DevSecOps Tutorial

Are you looking to improve software quicker and to identify and fix production-level bugs more quickly and effectively? I'll break down each of those ideas in this tutorial to help you better understand how your company might embrace DevSecOps more fully.

The size and complexity of software applications' codebases expand along with the potential for security flaws and attacks. Additionally, security as a "bolt-on" is no longer effective as more businesses embrace a DevOps strategy, which combines and automates the procedures between IT and software development teams. Instead, groups must incorporate security controls into each step of the development workflow.

Table of Contents: DevSecOps Tutorial

What is DevSecOps?

A method for integrating security protocols into the DevOps process is called DevSecOps. Based on the "Security as Code" philosophy, it supports and encourages teamwork among launch technicians and security personnel. Because software programs are becoming more and more vulnerable, DevSecOps has become more and more important.

The phrase "Development Security Operation" is also used to refer to it. A recursive system called DevSecOps incorporates security into your product cycle. Safety is highly integrated into the Development Operation (DevOps) process.

Teams working on software development must constantly assess their systems for vulnerabilities and threats. Security experts must handle issues until the substitute can be put into place. This progressive approach ensures that security problems are brought to light.

DevSecOps may have the possibility to get widespread recognition and acceptance as a cutting-edge restraint.The manufacturing process is finished with a comprehensive set of security procedures. The effects of this delay could be disastrous for their product lines and businesses. During the development phase, safety is often among the last qualities to be taken into account. If protection is maintained beyond the development pipeline in the event of safety issues close to release, you will find yourself starting over from scratch after protracted development procedures.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in DevSecOps, then enroll in "DevSecOps Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Working of DevSecOps

The activities and innovation team members must work together, but the DevSecOps methodology demands more. To increase complete software security from start to finish, security experts must be included early in the generation process. Vulnerability scanning and Facilities must be taken into account right once. By using this technique, businesses may ensure that customers and end users are satisfied while following instructions more effectively.

Security must be incorporated by IT at all stages of your application areas' life cycles. You can benefit from the sensitivity and durability of a Development Operation (DevOps) approach by adding security to your processes.

The following are the key categories for evaluating security software that is in use:

  • Testing for application security

Alternatives can keep an eye on software programs while they're running to make sure no malicious actions are required. Apps will be evaluated and analyzed by scanners like OWASP Zap Mechanization and Burb Intruder to ensure that they are not carrying out actions that end users would consider suspicious.

  • Looking for appropriate configurations

Software tools can be built to maintain that the framework is configured appropriately and safe for use in specific contexts, notably the Microsoft Azure Advisor tool for cloud-based facilities. Many test automation solutions are created to function in a certain environment, such as a mobile or online setting. During the design phase, it is possible to ensure that technology is created in accordance with these precise requirements.

  • Tool for code analysis

By rapidly scanning scripts and assessing serious and known vulnerabilities, code analysis tools can improve Development Operations cybersecurity capabilities. Software development teams may find this information useful as they work since they can address issues before quality management notices them. Additionally, it can help with the improvement of cognitive behaviors.

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Implementation Process for Development Security Operation (DevSecOps)

According to DevSecOps, each group must be related to the team's success. It features the following features:

  • Development

A crucial part of the DevSecOps process is played by programmers. Developers must be open to working with those in procurement and security. Applications will be more secure if these groups are included from the start of the design and development phase, which will also facilitate a safe DevOps transition.

If programmers are to succeed, they must be prepared for safety industry norms. Businesses may improve this coaching by assigning DevSecOps-savvy developers to help the league players.

Businesses must foster a culture where programmers recognize that establishing security is a collaborative effort between them and security personnel. System administrators are only permitted to suggest changes to security procedures. Programmers have a moral duty to put these principles into practice.

  • Operations

Similar to how the design team participates, the operations squad does as well. Working groups and security experts must collaborate. They are in charge of checking networks and communication settings for vulnerabilities.

Security experts will also need to train procurement teams on security protocols if DevSecOps is to succeed. The processes and security firms will then work together to set up manual and automated safety assessments to evaluate adherence to network configuration.

  • Security

Security personnel must change with DevSecOps almost as much as the innovation and activity groups. While collaborating with growth and process groups, security teams must begin to participate more.

The concept of "shifting left" should be the starting point for protection professionals. To move security evaluations and technical rules earlier in the software development process, work with the production and processes team members. Moving to the left is a crucial step in lowering the possibility of future security issues.

Growth and functionality teams typically view the development of security policies as a difficult and time-consuming process. As a result, the security team's duties extend beyond carrying out safety inspections to coaching and incriminating other organizations.

