Tricentis Tosca Automation Tool (2024)

Are you looking for Tosca Automation Tool?

If yes, then this blog, help you to understand in detail about Tosca Automation Tool.

Software testing tools have been emerging with the best features and make the tester’s work much more comfortable. There are plenty of software testing tools available in the market, such as Selenium, QTP (UFT), RTF, etc.

But the main focus is to provide a quality tool that helps to save time and money.

To meet these requirements, the Tosca Automation tool has arrived with the best features and gained a lot of attention by providing a wide range of functions and options.

TOSCA stands for Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Application. It offers the best solutions for software testing and software quality assurance.

Tricentis Tosca is a software testing tool designed and developed to automate continuous end-to-end testing for software applications. It offers flexible test automation for any test case. 

Table of Content: Tosca Automation Tool

What is the Tricentis Tosca Automation Tool 

Tricentis Testsuite automates functional software that is to be tested. It combines the multiple aspects of software testing.

Such as test case design, test data design, test automation, generation, and analytics to test Application Programming Interface (API), Integrated Test Management, Command Line Interface(CLI), and Graphical User Interface (GUI) from a business point of view.

The Testsuite supports the entire lifecycle of the test project. It begins with transferring and synchronizing specifications from the requirement management system.

It allows the users to create efficient test cases based on methodologies, serves as an executive assistant, and provides test results in several reports.

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Features of the Tosca Testsuite

The features of the Tosca Testsuite are as follows:

  • Automated and Manual Testing
  • Browser-Based Performance Testing
  • The Most Comprehensive Support for SAP UIs & Technologies
  • Scriptless test cases using drag and drop feature
  • Unicode Compliance
  • Hierarchical View
  • Parameterized Testing
  • Supports Parallel Execution
  • Requirements-Based Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Test Script Reviews
  • Can be integrated with CI tools such as Jenkins using Tosca CI
  • UI and Non UI applications can be automated.

What is the use of the Tosca Tool?

Tosca tool is an enterprise tool and is best suited to use in large-scale applications. The Tosca automation tool is the best and most popular tool to find effective results for large-scale applications. 

Tosca tool provides user-friendly features that help testers in automotive industries, Financial industries, education institutes, and metal and mining enterprises.

The test data and artifacts can be reused using Tosca tools. It reduces regression testing from weeks to minutes. 

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Tosca Testsuite Architecture

The figure given below is the underlying Tricentis Tosca architecture:

Tosca Testsuite architecture

Image source:

Tosca Testsuite Components

The current version of the Tosca Testsuite comprises the following components:

  • Tosca Commander
  • Tosca Executor
  • Tosca Xscan
  • Tosca Repository

#1 Tosca Commander

The Tosca commander is the core backbone that is used to enable the test creation, execution, management, and analysis of test scripts efficiently. The commander utilizes the workspace for the administration of the test cases.

The elements in the Tosca commander are structured and are strictly placed in hierarchical order So that each operation is performed using the object hierarchy.

Tosca Commander

Image source: 

With the help of the drag-and-drop feature, the user can move the elements within the application. The docking function allows the user to arrange the layout as per the requirement. 

#2 Tosca Executor

The Tosca commander forwards the test cases to the Tosca Executor that runs the test cases on the test object. The test object includes a series of continuous screens directed by using automated tests.

Tosca Executor

Image source:

#3 Tosca Xscan

Tosca Xscan is used to scan the screens, and their input fields and saves the information as modules in Tosca Commander. These modules include technical information that is used to identify and direct screen elements.

It is also known as the Tosca wizard.

For example in the manufacturing industry, the vehicle data will contain the details of the vehicle as in the figure below.

Tosca XScan

Image source:

#4 Tosca Repository

If the Tosca Commander operates in multi-user mode, the standard repositories are used to manage projects in databases. 

The following types of repositories are available for multi-user environments:

  • MS SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • DB2
  • SQLite

Key Difference: Tosca Vs Selenium

Let’s see the comparison of Tosca vs selenium

Type of applicationTosca supports almost all types of applicationSelenium supports web applications only
TypeVendor tool by TricentisSelenium is an open-source
Automation TypeModel-based automationCode-based automation 
ScriptingScripting is not required for ToscaMultiple scripts are required for Selenium such as Java, Python, C, etc.
API TestingIt is possible for API testingIt is not feasible for API testing
Test data managementIt supports test data management with an internal toolIt does not support test data management
Reusability of test caseThe reusability of test data and artefacts is high for ToscaThe reusability of test data is low when compared with Tosca
Exploratory testingThe exploratory testing can be done in ToscaIt is not possible in Selenium
CI integrationTosca supports any CI toolsSelenium supports most of the CI tools like Jenkins
QC/JIRA integrationQC/JIRA is possible with the Tosca toolIt is possible in Selenium but with third-party dependencies
SupportTricentis provides dedicated support for Tosca with tickets, charts, etc.Less support from Selenium

Tosca Testsuite: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Tosca Testsuite:

The advantages of using the Tosca Testsuite are as follows:

  • Tosca provides the best solution for all automation test types
  • There is no need for scripting
  • It provides the best features like drag and drops feature for desktop application
  • It offers a complete test management tool
  • It supports both GUI and Non-GUI applications
  • It does not require an Explicit framework
  • It supports a large number of technologies along with DevOps
  • Provides Good vendor support from Tricentis

Disadvantages of Tosca Testsuite:

  • The disadvantages of using the Tosca Testsuite are as follows:
  • It is highly expensive when compared with other automation tools
  • It is a heavy tool to maintain.
  • Provides less performance while scanning the application.
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Tosca tool has brought a revolution in terms of automation testing where every automation tester is looking for the best features and options. Lots of companies from the United States are using Tosca testsuites.

Computer software domains are more often using this tool. Some of the companies using Tosca are Accenture, Wipro, Infosys, Toyota, Cap Gemini, Bosch, Bank of America, and many more. Career opportunities as a Tosca Automations tester are increasing these days. 

Hope you liked our MindMajix Tosca Automation Tool.

Course Schedule
Tosca TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 03 Apr 2023
About Author

Keerthana Jonnalagadda working as a Content Writer at Mindmajix Technologies Inc. She writes on emerging IT technology-related topics and likes to share good quality content through her writings. You can reach her through LinkedIn.

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