Tosca Commander

Despite the fact that there are a plethora of software testing solutions on the market. We're seeking for one that's high-quality, accurate, and affordable. The TOSCA commander provides testing and quality assurance capabilities. It also includes other testing components such as test automation, test case design, and test data design, among others. This blog provides a clear description of the TOSCA Commander.

Tosca is one of the Tricentis' most popular Automation tools. Tricentis Tosca has received a lot of attention because it offers an excellent balance of performance and quality. TOSCA Testsuite is a software package that automates functional and regression testing. In addition to automated testing functions, it has integrated test administration, a graphical user interface (GUI), an application programming interface (API), and a command-line interface (CLI).

The Topics covered in this “Tosca Commander” blog are:

Table of Content - Tosca Commander

What is TOSCA Commander?

Tosca Commander is the TOSCA Testsuite's graphical user interface. It is regarded as the test suite's fundamental component. For test case administration, the commander use a "Workspace." This means that test cases may be easily created, managed, executed, and analyzed. 

The Tosca Commander's main features are listed below -

  • Tosca User management to add, edit, and remove users
  • Scan applications to create modules
  • Creation of a reusable library
  • Creation of test cases
  • Parameterization of Test Data using TCP, TCD, TDM, TDS
  • Maintenance of test cases
  • Managing Test execution
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Tosca, then enroll in "Tosca Online Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Sections of Tosca Commander

The different sections of Tosca Commander are widely used for test automation. There are three elements to each section here 

  • Left position: Folder/component navigation/hierarchy
  • Central position: Test configuration, details of each selected folder/component (if applicable)
  • Right position: Each specified folder or component's properties.

How to install Tosca commander?

Installation Steps:

  1. Locate the "Toscaversion>.exe" file you downloaded on your computer.
  2. "Run as administrator" by right-clicking on the exe file.
  3. To work effectively, Tricentis Tosca requires a few prerequisites

Welcome Page of Tricentis Tosca

  1. Continue by checking the box that says "I agree."
  2. After you click continue, you'll see the screen below.
  3. If they haven't previously been installed, the Tricentis Tosca prerequisites will be installed.

Required Prerequisites For Tricentis Tosca

  1. Click on the Next button

Setup Installer for Tricentis Tosca Type

  1. Select the component/type for which you have a licence, or if you are on trial, simply click "next" to select the default option.

Destination/Location of The Application

  1. Select the location where you wish to install by browsing or clicking "next" to choose the default location.

Tosca Diagnostics

  1.  Click on the Next button

Tosca Data Integrity

  1.  Click on the Next button

Components to be installed

  1.  To begin the installation process, click "Install."

Installation Wizard

  1.  Select the "Finish" button.
  2.  After then, the system may restart numerous times. Don't be alarmed; it's all part of the process.
  3. After the installation is complete, open Tosca License Configuration; after you click, Tosca License will open and validate your license.
  4. You now have two choices

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 ->1. Connect

 ->2. Activate

  1. You can select the "Connect" option.

Tosca License Configuration

  1.  Click on “Connect to Cloud”

Tosca License Configuration

  1.  You can now insert the license file that you provided during the registration process.

Login Page

  1. You'll see a screen authenticating your support portal credentials and fetching the licence on your machine when you enter them.
  2. It will appear on the screen below once it has properly connected to the licence. 

Successfully Connected Message Page

  1.  If you get a No Valid License notice instead of this screen, contact your manager for a valid licence and then open Tosca License Configuration and repeat the process.
  2. By selecting "Manage," the "Tosca Trial" node will display. When you expand it, you'll find the licence details for each Trial Package, as well as the expiration date.

License Details

  1.  Now select "Checkout Licenses" from the drop-down menu and select a date on the calendar for when you want these licenses to be checked out.
  2. This completes your installation of Tosca, from registration to the final step-by-step installation.
  3. Start your projects in Tosca Commander.

Home Screen of Tosca Commander

What are the Benefits of Tosca Commander?

Below given are the benefits of Tosca Commander

  1. Multiple Features in One Tool
  2. No Scripting Required
  3. Testing Methodology
  4. Supports Multiple Platforms
  5. Quality Vendor Support
  6. Easy to Use Interface
  7. Reasonably Priced
  8. Regular Updates
  9. Quick Results
  10. Suitable for large scale operations
Related Article: Advanced Tosca Interview Questions

Multiple features in one Tool:

Because of the high need for testing techniques and testers these days, this feature is recommended for individuals who are considering using a tool. Because it has so many capabilities, it is one of the greatest agile test management solutions available. To save time and effort, many testers choose to use a tool with a variety of features. Tosca has a large space to accommodate everyone, with both test management and an automation tool all in one place.

