Dart vs Javascript : What's the Difference?

You've arrived at the right place if you're looking for a detailed comparison of Dart vs Javascript. Here, we'll compare Dart vs Javascript and help you to figure out which programming language is the best in terms of ease of use, popularity, productivity, learning curve, pros, and disadvantages.


JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language nowadays. It’s used by modern databases like MongoDB and CouchDB. On the other hand, Dart is a class-based object-oriented programming (OOP) language with C-style syntax. In this post, we'll look at each of these programming languages in-depth to clear up the confusion about which is better.

Table of Content - Dart vs JavaScript

First, we’ll learn what Dart and JavaScript are.

Dart vs JavaScript: Overview

For cross-platform mobile app development, JavaScript and Dart are the best solutions. Dart is a newer language but has many useful features and good Google support. JavaScript was at the pinnacle of popularity for cross-platform mobile application and server-side application development. Dart shares the same syntax and coding style as Java, making it simple for developers and coders with OOPS experience. JavaScript is also a reliable, open-source language with a wide range of libraries and frameworks found online.

In comparison to Javascript, the network is relatively modest. Although Dart has excellent libraries and documentation, many programmers are unsure how to utilize it. JavaScript is a lightweight, simple-to-understand, and speedier programming language that is simple to learn for application players. It boosts developer productivity by offering a variety of Javascript libraries and packages.

What is Dart?

What is dartDart is a client-oriented programming language created by Google in 2011 and is designed to make fast applications for any platform. Google started it as an internal programming language for developing web, server, and mobile apps. Dart compiles source code the same way like C, JavaScript, Java, and C# do. It also has its virtual machine (VM) called Dart VM, utilized to run the native program. It also includes its package management, Pub. After Google announced Flutter for cross-platform mobile app development, it grew popular. The main reason for this is that Flutter is entirely dedicated to Dart.

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What is JavaScript?

 What is javascriptJavaScript is a web page rendering language.

On the other hand, JavaScript later extended its reach to include server-side, non-browser, and mobile application development. JavaScript supports both OOPS and functional programming. Because it's dynamic, it doesn't necessitate client-side compilation. NPM is package management for JavaScript. When Facebook released the React and React Native frameworks for web and mobile app development, JavaScript quickly became the most popular programming language. Nonetheless, developers have conflicting feelings regarding JavaScript.

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Dart Vs Javascript: Main Features

Main features of Dart

  • Fully object-oriented: This language, like JavaScript, is based on objects, and if you prefer OOPs concepts, you'll adore Dart.
  • Interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, and static typing are among the features it offers.
  • Easy to learn: Dart is simple to understand and features a syntax similar to C and JavaScript. Because Dart has a lower learning curve, you only need to master a few of its principles before developing your first project.
  • Portability: Dart can operate on any operating system, and there are no unique hardware or architecture requirements to run this language. Most major mobile operating systems can run Dart-written applications smoothly, while web applications can work in any browser.
  • Great Productivity: A good programming language can complete many complex jobs in a short period with minimal effort, and Dart excels in this area above most other languages. Everything about it, from its syntax to the work environment behind the scenes, is designed to boost developer efficiency. If you run into something the language can't handle on its own, it offers an extensive library and package repository on its platform.
  • One language, many platforms: Dart can manage multiple platforms on his own, including mobile apps, online apps, a desktop app, scripting tasks, and server-side/client-side work. Of course, you just have to write once, and it will run well on a variety of platforms.

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Main Features of Javascript:

Main Features Of Javascript

  • Browser Support: All browsers support JavaScript as a scripting language and have built-in support.
  • Functional Programming Language: Functions can be assigned to variables in Javascript, just like any other data type. Not only that, but a function can take another function as an argument, return a function, and have functions that have no name.
  • Can be used on both client and server-side: JavaScript has access to the browser's Document Object Model (DOM), allowing it to alter web pages’ structure in runtime. As a result, javascript may create various effects on websites. In addition, javascript could be utilized on the server-side.
  • Object-oriented Programming: Although Javascript is an object-oriented language, it differs from other object-oriented programming languages handling objects and inheritance. As a result, javascript can accommodate the majority of object-oriented principles while remaining straightforward to learn and implement.

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Major Differences between Dart and JavaScript

major differences between dart & Javascript

Let's compare the two languages based on a variety of criteria and comparison points:

Easy of use

  •  JavaScript is a stable and reliable language that has been around for a long time. JavaScript is an easy-to-use scripting language with several online frameworks and libraries. These frameworks enable developers to reuse existing code, creating apps more quickly. 
  • However, Dart is a relatively new language for most developers outside of Google. Despite Google's efforts to document the Dart programming language, finding answers to specific problems remains tough. Dart features a coding style and grammar comparable to Java, so developers with OOPS experience will find it easy to learn and use once they have mastered the basics.


  • JavaScript is an interpreted language; it feels lighter and faster than other programming languages. It outperforms Java and other compiled languages in terms of speed. 
  • Dart, on the other hand, is substantially shorter than JavaScript. Dart may be assembled in two modes: JIT and AOT, which aids app development in several ways. JIT compilation, for example, can speed up development, whereas AOT compilation can improve the release process.

Type safety

  •  JavaScript is a dynamic and Duck-typing interpreted language. Because it may type any code, JavaScript is not a type-safe language. Only at runtime may programming flaws be discovered. 
  • Dart, on the other hand, supports both flexible and rigid prototyping. The bulk of programming problems is identified during the compilation process because Dart is a compiled language. It's safer than JavaScript in terms of type safety.


