13 DevOps Testing Tools For DevOps Professionals

This post discusses the most popular DevOps testing tools available in the market in 2022 for DevOps professionals.

DevOps can be defined as the philosophy of efficient development, deployment, and operation using the highest of all possible software available as on the day. Having said that, let us take a look at all possible DevOps tools available for consumption by Organizations with no further delay. This listing of DevOps tools will be based upon implied subscriptions for usage, hence a careful study is required on the way each of these DevOps tools works towards achieving an Organization’s goals. We will try to present each of these tools, explain their features, and also provide you with the reasons why you should be choosing (if you are willing to choose it).

13 DevOps Testing Tools For DevOps Professionals

Classification of DevOps Testing Tools:

With the understanding that we have on DevOps as such and also with the basic understanding of what is required for your organization (that is, the requirement for your organization via DevOps), we can now take a quick look at all the possible Testing DevOps options available as on today to pick that best suits your needs. Let us not delay this any further and get going with the listing of the products.

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List of DevOps Testing Tools

1. QF-Test

The tool QF-Test is a cross-platform software for GUI test automation that specializes in Java/Swing, SWT, Eclipse plug-ins and RCP applications, Java applets, Java Web Start, and ULC. Alongside all these, it also specializes in cross-browser test automation of static and dynamic web-based applications (HTML and AJAX frameworks like ExtJS, GWT, GXT, RAP, Qooxdoo, Vaadin, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, and ZK). The latest version of the software too, Version 4.0 added Windows support for the Web browser Chrome, support for JavaFX, and the AJAX frameworks jQuery UI and jQueryEasyUI were added.

Following are some of the advantages of using QF-Test, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • QF-Test provides an intuitive UI that helps capture and replay for efficient test generation.
  • QF-Test doesn’t require quality assurance engineers to know the programming language as against QTP, Squish, and Selenium – where there is a requirement for the engineers to know the software.
  • Since the test generation is so organized, there is little to no maintenance required on the test suites.
  • The learning curve for this tool is further made easy with the videos, tutorials, and examples for the newbies.
  • Makes the whole testing process quicker as against the monotonous Manual Testing.
  • Provides clear and to-the-point logs for analyzing the bugs identified.

2. SpecFlow

The next tool that we are going to discuss is SpecFlow which allows a Quality Assurance Engineer to define, manage, and also automatically execute all the human-readable acceptance tests in the varied .NET projects. To have functional test cases and to have the perfect understanding of the product and to test against these functionalities is one of the cornerstones of the Business-Driven Development (BDD) paradigm.

SpecFlow which comes with a BSD license is part of the Cucumber family that uses the Gherkin parser to support the .NET Framework and Xamarin. SpecFlow can easily be integrated into the Visual Studio IDE and at the same time, it can be used from the command line as well for the integration with a build server, for example. SpecFlow+ provides much more features like Visual Studio Test Explorer integration, a dedicated Test runner with much more advanced test execution options.

Following are some of the advantages of using SpecFlow, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Provides granularity of requirements.
  • Saves a lot of time and resources with its smart and intelligent test executions.
  • Less costly feature development with reduced efforts as well.

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3. Selenium

Selenium is a portable software testing framework that is directly targeted toward testing web applications. It is a popular freeware, open-source tool that caters to the very need of functional testing of web applications with immense benefits. One of the most important benefits that it provides is the record and playback feature for testing web applications, which can be done in multiple runs on various varieties of browsers. Selenium community provides a promising roadmap with its future releases and it is expected to cater to much more diverse business segments going further. All that spoken, let us take a look at the benefits that it provides:


  • One of the best advantages that an automation test engineer feels is that it is open-source, freeware and at the same time it is portable as well.
  • Provides support to a range of programming languages like Java, Perl, Python, C#, Ruby, Groovy, and JavaScript.
  • Provides its support to multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, etc.
  • Provides its support to multiple browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.
  • Provides full integration with build tools like ANT, and Maven for source code compilation.
  • Provides full integration with TestNG for testing applications and also for reporting purposes.
  • Provides full integration with Jenkins or Hudson for Continuous Integration and continuous testing.
  • Selenium test automation can go the extra mile in performing the testing on various mobile devices as well.
  • A promising community that provides constant updates to stabilize the product and also to provide newer features to cater to newer requirements.
  • Selenium Suite is a combination of tools like Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Remote Control that cater to various requirements under the same product umbrella.

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4. Cucumber

Cucumber is yet another software testing tool that computer programmers use for testing other software providing its support to Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It runs automated acceptance tests written in a behavior-driven development manner of testing. To be more precise, it can be introduced as a test framework that is driven by plain English text. The test suite in itself can serve the purpose of Product documentation, Development aid, and finally Automated Test Cases as well.

Cucumber reads the code written in plain English text using a language named ‘Gherkin’ from the feature file. It carefully finds the exact match of each of the steps from the steps definition (code file). Then the piece of code to be executed might be from different software test frameworks like Selenium, Ruby on Rails, etc. Not every BDD framework tool provides is support to other tools and hence the reason Cucumber stands tall amongst its competitors like JBehave, JDave, Easyb, etc. Cucumber supports different sets of software platforms like Ruby on Rails, Selenium, PicoContainer, Spring, and Watir.

