Dynatrace Interview Questions

Have you been working as a Dyntrance professional? Is your interview around your corner? Well, with the employment season, we have curated dynatrace interview questions with the help of professionals. This will not only help you bag the job but also assist in understanding the concepts required as a last-minute revision.

The tool monitors the performance and availability of the applications and records the information in the system. The goal of the Dynatrace tool is to supervise any applications that are assigned to it in the system and to make them function more effectively by increasing their performance and availability. It multitasks by keeping an eye on the system's digital performance management as well as the artificial intelligence edge of operations and application performance management. The tool's user interface contains all of the application's information. Many cutting-edge features are built right into it.

Before we start the questions, let us look at some of the most prominent features of Dynatrace:

  • Authentic User Monitoring
  • Monitoring of mobile apps.
  • Monitoring of services on the server
  • Monitoring of hosts, processes, and networks
  • Monitoring of virtual machines and the cloud
  • Monitoring of containers
  • Root-cause investigation

Dynatrace has made a lot of processes easier thus its elevated demand. Here, we have divided the questions into 3 categories for better understanding. They are

Top 10 Dynatrace Interview Questions

  1. Describe Dynatrace.
  2. Can you describe Dynatrace's Architecture?
  3. How does Dynatrace monitor performance metrics, please?
  4. How should alerts be configured in Dynatrace?
  5. What kinds of outcomes are possible when using Dynatrace?
  6. What does Dynatrace's APM mean?
  7. What does Dynatrace's OpenTelemetry mean?
  8. What are Dynatrace's Advantages?
  9. What is Jmeter?
  10. What is Alops?

Dynatrace Interview Questions For Freshers

1. In Dynatrace, what distinguishes a managed cluster from a standalone cluster?

An organization of Dynatrace servers that is heavily regulated by a single server is known as a managed cluster. A collection of Dynatrace servers that each manages itself independently is referred to as a standalone cluster.

2. How can issues found by Dynatrace be connected to their underlying causes?

Just use the Problem Management feature to connect issues that Dynatrace has identified to their underlying causes. You can use this feature to view all of the issues that have been found as well as their underlying causes. This will enable you to recognize problems as they occur and address them quickly.

If you want to enrich your career and become a Professional in Dynatrace, then enroll in "Dynatrace Online Training" course. This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

3. How should alerts be configured in Dynatrace?

Using Dynatrace's Alerting Profile feature is the most effective way to configure alerts. This enables you to make various alerting profiles for various scenarios, which you can then apply to the appropriate monitors. By doing this, you can make sure that you only receive alerts when you actually need them and that they are appropriate for the circumstances.

4. How do you use Dynatrace to monitor service-level agreements?

There are several ways that Dynatrace can assist you in monitoring service-level agreements. To start, you could use Dynatrace to keep an eye on how well your services and applications are performing. This will help you determine whether or not their services and applications are achieving the SLAs that you've established. You can use Dynatrace to track the accessibility of the applications and services as well. You can then check to see if any problems are to blame for the unavailability of your applications and services.

[ Learn the Overview of Dynatrace ]

5. Why, in your opinion, should teams have direct exposure to actionable information about the products and services they offer?

Teams should have direct exposure to actionable insights regarding their application areas and services for a number of reasons. It first enables teams to recognize and address issues more quickly. Second, it aids teams in comprehending how and how well their services and applications are utilized. Thirdly, it gives teams the capacity to monitor trends and decide on upcoming adjustments or advancements with knowledge. In the end, having access to useful insights enables teams to produce applications and services of a higher caliber.

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6. Can you provide me with some instances from the real world where Dynatrace has assisted in problem-solving?

Dynatrace could be used to track the efficiency of programs in real-time, spot problems and bottlenecks, and offer information to help programmers improve their code. It can also be used to track the effects of changes to infrastructure or code on application performance as well as to monitor the efficiency of individual server farms or clusters of servers.

7. How would you begin using Dynatrace to automate deployments?

Installing the Dynatrace Implementation Automation plugin would be the first step. You'll have access to the tools and APIs you need to automate the deployments as a result. You can start using the Dynatrace Deployment Automation API to automate the deployment processes once the plugin has been installed.

