Hyperledger Tutorial

Hyperledger is widely contributing in this matter and has enabled users to simply keep up the pace when it comes to recording the transactions on a network. It is basically an umbrella project that was founded by the Linux Foundation. It is purely based on open-source blockchains which is one of the best things about it and useful for supporting the collaborative development of distributed ledgers that are based on Blockchain technology. This tutorial gives you an overview and talks about the fundamentals of Hyperledger. 

Hyperledger Tutorial

Hyperledger Tutorial - Table of Content 

Record keeping has become a supreme need for almost every business in the present time. The fact is things are becoming more and more complex and business owners really don’t need to compromise with efficiency just because of human errors.

When it comes to running any organization, the first thing that largely matters is nothing but maintaining the ledger that keeps a record of general transactions and other important tasks. Gone are those days when the ledger was prepared/updated manually.

Almost every type of distributed ledger solution can simply be developed through it. One of the best things about this technology is its security. When it comes to the same, users have no reasons to worry at all. In the ledgers developed through this approach, users are always free not to worry about resiliency, scalability, confidentiality, as well as flexibility. Let us explore some important key points about this approach.

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What is HyperLedger?

It is widely regarded as a collaborative effort that is open-source in nature and has been created for a simple aim and i.e. to enhance blockchain technologies in the cross-industry.

If you think Hyperledger supports cryptocurrency or bitcoin, you are probably wrong. Many users confuse it with the same because it is based on the blockchain approach. Blockchain technology is known for its visibility and supreme features

  • One of the facts that no business owner can deny is economic ecosystem is becoming more and more complex in the present time. 
  • No one is able to deal with its reliability until and unless one has the best tools such as HyperLedger available with them. 
  • It is basically an approach that has been designed to support and assure reliable developments of different components related to a digital ledger. 
  • It can simply accommodate the complexity and the users can simply make sure that there will be no errors in future tasks after adopting this technology.
  • Because it is an open-source technology, it needs some expertise to come with results that are purely based on quality and in the way they are required.

Hyperledger Project

When it comes to smart contract technologies and open-source blockchain, it is basically regarded as the umbrella for the same. The Linux Foundations run many projects and Hyperledger is one among the same.

This project is a global collaboration that includes some of the well-known leaders in finance, the Internet of Things, banking experts, supply chain management professionals, as well as several manufacturing units.

One of the primary aims of this project is to make the protocols and developing standards of digital ledgers more and more visible through joint efforts. Assuring different components for the different users for the development is another thing about this project.

  • With this project, users can always make sure of the storage models in the way they want.
  • Factors such as access control, identity management, as well as other contracts can simply be made easy.
  • This project is funded by the project members which are divided into three categories and they are general, premier, and associate members.
  • Any organization that needs to apply for the Hyperledger project should first register as a corporate member of the Linux Foundation.

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What is Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is basically a well-known platform when it comes to distributed ledger solutions. It is one of the permission infrastructures based on blockchain by IBM.

Some users often view it as the actual digital asset which performs some of the very useful tasks between the nodes and the members accessing the services. All the organizations which are registered as members can access the ledger data and the other applications.

The fabric is purely based on the peer nodes and always makes sure of the endorsed transactions. In addition to this, it also performs a very important task and i.e. to regulate the identities of members and their actual roles.

  • It has a very unique and extensible architecture which basically makes it count among the best available technologies and tools for developing a digital ledger.
  • It is not the same in terms of features and functionality with the general blockchain solutions which are currently available and are not so popular.
  • It is capable to assure that the developed projects are able to be used in the long run.
  • It is useful in many ways for the integrated projects.

Hyperledger Architecture

The architecture of the Hyperledger project simply follows a design philosophy that is purely based on a modular extensible approach.

In addition to this, it makes sure of solutions that are highly secured, interoperability, a reliable API. Some of the important components defining the architecture are spotlighted below

  • For assuring the correct transactions and a totally error-free approach for the blockchain, a consensus layer is present in this approach.
  • All the transaction requests and processed and validated by the smart contract layer.
  • The communication layer is the one that is responsible for the peer-to-peer message transport among the nodes that are a part of the shared ledger.
  • Users can simply make sure of the different data stores through the data store abstraction.
  • The crypto abstraction enables all the crypto algorithms to be swapped simply.
  • In addition to this, it contains various API, Policy services, as well as Identity services in the architecture that makes Hyperledger one of the best available technology.

Benefits of Hyperledger

HyperLedger comes with a very large number of benefits and users can simply make sure of the same without doing much.

Most of the benefits that can be driven from this approach are having long-term validity. In addition to this, organizations can simply save a lot of future costs by adopting this wonderful approach

  • The open-source approach makes sure outcomes in the way they are required.
  • The transactions are secured and efficient.
  • It is possible to convert the stored data in a Hyper ledger into different formats to meet various demands.
  • It has rich APIs that make it simple to implements.
  • A diverse array of blockchain needs and projects can be fulfilled simply with this approach.

