List of DevOps Monitoring Tools


In this article, we will first try to understand the concept of usage of DevOps tools in totality. We will also try to understand the advantages that these tools bring to the table if they are deployed to our Production grade environments. Alongside the benefits that these bring to the table, there are also pointers that these try to show on how the applications are maintained in a better manner for the best to reap. DevOps can be best understood as the gap that can be bridged to bring in both the software development and the IT operations together. By bringing in both these extremes to one, there will be a better and a responsible team of individuals who would respond to the situation accordingly rather than waiting on each other to do their particular responsibilities.

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Open-Source DevOps Monitoring Tools

Now that we understood the concept of DevOps in itself, let us take a look at the tools that find their usages in the fields of Business Intelligence and also Application Monitoring. Let us now take a look at each of these tools and also look at the benefits or advantages that these bring to the table, should they be deployed to our Production grade environments.

Types of Business Intelligence (BI) or Monitoring DevOps Tools

1. Sensu:

Coming on the last product on our exhaustive list of paid DevOps tools comes the tool Sensu – which is an infrastructure and also an application monitoring solution. Provides also the abilities to measure and monitor the infrastructure, service health, application health, business KPIs. With a mix of static, dynamic, and ephemeral infrastructure at scale, Sensu tries to solve the modern-day challenges in the modern infrastructure platforms. Sense isn’t a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution but gives you full control over the availability of your monitoring solution, per se.

Following are some of the advantages of using Sensu, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Sensu monitors servers’, services’ and applications’ health and also measure business KPIs
  • Provides a provision to send alerts and notifications
  • Provides a provision to dynamically register and de-register a Client
  • Sensu works pretty fine even with Mission-critical applications and also with multi-tiered networks
  • It is designed perfectly for automation needs
  • It has very good commercial support even though it is an open-source software

2. PagerDuty:

Coming on to the next tool in the current exhaustive list of DevOps applications or tools, comes PagerDuty – which is an operations performance platform that is created solely to improve the reliability and also the performance of the operations teams capabilities like Alert monitoring, On-call Scheduling, Escalation policies and last but not the least – the Incident monitoring to fix problems in their apps. 

With the timely alerts that are received using this, the operations team can quickly detect, triage, and also resolve these incidents from the Development environment to the Production environment. It has a fabulous incident response and also alerting service that is pretty straightforward.

Following are some of the advantages of using PagerDuty, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • PagerDuty has gained popularity from its popular alerting application that is pretty simple and user-friendly.
  • Has a provision to auto-escalate if there is no response to the initial alerts (and this is abided by the SLA that is initially agreed upon).
  • Ease of operation and also its powerful GUI scheduling, escalation policy screens

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3. Datical Deployment Monitoring Console:

Datical Deployment Monitoring Console is the application that you would want to check if you want to automatically monitor the status of every database deployment across the enterprise. To curtail the possibility of any human mistakes, keeping track of all SQL script execution across all environments is a task that you would want to automate and this is just what is being done via the Datical Deployment Monitoring Console. It also takes the responsibility of simplifying the database auditing and also deployment monitoring.

Following are some of the advantages of using Datical Deployment Monitoring Console, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:

  • One of the most advantageous things that Datical Deployment Monitoring Console (DMC) has to provide is to make database auditing easier.
  • It also eliminates manually tracking deployments and errors
  • Provides easy and also on-demand access to deployment information
  • It also simplifies the release process as well, just so that the users can automatically track, audit, and also resolve all the database-specific deployment issues.

4. Tasktop Integration Hub:

Tasktop provides the software integration, for all of your organization’s tools to create an integrated value for your organization. Tasktop Integration Hub is the one-stop solution that handles all the software delivery integration needs without having to vouch for another tool as such. Using the Tasktop Integration Hub does provide the right information to the right person via the right tool at the right perfect time.

Following are some of the advantages of using Tasktop Integration Hub, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • There is connectivity available for over 45 tools that are fully functional without any issues.
  • Provides the provision to add a new tool quickly to the existing software integration.
  • There is a provision for a filter to route artifacts to comply with the customer requirements around frequency and direction as well, as specific field updates
  • Provision to securely login via a web-based interface to ensure security.
  • Provides a smart change detection to limit the load on tools that senses changes to artifacts and maintains the footprint to the smallest possible value.

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5. Librato:

Librato is a real-time cloud monitoring solution that can be used for tracking and also understand the metrics that affect businesses at all levels of the given stack. Librato provides all the features that are expected out of a monitoring solution to visualize, analyze, and also receive alerts on the above-discussed metrics. The tool accepts metrics from almost any source to provide real-time data aggregation and also transformation. Librato users can completely rely on the Zapier platform which provides webhooks for integrating with more than 400 applications and services. Every recipe or a zap comprises a trigger and an action. Using Librato and Zapier, you can create a custom-made delivery pipeline through which any of their supported actions can be performed.