8. In the context of Dynatrace, what are Baseline Anomalies?

A baseline anomaly is a performance change that is outside the expected range of variation. Numerous things, such as adjustments to the workload, the infrastructure, or the application code, can result in these changes. To investigate and fix the underlying problem, Dynatrace can assist you in locating baseline anomalies.

9. What kinds of outcomes are possible when using Dynatrace?

Your applications can be monitored for performance using Dynatrace. Results like reaction times, error rates, and throughput are included in this. Furthermore, Dynatrace can assist you in locating and analyzing issues with your applications.

10. How can Dynatrace be used to boost performance?

You can find and address performance problems in your applications with the help of Dynatrace's performance data. Using Dynatrace, you can pinpoint and address bottlenecks and slowdowns to enhance the performance of the applications.

11. What does Dynatrace's APM mean?

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is the practice of tracking crucial software application performance measures using monitoring systems and telemetry data (APM). Practitioners make use of APM to guarantee system availability, improve user experiences, and optimize performance levels and response times.

12. What does Dynatrace's OpenTelemetry mean?

A collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs make up OpenTelemetry. To gain insights into the functionality and behavior of your software, you can use it to generate, instrument, and export telemetry data such as metrics and logs and collect.

13. What is the use of OpenTelemtry?

OpenTelemetry trace ingest is supported by Dynatrace for automatic, open, and smart monitoring. Dynatrace offers OpenTelemetry metrics exporters for the programming languages of Java, JavaScript/Node.js,.NET, Go, and Python.

14. What is Dynatrace's process?

You should install a Dynatrace server, which consists of a host and an agent, on your computer. It has a dashboard with all the information we need to diagnose our system in one place.

Enhance your career as Dynatrace professional by enrolling in Dynatrace Training in Hyderabad

Top Dynatrace Interview Questions For Experienced

15. The operation of Dynatrace OneAgent

Each monitored host runs a set of customized processes called OneAgent. OneAgent collects operating system metrics from the platform it runs on and contrasts them with performance metrics. The most crucial metrics are then sent to Dynatrace. By injecting its own into those processes and observing their performance from the inside, OneAgent can also carry out comprehensive monitoring of information systems (Java, Node.js,.NET, and others). In order to offer Real User Monitoring, OneAgent tried to inject a JavaScript tag into the HTML of each application page delivered by your web servers. With all these JavaScript tags throughout place, your web server will automatically load a related module and not need any configuration.

16. What are Dynatrace's Advantages?

  • Diagnosis and detection Businesses can identify and diagnose performance and availability problems with the help of Dynatrace, a thorough monitoring system.
  • Genuinely effective automation With Dynatrace, over 100,000 hosts can be automatically monitored.
  • Big Data: Large data analytics are a speciality of Dynatrace.
  • Scaling up self-healing
  • Amazon EC2, HipChat, ManageEngine AlarmsOne, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, ServiceNow, Slack, and VictorOps integrations with Dynatrace

17. What Distinguishes the APM tools from Dynatrace and Appdynamics?

While AppDynamics had also chosen the anomaly aimed at investigating, that also means that more thorough stack traces are really only captured whenever a performance base rate or threshold is crossed, Dynatrace's agents are designed to capture condensed stack traces for each transaction execution.

18. Can Dynatrace be used in place of Apache JMeter for Performance Testing? 

The answer is that Dynatrace is an APM tool that does not produce load but can be used to gather metrics from the system being tested, including, RAM, CPU,  Disk, Network, HTTP calls, Swap use, application-specific metrics, database calls, and so forth.

19. What is Jmeter?

JMeter is a tool that simulates real user behavior to generate load; it does not gather any metrics from the system being tested until using a special plugin such as JMeter PerfMon Plugin.

20. How can I stop Android debug builds from being collected by Dynatrace?

To use this configuration in Dynatrace, we should create two unique apps. The production data is then separated from the development data (debug).

21. Can we employ Dynatrace to track a database table's column values?

You can build a OneAgent renewal that sends information back to Dynatrace after retrieving it from a database table. Then you can start alerting people.

22. Which kinds of software maintenance have you had experience with?

The interviewer is interested in learning that you are knowledgeable about the four distinct types of software maintenance because dynaTrace software is a reputable company and takes one‘s software maintenance processes seriously. Discuss any work you have done in the past involving corrective, adaptive, perfective, and/or precautionary software maintenance with your interviewer. Make sure your interviewer knows after your discussion with them that you comprehend the significance of proper maintenance tasks by using concrete examples.

