10 Reasons Why Blockchain is Worth Getting Excited

Are you looking for compelling reasons to learn about Blockchain to become a user, investor, or developer? The following are our top ten reasons


Thanks to the advancement in science and technology there is no doubt that concepts like Bitcoin and Blockchain are quite gaining a lot of popularity. Cryptocurrencies have become the talk of the town nowadays and are usually elated to the ICO’s, Ethereum, and Bitcoin, and Blockchain is one of them.

The way its value increases easily, it grabs the attention of many people around. However, it is still not clear why you need to understand the space and enter into this career platform.

The fact is there are so many major trends associated with it that can help you understand its potentiality with regards to career.

Let us learn a little about the concept of Blockchain and how it can prove fruitful for those students who are planning to make their career path in this field.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Blockchain, then visit Mindmajix - a global online training platform: "Blockchain Online Certification" This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. 

Understanding the Concept of Blockchain:

Concept of Blockchain

There are many people who are working in the industry of Blockchain for the first time and needless to say, it is the best thing they think they have chosen as a career path.

Bitcoin when started in the year 2009 was a concept that was ideally developed in the year around 1990 but now it has gained a lot of popularity.

The same is the case with Blockchain and needless to say that there are companies that have started adopting the concept of blockchain technology.

This certainly is a sign that you have a great scope of making your career in Blockchain.

It was developed with an intention to be made as to the nerve system of Bitcoin in the year 2008. It offers more like a decentralized network of regulation and self-compliance.

Blockchain is certainly the most incorruptible digital ledger that is used for economic transactions which you can program to record and even do the financial transactions virtually.

Importance of Blockchain:

Primarily, it holds importance in few manners which is the main reason why it is popular at a global level.

i. Being digital money, its store and process can be recorded from the moment networking on the same starts. This ensures that it becomes convenient for you to do the accounting and make the value transfer a lot easier.
ii. The Ethereum Blockchain other than handling the transactions and accounts also makes sure it stores the programming logic.
iii. Blockchain is quite different from the concept of Bitcoin and the best part about Blockchain is along with transferring money you can also execute the contracts smartly.
iv. Blockchain has been holding an internet value. Just the way you don’t really have to rely on the newspapers to get the news when you can instantly get the details on the internet. With Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, it becomes easy to transfer money bypassing the traditional middlemen such as the government and banks

With so many benefits, there is no doubt that why making a career in the same can prove to be fruitful. Other than this, below are the 10 reasons why earning Blockchain is important.

1. A single Universal infrastructure facility:

A single Universal infrastructure facility

The best part about this option is, it offers a single solution or even says infrastructure facility top connected with the other type of market infrastructure. This way you can integrate into the existing process and system.

This means it becomes a lot more convenient for you to change as per the firm changes or the investors, regulators, and even managers changes, and thus, your flexibility improves.

Check Out Blockchain Tutorials

2. Walk with the Cutting Edge Technology

Since the world of digitalization has gained quite a lot of popularity, it is quite expected whether you can adjust to the flexible environment of the trends that keep on changing or not.

Those people who prefer to walk with the development of the world can certainly try out new things like Blockchain. All you need to do is:

i. Put hours in learning new skills
ii. Study the concept which is trending
iii. Using the resources in an efficient manner
iv. Utilizing the technology keeping future growth in mind

Certainly giving serious thought to this career is a great thing you can do. Since it is worth the investment of valuable time that you would be giving.

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3. There is an entire disruption in the chain:

Since Blockchain holds significant importance and improves the confidence and reliability between the two parties, it of course reduces the value chain and paces up the complicated inter-party processes.

This also means the players should be making a good size of their firm keeping the future position in mind while agers should be making the value chains reassessment.

4. More ways to Explore:

Since this type of technology is one of the huge sleeping giants, you can use it as a platform to explore different ways. There are many applications of Blockchain technology that are being explored currently.

Even the engineers are trying to make use of this technology and ensure that lot of services are well secured and are without any kind of error.

Since already there are startups that are running with it, it certainly has got a huge scope which you can see in future. As an employee, it would definitely not disappoint you at any point in time.

5. Industries Blockchain

In so many years and even in decades for the Blockchain that has become a talk of the town is playing a dominant role in terms of technology in the market.

It is considered to be a crucial management space for the assets.  If you have aka ck to invest and manage the large size funds then this is the right career path for you.

With this, you can begin with the shifting process and ensure that transactions at the platform of Blockchain are maintained and ubiquity value is also driven.

6. A unique opportunity to meet the experts:

Recently there has been a program called a Bloc to show Asia which was organized in Singapore with the agenda to allow a better networking platform.

With more than 1000+ attendees and even 50+ handpicked speakers, there is no doubt that it has increased furthermore scope for Blockchain.

The show had already raised the interest for Blockchain in the financial and technological fabric world. If you make a career in it, certainly, it offers the best scope for you to showcase your ideas behind the paradigm shift.

7. Huge Demand

Huge Demand

Since Blockchain technology is a booming sector, there is no doubt that there are many opportunities that are waiting for you. Cryptocurrency is one such application for Blockchain technology.

It is mostly used by startup companies and some popular financial organizations.

If you think you have the skill set to work in Blockchain and get easily adapted to the wave that is trending, then look nowhere else and brush up your skills to enjoy this ultimate platform.

Frequency Asked Blockchain Interview Questions

8. Get a Good Pay

As said the demand for this option is quite a lot, of course, you can also expect good pay to be received in form of a salary. Being a progressed and improved technology, it is quite hard to get placed here.

But once you do, there is no doubt that in any terms you will be compromising with the salary. It is quite common for companies that offer stock options to employees.

But in cryptocurrency companies, you are given a token or the coin at the early time itself once you enter here as an employee.

Of course, these tokens have certain limitations but as an investment opportunity, they certainly have got a great scope. Keeping a liquidity and career option is certainly good for the employees to make a career path in it.

9. Better Futuristic Value

Investing in Blockchain over the past few years has increased a lot. It is certainly the best place to make sure career keeping future growth in mind.

The adoption of Blockchain has slowly started to unlock the business flexibility at the same time ensuring that the efficiency of the business gets improved and the changing market dynamics are met keeping the future competition perspective in mind.

10. Different experience more Knowledge:

Since this is an evolving concept, there is no doubt that you can learn so much about it. Being new in the world of digitalization, it still has to earn popularity but how much popular it is to date, there is no doubt that it has been quite in demand.

Keeping a line of a career in mind can offer you experience in different sectors that you might not have had achieved in your long career span.

This is definitely the right opportunity to make it last long to create a network for building relationships in the field of interest that you hold.

However, you need to work hard enough to get this opportunity. Because if you don’t, you might face a lot of struggle.

Choosing a job in the Blockchain industry is certainly a great career path for every people belonging to a similar domain.

Certainly, it is quite complex and complicated at the initial stage. But as you understand, you will realize how rewarding it is at the same time. Give it a thought and pursue your dream job.

For in-depth knowledge on Blockchain, click on below:

Course Schedule
Blockchain TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Blockchain TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Blockchain TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Blockchain TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 03 Apr 2023
About Author

Arogyalokesh is a Technical Content Writer and manages content creation on various IT platforms at Mindmajix. He is dedicated to creating useful and engaging content on Salesforce, Blockchain, Docker, SQL Server, Tangle, Jira, and few other technologies. Get in touch with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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