  •  JavaScript is a programming language that is used in a variety of applications. Nearly all computers support JavaScript. Online, mobile, and server-side programming are all made with JavaScript. More than 2.5 million questions on JavaScript have been asked on Stack Overflow. Because of its widespread use, the JavaScript ecosystem has grown enormously, and with the emergence of cloud component hubs, it now controls the "market" for reusable components. A different option would be appealing to front-end developers. 
  • Dart is getting popular but can't compete with JavaScript. When Google declared Flutter, Dart was nowhere to be seen. It attracted programmers hostile to JavaScript. On Stack Overflow, Dart has almost 45K queries.

Learning curve

  •  JavaScript is not an easy language for starters, but knowing the foundations of programming makes it straightforward. For developers who want to learn JavaScript, there are a variety of online courses and tutorials accessible. 
  • On the other hand, learning Dart might be difficult for beginners because it is not a widely-used programming language. On the internet, there are extremely few Dart programming classes or books.

Web vs. Mobile

  •  With various frameworks, JavaScript has dominated the web and mobile app development. With the release of Facebook's React Native, developing mobile and web apps for small businesses became a no-brainer. Various JavaScript frameworks, such as Agular, Vue.js, and others, are still accessible for designing web apps, progressive web apps, and hybrid mobile apps. 
  • On the other hand, Dart is a programming language that can create mobile and online apps. Dart and the Flutter framework became well-known for building cross-platform mobile apps.

Editor/IDE support

  •  For JavaScript programming, there are several excellent IDEs and editors available. Developers can utilize lightweight editors like or write JavaScript without needing a full-fledged IDE. However, several IDEs, such as WebStorm and Visual Studio Code, may develop JavaScript applications.
  • Dart code can also be written with lightweight editors like Sublime or VIM, however the most often used IDEs for Dart application development, especially for Flutter app development, are, and that comes with the Dart plugin.

Commercial use

  • JavaScript is widely utilized in large corporations to create web and cross-platform mobile apps. Although Facebook was the first to develop the React and React Native frameworks, many other large firms employ JavaScript, such as Instagram, Reddit, eBay, Slack, Airbnb, etc.
  • Google created Dart, so it's no surprise that it's utilized there. However, several major companies, such as Alibaba, have also adopted Flutter and Dart for developing cross-platform mobile apps. Blossom, WorkTrails, Whale, Mobile, and others are prominent organizations that employ Dart.

Dart vs. JavaScript: Pro’s and Con’s

Here are some of the most popular pros and cons of using Dart and Javascript.

Pros of Dart

  • It's an open-source program.
  • Google-backed and simply deployable on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Dart is around two times as quick as JavaScript.
  • Dart is a type-safe programming language that can be compiled using both AOT and JIT compilers.
  • Dart is a flexible programming language that may be used in various tasks.
  • Dart is a scripting language similar to Javascript and is simple to learn if you already know Javascript.
  • The Flutter mobile UI framework makes considerable use of Dart.

Cons of Dart

  • Dart is a relatively new programming language for programmers, and it is infrequently used on the market.
  • Dart's internet resources are limited, and finding answers to difficulties is difficult.
  • Dart is based on the single object paradigm (classes).
  • You can't rename a function in Dart without writing a new assignment statement.

Pros of JavaScript

  • JavaScript is a scripting language used in both web and mobile applications.
  • JavaScript can be used for both the front and backend, allowing it to run on any device.
  • The JavaScript community is significant, and many excellent frameworks are available online.
  • Because JavaScript is interoperable with other languages, it can be used in various applications.
  • JavaScript is a quick, flexible, and lightweight scripting language.

Cons of JavaScript

  • There are a few libraries in JavaScript that aren't very excellent.
  • Due to the dynamic nature of the language, programmers are prone to making significant errors.
  • New frameworks arrive at regular intervals, resulting in continual modifications.
  • Security on the client-side is very inadequate.
  • An entire website can be brought to a halt by a single error.
  • There isn't any multithreading support.

Javascript vs. Dart: Tools Integration

Below listed are the tools that integrate with Dart and Javascript

Integration tools for Dart 

  • Flutter is Google's cross-platform mobile UI framework.
  • Aqueduct is a server-side framework with multiple threads.
  • Dart Web dev is a framework for creating web apps that integrate Google's services.
  • Angular Dart is another popular Dart Web dev alternative.

Integration tools for JavaScript

  • Auth0 is a sign-up tool for your apps or APIs that uses tokens.
  • Yarn is a package manager that is a good substitute for NPM.
  • Gatsby JS is an open-source framework for building speedier React JS websites and apps.
  • The parcelis a web application bundler that works quickly.
  • ESLint is a well-known JavaScript linter.
  • Algolia is a search engine API that allows you to construct your search results.
  • Lodash is a library that supports typical programming tasks with utility functions.
  • Jetpack wraps webpack to provide a more pleasant development experience.
  • CircleCI is a well-known continuous delivery and integration platform.
  • Azure Cosmos DB  is the globally distributed database service from Microsoft.

Companies Using: Dart and Javascript

The firms that use Dart and Javascript are listed below.

Companies using Dart:

  • Google
  • Blossom
  • Adobe
  • Health Dynamics
  • Soundtrap

Companies using JavaScript:

  • Instagram
  • 9GAG
  • Square
  • Airbnb
  • Reddit


In the comparison of Dart Vs. JavaScript, both Dart, and JavaScript come out on top because they are excellent solutions for developers for various reasons. We hope you've gained a thorough understanding of javascript and Dart as a result of reading this blog.

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Course Schedule
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Last updated: 07 Feb 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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