Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions

Do you need to make a profession as a Salesforce CPQ Specialist? Then, it's time to concentrate on the fundamentals. In this blog post, we seek to provide you with our hand-crafted top Salesforce CPQ interview questions for 2024. It will help you crack the interview and secure a job as a Salesforce CPQ Specialist.

A company must operate wisely and efficiently in order to increase sales. In addition, it's vital to have up-to-date information and prices that meet the needs of customers. Any company with technology that can help with all of these duties has a significant edge. Salesforce CPQ is one such tool that helps businesses increase sales and generate recurring revenue.

But, before we start with the Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions 2024, let us bring in front of you some essential facts about Salesforce CPQ:

  • More than 1202 enterprises use Salesforce CPQ, which has a market share of 39.49 percent.
  • Companies like Microsoft, IBM, and General Electric use Salesforce CPQ.
  • The worldwise average salary of a Salesforce CPQ Specialist in the IT industry is  $127,848  per year.

Now that you realize the demand for Salesforce CPQ let's begin with a sequence of Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions to enhance your professional vibes.

We created the salesforce CPQ 2024 questions and answers blog into three stages, they are:

  1. For Freshers
  2. For Experienced
  3. Salesforce CPQ FAQs

Top 10 Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions and Answers 

  1. What do you mean by the "Price List"?
  2. Explain the Transfer profile record.
  3. How does a wrapper class help?
  4. Explain the differences between SOQL and SOSL.
  5. How can we integrate CPQ with Salesforce?
  6. Explain QTC.
  7. How do you use price actions in Salesforce CPQ?
  8. Explain the custom object.
  9. What quotation templates are available?
  10. Explain Co-Terminated Subscriptions in Salesforce CPQ.

Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers:

1. Salesforce CPQ? 

Salesforce CPQ is a customer relationship management software. It maintains the sales process, Sales target, selling rate, product combo creation, sales record, and discount management. For example, an organization is constantly working to increase its sale. They can manage their sales data in this software and create new product details with pricing in this so0ftware with the login credentials of Salesforce CPQ.

Salesforce CPQ

2. Tell us the different variables in Salesforce CQP.

  • While we create the project quotation, it takes a long process time.
  • We may face an error rising during the quotation declaration.
  • No current information will be longer stay.
  • A salesperson can optimize the visualization.
  • We can do business scale up with the current opportunities in the market through CPQ.
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3. What do you mean by the "Price List"?

We need to maintain the sales tracker in our business. This price list shows all pricing features available in this software. The price list contends the different price categorized products as per business cycle. The organization will set these prices after doing market research.

Salesforce CQP Price List

4. In the Salesforce CPQ quote line group, What are available?

In this quote line group grouping lines, information will be stored. We can quickly get grouping line details. This is because it has so many user-defined custom fields. The Ui layer is protecting some of the valuable areas. Due to software security, we can not access those fields. 

 5. Tell me all the basic Product selection rules.

All the product bundles are under this Product selection rule. It allows the automated product bundle system within the same category of products. Once we operate some actions, we can set the product bundle creations criteria. If we want to deselect any product within the same package, we need to disable the product from the product list under product rules.

Basic Product Selection Rules

6. Explain the Transfer profile record.

In Salesforce CPQ, user rights are applicable. We can set the user rights through this transfer profile record feature. Once any user wants to share any particular record, the user can share it in only read-only mode with the permission of the CPQ Specialist.

7. Describe Salesforce Shield.

Salesforce Shield is encrypted to monitor usage, spam activities, data protection, and maintaining data records. It is a security feature that provides permission to the data storage path and complies with the data. It is fully functional while the user will access the software.

Salesforce Shield

8. In Salesforce CPQ, how Asynchronous Calculation works?

Mostly these calculation runs in the quotation line editor. This editor will time out after 30 seconds by default. If we use asynchronous computing in this calculation, this time-out may be skipped. As a result, those calculations will be unchanged and executed more slowly.

Working of Asynchronous Calculation

9. How does a wrapper class help?

The Salesforce CPQ specialist can check the visual force page. This page may display multiple products in the same column. All types of classes can be available in a wrapper class. This wrapper class shows all those various products.

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10. Tell me the difference between Trigger and Workflow in Salesforce CPQ.

This is one of the most important interview questions.

The trigger is a small code that runs the records, changes the forms, or adds in the history.The trigger is a small code that runs the records, changes the forms, or adds in the history.
This is a data manipulation scripting language.It's like the instruction container with automated business logic.

11. Do you think that we should use Batch Quantity?

Once the products are bundled, then batch prices will be applicable. It is not for a single product. Instead, it decides how many products, components, and accessories should be calculated based on their quantity.

Use Of Batch Quantity

12. Why Salesforce CPQ alert rules are to be followed?

After the product costing or pricing, this CPQ alert rule shows notifications regarding pricing or sales. It provides many suggestions with optimal options. We can configure pricing without any changes.

13. Explain the relation between Salesforce CPQ and Salesforce billing system.

Both of them communicate with each other constantly. This Salesforce billing system helps Salesforce CPQ to generate the bill against any product sale. It can be done very quickly and in a few steps. In addition, it allows Salesforce CPQ specialists to configure proper product pricing depending upon the billing cycle and last sales reports with automated approvals.