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DevSecOps security solutions

Protection is incorporated into the implementation process by DevSecOps, although it cannot be completed rapidly or without planning. Include it in the planning and building process. By embracing some of the finest practices in the sector, businesses can aim to enhance their operational procedures.

  • Get the team members involved

Bringing together all relevant groups can significantly impact your DevSecOps strategy, despite its seeming insignificance. Design units are well aware of the formal evaluation of handing off newly released iterations to Quality Assurance (QA) teams. In organizations where each team works in isolation, this segregated action is the norm.

  • Get your coders educated

Developers are largely responsible for the scripts they produce succeeding. Numerous unpatched vulnerabilities and issues are brought on by system failures. When it comes to managing programming codes, however, corporations devote less attention to the training and professional development of their programmers.

Teaching developers the best coding practises can directly result in more code being covered. Security issues have fewer opportunities when code performs well. Security experts will find it simpler to assess and fix any security concerns with elevated source code.

  • Look for code repositories

Nowadays, very few businesses execute all of their scripts internally. Each implementation is more likely to have been built using a sizable amount of freely available code from third parties.

Many firms use open-source and third-party technology components rather than building their application areas from the bottom up, which increases the risks. Coders rarely think about scripts or paperwork because they are under so much pressure to meet consumers' expectations.

  • By Using DevOps Security, Config Management can be improved

Continuous Integration (CI) techniques are frequently used by DevOps teams to optimize the evaluation and establishment phases of the development phase. The groups must carry out these routine tasks with each new edition. By incorporating security measures into Project Collaboration methods and systems, security experts can identify issues before confirming CD (Continuous Delivery) designs. The amount of time spent on each incarnation is likewise reduced by CI.

To ensure that you are just looking for scenarios or regions of value in the script changes that were made that day, for example, use SAST (static application security testing) on classical architectures.

  • Code complexity should be made simpler

Simpler code is easier to understand and keep up. It will be much simpler for programmers to troubleshoot the code if it is clear and simple to grasp. Less security problems will also emerge from nice and tidy code. Developers will regularly communicate and operate over each other's scripts if the source code is simple.

  • Security as Code

Security standards are being included into the current Development Operations pipeline under the 'Security as Code' principle. One of the crucial elements that this approach demand is the dynamic analysis of the script. Security experts might focus on evaluating or changing the script rather than scanning the entire coding standard.

  • Apply security checking to the program

Regular testing should be done on your implementation. Additionally, it needs to go through more rigorous testing, such as guarding against DOS assaults.

A cure could have defects that are hidden until after it has been hurt. These are still valid concerns that the project manager might run against. Malware attacks on businesses are growing more frequent. Any aspect of a client's business that is visible from another location in the channel is subject to these dangers.

Your apps can be protected from a variety of situations by being tested in challenging ones.

Related Article: DevOps Tutorial For Beginners

Benefits of the DevSecOps approach

Development Operations and security experts are able to demonstrate the effectiveness of agile techniques as a team without endangering the goal of creating cryptographic codes since security precautions are built into the design process rather than being offered as a "layer on top."

According to a 2017 EMA study, the two main advantages of security operations (SecOps) are increased Return on Investment (ROI) on existing security facilities and greater efficiency improvements across security and the rest of IT.

The analysis also recognized the ability to fully leverage cloud technologies as another real benefit.

As part of the AWS Continuous Delivery and Enlistment prototype, businesses that use AWS (Amazon Web Services) benefit from enhanced proactive and reactive security protocols, for instance. While more businesses rely on cloud services to keep their operations going, independent safety precautions are essential to minimize unneeded outages.

Numerous more advantages come from the security measures incorporated into DevSecOps. Here are a few instances:

  • Teams of security personnel could move quickly and with great endurance.
  • The ability to change course swiftly in response to requirements.
  • Increased team communication and cooperation.
  • More alternatives for quality assurance testing and computerized development.
  • Finding a code weakness early.
  • Group contributions are freed up to focus on more complex tasks.

DevOps vs. DevSecOps

The following comparison chart between DevOps and DevSecOps is available.

The phrases "development" and "operations" are combined to form the term "devops."The phrases "development," "security," and "operations" are combined to form the term "devSecOps."
It is a methodology designed to achieve a balance between IT operations and development terms (Dev/Ops) for better cooperation.This method is integrated into the DevOps pipeline/process and incorporates safety into each level of the development process.
By building and improving a reliable delivery pipeline, the goal is to break down boundaries between the development and operations teams.Analyzing security protocols into the consistent integration piping system and migrating security operations across the lifecycle present a difficulty.
In order to reduce the time between product releases, productivity and efficiency must be increased.In order to reduce the time between product releases, productivity and efficiency must be increased.

