA?

Information collection in RPA means collecting and measuring information from different resources and possibly providing them to robots to execute their operations easily and reliably.

Q14. What do you understand by Process studio in RPA?

A Process studio is an interface where you develop the actual flow of the business you want to automate. It allows control loops, variables, business logic, and more to be sequenced and tested in a visible business flow. It actually implements the software robot’s logic. Mostly the processes defined in the process studio are similar to a flowchart.

Q15.  What is the difference between a thin client and a thick client?

Thin client: It is an application that doesn't get any attribute properties while spying using RPA tools.

           e.g:- Virtual environment

Thick client: It is an application that gets all the required attribute properties while using any RPA tool. 

           e.g:- Internet Explorer, calculator, browser, etc.

Q16. List the current limitations of RPA?

  • RPA tools cannot understand any information that is non-electronic with unstructured inputs.
  • Organizations need to be aware of diverse data input issues coming from various sources. 
  • RPA is not a cognitive computing solution. It can remove rule-based monotonous tasks but cannot learn from experience and therefore has a ‘shelf life’.
  • Employing RPA to a broken and inefficient process will not fix it.

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Q17. Does Robotic Process Automation require special skills to handle?

The truth is RPA does not require any programming skills. So, anyone can become an RPA expert with some basic knowledge or training for a quite small span. Also, everything can be handled quickly either by a flowchart or in a stepwise manner.

Q18. List the key factors considered for planning automation?

  • Analyze and Plan
  • Identify Tools and Technology
  • Select the right Framework
  • Define Scope of tests
  • Prepare the Testbed
  • Recognize common functionality/methods
  • Perform the test cases
  • Evaluate the test cases

Q19. When will you automate a test in RPA?

  • RPA automation is done on specific levels and positions for testing multiple data sets.
  • For repetitive tasks, regression test cases, and smoke and sanity tasks, it can be simply automated.
Related Article: RPA Statistics 

Q20. Is it a prerequisite for organizations to change their entire infrastructure in order to adopt the RPA approach?

  • No, it is not always necessary to change everything in an organization.
  • RPA approach is easily compatible with the existing infrastructure due to its flexibility feature.
  • Advanced robotic software and tools in RPA don’t face any compatibility issues and efficiently allow the organizations to keep up the pace.

Q21. What are the must-have features for an automation tool?

  • Should support all kinds of test environments
  • Support various frameworks
  • Perform database testing including image testing techniques
  • Debugging and object identification

Q22. How do we perform test cases and scripts in RPA?

 Automation testing is an approach in the Robotic Automation Process that is used to perform test cases and scripts. This testing uses automation tools to cut down the total number of test cases that are required to make RPA run manually.

Q23. Is the Robotic Automation Process a secure and reliable approach?

At different levels, the same is built in the RPA. The important thing is done with vendors, whereas the runtime function is entirely different from the process that is related to the editing of files. It is not mandatory that all the users perform the same action, but in some cases, they can be restricted. This normally includes running, creating, editing, and designing the processes. Every log which we create is capable enough to provide huge information along with a wide scope. When compared to the manual process, the Robotic Automation Process provides security as well as extra control in an environment.

Q24. Which is the most prominent feature of the Robotic Automation Process according to you?

The most prominent feature of RPA is that it provides powerful analytics under every situation. Due to this analytics, better governance can be assured. 

Q25. What sequence of steps are involved in RPA?

The steps that are involved in RPA are:

  • Preparation of project
  • Identification of use case and automation potential
  • Development of business cases
  • Preparation of RPA 
  • Implementation of RPA

Q26. For an agile method when will you avoid using automation testing?

The usage of automation testing can be avoided when there is a frequent change in the requirements or when the documentation required is extremely massive. This is due to the fact that things can go wrong if automation is considered at that time.

Q27. What are the typical uses of RPA?

The uses of RPA are as follows:

  • More profitable
  • The use of RPA in an organization will increase the efficiency
  • Used to increase interoperability

Q28. Name the frameworks with which you are familiar in software automation testing?

The frameworks are as follows:

  • Keyword-driven framework
  • Data-driven framework
  • Hybrid automation framework
  • Modular automation framework

Q29. What are the factors we need to consider to map the success of automation testing?

There are only two factors, and they are:

  • Defect detection ratio
  • Reduction in cost of various modules.

Q30. What are the industrial applications of RPA?

The industrial applications of RPA are as follows:

  • HR- payroll automation, candidate sourcing
  • Telecommunication- managing customer data, fraud management
  • Banking- In Loan processing
  • Retail- managing fake accounts and updation of orders

Q31. What is Screen Scraping in RPA?

Screen scraping is an essential component of RPA that is used to capture bitmap data mainly from the screen and clearly verifies with the existing information to decode it.

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Q32. What are the components of RPA architecture?

The following are the components of RPA:

  • Recorders
  • Control center
  • Bot runner
  • Development studio
  • Extension/plugins

Q33. Define Citrix automation?

The Citrix automation process is mainly used to automate tasks such as filling fields and also submitting the forms in the virtual desktop applications. Moreover, we can process the data entry form filling using Citrix automation.

Q34. Is blue prism a tool of RPA?

Yes, blue prism is one of the most popular RPA tools.

Q35. What kind of support do you need to provide while handling the process or operation based on RPA?

The support we need to provide while handling the process or operation depends entirely on the skills that we actually require for a task or project to perform. It is not necessary that in all cases the tasks are performed using similar RPA skills.

Q36.  How can we say that RPA is wide-range automation in a true sense?

Well, in fact, the RPA always makes sure to provide error-free data and it is used in most of the sectors such as insurance, communication, healthcare, and telecom. By performing the transaction process effectively, it becomes easy for the users to simply automate programs with high complexity.

Q37. Suppose if the organization infrastructure is not aligned with RPA, what do we need to do then?

The robotic Automation Process does not have any issues regarding compatibility, so it can be simply adjusted in the existing organization phase. RPA can be easily modified and is flexible enough to align with the organization’s infrastructure.

Q38. Which type of RPA tool will support an open platform for automation?

UiPath is one of the RPA tools to support an open platform for automation.

Q39. What is the future scope for RPA?

The growth of RPA in the future will be relatively high, and it is going to replace the data entry jobs with automated techniques and tools. Moreover, in the future, RPA will be highly anticipated mainly for the future of IT advancements.

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Learn RPA Tools From Mindmajix:

Automation AnywhereBlue Prism
 UiPath WorkFusion
 Kofax OpenSpan by Pegasystems
 Kofax Capture Winshuttle
 Kryon Systems Softomotive
 Kapow Thoughtonomy
 NICE Actimize RPA and more


Course Schedule
RPA TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
RPA TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
RPA TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
RPA TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Pranaya is working as a Content Writer at Mindmajix. She is a technology enthusiast and loves to write about various technologies which include, Java, MongoDB, Automation Anywhere, SQL, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data. You can connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter.

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