Following are some of the advantages of using Librato, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Librato provides a complete solution that monitors and analyzes the data
  • Librato provides a varied number of services that can help understand the data that is getting monitored and at the same time also provides wonderful visualizations of the underlying data.
  • Librato provides services that can notify upon completion of activity processing on the various metrics that you might be interested to know.
  • Librato comes with almost no installation at all
  • Librato provides a very simple user interface that is very easy to use.
  • You can completely rely on the alerts that you receive from Librato, which enables you to take necessary actions based on the possible situation with your Production environment.

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6. Prometheus:

Prometheus is yet another metrics-based time series database that is primarily designed for white-box monitoring. It is an open-source system monitoring tool and also an alerting tool that has an active ecosystem. Since its inception, many Organizations and Companies have adopted the tool itself into their ecosystems – thus enabling the user community and the developer community to be active. It is now a standalone open-source project that is being independently maintained without any dependency from any Organization as such. It is next to Kubernetes to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in the year 2016.

Following are some of the advantages of using Prometheus, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:

  • It is easy to deploy an application with any of the configuration management tools available in the market.
  • It is a tool that’s written in Go language, making an apt choice for future developments
  • It also addresses monitoring micro-services for your Organization
  • It can also collect time-series data for your Organization
  • Provides seamless integration with a PagerDuty tool as well
  • It has no dependencies altogether and provides a good amount of Web API for custom development
  • The data thus collected with this application finds its use in the Business Intelligence space as well
  • It can provide fairly simple pre-made docker images and also other pre-made configurations for similar tools like Docker.

7. Kibana:

Kibana is open-source analytics and also a visualization tool specifically designed to work in conjunction with Elasticsearch. The primary use of Kibana can be found in Search, View, and Interact with that data that is stored internally in Elasticsearch indices. Performing advanced data analysis and also visualization of your data can be simply done in the form of charts, tables, and maps. To be very precise with its usage, one can term it as a tool that can understand larger volumes of data. It provides a simple, and yet browser-based interface that will enable you to quickly create or share dynamic dashboards, which are capable of displaying changes to Elasticsearch queries in real-time.
Setting up Kibana is just possible within a snap, the installation and exploration of your Elasticsearch indices can be achieved without any code or without any additional infrastructure as well. It allows you to visualize your data and also allows you to identify the patterns which might wake you up early in the mornings sometimes.

Following are some of the advantages of using Kibana, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:

  • Its setup process is pretty simple and straightforward
  • The fact that it is Open source will always be welcomed by the Organizations looking for tools in this space
  • Kibana provides one of the best documentation guides that you can blindly follow any of the features.
  • The data out of the logs can be visualized pretty easily and also enables you to find a resolution for your issues on Production.
  • Provides a feature to auto-highlight the search fields thereby enabling you to determine quickly the errors located in your log files
  • It enables you to visualize log files and shows up the required statistics – and also shows real-time statistics in the form of graphs and the like.

8. Elasticsearch:

Elasticsearch is yet another open-source tool that is totally developed in Java. It is a Lucene-based application that is totally scalable and also a data analysis tool in itself. Data generation in the current world scenario is not at all a difficult job with the emergence of Social Media, data generation is not a Herculean task anymore. Such data that is generated out of these social mediums are termed as Big Data which can be unstructured, scattered, and insignificant when it is left alone all by itself to generate. 

Elasticsearch is an awesome tool that is developed to deal with the problems that are mentioned with Big Data. It is a very powerful tool and at the same time, it is flexible enough to address the biggest challenges that are real-time and are also distributed in nature. In today’s world, Elasticsearch is used widely for content search, data analysis, and also to handle queries with projects like Mozilla and GitHub, etc.

Following are some of the advantages of using Elasticsearch, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • It can be considered as a database that is exposed as a REST service
  • It is damn easy and the experience is pretty fantastic working with Elasticsearch
  • Many of the features are provided out of the box as like Full-text search, document custom scoring, suggestions and results highlighting, etc.
  • To display metrics and also for logging, there are plugins like Logstash and Kibana
  • Provides the control that is very much required over the Search engine and also allows one to extend it the way they want and also to optimize it further.
  • Getting started with the tool doesn’t take much time and to take it to the next level, wonderful documentation helps pretty well.
  • The bundling feature with Logstash and Kibana makes it an awesome option for aggregating and searching logs in the Production environment.

