Sample Programs in Remote Control for Selenium

Text box

To type a word in text box or text area, we have to use the below command.
Sets the value of an input field, as though you typed it in. Can also be used to set the value of combo boxes, check boxes, etc. In these cases, value should be the value of the option selected, not the visible text.
an element locator
      value the value to type
Selenium.type(“locator”, “value”);
Selenium.type(“id=123”, “selenium”);
For sample script, please go through the script

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To click a link on web page, please use the below command.
Clicks on a link, button, checkbox or radio button. If the click action causes a new page to load (like a link usually does), call waitForPageToLoad.
an element locator
For sample script, please go through the script

MindMajix Youtube ChannelButton

To click a Button on web page, please use the below command.
Clicks on a link, button, checkbox or radio button. If the click action causes a new page to load (like a link usually does), call waitForPageToLoad.
an element locator
For sample script, please go through the script
To check a Check box on web page, please use the below command.
Check a toggle-button (checkbox/radio)
an element locator
Usage:“locator”); or Selenium.check(“locator”);“id=123”); or Selenium.check(“id=123”);
For sample script, please go through the script
Radio Button
To Select a radio button on web page, please use the below command.
Check a toggle-button (checkbox/radio)
an element locator
Usage:“locator”); or Selenium.check(“locator”);“id=123”); or Selenium.check(“id=123”);
For sample script, please go through the script

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Drop Down Box

Select value
To select a value from Dropdown, we need to use the below command.
Select an option from a drop-down using an option locator.
Option locators provide different ways of specifying options of an HTML Select element (e.g. for selecting a specific option, or for asserting that the selected option satisfies a specification). There are several forms of Select Option Locator.
• label=labelPattern: matches options based on their labels, i.e. the visible text. (This is the default.)
o label=regexp:^[Oo]ther
Usage:, optionLocator);“id=abc”,”label=shopping”);
For sample script, please go through the script

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Display all Values

In order to display all values of DD, you need to store them in an array.
Gets all option labels in the specified select drop-down.
an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
an array of all option labels in the specified select drop-down
Store those values in an array.
String a[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(“name=sel”)
For sample script, please go through the script

Related Page: Synchronisation Commands - SELENIUM

Select Values step by step

If you want to select values from dropdown step by step you have to use for loop
String b[]=selenium.getSelectOptions(selectLocator);
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++)
For sample script, please go through the script

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Write all values into NotePad/Excel/Wordpad.

To write results to Notepad you have to use some Java code.
For sample script, please go through the script

Capture Screenshot (positive)

To capture the screenshot we have to sue below command
Captures a PNG screenshot to the specified file.

filename the absolute path to the file to be written, e.g. “c:blahscreenshot.png”
selenium.captureEntirePageScreenshot(filename, kwargs);
Saves the entire contents of the current window canvas to a PNG file.


filename the path to the file to persist the screenshot as. No filename extension will be appended by default. Directories will not be created if they do not exist, and an exception will be thrown, possibly by native code.

kwargs a kwargs string that modifies the way the screenshot is captured. Example: “background=#CCFFDD” .

Currently valid options:

background the background CSS for the HTML document. This may be useful to set for capturing screenshots of lessthan- ideal layouts, for example where absolute positioning causes the calculation of the canvas dimension to fail and a black background is exposed (possibly obscuring black text).


Capture screen shot(with failure)

Capture screen shot(with failure)
public Scroll()

Page scroll down using Java script

How to use Java script in selenium:

Gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet. The snippet may have multiple lines, but only the result of the last line will be returned.
the JavaScript snippet to run
     the results of evaluating the snippet

Page scroll down using Java script:

Scrolls down the page 500 pixles.

Handle alerts

Normal alerts
Retrieves the message of a JavaScript alert generated during the previous action, or fail if there were no alerts.
The message of the most recent JavaScript alert
On load alerts: This can be handled by using Selenium 2

How to read values from excel sheet

To read data from Excel sheet we need to use some java code..

Create a Junit suite

Most testing frameworks have the concept of grouping a set of text fixtures into a ’suite’ so that you can execute a number of related tests together.
Creating test suites with Selenium doesn’t appear to be obvious at first. Here’s a simple guide on how to create and execute suites of functional tests:
Here i am using Junit scripts and Test suite()
First create two scripts….Ex:Google1 and Google2 Junit test cases
Here is the test suite…
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
public class TestSuite1 extends TestCase {
public static Test suite()
TestSuite nag = new TestSuite();
nag.addTestSuite( Google1.class);
nag.addTestSuite( Google2.class);
return nag;
public static void main(String arg[])
Run the script …it will automatically run the Google1 and Google2…. Even though first test case is failed it will run the second one….we can change the order of the test cases…


After running test scripts in eclipse it would be good if we generate reports. Junit is one the most popular unit testing framework around.
Below are the steps to generate reports:
1. Right click on project and click on “Export” option

Remote Control for Selenium_1

2. Expand “General” node and select “Ant Buildfiles”, click on “Next” button
3. Select the project (let all default options), Junit output Directory … F:AutomationFirstjunit click on “Finish” button build.xml file should be created under project folder

Remote Control for Selenium_2

2. Now we need to add junit jar and Tools.jar file in Ant’s “Global Entires”
3. Select “Window” menu, click on “Preferences”

4. In “Preferences” window, expand “Ant” root node, click on “Runtime

5. Click on “Classpath” tab, expand “Global Entires”
6. Click on “Add External JARs” button

Remote Control for Selenium_4

7. Navigate to your “eclipse” directory (where eclipse is installed). Select “plugins - >org.junit_3.8.2.v3_8_2_v20100427-1100” directory. Select junit.jar file. and add Tools.jar which is
located under java/JDK/Lib
8. Now right click on build.xml file and select Run As -> Ant Build..

Remote Control for Selenium_5

9. In “Edit Configuration and launch” window, select “build”, “tootltip (the script we want to run)” and “junitreprot” checkboxes and click on “Run” button

Remote Control for Selenium_6

10. All your test scripts will run and finally report will be generated under the same project directory under “junit” folder. To view JUint folder please refresh

11. Click on “index.html”, you will see the report

Tool tip



Handling Multiple windows and popups

Handling Multiple windows and popups Extracting window IDs with Selenium :
Returns the IDs of all windows that the browser knows about.
the IDs of all windows that the browser knows about.
Returns the Namess of all windows that the browser knows about.
the NAMESs of all windows that the browser knows about.
Returns the Titles of all windows that the browser knows about.
the Titles of all windows that the browser knows about.

Handling HTTPS sites

We face some of the below issues while automating HTTPS sites..
HTTPS sites will show some security notifications below are some:




To avoid these type of problems we need use some commands..
To over come this issue we need to add certification

1. Need to add remote control configuration RemoteControlConfiguration rcc = new RemoteControlConfiguration ();
2. Set TrustAllSSLCertificates flag to TRUE rcc.setTrustAllSSLCertificates(true);
3. Pass the rcc Instance to Selenium Server SeleniumServer server = new SeleniumServer(rcc);
If the above steps also doesnt work you need to install cyber villian certificate to automate HTTPS sites (Especially for IE)
1. Extract selenium-server.jar
2. In selenium server folder Open sslSupport folder
3. It contains cybervillainsCA.cer please install that certificate
Now we can run HTTPS site without any certification errors.



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Selenium Training Oct 19 to Nov 03View Details
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Selenium Training Oct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 27 Sep 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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