Top 10 Devops Tools

In a way, we can see that DevOps is all about efficiency and at the same time providing its customers with the best of the products available. DevOps is a movement to align IT with the ever-changing business needs.

DevOps is all about CAMS (Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing). DevOps can be defined as the process of identifying and also at the same time streamlining our application development process and the release process.

The work of DevOps begins with identifying the details of our current development, release processes that take too long, and other processes that create bottlenecks.

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Almost every change on the software reflects a database which is one of the biggest bottlenecks in the software development process. This is no big surprise, as there are Top10 DevOps Tools that support DevOps for handling databases compared to other applications.

Having said that, let us take a look at all possible Database Management and Top10 DevOps Tools available, for consumption by Organizations with no further delay.

We will try to present each of these tools, explain their features, and also provide you with the reasons why you should choose (if you are willing to choose it). Please below find the Top10 DevOps Tools.

List of Top 10 DevOps Tools:

  1. SQLite
  2. Cassandra
  3. MySQL
  4. MongoDB
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. MariaDB
  7. OrientDB
  8. HBase
  9. Couchbase
  10. ArangoDB

Database Management - Top 10 DevOps Tools.

Types of Database Management DevOps Tools:

Here we will take a look at each of the DevOps tools in specific, and you have to understand the intrinsics of them. Based on their usage, we have also compiled some of the advantages of using them as well.

Though the list is exhaustive, it is better if you take the time to go through all the available options as this process is believed to be a one-time action for an individual or an organization, you can select the tool based on your requirement.

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1. SQLite:


SQLite can be defined as a software library that implements a server-less, self-contained, transactional SQL database engine that goes with absolutely zero configuration.

SQLite has had great success as the on-disk file format for many desktop applications including the Version Control (SVN) per se. It has found its usage in financial analysis tools, Media cataloging and etc.

Traditional File/Open operations are done through an SQLite function called “sqlite3_open()” to add the database files and the updates happen automatically when the application content is revised. The backup API can be used for the File/Save_As menu option.

Following are some of the advantages of using SQLite, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Read / Write operations are performed on SQLite databases much faster than the traditional file disk operations.
  • Edits on files trigger an overwrite on the portions of the file that are changed instead of a complete rewrite, ensuring that there is no bear on the SSD drives.
  • Read / Write operations can be done using SQL queries instead of erroneous procedural routines.
  • Backward compatibility is ensured with extensions of the file format to include recent tables and/or columns.
  • Performance can be improved even at the later stages of the implementation, by creating the necessary Indexes – thus avoiding expensive redesign or rewrite activities.
  • Application files are fully portable across all platforms (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • Multiple processes attach to a single application file and can do read/write operations without any intervention.
  • Database content on SQLite can be viewed by a wide range of third-party tools.

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2. Cassandra:

Cassandra logo

Cassandra is from the Apache family of software products is a NoSQL database solution that provides its users the ability to store humongous amounts of data (be it structured or unstructured data).

In the Big-data scenario – Cassandra fits into the structured storage category and becomes the only alternative for additional storage options. Facebook has made Cassandra an open-source application in 2008 which combines distributed technologies from Amazon Dynamo key-value store and Google BigTable column-based data model to achieve what it is today.

One of the greatest abilities of Cassandra is to scale across multiple data centers in the cloud. Netflix has completely taken advantage of Cassandra’s decentralized model and also its replication strategy to span its deployments across multiple AWS availability zones for resiliency to avoid further outages like the infamous AWS outage that ned on 22nd October 2012.

Following are some of the advantages of using Cassandra, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Dynamo and BigTable made modeling of complex data structures simple which would have been difficult in the traditional RDBMS world.
  • It Caters and Provides a plethora of data modeling use cases.
  • No single point of failure – data is distributed across various clusters.
  • If the replication strategy is set right, individual node failures can be handled with no downtime.
  • Data on the cluster is distributed across the nodes and further addition of nodes brings down the possibility of failures – handles the load efficiently as well.
  • The icing on the cake is the out-of-the-box Hadoop integration from 2010.

[ Related Article: What is Cassandra ]

3. MySQL:


MySQL as the database that we just know has its own series of threads running to bring itself up in the DevOps market which should enable the ever-changing and ever-active DevOps world.

In such a quest, MySQL there is constant work going on to improve itself with these concepts.

The monitoring services provided by MySQL are getting remodeled by extending the capabilities of Performance_Schema and Sys_Schema with every release and at the same time trying to add more and more features to MySQL Enterprise Monitor.

There are new features getting added with each release to ease the deployment of “Infrastructure as Code”, where MySQL Shell and admin API stand out to be the perfect examples for that.

MySQL has tested its InnoDB cluster with several nodes using Puppet and with admin API creating and/or joining the cluster was easy.