5. JUnit

JUnit is a unit testing framework specifically for the Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development and is one of the best-suited choices to perform the unit testing of the application code. JUnit provides a complete text-based command line, also AWT / Swing-based graphical test reporting mechanisms as well.

JUnit is the most commonly adopted choice by organizations around the world for unit testing in the Java programming language. It has become a standard pre-requisite for a Java developer to ensure that the code is written as well tested with a supporting set of unit test cases. JUnit is supported by most of IDEs and by far is an efficient testing process that comes with a plugin in Eclipse.


One of the most simple frameworks to write your Java automated test cases to verify your own code at the developer level itself.
Provides support for test assertions.
Comes in combination with dummy mocking tools like Mockito.
Provides an ability to generate test reports and at the same time provides support to create tests in the form of Test Suites.

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6. TestNG

TestNG is yet another testing framework for the Java programming language inspired by the already existing test frameworks as like the JUnit and NUnit. The design goal of TestNG is to cover a wider range of tests than is covered by the frameworks like JUnit. TestNG, the name itself suggests that this test framework is going to provide a next-generation level of testing capabilities than the traditional JUnit or NUnit test frameworks. TestNG is designed to be way better than JUnit, especially when the integration scenarios are to be tested.

TestNG test framework eliminates most of the limitations of the older framework and gives the developer the ability to write more flexible and powerful tests with help of easy annotations, grouping, sequencing & parametrizing. Most of the above features are either limited for use on JUnit or are not completely achievable all by themselves. Having said that, let us now take a look at some of the features that are provided by the framework itself.


  • TestNG framework provides the ability to generate HTML reports of text execution.
  • Provision of Annotations is a way better feature than Testing is made easier.
  • Test cases can be grouped and prioritized better for easier access and easier testing purposes.
  • Provision to test parallel with different test sets of execution.
  • Provides the required set of logs to analyze on any further requirements.
  • Provision to parameterize the data makes it much easier to test your code (for various combinations).

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7. Qunit

QUnit is a JavaScript unit test framework that works on similar lines as a JUnit, but the only difference is on the code that these operate upon. QUnit is said to be heavily used in the jQuery project for testing jQuery, jQueryUI and also jQuery Mobile.


  • There is a lot of support across the board for Q&A.
  • There is also a lot of support across the board for CI server support.

8. Gauntlt

Gauntlt is an automated security testing framework that provides various hooks to security tools and helps them stay within the reach of its security. It is also one of the most common CI security frameworks that extend providing support for over a range of frequently used security testing tools. It facilitates from simple port scans to the more cumbersome and intrusive tests as like SQL injections. 

To be very precise, Gauntlt can be termed as an attack framework that enables us to run a variety of attacks and as a result helps us parse these outputs in a CI (Continuous Integration) friendly way - this allows our CI servers to take necessary actions based on the response (whether to proceed with the build, create an issue or to notify someone will all be dependent on this CI configuration.)

There is a wide range of native support provided by Gauntlt (at the time of this writing) are as follows:

  • arachni (Helps us run a varied range of attacks as like SQL Injections, XSS, CMD INjections, Header checks and also secure configuration checks). Gauntlt supports XSS attacks with Arachni (out of the box)
  • curl (Helps us in quickly checking on something being present or not)
  • dirb (Helps us in finding for any hidden URLs or any potential login portals)
  • garmr (Helps us in checking the basic HTTP responses and headers)
  • nmap (Helps us in performing a Port scanning but this functionality can be further extended via scripts)
  • sqlmap (Helps us in testing SQL injections)
  • sslyze (Helps us in checking/testing the SSL/TLS implementations)
  • Gauntlt allows better structure within the attacked files.
  • Gauntlt eases the reading of all the configurations.
  • Provides the best way in reusing the pre-existing attack adapters.

9. Sahi

Sahi, an automation testing tool that works pretty well for web applications and does come in two flavors - open-source and proprietary versions. It can be mentioned as an open-source record and playback web application regression testing tool that is independent of the browser, and operating system on which you run it on. This very specifically means that you need to write the test scripts once for a browser and then this can be run against multiple operating systems and multiple browsers with almost no setbacks. 

Sahi has been introduced into the market to aid testers to test complex web applications. One of the best features that it comes with is that it is not limited to a single browser as like Selenium IDE. Sahi is the perfect choice of regression testing for the non-programming set of testers or the manual testers.


  • Using Sahi, you'll be saving a lot of time and money (as it is available as an open-source software tool).
  • Provides a provision to run the test scripts on all possible browsers.
  • Sahi is an ideal choice to run regression tests for Complex web applications.
  • Creation / Maintenance of these test scripts is pretty straightforward, easy and fast.
  • Playback feature provided by Sahi is pretty fast and reliable too.
  • Availability of simple but yet intuitive APIs.
  • Can easily be introduced to Manual testers without any second thoughts about the learning curve.