14. Explain the differences between SOQL and SOSL.

The differences are:

SQL is too structured organizational data. The complete form of SOQL is Salesforce Object Query Language. The complete form of SOSL is Salesforce Object Search Language. SOS helps to search texts from product records.

15. How is SaaS straightforward from Salesforce CPQ?

First of all, SaaS is a membership-based application that allows users to go out without any configuration loss. But in Salesforce CPQ, users need to complete the steps to help customer business. Salesforce CPQ can avoid significant changes or failures. However, SaaS is an internet-based interface with simple features.

16. Describe Salesforce CPQ Self-Relationship.

Once the CPQ specialist looks into an object-to-object relationship, a self-relationship will be built. Users can access this from the application UI layer. For example, users can add merchandise with their product and price list. 

17. What is the functionality of Paas?

The complete form of Pass is Platform as a Service. Mainly this is a cloud service that includes an operating system, equipment, storage memory, and networking with security. User needs to membership charges as peruses.

Functionality of Paas

18. How does the Revenue Cloud work?

This is also one part of Salesforce CPQ under the Salesforce 360 platform of billing. This platform communicates between the finance department and sales team to discuss sales and products. This revenue cloud is a whole set of revenue management features. Users can create sales reports, new quotations, payment collection processes, and product cost negotiations. 

19. How can we integrate CPQ with Salesforce?

CPQ is an add-on Salesforce package. So first, we need to download this package and install it. Once this installation is completed, we can find this CPQ in the listing. Now we need to configure the window as per organization and products. To generate bills user will be using Salesforce Billing, which will take data from product sales records.

20. Do you have any idea about the Junction object and its uses?

In Salesforce, sometimes, we need to create many too many relationships. The junction object helps to make this relation. For example, if one user wants to send one standard massage or response to many, we need to use junction objects to connect many relationships.

Checkout - Salesforce CPQ Tutorials 

Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced:

1. Explain Audit Trail in Salesforce. 

Every user has the right to access and modify the data as per requirements and product sales plan. So, one system should be there to monitor all these and to cross-check recent modifications. If the number of employees is more significant, that organization can use the Audit trail for the new budget.

2. What is Product Hierarchy?

All products should be categorized based on logical structure. The product hierarchy represents the different ordered products. It helps the user to find out the required product very quickly. They can use their valuable timeless to find out the product.

Product Hierarchy

3. Explain QTC.

QTC stands for a quote to cash. It provides end to end sales channel. Mainly it creates the sales offers to the customer and ens up with the complete post-sales report with the total sales collection fund amount. We can easily track and analyze the sales report for future purposes. We can also manage billing, supply chain, services, after-sales services, and marketing in QTC.

4. How do we need to follow the Product Validation Rules?

We need to ensure that product validation rules are followed when creating the products. This rule will apply limitations to the quotation lines to maintain the package correctly. It always helps the users to find out the actual suitable data. So that users can quickly compile in particular standards, once we create product bundles, that time also product validation will check whether this bundle setup is accurate. Salesforce CPQ specialists can check this result. They can utilize the variable available in the report to identify whether it meets the conditions or not.

Product Validation Rules

5. How can we be benefited if we use Lookup Queries?

We can also provide metadata by using lookup queries. Once we create the product quotation, these lookup queries will collect information from all entities. It helps maintain group information like goods detail and quotation preferences while using the quotation editor. Then, it sends the data from the object query to the product lineup.

6. How do you use price actions in Salesforce CPQ?

While we will implement the price rules, the prerequisites should be completed, so the rules will be applied to the price action to put the values in the target field. Price action can write the values from a summary constant, equation, and user-defined integer values. Pricing rules always protect this pricing action from the wrong calculation. In every effort, this rule will be applicable.

7. If we want to search for something, how can we use Salesforce CPQ? 

In the company product catalogue, there are categorized product details are available. It isn't effortless to find out the products from the record. So that moment user needs a search option to find the particular product. In Salesforce CPQ, all sales reps are interconnected so that these search criteria will be limiting for the products available in one array based on unique quality.

8. How to fix up the Salesforce permission sets?

This permission set is a bundle of configurations or privileges for the users, which allows them to receive the data from the record. They can also change the product profile with permission. It can be used instead of creating a new profile. To increase the user's skills, we need to implement these permission sets on user control.

9. Tell me the advantages of a nested bundle.

  • A nested bundle helps to create a composite bundle.
  • It offers users to add a subset from a single product within a subset.

10. What do you know about objects in Salesforce CPQ?

To create a table in the database, we need to mention the objects. These are very useful for storing organizational data. These objects are mainly divided into customers, contacts, and leads. These all belong to things.

11. Explain the custom object.

We sometimes need to store vital organizational data with all regular data. Users can keep all those crucial data through these custom objects. They will also get interface tabs and access to create relationships between different objects, custom objects, custom fields, and page layouts.