23. What is Alops?

Artificial intelligence for operations will assist the user in monitoring data and understanding operations inside and out. When it comes to data monitoring, AI is aware of when to step in. As a result, the data is valuable for every dollar spent. Algorithms and techniques are only in AI format. In essence, using AI in operations means that human data monitoring is no longer necessary because AI will take good care of the data. Many activities and pieces of technology fall under this general term. When artificial intelligence is used for operations, all the complicated issues are handled and investigated.

24. What is Digital Experience Management?

As the name implies, this tool helps to determine how customers are treated by applications and how they feel about them. In order to avoid making customers angry, DEM collects data from site traffic, sales data, and brief online surveys, eliminating the need for the conventional method of surveying.

25. How would you monitor the performance of a web application using Dynatrace?

Dynatrace monitors the performance of a web application in the following ways.

  • Dynatrace performs automatic discovery and mapping of applications. this approach helps to ensure real-time awareness in dynamic environments
  • It performs root cause and impact analysis for the problems of applications. It helps to find instant solutions to problems.
  • It makes user journey analysis. It helps to provide an improved user experience.
  • An application’s HTTPS transactional behavior is closely observed end to end.
  • Dynatrace monitors application architecture to examine how architectural changes impact user experience.

26. Can you describe the difference between Purepath and Smartscape in Dynatrace?

Purepath is the distributed tracing and code-level analysis technologySmartscape is the Real-time web environment topology visualization tool
It captures and analyses transactions taking place in every layer of an application.It visualizes how application components, such as processes and services, are connected.
It performs method-level analysis, detailed error analysis, and database analysisIt helps to make informed decisions and improve application performance.
It provides code-level visibility and advanced diagnostics across various cloud-native architectures.It gives data visuals to understand the complexities of an application stack.
It offers high-level data granularity. The data provides a multidimensional view of systems.You can drill down from a high-level view of transactions to individual transactions.

27. How does Dynatrace help with root cause analysis?

We perform the Dynatrace root cause analysis to locate the source of a problem accurately. It also visualizes how the problem is developed over time and its impact on the business.

Moreover, the interdependencies associated with the problem are identified using the distributed traces. In other words, the Dynatrace AI causation engine (Davis) automatically analyses all the horizontal and vertical dependencies for the problem. As a result, this engine could identify the key root cause contributors that negatively impacted the business.

28. How does Dynatrace handle the automatic baselining of metrics?

Dynatrace uses AI technology to generate the baseline metrics of applications, services, and infrastructure performance. The machine learning algorithms of Dynatrace generate the statistical characteristics of response times, failure rates, and throughput.

The AI capabilities of Dynatrace help to build baseline cubes. These cubes are made based on different factors such as user action, geolocation, browser, operating system, and service method of an application. This automatic baselining helps to detect anomalies at the very granular level in real time.

29. Can you describe how Dynatrace integrates with other tools like Jenkins or Jira?

Dynatrace uses Dynatrace API to integrate with Jenkins. Jenkins pipelines call the Dynatrace API either directly or using a shared library. When Jenkins pipelines connect with Dynatrace API directly, they duplicate the logic to make the connection. On the other hand, Jenkins pipelines reuse the logic when connecting with Dynatrace API through a shared library.

When it comes to Dynatrace integration with Jira, the problems detected by Dynatrace and their root causes are automatically reported to Jira projects. The Dynatrace JIRA cloud plugin supports viewing the Dynatrace detected problems in real-time. The plugin also shows how the problem has been developed over a period.

30. How would you use Dynatrace to optimize the performance of a database?

Dynatrace optimizes the performance of database queries through the five steps below.

  • Checking the health of a database – In this step, Dynatrace examines whether the host has sufficient CPU, memory, and disk space.
  • Scrutinizing the applications that access the database – The host may be wrong if all clients experience poor database performance. If any client or service experiences poor performance, then analyze the service to find the root cause of the problem.
  • Analyzing the load and response time of individual service instances - If a service performs poorly, you must analyze the communication with the database closely.
  • Examining the number of database connections – you need to ensure the size of an application's connection pool when there is still poor database performance.
  • Verifying your network – you need to evaluate the effectiveness of physical components like routers, cables, and network interfaces to improve the efficiency of the database.

