AppDynamics Interview Questions

Looking to work as an Appdynamics professional? Interview coming up soon? This blog is curated by professionals, where you will have all the answers to the interview. Read further to understand the essential topics required to crack the interview.

AppDynamics was established in 2008, and in March 2017 Cisco purchased it for $3.7 billion. Since then, it has emerged as a major force in the Cisco technology portfolio, providing unmatched resources that foster the level of innovation required to satisfy the demands of contemporary businesses.

By offering real-time performance insights, AppDynamics seeks to enhance the consistency and availability of applications across the entire technology stack. This supports your company's growth, performance optimization, and enhancement of the online experience.

Before we begin the interview questions, let us understand in detail what exactly Appdynamics does.

  • Application performance: Customer application issues can significantly affect their online experience and, consequently, the perception of your brand. In order to meet service-level agreements, it is crucial to prevent downtime that interferes with or interrupts a user's experience (SLAs).
  • CPU use: The central processing unit (CPU) is in charge of carrying out the commands contained in computer programs. Any decline in CPU performance can have a significant impact on memory usage and disc read and write speeds. To prevent these problems, AppDynamics monitors CPU usage metrics.
  • Error rates: AppDynamics searches for errors that cause operations to fail during memory-intensive processes, like web requests. This empowers you to monitor web requests that might lead to errors that have an impact on your application.
  • Request rates: AppDynamics gathers information about peaks in application traffic, dry spells, and the number of active users. This makes it easier to spot application problems and potential areas for optimization.
  • Response times: Mission-critical applications may suffer from slow responses. Users may lose faith in your company and turn to competitors if loading times are more than a few milliseconds. Having historical information on application response times with AppDynamics allows you to monitor application slowdowns in real time.

For easy understanding, we have divided these questions into three categories, they are for:

Frequently Asked AppDynamics Interview Questions

  1. Which Rest APIs is Appdynamics capable of supporting?
  2. AppDynamics is what kind of a tool?
  3. What is the use of AppDynamics?
  4. What exactly does AppDynamics monitor?
  5. What exactly is an AppDynamics node?
  6. Various agents in Appdynamics?
  7. What are the different flow maps available?
  8. In Appdynamics what is a beacon?
  9. What is Triple Nine Availability?
  10. Describe the crucial EUM checks.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Appdynamics, then enroll in "Appdynamics Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

AppDynamics Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers

1. How can users view or obtain the total number of phone calls made during a 24-hour period for a business transaction?

  1. Dashboard loaded in Edit Mode
  2. Then "Add Widget" button
  3. Tap "Metric Value"
  4. To choose a metric, select it.
  5. Put the Application and BT in the first two sections.
  6. Click "Select a Metric" in the following section.
  7. Go to "Select Metric" and select "Calls per Minute."
  8. Optionally, change "Value" in the dropdown to "Sum." - To set the time range to 24 hours, select "Use Widget-Specific Time Range" from the main widget edit screen (else the dashboard time range will be used for the widget).
  9. Choose "Save".

2. Which Rest APIs is Appdynamics capable of supporting?

In order to customize and expand its functionalities, the AppDynamics APM Platform reveals a number of APIs, both within the console and through Controller and Events Service and on the operative side.

3. What does Appdynamics' OpenTelemetry mean?

The new OpenTelemetry framework for enhanced observability enables you to standardize the collection and delivery of telemetry data, including logs, metrics, events, and traces, to your preferred backend platform. The market-leading mean stack observability of AppDynamics will be extended into a larger range of systems thanks to OpenTelemetry, an emerging benchmark for cloud-native monitoring, enhancing current AI and ML capabilities.

4. Is there an Appdynamics exporter for OpenTelemetry?

On-premises Controllers cannot access OpenTelemetry. We need a SaaS Controller version higher than 21.2.0 and an energetic AppDynamics Pro edition license in order to use AppDynamics OpenTelemetry.

5. AppDynamics is what kind of a tool?

AppDynamics is an APM technology that supports data analysis and end-to-end money transfer tracing to ascertain how application performance affects business outcomes. It offers SaaS and on-premise options.

6. What kind of technology does the AppDynamics tool use?

With regard to Build & Test, Cloud, DevOps, Database/Data Store, ITSM,  Infrastructure, Languages & Frameworks,  Notify & Alerting, Mobile & IoT, Middleware & Application Servers, and Packaged Applications, AppDynamics supports more than 190 technologies.

7. What is the use of AppDynamics?

By utilizing APM Tools and an analytics-driven methodology, AppDynamics offers a substantial amount of detail to address performance issues. All transactions that pass through your app are baselined, watched over, and reported on by our software quality management solution.

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8. What does AppDynamics refer to as a graph?

A call graph in a payment snapshot displays data on the processing of a specific tier that took part in the business transaction. Call graphs can be used to analyze a complex business transaction's flow and identify performance problems. The Node also records call graphs.