Custom Object

12. How does Salesforce CPQ's Advanced Quote Calculator work?

The advanced quote calculator ensures the CPQ calculates quotes in quote lines. We can be recalculated the sections in this advanced calculator. Even we can find out the reason to recalculate. Once we complete the advanced calculation, then, automatically, the results will be reflected in the table record. Once we apply extra for, say 20% discount on a product, this advanced calculator will automatically work and change the final price quote.

13. Tell me, in event monitoring can we check sales performance?

The user can check all information by using Salesforce CPQ mobile app. This event monitoring can check out this tracker and analyze it also. Every transaction will be cross-checked automatically via a mobile app or API. Even the user can track who is accessing the business data from the software. If we want to see this analysis report in UI, we can use any visual analytical tools like Tableau.

14. What quotation templates are available?

We can use these ready-made templates to design our quotation document efficiently. The quotation documents can also be formatted in these templates. It has individual text boxes, tables, and terms and conditions written. We can easily customize every quotation per requirement, which will also be stored in this Salesforce CPQ.

15. What is Advanced Approvals function?

See, the IT industries are getting automated in every layer. If they use Salesforce CPQ, their sales process will be obliviously automated. They can quickly improve their workflow. All the approvals can be executed automatically if all the parameters are fulfilled. If the criteria are going to be matched with the mentioned parameters, then approvals will come with a request to receive a copy from the Salesforce CPQ specialist.

16. What is the function of Twin Fields?

Two similar objects can be twin fields for each. Once the first object delivers the customized parameter value to the second object, Salesforce CPQ will form the twin fields. If the twin fields are changeable, the data will be approved with fields type and API name.

17. Tell me the difference between the two types of Error Conditions.

We can see two types of error conditions:

  • Information like entity, variable, or element can be shown as an error.
  • Filter information provides the particular logical operator and the values of that specific field as an error.
Related Article - Salesforce CPQ Implementation Guide

18. Explain Co-Terminated Subscriptions in Salesforce CPQ.

It is applicable for all clients to calculate the product pricing. In pricing, the co-terminated subscriptions are available. This quotation will shave in the client's account and can be enlisted in the price book also. We can not use this while doing contractual pricing calculations.

Co-Terminated Subscriptions in Salesforce CPQ

19. If we translate the record, what will be happening?

We need to change the documentation. If we convert any record, then the values will be changed. Users can have a different copy of the modified document within the same object. The deals will change the whole product price quotation automatically.

20. Why do we need to sync the Slab Discount Schedules and Block Prices?

Product pricing schedule can be created in slab discount plan with block priced products. The price will be fixed from the direct component pricing. Therefore, we can not the pricing value in one per unit mode.

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions in an interview on Salesforce CPQ :

1. What is the meaning of CPQ in Salesforce?

The complete form of CPQ is Configure, Price, and Quote. This is a sales tool through which a salesperson can calculate pricing and create a quote.

2. Do you think Salesforce CPQ is different from Salesforce?

In Salesforce, CPQ helps to compare information across multiple quote lines. Normal Salesforce can check the data one by one. If we use Salesforce CPQ, it will compare data across various lines within the same package. 

3. What is the difference between CRM and CPQ?

It's not difficult to see how CPQ supplements CRM. CPQ fulfils the same services like CRM, and it works only for the sales cycle with different elements. As a result, we can send proposals to prospective clients within the record time. 

4. Do we need to write code in Salesforce CPQ?

In Salesforce CPQ, we don't need to write any codes. Instead, it has predefined functional buttons, which we can access from the UI level of this application.

5. Tell me the importance of CPQ.

This is a potent tool that helps organizations produce good quotes. In addition, it is a significantly faster application. For pricing any product or service, this is the best application.

6. What is the process to sign up in the Salesforce CPQ?

Please follow these steps to complete the signup

  1. Open the free developer edition organization
  2. Please fill up the registration form.
  3. Submit the registration form.
  4. Once the registration form is accepted, please check the registered email id for the account.
  5. Login with credentials.

7. Tell me how I can install Salesforce CPQ in developer org?

First, we need to install the Salesforce CPQ package. We can do it in production or developer org. Once we select the installation link through Sandbox, we will route to the login screen.

8. What is the role of a CPQ specialist?

We can be a Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist. They can get the credentials to log in and configure the software according to their documentation requirements for pricing and renewals. 

9. What are the few companies that are using Salesforce CPQ?

Few of them are

  • Cision Ltd.
  • Confidential Records Inc.
  • Comcast Corporation.
  • Zendesk Inc.

10. Tell me how to create a new product bundle in Salesforce CPQ?

Please follow these steps to create a new product bundle in Salesforce CPQ:

  • Go to the Product button and click on the new product button.
  • Provide all required information.
  • Find the list of products, and choose the product.
  • Go to the price book to add the price.
  • Make the checkbox status accurate as an active product.
  • Optional products creation option is available.

Concluding Remarks:

Now that you know the demand for Salesforce CPQ Specialists let's begin with the list of Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions to help you to step up your professional regimen. These questions are meant to help candidates prepare for Salesforce CPQ Specialist Jobs.

Course Schedule
Salesforce CPQ TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Salesforce CPQ TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Salesforce CPQ TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Salesforce CPQ TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 03 Jan 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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