Following are some of the advantages of using MySQL, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Provides utmost data security as the likes of WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Facebook, and Twitter lean towards MySQL for their data storage.
  • Provides on-demand scalability to facilitate the management of embedded applications with the smallest trace available.
  • Delivers high performance with its design even when the demand is high and it ensures optimal speed,full-text indexes, and memory caches with utmost enhanced performance.
  • Provides round-the-clock uptime with its specialized cluster servers and also with master/slave replication configurations.
  • Provides comprehensive transactional support with features such as complete atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable transactional support. Provides row-level locking for complete data integrity.
  • Provides complete workflow control irrespective of the underlying operating system through its features like space expansion, configuration to data design, and database administration.
  • Less cost for ownership, migrating from other databases to MySQL.
  • Nonetheless, the flexibility and backing of a strong community in the open-source world.

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4. MongoDB:


MongoDB is one of the best options that individuals and Organizations look forward to opting from the existing set of options (both between NoSQL and RDBMS database management systems).

Hence MongoDB excels in the DevOps environment where any accelerating change is readily accepted and also becomes the livelihood of businesses. With the use of MongoDB, companies are able to develop difficult applications within weeks which can scale to millions of users.

One of the best reasons developers love MongoDB is that they can get started quickly and make changes iteratively as they go. It was developed for Horizontal scalability and High availability, hence MongoDB is adopted from the operations side as well.

Over the years, MongoDB has added more and more features like granular alerting, backup, disaster recovery, automated deployment, provisioning, and plenty of maintenance features.

MongoDB Atlas is a new cloud database service that allows you and your application to be up and running with MongoDB in the Public cloud within minutes.

You can pay as you use MongoDB Atlas and moreover, you can scale up and down as you need with almost no downtime, full security, and best performance.

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Following are some of the advantages of using MongoDB, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • The next advantage is that it can be installed in your systems easily.
  • Provides an easy way to index your available documents.
  • Provides a performance query language.
  • Provides ways and means to scale further.
  • One of the best advantages of using MongoDB is the ease of its use.
  • Provides many ways to become productive from the moment of implementation.

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5. PostgreSQL:


PostgreSQL often termed as just Postgres is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that focuses on extensibility and standard compliance.

With each and every release that Postgres comes up with, it gets better as a product at addressing the needs of the developers, database, and system administrators. Postgres can be your best technology for managing your databases if your business is dynamic in nature that delivers high-quality products or services.

It does provide its support to more complex data types like Array and JSON. It has the ability to handle the workload from medium web applications to large data warehousing projects with a number of concurrent users.

Following are some of the advantages of using PostgreSQL, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • One of the biggest advantages of using PostgreSQL is that it is Open Source.
  • Provides transactional support for schema migration.
  • Provides a large variety of custom functionality and plugin.
  • Great overall performance - perfect for the system with low hardware details - it is light and well optimized.
  • Huge community backing.

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6. MariaDB:


It is a community-developed fork of the most prominent relational database management system, MySQL which is intended to remain free under the GNU GPL license.

It is a high-performance and open-source database that is also intended to help high transactional websites to deliver more content at a faster pace.

It uses a standard and popular querying language. MariaDB has added many features and operations that were unavailable in MySQL and eliminates or replaces the features that impact performance negatively.

It runs on a number of operating systems and also supports a variety of programming languages such as PHP, C#, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Django, and many more. Though MySQL and MariaDB are essentially identical, there are enough differences to create issues in the upgrade scenarios.

Following are some of the advantages of using MariaDB, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • One of the best advantages of using MariaDB is that the database is so easy and so fast.
  • If you are well aware of MySQL or SQLite, then using MariaDB is a cakewalk.
  • Provides a complete feature-set for a relational database.
  • Faster and safer replications and can be managed in parallel as well.
  • Indexes for the heap memory engine are done considerably faster.

7. OrientDB:


OrientDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system that was written in Java. Alternatives to RDBMS have been existent for many years but they have been used primarily in use cases such as Telecommunications, Medicine, CAD, etc.

Not a surprise, but the larger web application giants like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and etc. have been using NoSQL-based solutions for their production environments.

It is a document-based database but the relationships are managed as a graph rather than the relationships in tables. It is a disseminated Graph Database engine with the pliability of a Document Database rolled into one NoSQL database.

There are many areas that the traditional RDBMS haven’t been able to cater but these NoSQL databases like OrientDB were able to answer – such as Performance, Scalability, Smaller footprint, Flexibility in Schemas.