9. What exactly does AppDynamics monitor?

End-to-end scope into the performance of the applications is provided by AppDynamics Application Measuring Performance (APM), a feature of the AppDynamics platform. Java and other well-known programming languages are supported by AppDynamics. Investigate issues like application errors and slow response times.

10. Which hierarchy in Appdynamics is correct?

The Metric Browser, Servers list, and Server Visibility dashboard all show the server hierarchy. To use this feature, you need to have a Server Visibility license. A system property, an environment variable, or controller-info.xml can be used to specify the Machine Hierarchy property.

AppDynamics Interview Questions For Experienced

11. What exactly is an AppDynamics node?

A supervised server or JVM in the application system corresponds to a node in the AppDynamics model. The smallest component of the modeled environment is a node. A node may be a standalone executable server, CLR, JVM, PHP application, or Apache Web server, depending on the agent type.

12. What does AppDynamics' tier name mean?

A tier in AppDynamics represents a service in the application environment, like a standalone application, WCF service, ASP.NET front end, or .NET web service. Tier names should be logical and simple for your users to understand because tiers are displayed on flow maps.

13. In Appdynamics, based on triggers, what action policies take place and what is the use of each?

  • Notifications (via SMS or email).
  • Diagnoses (start collecting the details while you are away).
  • Restoration (script to do an action for any problem triggered).
  • Request using HTTP (can send a 3rd party request using HTTP calls).
  • Unique (any other custom-made action to be taken).
  • Automatic scaling (increasing or decreasing the no of servers in the productions on the fly).

14. Various agents in Appdynamics?

  1. AppAgent 
  2. Machine Agent 
  3. Browser Agent 
  4. Database Agent.

15. What are the differences between grid layout and absolute layout?

  • Absolute Layout allows us to layer one widget on top of another.
  • One widget cannot be placed on top of another in a grid layout.

A widget is nothing more than a brief report that is available to us in the form of a chart or dashlet that displays data that is simple to understand.

16. What are the different flow maps available?

Multiple nodes may be used in a Node Flow Map for task scheduling in a single application. Node Flow Map enables us to examine each node's behavior, error rate, load, and response time.

Overall application dashboard: the application flow map.

Checking a specific business transaction's dashboard using the business transaction flow map.

17. What are the different ways for authentication in Appdynamics?

  1. SAML Login: It Integrates with any other like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook - SSO Login.
  2. LDAP: In use for Corporates and Applications and Used for Corporates and Applications.
  3. Local Appdynamics Verification which can be shared using a link to the dashboards or HTML-based dashboards.

18. In Appdynamics what is a beacon?

The Java agent, also known as the Beacon, will gather the necessary information each time a publicly accessible web page is loaded in a browser. This information is then sent to the EUM service. After the Page Load Incident (last page life cycle event) has finished, Beacon gathers all information regarding the web browser user query when opened via a browser and sends it to the EUM service. In your application's browser, Controller would then download the above data and display a page.

19. What are all the possible actions or policies based on Appdynamics triggers?

There are some action policies in Appdynamics that are based on triggers, Whereas the user is not present

  • Diagnostics are gathering information.
  • Email or SMS are used to deliver notifications.
  • Remediations, or the script for carrying out an action in response to any triggered issue.
  • Also possible are custom actions.
  • Using HTTP calls, a user can send requests to third parties.
  • Autoscaling, which aids in adjusting the number of the production server.

20. How is the Appdynamics database monitoring set up?

The Appdynamics database agent uses JDBC to connect to the monitored databases. An agent has sent data to the controller, which stores a specific type of data using Event Service, and the app agent provides details about calls to backend databases, including call counts and errors. Data regarding query processing and agentless resume performance is provided by the database module, which provides visibility into how the server itself operates.

21. Why is the Appdynamics tool used to improve the performance of applications?

With Appdynamics, you can quickly navigate between distributed systems into graphical or exception reports while getting a broad overview of the application landscape. Via the Appdynamics App Server Agent, Appdynamics offers a runtime operation view at the tier level.

22. How do servers or infrastructure monitoring work in the Appdynamics tool?

Users can find infrastructure problems in Appdynamics thanks to preloaded software infrastructure metrics and default health rules. In order to implement monitoring strategies tailored to the needs of the business and the application's architecture, users could also configure additional metrics. The data center benefits from Server Visibility in Appdynamics by adding value to the operation of the devices and networks in the user's environment.

23. What is Triple Nine Availability?

It is a phrase used to imply that Appdynamics is offering the highest level of application availability.

24. What is Synthetic Monitoring?

It is simulating the actual user in various locations while using a different browser to see if they are receiving the desired response.

25. Describe the crucial EUM checks.

Network time includes server connection time, load time (the amount of time it takes the server to process a client request), and browser time (the amount of time the DOM is ready).

Most Common AppDynamics FAQs

1. Describe Appdynamics.

The formation of dashboards that instantly link app performance to business results is made easier with the help of the AppDynamics Business iQ tool. Visualizing, managing, and tracking every component of your application is made simple and integrated with AppDynamics.