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 9. Splunk:

Splunk comes as a powerful platform that helps analyze machine data (especially logs that get generated on a frequent basis but seldom used effectively). The best scenarios to understand the prowess of the tool are the Production data center and the others in the Marketing department. Splunk the Organization produces software that finds its usage in the areas of Search, Monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data via the web-style interface. It gathers all the relevant information into a Central index that can rapidly search for the required details.

Splunk can provide an eagle’s view on what is happening in your machine-generated data. We can also rely on Splunk for identifying the historical trends and also correlate a varied number of sources of information and also helps in many ways. Splunk can efficiently capture and also analyze massive amounts of unstructured, time-series textual machine data – this is done by Splunk alone and no other tool can replace this for this requirement as such.

Following are some of the advantages of using Splunk, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • One of the biggest advantages of using Splunk is the ease of use that it offers to the individuals who use it.
  • It allows us to analyze data from networks, servers, applications, and also from various other sources of information.
  • It is very easy for anyone to deploy it in a Production environment too
  • Provides tools like Splunk lite which can be used to push your data from various servers to the main Splunk engine for all the required analysis.
  • The way Splunk indexes the data is such that it provides fantastic analytic results
  • Reports that are generated by Splunk are accurate to the decimal which helps any Organization to determine the improvement steps and also to act upon them, should the need be.
  • Alongside all this, the pricing model is pretty reasonable
  • There is a great number of articles available online to find its usages perfect and to make full use out of them.

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10. Nagios:

Let there be any number of proprietary monitoring tools out there in the current market to choose from, no other proprietary tool can offer you the features like peer review, source code modification, version iterations and etc. Nagios is an Open source server and also a network monitoring tool that provides capabilities as what is discussed above. Nagios has the ability to monitor any network device that comes along with an IP address and provides an alert if anything abnormal happens to the service that is getting monitored.

Nagios has capable of monitoring different services on a server (SMTP, HTTP, POP, IMAP, Proxy, and so on so forth), provides a 24 x 7 monitoring environment to monitor your system resources like the CPU, Memory, Swap, and Load. It also provides you with an easy-to-use web interface that indicates the status of each of the services that are under monitoring using Nagios. There are multiple ways in which Nagios achieves monitoring each of these services and checks the statuses on them.
Following are some of the advantages of using Nagios, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Nagios is very flexible with its usage and is always expandable
  • There is a provision for us to write custom plugins that fit our requirement and also to check that is most important for us in the Production environment
  • It is a very nice product that can perform quick checks and is also easy to configure from both client and server sides.
  • Nagios has the capability to operate pretty well in environments like Production. 
  • Nagios website has pretty good documentation that you can follow for any specific reference
  • Nagios provides a provision to set up services with which you can ping devices in the Organization – this equipment might not be just networking equipment but can be any device as such.
  • It has the capability to monitor the traditional Pagers to deliver notifications
  • Provides an easy way to use and receive downtime and maintenance notifications
  • With the use of libraries or add-ons provided to this tool, there is not much that can’t be achieved by this tool.

 11. Dynatrace:

Dynatrace is the smallest library that can be placed in an Application server (on a JVM for a Java application or on a CLR for a .NET application) which will run within the application process without consuming any more than 10MB of memory on the server itself. This further allows lower overheads on the server and does its job to monitor the application logs without any issues. The sensors on this tool are so flexible that you don’t even have to restart your application servers (thereby your applications themselves) whenever a new dynatrace agent is added or removed from your application server.

Dynatrace has totally redefined the way how we monitor today’s world digital ecosystems. It is completely automated, backed with AI power, and is the only solution that can answer not just with data but also with deep insight into every user, transaction, and application running on the application server. No wonder that 72 of the Fortune 100 companies / Organizations trust dynatrace to optimize their customer experiences to innovate further and also to modernize their IT operations with absolute prejudice.

Following are some of the advantages of using Dynatrace, let us now take a look at each and every one of them:


  • Dynatrace has the ability to transaction flow along with the times taken at each stage of the application.
  • Clearly identifies the problem areas or the error-prone areas in the Production workflows.
  • Once the baseline metrics are benchmarked, dynatrace does a great job in identifying the deviations from the standard figures
  • If there is anything abnormal with the application or the network itself, then dynatrace will alert us with these changes identified.
  • Provides a clear picture of the application performance to the most non-technical users with its usage of emojis based on the situation of the application

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In this article, we have tried to understand what DevOps tools are and where do they find their usages in the bigger picture. Alongside that, we also have spent time understanding the nitty-gritty details of Business Intelligence DevOps tools and Monitoring DevOps tools. In this article, we have gone through the tools that identify themselves as the market leaders in the Business Intelligence and also the Monitoring space of the DevOps tools and looked into their advantages that are certified in the Production deployments. 

Related Page: What is DevOps Tools

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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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