How Hyperledger works?

The working of Hyperledger is not at all a complex approach. It can perform several important tasks that are complex in nature and always make sure of reliability. However, its working is not at all a complex approach.

  • First of all, nodes are provided in the network and are allowed the required permissions.
  • A transaction is created and the same is delivered to the peers which are endorsing in nature.
  • The message format and pattern may vary depending on the exact needs.
  • An endorsement signature is produced and the peer responsible for the endorsing simulates a transaction.
  • Client submitting the same can then collect the endorsement which is further broadcasted through the services concerned.
  • The ordering service then delivers a transaction to the peer.
  • The policy of the endorsement should be followed.
  • Ledgers are then made valid after the checkpoints.
  • Data is accessed.

Hyperledger API

The Hyperledger comes with a rich API that simply makes sure of reliability and proper functionality of the same without compromising with anything. The users can simply make sure that there are no authenticity-related problems that they have to deal with while working on this.

The interference of the many important tasks can simply be made easy because of the different API’s present in this technology.

These API also make sure that there will be no compatibility-related problems in the approach and one of the best things is there are several features that are available for this. Some of the available API’s in this approach are:

  • CLI
  • Commercial Paper Demo Application
  • Swagger JS Plugin
  • Node.js Application
  • Marbles Demo Application

Hyperledger Slack

Pros and cons are common in any approach and the fact cannot be denied that even one of the well-known approaches has some issues related to them. HyperLedger is a good approach that businesses can trust for the long run.

However, it is true that it comes with several issues that seem to be very daunting. There is always a compromise that users need to make when it comes to expectations.

Although this is not a huge one, it largely matters. The users might have to compromise with many other tasks that largely matter.

Accessing the digital ledger needs a lot of tasks to be performed with reliability and care. In addition to this, users have to bear challenges that can only be resolved through experts.

  • Hyperledger currently has a lot of skill shortage and this is because it is a recently introduced approach.
  • Many errors have been reported. Although they are basic in nature, functionality can get affected up to a good extent.
  • Hyperledger is currently not compatible with all the existing technologies.
  • Many tasks are slow and time-consuming which makes this approach not very beneficial for all the blockchain-related tasks accomplishment.
  • Hyperledger is a technology that is vast and needs time for learning.

Hyperledger Blockchain

The Blockchain is one of those technologies that spread widely in a short span of time. It was launched in the year 2008 and because it is related to bitcoin, many users think that Hyperledger is also related to the same.

Well, the fact is Hyperledger is based on blockchain and it doesn’t have any application with bitcoin. The blockchain is alike a public ledger and the fact is all the information remains available on the blockchain publicly.

Although the identity of the source is not known, the users can always simply make sure of transparent transactions in a very reliable manner.

  • Because Hyperledger is a blockchain-based concept, it is possible for the users to write entries in the record without actually modifying all the information already present.
  • The information updating and amendment principles always make sure that modifications/changes are made in the recommended manner only.
  • The entries can be allotted to multiple users which is necessary in the case of a ledger that organizations have to maintain simply.
  • The information on the centralized server always remains safe even when multiple users are accessing the same.
  • The blockchain is like Google docs and this is one of the leading reasons why users can always make sure of a reliable work environment with the Hyperledger.

Blockchain benefits

Hyperledger Fabric Docker

There are many small-scale applications that are required in the Hyperledger. This is because different organizations have different needs and the task varies largely.

With the Hyperledger fabric docker, it is possible to develop applications that are not just reliable but are very effective in performing a very large number of important tasks. 

  • A lot of development-related tasks can simply be accelerated in the docker environment.
  • The factor such as composing a single application with multiple components is a task that can simply be accomplished because for no other reason than the Hyperledger Fabric docker.
  • The container images always make sure of the transparency and the users are always free to get results that are far beyond their imagination.
  • Because applications along with their dependencies can simply be packed in a  container, users can simply enhance the procedures and practices. 
  • HyperLedger Fabric Docker cut down the dependencies on the libraries which always makes sure that the tasks are performed with the independent variables. The same make sure of faster operations in the modules.
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So this is all about the HyperLedger technology. Although it is a new project by the Linux Foundations, it has got a lot of popularity in a short time period.

IT simply lets organizations have a digital ledger that is free from all the bugs and can simply be considered for the long run. The users can also make sure of reliability in the modular identity services with this approach.

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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Arogyalokesh is a Technical Content Writer and manages content creation on various IT platforms at Mindmajix. He is dedicated to creating useful and engaging content on Salesforce, Blockchain, Docker, SQL Server, Tangle, Jira, and few other technologies. Get in touch with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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