31. Can you explain how Dynatrace monitors cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and serverless functions?

Dynatrace employs the Kubernetes monitoring system to gather alerts from applications automatically. The monitoring is performed without changing codes, container images, or deployments. The Dynatrace closely tracks the availability, health, and resources of Kubernetes.

Dynatrace automatic intelligence platform supports end-to-end monitoring and tracing of web applications on serverless functions. The serverless technologies can be Azure functions, Google Cloud functions, AWS lambda, etc.

Frequently Asked Dynatrace Interview Questions

1. Describe Dynatrace.

Application performance appraisal, artificial intelligence for processes, digital experience management, and cloud infrastructure monitoring are all features of the software intelligence platform Dynatrace

2. Can you describe Dynatrace's Architecture?

A distributed software-as-a-service system for managing application performance is called Dynatrace. Tiny pieces of software are managed to install on each server that needs to be monitored as part of its agent-based architecture. These agents gather information on the system's performance and relay it to the main Dynatrace server for evaluation.

3. How do you record APM metrics and business KPIs using Dynatrace?

APM performance measures and business KPIs can be collected using a variety of methods offered by Dynatrace. One method is to make use of the Dynatrace Recorder, a tool that allows you to record user activities and play them back at a later time. Items like site load times and reaction times can be recorded using this. Synthesized transactions, which are designed to simulate user behavior that can be used to gauge things like software performance and availability, are another method of gathering this data.

4. What are some typical data sources that Dynatrace can use?

Although Dynatrace could indeed work with a wide range of data sources, some of the most popular ones are network data, log files, and software quality management (APM) tools.

5. How do you interpret OneAgent in relation to Dynatrace?

Each monitored host has a OneAgent agent installed in order to gather performance information. Dynatrace uses this information to offer achievement information and analysis.

6. How does Dynatrace monitor performance metrics, please?

Dynatrace continuously gathers information from the system it is observing in order to monitor performance metrics. After that, this data is prepared and examined to spot any potential performance problems. If any problems are discovered, Dynatrace will offer advice on how to resolve them.

7. What issues does Dynatrace assist with solving?

Performance problems, application monitoring, and security are just a few of the issues that Dynatrace assists with.

8. Can Dynatrace be integrated with the other monitoring tools? In that case, which ones?

Yes, Dynatrace can be integrated with the other monitoring tools. Nagios, Zabbix, and New Relic are a few other tools that Dynatrace integrates with.

9. What components are typically included in a Dynatrace installation?

The following elements make up a Dynatrace installation typically:

  • OneAgent: This agent is managed to install on each host being monitored, and it is in charge of gathering all performance data.
  • Server: OneAgent data is gathered and processed by the server, a component.
  • Web UI: The functionality used to access all of Dynatrace's data and information is called the web UI.

10. Could you define a software environment map in terms of Dynatrace?

The software environment map is a visual representation of every part of your application and how it connects to other parts. Servers, web services,  databases, and other items fall under this category. It's a useful way to see how your application architecture is put together and to visualize it.

Applications of Dynatrace

  • When we talk about application performance, we don't just mean how well the application functions. And the system's tool offers all the performance information from scratch. Real-time performance metrics are provided, and the system detects all issues automatically. This aids in problem diagnosis and provides appropriate solutions.
  • The strength of this tool is full-stack monitoring. As a result, monitoring is carried out at the infrastructure and cloud levels. When Dynatrace is incorporated into the system, users do not need to worry about the applications. To ensure proper dependency in the system, the working of the applications is automatically detected, and all transactions are watched at every level.
  • Applications are made continuously available thanks to AI, and all transactions are optimized so that any problems can be fixed using the system's real-time data. No record of a single exchange is lost. With all of the available technologies, the system is able to operate with greater productivity and efficiency.
  • I can speak from experience when I say that the security of the Dynatrace product is invaluable. Dynatrace ensures that the systems as well as their applications are shielded from any surrounding environment and that external tools or applications cannot be used without that company's consent.

Key Upshots

The Dynatrace tool has excellent performance because it logs and monitors the system applications' performance using sensors, a digital interface, and artificial intelligence (AI). It is possible to eliminate methods that are bad for the system and secure system performance.

Course Schedule
Dynatrace TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Dynatrace TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Dynatrace TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Dynatrace TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 15 Feb 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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