10. FitNesse

FitNesse is a multi-faceted DevOps software tool that fits in various places of the DevOps strategy - as a Web Server, as a Wiki and also as an Automated Testing tool for software. Based on the framework provided by Ward Cunningham for integration testing, it is specifically designed to support acceptance testing than rather just depending upon unit testing. In the context above, it facilitates as THE resource for all readable description of the system functions. 

FitNesse allows users of a software system to provide specific formatted inputs, based on the interpretation of which - tests are generated automatically. These tests are executed and the output is shared with the users, which provides them quicker / faster feedback to them. The application developers need to provide details (as like the classes that are quoted "fixtures" based on certain conventions).

FitNesse was earlier written in Java for Java, but then multiple versions for several other languages have been added overall to the software tool itself. Now there is a support for more than 7 languages and the list is still growing (C++, Python, Ruby, Delphi, C# and the like). One of the best points is that the FitNesse documentation can never go out of date and hence, your tests will be passing. Since the documentation itself is your set of tests, and hence it is impossible that it lies.


  • As FitNesse can be used as a Wiki Web Server, there will not be a requirement for any additional configuration or setup, tests can be easily edited on Wiki pages.
  • FitNesse provides support to 7 languages as of now.
  • Compatibility with JUnit makes it easier to perform tests as part of the build process itself.
  • Since the tests can be written even before the code can be written, the agile approach of TDD is achieved.
  • The most advantageous thing that is observed with FitNesse is that the lookup into your code is not through Web UI but through fixtures (written in Java / C# which further calls the actual part of the code that is getting tested.).

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11. Appium

Appium is yet another Opensource test automation framework that comes handy for usage with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. Appium actually translates Selenium-based commands to iOS or Android-based commands, which means the learning curve in gaining knowledge is directly dependent on the knowledge that you have on Selenium. 

If you don't fall into the category of a workforce who knows Selenium, even then there is no problem - as you don't really need to learn Selenium as well. In other words, Appium framework can support any other language that Selenium supports (Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP and many more). There is an abundance of client libraries that exist to assist you for any language that you want to use Appium with.

The communication happens via JSON over HTTP protocol, hence this enables the server and also the devices, your test scripts can all be run on totally different systems/machines. The same APIs be put to use, to write automation tests against iOS or Android platforms. This also ensures that the code can be re-used efficiently between the test suites. Even though this feature is provided by the Appium test framework, the final test scripts will still be different as the UI elements are all different for both iOS and Android.


  • The biggest advantage of relying on Appium for usage is that is open-source.
  • Appium is designed for mobile where Selenium is not designed for it.
  • Appium has the ability to automate the testing efforts for native, web and hybrid mobile applications (which can be tested on a real device, simulator or even an emulator).
  • Provides the support for your test scripts is written in any language that is supported by Selenium.
  • Appium provides seamless integration with CI servers and hence making the automation testing to a different level.
  • Appium provides support to Safari on iOS, to Chrome or the default built-in browser on Android.

12. Pytest

Pytest is a mature full-featured testing tool for Python programming language, and not just that but also helps you write better Python code. Pytest can be assumed to be the run-anything, no-boilerplate and no-required-APIs test framework for Python, which makes testing real fun. It is more advantageous to use as a test framework because of its simplicity, automatic test discovery, and modular fixtures and also because of its intelligent error output.


  • Using Pytest, there is a high possibility to obtain more informative trace-backs.
  • Enables the stdout and stderr log capturing.
  • Provides a provision to perform the test selection via its -k and -m flags.
  • Provides a provision to stop the testing after the first (or N) failures.
  • pdb command-line option for debugging on test failures.
  • Distribute all the available tests to multiple CPUs using the pytest-xdist plugin.
  • Enables the use of plain assert-statements instead of the self.assert* functions.

13. Gatling

Gatling, an open-source load testing framework that is based on technologies like Scala, Akka and Netty are basically designed to perform load tests and analyze, measure the performance of the variety of services. The major focus of this application is to perform load tests on web applications. In the simplest of terms, Gatling is framed in such a way that your performance tests are treated as your Production code. Hence the maintenance and the automation are damn easier. Gatling provides excellent support, out of the box for the HTTP protocol – hence making it an ideal choice for load testing any HTTP server. Having said that, Gatling also ships JMS support. Gatling’s architecture is asynchronous as the underlying protocol is HTTP and can be implemented in a non-blocking way.

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  • Gatling holds a pool of connections for each virtual user, but the most important thing is that each of these sequential requests reuses connections from the pool (by default).
  • Gatling uses much lesser memory than its counterparts as like JMeter.
  • Gatling comes with almost very less configuration as such.


In this article, we have tried to discuss the complete and exhaustive listing of all possible testing-related DevOps tools available as on date with a detailed description of the tool itself. Also, we have provided the basic advantages that an Organization or an individual would observe when these tools are put to use. A point to note here is that, though we have put in lots of effort in gathering all these details, it would be appreciated to refer the official websites or documentation once the selection of the product is done from here. 

Hope the details provided are all that you were looking for and keep us updated on what can be changed, improved or corrected (if any).

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About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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