2. What do Appdynamics' app agents do?

AppDynamics app agents automatically find the most popular application frameworks and services. Using built-in software detection and configuration parameters, agents grasp app data and metrics to create flow diagrams.

3. What does Appdynamics' flow map mean?

A flow map is a graphic representation of your application's parts that shows how data flows between them. The business transaction flow diagram of a straightforward e-commerce application, for instance, shows how data moves between databases, message queues, and web services.

4. What is an Appdynamics node?

A node in the AppDynamics model represents a supervised domain controller or JVM in the application system. A node is the smallest component of the model environment. Depending on the agent type, a node may be related to a specific database server, JVM, CLR, PHP implementation, or Apache Web server.

5. How does the Appdynamics node work?

Each number types itself in the AppDynamics model. When configuring the agent, the moniker of the node, tier, and business within which the representative reports information to the Controller is specified.

6. What do Appdynamics Tiers mean?

A tier is a part of the AppDynamics design that consists of a grouping of one or more nodes. The conceptual model of your environment determines how you should arrange the tiers.

There is only one restriction: each tier's nodes must all belong to the same type. In other words, a tier could indeed contain nodes of various types, such as Java and.NET nodes. On a flow map, lines with performance data attached to them represent the traffic flow among tiers in a business application.

7. What in Appdynamics is an Entity?

An implementation, tier, node, or a business transaction are all examples of entities that AppDynamics monitors. Entities are typically linked to metrics, events, as well as a state of health.

8. What distinguishes AppDynamics from Dynatrace?

While AppDynamics has selected the abnormality diagnostic technique, that also means that more thorough stack traces are only managed to capture when an achievement baseline or threshold is crossed, Dynatrace's agents are designed to capture limited stack trace amounts for every transaction execution.

9. What does an Appdynamics Standalone Machine Agent do?

The Machine Agent (also known as the Standalone Machine Agent) records fundamental hardware metrics. The Machine Agent, a Java programme with an extensible design, enables you to supplement the standard metrics provided in the AppDynamics Controller UI with your own unique metrics. The following features are offered by the Machine Agent:

  • Reporting the server's operating system's basic hardware metrics, such as CPU% and memory utilization, disc, and network I/O.
  • Reporting metrics that extensions pass to the controller.
  • Remedial scripts for policy actions are being executed.
  • JVM Crash Guard running.
  • One Machine Agent license comes with each purchased App Agent license. Only the same machine as the App Agent may have this Machine Agent installed.

10. How can servers be monitored with Appdynamics?

The AppDynamics Control system and an AppDynamics Device Agent managed to install on the machine are required for monitoring. When users enter the operator's URI in the Machine, the agent starts sending the controller machine metrics. Then, users can create dashboards, view statistics, and set alarms.

Advantages of Appdynamics

Understanding what's happening across your technology stack is essential as your IT environment becomes more complex. You can prioritize decisions based on their potential effects on your business thanks to AppDynamics' range of applications and business benefits. The key advantages of this innovative solution include the following.

1. Making decisions with assurance:

Application performance is linked to business results and customer experience by AppDynamics. This makes it possible for you to prioritize potentially serious application problems before they affect your clients.

2. Customer experience driven by data:

You can ingest, analyze, and transform data from the entire technology stack into in-depth visualizations using the AppDynamics solution. This makes it simple for you to decide on the best course of action for your company's operations, improve user experience, and produce better business outcomes.

3. Infrastructure transparency:

You can monitor and visualize your entire technology stack with AppDynamics, from servers and databases to cloud-native and hybrid environments. This gives you the ability to manage important business metrics, APIs, problems at the code level, and conversions to optimize your applications. As a result, you can identify the underlying causes of issues in real-time before they have an effect on your business and user experience.

4. Superior network visibility:

Gaining knowledge of the entire technology stack also makes the external networks your applications depend on more visible. This makes it possible for you to quickly fix problems with connections to DNS, ISPs, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers.

5. Single-point monitoring:

Real-time application visibility across your organization's public, private, and multi-cloud environments is made possible by AppDynamics. Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC) and the solution's low overhead monitoring assist you in achieving secure design and enterprise-level scalability. Rapid root-cause analysis and prompt diagnosis of potential problems are what drive IT efficiency. You can also use it to link your software's KPIs to those for your business (KPIs).

6. Security for applications:

Improved technology stack visibility has important security advantages. This includes the quick identification of coding and application errors or vulnerabilities, that might not typically be found for weeks, months, or even years. To ensure your environment runs securely, AppDynamics enables you to combine business insight, application performance, and security insights.

7. Improved teamwork:

Silos between different teams in your organization are frequently created by technology modernization. However, AppDynamics offers a networked platform that makes it possible for departments to collaborate quickly, amicably, and effectively.


We will now wrap up our discussion of "Appdynamics Interview questions." To ensure that each subject is covered and that you are prepared for interviews, we have seen all of the crucial questions for Appdynamics and have listed them here.

Course Schedule
AppDynamics TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
AppDynamics TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
AppDynamics TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
AppDynamics TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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