No Scripting Required:

This functionality is noticeable for modern-day testers who like to avoid scripting when evaluating various apps. We have a plethora of automation technologies on the market to ensure that the process runs well. This automation solution includes a great risk coverage tool that makes it simple to improve both process and user effort. It is one of the fantastic tools that allow users to experience no scripting options. Because programming is not necessary, people are more likely to use it efficiently.

Testing Methodology:

It is true that certain parameters are taken into account before the testing procedure begins. And one of the most important elements is the methodology, which has a significant impact on the final product. Because it caters to both small and big size applications, this automation solution employs Agile test methodology. Continuous testing is preferred by the majority of testers in today's generation. The programme can function properly because of the comprehensive and continuous process. This is primarily recommended for persons who are used to searching for test data because it allows them to be more efficient.

Supports multiple Technologies:

The most widely used techniques are not used in every application. This is the one around which technology is rotating in order to improve the user's comfort and usability. Technology has progressed dramatically in recent years. This demonstrates that some of the programs use both advanced and obsolete scripting languages.

This ability is required for a tester to be familiar with and understand a variety of technologies. They would be able to obtain data more easily if they understand multiple technologies. Most common technologies, including JAVA, SOA, HTML, SAP, ORACLE, and others, are supported by this automation tool. It simplifies the tool for testers who are accustomed to using it.

Quality Vendor Support:

One of the most critical aspects for any tester to consider before utilizing the tool is vendor support. Every automation solution does not have easy-to-use choices for everyday use. This automation product is one of the best on the market, and the vendor support is outstanding.

Many modern testers choose to utilize either a free or a paid product, as long as they have good vendor support. It is strongly recommended that consumers consider purchasing a product at a fair price that offers both functionalities and supports alternatives. This is a paid tool that allows them to have adequate space to provide tester support. For obvious reasons, the high-quality vendor has assisted them in gaining a large audience.

Related Article: How to Learn Tricentis Tosca Automation Tool 

Easy to use interface:

Before employing an automation tool, the Tosca Interface is an important factor to consider. Furthermore, many modern programs have a user-friendly interface that attracts consumers from time to time. Customers are frequently advised to select a tool with practical features.

There are many tools on the market, and it is necessary to try out different apps. This automation tool has a lot of appeal because it includes a number of useful features and a user-friendly design that works consistently.

Reasonably Priced:

Price is a significant aspect for every tester throughout the world, and there are many free tools accessible on the market presently. Before selecting an automation tool, it is critical for the user to recognise and comprehend the characteristics.

This is one of the most widely used tools, attracting the attention of testers all around the world. The Tosca automation tool is not free, but it is reasonably priced. It is critical for every tester to be aware of the tool's time consumption and output when using it. This application has a lot of useful features that are used by both newcomers and seasoned professionals.

Regular Updates:

Because of the demand, technology is progressing at a breakneck pace in this modern period. It is critical to employ a technology that gives timely updates that are appropriate for the situation. Because of its flexibility, this automation tool is one of the best for functional testing automation. Tricentis is a well-known company that specialises in offering top-notch upgrades for the tool in order to ensure a seamless flow of information. Tosca automation tool's periodic updates provide a large amount of space for individuals to test according to their demands.

Quick Results:

It is critical to have a tool that is well-known for saving time when used on a daily basis. On the market, we have a large choice of automation testing products. Finding the correct UI testing tool also makes it possible to get speedy and high-quality findings. The process of Tosca testing is in high demand in the market for a variety of reasons. Only a few high-quality test automation solutions are designed to deliver the desired result in a short period of time. Every tool, it is clear, produces results. And only a reputable tool can provide high-quality results in a short period of time.

Suitable for large scale operations:

This feature clearly demonstrates that tools are available for both minor and large-scale tasks. To save time and effort, it's critical to choose the optimal collection of automation tools for testing.

Because of its flexibility and support for both small and big-scale activities, this tool has acquired a lot of traction in recent months, and it is clear that any tester will find it beneficial. Tosca automation tool is used by many commercial firms and testing companies. This is one of the most effective software testing tools for obtaining findings quickly.