Following are some of the advantages of using OrientDB, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • The provision of well-documented documentation helps beginners to grasp graph theory and OrientDB practices.
  • Since it is built on Java, customizing various implementations on demand should be something that you can experiment with.
  • It has a very easy installation process for the database.
  • Its close resemblance to relational SQL renders it very easy for the developers to adopt.
  • The outcomes of these queries are given extremely fast.
  • This database becomes very unique as it has both the document and graph database features.
  • Embedded maps make it very useful.

8. HBase:


HBase is a freeware, multidimensional, distributed, and scalable NoSQL database written in Java. HBase works on the apex of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and facilitates capabilities like BigTable to Hadoop. It is developed to facilitate a fault-tolerant method of storing a large number of sparse data sets. As HBase achieves high throughput and low latency by providing fast Read/Write Access to huge datasets, it is the best choice for the applications which require fast & random access to a large amount of data. It provides compression, in-memory operations, and Bloom filters (data structure which tells whether a value is present in a set or not) to fulfill the requirement of fast and random read-writes.

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Following are some of the advantages of using HBase, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • The capacity, storage, and processing of bulk data are carried out robustly.
  • Flexible schema as we can add an “n” number of attributes in a column family at runtime without declaring them at the time of table creation.
  • Fault tolerance- As we know MapReduce runs internally for all kinds of operations, In case of failure scenarios mapper and reducer job handles it.
  • Versioning of records- The default feature for versioning is available. If that is enabled, HBase updates the record and also keeps the old record data.
  • It is considered to be a powerful NoSQL tool, which helps in data management, and eases retrieval and manipulation of the same data.
  • It is better than the traditional file system, because of the efficiency, which it provides for the same amount of system, and the major advantage is that the utilization of commodity hardware, to store the data.
  • Also, it is fault-tolerant, as it keeps a replica of the data stored, so in case of failure, the replica can be used.

9. Couchbase:


Couchbase is a NoSQL database that is specifically engineered to meet the ever-changing needs of the business to scale and to provide high performance consistently and also with a track record to be always reliable and available.

These are nothing but the data mobility requirements of any high-performance applications. Having said that, the following are the best possible features that tend to define the DevOps strategy in the database world, namely – 1) Schema flexibility, 2) No impedance mismatch,  3) Scalability.

NoSQL document databases like Couchbase provide the schema flexibility to the developers to operate over the JSON directly and lets them derive meaning out of it.

As the developers are allowed to decide upon the JSON structures, curtails the need for any ORM technology as well and hence cuts down the impedance mismatch between the domain classes of the database structure.

NoSQL databases run on the convention of scaling up to the needs of the businesses that demand it and hence ensures Scalability is delivered from the day it is chosen and hence proves trustworthy over the traditional RDBMS database technologies.

Following are some of the advantages of using Couchbase, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • It provides a homogeneously distributed architecture with no masters and slaves.
  • Provides a SQL-like query language to query the JSON documents.
  • Provides a feature of auto-sharing through vBuckets.
  • Works with an extraordinary architecture that ensures the reduction of a need for an additional caching layer.
  • Provides multiple SDKs and eases cross data center replication.
  • It is easy to implement and configure.
  • Command-line tools are easy to use for ad-hoc tasks. 
  • Least maintenance from the administration perspective.
  • Latency compensation. No need to worry about network latency and stability - every action can be stored on a local DB, which will be synced automatically to the main DB when the network is available.
  • Ability to develop "optimistic" UIs. No need for "loading" a spinner on every user action,  just store on a local DB, and the changes will propagate to the main DB ASAP.

10. ArangoDB:

Arangodb logo

It is a native multi-model database system that is developed by an organization that supports three important data models – Key/Value, Documents, and Graphs. All of this comes with a simple and yet powerful Unified query language called the ArangoDB Query Language (AQL) which is more or less similar to traditional SQL.

This query language, AQL is declarative in syntax and also allows the combination of different data access patterns in a single query to access the data present in the database.

It is a distributed, free NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-value pairs as mentioned above. It finds its usage in applications that are driven with high performance using the traditional SQL like query language and/or JavaScript extensions.

Following are some of the advantages of using ArangoDB, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • AragonDB has got great backing from its community which is really helpful.
  • The AQL query language that is supported by the database is really very easy to use and yet powerful.
  • AragonDB lets you choose any of the use-cases and also lets you replace an existing database without much difficulty.
  • It has the ability to act as a schema-less document store or as a graph database through the RDBMS features like JOINS.
  • It provides HTTP REST Endpoints and also provides GraphQL.
  • Provides a multi-model approach which is great and at the same time enables an individual to fulfill all the project requirements with just one database product.

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In this article, we have tried to show a complete listing of all the possible Database Management DevOps tools available as on date with a brief about the tool itself and why an individual or an organization should be choosing it for their own use.

Hope the details provided are all that you were looking for and keep us updated on what can be changed, improved, or corrected (if any).

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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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