Development Security Operations (DevSecOps) Tools

1. Aqua Security

By safeguarding jars all the way through the Development Security Operations pipeline, Aqua Security saves the day. Users have complete control over container-based conditions at every level thanks to Aqua's cloud-native threat prevention, which also features robust debugging security and intrusion detection capabilities.

Customers can use the framework's API to easily integrate and computerize their systems. For the protection of intermodal applications running on-premises, in the data center, or on Linux or Windows, the Aqua package Security Platform offers full SDLC (software development life cycle) controls. Numerous improvisation contexts can be used with the framework.

Aqua Security Features

  • From conception to production, the most complete CNAPP (cloud-native application protection platform).
  • Container protection.
  • Kubernetes Security without a server for Organizational Wide Protection.
  • Protection for virtual machines.
  • The acronym for computer science project management is CSPM.
  • Looking for Security Vulnerabilities
  • Threat Assessment in Depth

2. SonarQube

Through computerization, SonarSource's open-source software initiative also intends to help programmers. A code coverage tool called SonarQube can find bugs, security holes, and bad code in your source code automatically. In order to provide continuous code review across several project divisions and pull requests, it utilizes the native frameworks of design teams.

SonarQube supports around 27 programming languages and offers trustworthy code checking, enabling small development teams and organizations to find issues and flaws in their apps and shielding customers from unintended consequences.

SonarQube’s Features

  • Code static analysis
  • Bug finding
  • A unit test

  • Code protection
  • Enhance the workflow by maintaining code quality and safety
  • 27 programming languages are supported by application security

3. Gitlab

Full CI/CD toolbox is supported by GitLab, a web-based Development Operations model, in a distinct application. By lowering toolchain complexity, it encourages cooperation between the Safety, Growth, and Operations teams, enabling them to accomplish more quickly and identify security risks without slowing down or halting the CI/CD pipeline.

In addition to being a CI member, GitLab offers the full kit to help organisations cut down on the processing time for Development Operations by combining phases, silos, and facilitating a cohesive workload that reduces and streamlines previously independent events like CI/CD and application security.

Gitlab’s Features

  • Event audits
  • Compliance supervision
  • dashboard for compliance
  • Authorization and identification
  • Support for multiple LDAP/AD servers
  • User authentication with Kerberos
  • group sync in LDAP
  • a number of integrations
  • Management of value streams

4. Acunetix

To aid programmers in identifying vulnerabilities as soon as feasible, Acunetix offers an All-in-One internet security scanning service.

Acunetix's goal is to help businesses with major online presence safeguard their digital assets from malware by offering superior solutions that make it easier for developers to find more issues and quickly fix them. The substitute is easy to adopt and enables for assimilation, computerization, and centralized control.

Because it focuses on internet security and is known for its high scanning, low false positives, ease of use, unique approaches, and SDLC implementation, Acunetix is a better solution and one of the most well-known in the business.

Acunetix’s Features

  • Threats need to be managed and given priority.
  • vulnerability assessment
  • control of risks
  • searching the web
  • Explore the network
  • comprehensive crawling and evaluation
  • WordPress surveillance program
  • Internet security
  • regular checking
  • Aim management should be entrusted to users.

5. Codacy

Codacy offers development teams a top-notch mechanization and optimization solution, enabling them to move as far left in the design process as feasible, presenting potential issues as soon as possible. With each devoted and drag-and-drop proposal, specifically from their Git workspace, their static code analysis software assists designers in quickly identifying and resolving security difficulties, redundancy, difficulty, traditional infringements, and connectivity gaps.

Codacy's Features

  • high standards for security
  • Code standardization tailored to your needs
  • automated review procedure
  • Performance analysis of the Code
  • Checking the Security Code
  • Examples of configuration in a cluster


According to this article, more businesses are using DevSecOps as the standard method for project development. In other words, there is a good chance of having more employment options. DevOps will either vanish or merge with DevSecOps as more businesses see the value of implementing end-to-end security.

Additionally, companies will embrace DevSecOps at a faster rate when automation is added to the process. Automation saves time and improves security, making the use of DevSecOps a no-brainer.

Course Schedule
DevSecOps TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
DevSecOps TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
DevSecOps TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
DevSecOps TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 27 Jun 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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