Related Article: Comparison Between Tosca vs Selenium

Different Components of Tosca Commander

we'll go through the important sections in further detail.

  • Project: It provides a hierarchical representation of the workspace's various files and components.

Project Section of Tosca Commander

  • Module: Modules (AUT objects map) are kept in this folder.

Module Section of Tosca Commander

  • Testcase: Any test case's technical components are saved here.

TestCase Section of Tosca Commander

  • TestCaseDesign: In the TestCaseDesign area, you can keep any test data that is required to perform a certain test case. This method aids in the effective and dynamic management of test data. This section can also be used to segregate technical components and test data.
  • Execution: This area can be used to manage the execution of tests. To explore any flaws, we can define an execution list, initiate execution, and analyse the execution logs.

Execution Section of Tosca Commander

  • Requirements: This is where you'll find information about requirements.

Tosca commander – requirements section

  • Issues: This area is intended to keep note of any defects or execution difficulties. In general, these options can be used to handle defects.
  • Reporting: Functionality coverage, execution status, requirement, bug status, and other types of standard or custom reports are all maintained here.
  • Test Planning: As we work on Tricentis Tosca, plan and track all of the testing operations.

What is the use of Tosca Commander?

Every automation has both benefits and drawbacks, as is well recognised. It's crucial for testers to try out a variety of tools in order to identify the best one on the market. Because it may be used in large-scale applications, it is considered an enterprise tool. It is regarded as one of the most effective and widely used automated testing solutions available. It is widely employed in large-scale applications and aids in the discovery of effective outcomes.

User Workspaces in Tosca Commander

Tosca Workspace:

Tosca's workspace serves as a repository for the system's requirements, test cases, modules, and other components. We must first connect the workspace before we may write, manage, or execute the test cases. We won't be able to automate anything if this doesn't happen. In the local disc, a workspace is established. In the local work system, the workspace must be defined. However, it is also possible to define it in a shared network drive. Tosca workspace data can be synchronized with a variety of databases (SqlLite, SQLServer, DB2, Oracle) that operate as a central repository.

Multiuser environment:

Tosca workspaces must be created in central repositories in a multiuser environment when more than one user is accessing the tool. Tosca allows you to construct workspaces in a variety of databases, including Oracle, SqlLite, DB2, SQLServer, and others.

Single-user Workspace:

Only one person can connect to Tosca and work with her in a Singleuser Workspace. As a result, there is no need for a central repository in this case.

Data administration is simpler and easier in the Multiuser Workspace because data is kept in shared databases known as common repositories. In a multiuser workspace, we must first lock the associated records before performing any transaction (add, modify, remove). It will prevent other users from modifying the same records. We must unlock the records after the transaction is completed. In Tosca, data locking is referred to as check out, and data unlocking is referred to as check-in.

Which type of testing is supported by the Tosca commander?

Tosca offers API testing, exploratory testing, mobile testing, system integration testing, and regression testing, among other types and levels of testing. Through its interaction with NeoLoad, it even allows for performance testing.

Definition of Terms for the Tosca Commander Objects

There are some of the Definitions of Terms for the Tosca Commander Objects, they are

  1. TestCases and TestSteps. 
  2. TestStepValues.
  3. Modules. 
  4. ExecutionLists.

TestCases and TestSteps:

A TestCase is made up of numerous TestSteps that determine how the test is carried out. Each TestStep maps one page of the TricentisSample Application, commonly known as the test object, and is handled in order.


Your test data is specified in the TestStepValues of the TestSteps. This test data is used by Tosca during test execution, such as when a specific text is entered into an input field or when a button is pressed.


Modules are the foundation for Automated TestSteps. Modules hold technical data that is needed to identify and navigate screen elements. These objects could be buttons or input fields, for example. For each item, Tosca creates a ModuleAttribute and stores it in the Module.

Test data is isolated from technical steering information in Tosca. This allows you to reuse Modules to generate different TestSteps for any number of TestCases, allowing you to test a wide range of data.


To run your TestCases and log the results of the test execution, you can construct ExecutionLists.


We discussed all of the essential components of the Tosca Commander in-depth in this blog, which will aid in the development of the test case. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments area.

Course Schedule
Tosca TrainingOct 19 to Nov 03View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 22 to Nov 06View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Tosca TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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